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Show ANDREW JACKSONS Lazy, Dirty Panama (Special Correspondence.) Although there is a new flag in Pan with in delivering the treaty to the ama, and the affairs of state are In proper authorities at Colon, because it new hands, life rolls on in its accus- was neither freight, baggage, mail nor tomed way. The hells in the old tow- express It was one of those little ers keep calling the faithful to prayer, jobs of Urn le Sams that as the saylong files of venders parade the nar- ing goes, had to be done just so. row streets, eternally crying for sale An incident occurred during the their frugal wares; buzzards soar in "bloodless insurrei tion which caused the hot air or hop on foot in their a stamiiede among the black populanever ending search for offal: the tion There are thousands of negroes same horde of quarreling women on the Isthmus, who were brought crowd the market place to chatter, to heie from Jamaica and other islands barter, and to fight; polite men drink of ihe West Indies to work on the in the cafes and busy themselves with Fiench canal When that fantastic and fizzle spent itself political plot and counterplot; they were left to dusky senoritas lounge in cool patios, root, hog, or die dreaming the dreams that southern Most of them are English subjects, maidens dream. and while they are a miserable, The sputb Is always the south. Its lot, their one pride is idle, shiftless children play and par- that they aie subjects of Great Britley their hours away, and the years ain. It stands them well In hand, bebring little change for them They cause it saves them from being are as aimless as the winds that play into service for miltary duty. In thq palms. It Is no wonder. The pressed word tropic sounds narcotic. It Is of no use to resist. You may summon ail your powers of will, but drowsiness touches you with its gentle fingers and you drift softly out on the Bea of sleep. poverty- -stricken Soldier Eat Ice Cream. The sweet tooth seems to flourish In a hot climate. Children gnawing at pieces of sugar cane Is always a familiar sight tn tropical lands. Sometimes they get little else to eat. On a former trip to the tropics I had in my employ a little black by the name of Domingo, who ran errands for me. Necessarily I became quite familiar with the habits of my young assistant , I found that, aside from sleeping a great deal, he was quite an eater. H!b biouse was his larder, and he kept it well stocked with eatables, mostly sweets. If he were disturbed while eating he Would chuck the unfinished morsel inside his shirt to await a more favorable opportunity to consume It. Domingos tendency toward economy was commendable, even if his idea of cleanliness was not praiseworthy, l.iere was always a noticeable bulging tn his blouse, and I frequently heard a rattling sound as be moved about One day I said to him: 'Domingo, what Is that In your shirt which rattles so?" He replied: Thats my Ice cream dish, sir." It was a well battered tin cup, and, after some contortions, he brought forth a crooked, much abused metal For two cents I get this half spoon. full of cream, sir. It is very good. I did not May I bring you qome? avail myself of his generosity. Domingo la a soldier now. The salary he gets for uelng a fighting man . Dont Knock. Upon the door 1 saw a s:&n, I tried "A motto' And it s mine! A Wiser thing 1 never sa No Median or Jeixian law Snould he more rlguiiv r,forred 1 Than this from verbiage di Its logics Ann as nn mh' It i'ush don t kina k r Twas simply meant to guide the hand those who wished to It or stand Within the unassuming door 'this weight of teierronv that hole. Twas ever meant to Path r preach. But Just to plate in easv rtach The ear of him who dealt In stotk Bush don t knock. But what a guide for life was that philosophical, and pat. Strong, How safe a chart for vou and me Mhile cruisin' o er life's lestless sea: with goal in view; Bvh, always puh. Don t knock avoid the hammer crew. This rule will save you many a shock; "Bush dont knock." When on that door I see the sign, l eav. "Great motto, you are mine! No stronger sermon ever fell human lips; no sage could tell The hothead vouth more nearly how To point aiway his vessel s prow; There aie no wiser words in stock: "Bush don't knock Baltimore American. Of -- Fad a Novel One. the gathering of signets. The outfit to begin needs only to consist of a dozen sticks of sealing wax. , Red, white, brown, gold, green and black will be the range of colors. A light wooden box to keep the equipment in, a white taper cut into several pieces to permit its insertion into the box, a box of matches and a stock of unruled white writing paper complete the outfit. The paper should be cut Into various shapes such as squares, ovals, obf longs, etc, in sizes varying from inch to a couple of inches in length. Now you are ready for your quest. Just keep your eyes open for the discovery of rings or watch charms adorning your friends or acquaintances, which have a figure or symbol engraved upon. them. You will be surprised to see how many curious Signet A new fad Is Great Culebre Cut, Near Pacific En-- , trance of Canal. It is to the credit of the English officials that they look after them In this respect, and prevent them from being Imposed upon. If the pretenders to authority, or those who have so frequently to defend their position, were allowed to round them up and force them to carry arms, they would cot last long. The stampede to was referred caused by an accident. One of the volunteers, who was not used to handling firearms, while in the act of examining his weapon, allowed It to go off. The bullet went between his toes, and It was all so sudden that be thought the enemy surely had him. He let out a yell and started to run. Several hundred negroes who were lounging in the vicinity, curiously waiting for developments, beard the one-hal- the total number of by clasplDg both hands over them. of the World Then one of the other platers creeps all known varieties of postage stamps softly out of place tiptoes to the issued by ai! governments of the bis world up to the present time is blinded leader, gently tweaks Of this number 205 have been nose, and sneaks back into place. in Great Britain and 5,711 in The leader s eyes are released then and he must walk up and down the the various British colonies and profor the 13,326 row and try to find the one who tectorates. leaving of the world. Dividing the topulled his nose by studying the faces rest isof all and picking out the one who tals among the continents, Europe sued 4.089, Asia 3.C28, Africa 4,005, looks guilty. the West Indies, When he has decided, he must say, America, including Salvador 6,095, and Oceanica 1,425. "Nose, Nose. Who Nose, and catch more varieties of postage the suspeettd one by the mse. If he has issued the has found the right one. he takes his stamps than any other country, number being 430. Poland and the row in and the place captured have each found a specplayer must go in front and have his imen sufficient for their solitaryneeds. postal nose tweaked in turn But if he has not picked the right one, the wrongCurious Devil Plant. fully suspected player takes him by Not many years ago. in the neighthe nose and leads him back to his borhood of Philadelphia, a plant of original place. proved deadly to all peculiar ilnsect and vegetable life. Quite inThe Vesper Rite. devil Take half a doztn large potatoes nocent in appearance, this as it has been called, is of tenand cut them in half. Shape each plant, with small red, half into a candlestick by scooping der ureen, sprinkled blossoms, which hold in out a round bole in the small end, their heart a single drop of a liquid making it large enough to hold a canwhich the sun cannot dispel and dle. which has a blighting power. Place a half candle In each of the A botanist who tasted this noxious potato candlesticks and pin around dew found it to be of sickening sweeteach candle a strip of paper on which ness, without odor, and viscid like is written one word indicating a trait gum. It soon raised a blister liquid of character, such as modesty, on his tongue. Every insect that etc. "bashfulness, vanity, comes near is paralyzed, and drops Then form a magic ring with the dying on the cruel plant. Cattle candles in the center of a dimly lightwhich eat of it die in a few hours in ed room. The ring should be about agony from violent tetanus. ' three feet In diameter. Vegetation also is scorched and deBlindfold one of the players and stroyed by this insidious growth, the have the center party join bands and leaves of which, under the microrun three times around the lighted scope, show little mouths or suckers, candles. which sting the hand, leaving a dull Then, leaving the blindfolded player red mark like the wound of a scorstanding two feet from and facing tbe pion. Pearsons Weekly. ring, let the others fall back while a Houses. chair is placed before her, and a fan ( Esquimaux Is handed to her, and she is told to The winter houses of the Esquimake three trials at fanning out the maux are built half underground, ot earth and stones. The walls are candles over the back of the chair. After the third trial she must re- formed of alternate layers of stone The move the bandage from her eyes and and sod, and are quite memexamine the papers on the candles windows are made of seal that are left burning, reading aloud brane, but are practically useless durthe words which reveal her character. ing the long winter. The entrance to If care is taken that no one ap- these houses Is by a long, narrow proaches the candles after they are tunnel, accessible only on all fours; lighted except the person managing and formerly this tunnel afforded the the game and the one whose charac- only ventilation to the house, while ter la being tested, there will be no warmth, light and cooking were sup danger of skirts catching fire. Wad-hwa- . Affection of an Alligator. Making the Seals. seal rings and fobs you will find, and when you come across those which you desire to begin your collection with, ask for permission to obtain your impression. This Is done by laying a piece of your writing paper on a solid, smooth surface. A table is the best support. Hold a lighted match to your sealing wax stick till it melts, then rub the sealing wax over the middle of Native Cabin. the paper. Then wet the seal with toague so that it will not stick amounts to about 40 cents per day, shot and yell and started a precipitate the to the burning wax; press It into the As they ran they American money, and he boards him- rush for safety. mass a second or so, being self. This Is a satisfactory arrange- spread the news and gathered re- yielding ment to Domingo, because feeding him- cruits. The retreat of Britains black careful to lift it straight up when reself is an old habit. He does not have brigade on that warm, warm morning moved, thus securing a clean cut to put up with whatever rations the was not a success from a standpoint edge. Repeat the operation as many head of the commissary department of order, but deserves special mention times as you wish duplicates, for if as regards speed. Some of them are it is a particularly fine signet you may see fit to issue. will have little trouble In trading He still has his battered cup and probably runntpg yet your duplicate for others which you crooked spoon, and be buys ice cream may not be able to procure except and cake as many times a day as the The Shade In the Jungle. The Candle Eater. this means. His moves fellows likehim. do spirit Panama has waited long to gain the byWhen you have an Take apple and in secret cut to make a enough wise. Around their camp there Is a center of the stage. It Is as gray and good showing, then comes the time out of It a short round cylindrical swarm of venders. hovering worn as an old man. It has seen to mount piece shaped exactly like a candle. your collection for exhibienough sorrow to make a thousand tion. This is done to the best advan- Stick into the top a bit of real canSteamer on the 8pot tragedies. Its green swamp Is the tage by pasting the specimens on a dle wick, but be sure that It is not The Panama railway steamer. City lair of death, where fever, like a slinkstiff cardboard, say, 16 to 22 inches too large a piece. Now put the canof Washington, which rendered such ing thief, always lurks In dle quietly to one side, and after a hiding. In size, and if you combine your colvaluable service during the recent Yellow Jack Is an Invisible horror. ors and sizes while lead the conversation around happily you may an been in actor has other It advances with noiseless steps and achieve trouble, to the old story that the Russian a tasteful effect artistic quite stirring events. It was In Havana har- clutches Us victims with fleshless and add an attractive, interesting or- peasants eat tallow candles. bor when the Maine was blown up, hand. Ever as it Then say that tallow candles arent passes there are nament to your room by framing the and was anchored next to that dead men and women. group of signets and hanging them half bad, and that you like 'to eat vessel. This shapeless, hiding which on the wall. them yourself, and would eat one The Washington's small boats were strikes unseen. Is the real thing, defender of right then and there if there were the bar that God laid down to mark one around. Just then you make beBirds. the separation of the seas. If It Is There are certain species of ducks lieve to catch sight of the stump His supreme will that the waiting that are the credit by natural- where you have placed it. You go to oceans blend their waters. He must ists of given the fleetest of winged it, light and show it to all. Then being make strong the arm that Is prepar- creatures. it has with one good bite you take it all In. however, Recently, ing to strike the barrier away; He been ascertained that the learned Of' course the wick can be ejected. must guard the blow that will shatter men were in error and the Is This is a highly successful trick, for stork the mountains by calling off the shade found to far looks exactly like a outstrip all denizens of the that stalks so ruthlessly through the the air in real one. an After speed. exhaustive . jungle, survey of the field it is now declared For the Stamp Album. that no living thing, not even a scared The Cost of a Modern Hotel. Jack rabbit, can travel with the speed According to the Universal StandOne of these hotels cost seven mil- displayed by such birds as the stork ard Catalogue of the Postage Stamps lion dollars. and tho Northern blueihroat Nat The decoration of its royal suite of only do these birds fly with- a speed six rooms cost seventy-fivthousand that can hardly be conceived, but dollars. they keep up their rapid flight for The plant to filter the air cost three 1,000 or 2,000 miles at a stretch without apparently tiring. Evidence has hundred thousand dollars. The bed from the old been collected recently which shows French chateau cost ten thousand dol- that the bluethroat flies from central lars, and so did the piano which Africa to tne shores of the North sea, adorns the adjoining reception room. a distance of 1,600 miles. In less than I r The Hospital Near Panama City. fittings for each a day and a night, and making it, the first to begin picking up the men bath room in the hotel cost twelve moreover; in one uninterrupted flight The Storks which Bpend their sumfrom the water, and its crew saved hundred dollars. The paintings, marbles and bronzes mers in Austria-Hungarand their many of their lives. Over 100 women which decorate the bouse represent an winters in India and Central Africa and children were kept on the Washof half a million; and, on are also marvelous travelers and ington for two days and nights at Co- expenditure In the make their journeys twice a year in lon. They were given their meals and the other hand, each unbroken flight each time. From the best service tbe ship afforded, and hotel cost ten dollars. The daily amount of money spent Budapest, tn Hungary, to Lahore, in no charges were made at all. , After the trouble was over this boat for flowers Is at least five hundred India, is about 2,400 miles In an air line, and the storks make the journey took tbe commissioners to New York, dollars. Womans Home Companion. In twenty-fou- r hours, thus traveling and later, took tbe treaty to Panama at the rate of 100 miles an hour for to be signed. When it was brought on Cost of Removing Snow. the whole distance. The storks which board, Capt. Jones was given a printRemoving snow in New York city spend the summer In central Europe ed letter of instructions, in which it Is a large Item in the annual citys and winter in central Africa travel was stated that his charge concerned expense bill. It costs about $35,000 with the same To make the Flying Dutchman you rapidity. $50,000,000 worth of interests. for every inch of recorded snowfall. wul need a clothespin, a piece of The valuable document was Incased Last year It cost the city $755,000 to Nose, Nose, Who Node. In a steel box made especially for It, remove tbe snow from the streets. broom handle an inch long and an This is a good game to pass the old tin can. and this box was contained In a The average fall In New York is Drive a nail into a piece of broom stronger and larger steel safe. Two thirty Inches, but thougn the snow time while the Impatient ones are waiting for Christmas dinner. smaller steel boxes contained two season hardly has begun, twenty-threhandle (after it han been whittled All the children present can play. down to look like keys, which were sealed with the seal Inches have fallen this winter, and Figure No. 3) so stand In a of the United States. There was con- the oost this season one behind that it can move easily. Then drive They promises to reach the other. The long row, siderable red tape to be gone through considerably over $1,000,000. eyes of the one in two small nails about of front are bj the one behind, an Inch apart in the top, as in No. 5. Fleet-Winge- d apple-candl- . e plied by a large oil lamp hung from the roof. It may be imagined that the interior atmosphere Is almost suffocating to a especially as the floor is usually in a filthy condition, remnants of food, animals, etc, lying about. A bench or ledge at one side serves as the common sofa and sleeping-place- . Skins line th walls, and flat stones make a comparatively level floor. The condition of the interior is now sometimes mitigated by having an opening in the roof. The illustration shows a house in summer weather, with the roof, made of turf spread over driftwood, partially removed in order to air and clean the unsavory abode. Peoples Home Journal. new-come- Boy Kills a Mountain Lion. A boy by the name of John Demer-breaudrew $20 out of the county treasury yesterday. His warrant for the money was the skin of a lion, which he brought to town with him. The lion was killed on the Verde, near Fort McDowell, under unusual circumstances. The boy was riding along the river and saw the beast eating the carcass of a raccoon, which he had just killed. Demerbreaux was armed with a shotgun and he emptied both barrels into the lion, killing It instantly. Old hunters and others familiar with the habits of tbe mountain iion said that they had never heard of one doing such a trick before. While tiie Hon is frequently seen In the daytime, he is nevbr seen eating. He takes his meals by night Arizona Republican. x of George J. Barber Quick recovery after years of suffering. Estherville. Iowa. Jan. 23d (Special) Tho experience of Mr. George J. Barber, a well known citizen of this place, justifies his friends in makiDg tha announcement to the world Bright's Disease can be cured. Mr. Barber had kidney trouble and it deHe veloped into Bright's Disease. treated it with Dodds Kidney Pills he is a well man. In an and. Kidney Pills. I had Kidney Disease for fifteen years and though I doctored for it with the best doctors here and in Chicago, it developed into Brights Disease. Then I started to use Dodds Kidney Pills and two boxes cured me completely. I think Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best ia the world. A remedy that will cure Brights Disease will cure any other form of Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to cure Brights Disease. - Easy Road to Beauty. celebrated and charming actress, whose age it would be rude to chronicle, but who still looks quite young, although she Is a grandmother, gives the following prescription for the preservation of youth and beauty: You must work till you are tired, sleep till you are rested, have plenty of fresh air, live in cool rooms, take a daily sponge bath and eat the sim- H local applications, aa they cannot reach the dt ttsed portion uf tb ear. Toere only one way to cure deafness. and tbat l by contltutlna) remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of tbe inutous lining of tbe Eusucbtan Tube, Mien this pnhe la Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect bearing, and when It la entirely closed. Deafness Is tbe result, and unless tbe Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by atarrb, which ic nothing but an Inflamed condition of t le mucous surfaces. We win (fhe One Huudred Dollar for case of Deafness (canned by catarrh) that cannotanybe cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY CO. Toledo 0. Bold by Drtjge'sts 5c. Take Hall's atnlly Pills for constipation. Fishing Industry Statistics. Japan is the leading fishing nation although the value of her sea products is surpassed by that of two other countries. The United States, outside of Alaska, and Great Britain each produce about $45,000,000 worth annually, and Japan produces about $30,000,000 worth. Japan leads In the proportion of the total population engaged in the fishing industry, in the actual number of people living by the Industry, In the relative Importance of fish products in the countrys domestic economy, and in the support given by the government to the Industry. Important to Mothers. carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a ufe and tore remedy for infants and children, and we that It Examine In Use For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Still Imperfect. The microphone enables a person to bear a fly walk or a bee sneeze, remarked tbe Observer of Events and Things, but it wont tell which way a flea is going to hop next. A Rare Cood Thing. Am using ALLEN'S FOOT-EASand can truly say 1 would not have been without It so long, had I known the relief iff would give my aching feet. I think it a rare good g - TEA There is wholesome tea and bad; there is bad in a, of No. 4, with two boles of an Inch apart This piece is for the wings. Then put the wings on the body, part (No. 5) and wind a piece of cord around the piece of broom handle, next pulling it off rapidly. While pulling It off lower the hand and the wings will fly rapidly through the air. one-quart- for the Trans-Continent- Co., says: I used Doans Kidney Pills for back ache and other symptoms of kidney trouble which had annoyed me for months. I think a cold was responsible for the whole trouble. It seemed to settle in my kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills rooted it out. It is several months since I used them, and up to date there has been no recurrence ol the trouble. Doans Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. Foster-Mil burn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. It Rained. This is how the junior reporter does it in some of the country news-- t papers. He was asked to write a paragraph mentioning the fact that it had recently rained, and this is what he let loose: After many days of arid desiccation, the vapory captains marshaled their thundering hosts and poured out upon scorching humanity and the thoroughly incinerate vegetarian a few inches of aqua pluvialis. TEA Theres only one white pepper mill in the world, of the sort that grinds Schillings Best. Theres pepper enough. Your grocer returns your money If you don't like it Childrens Working Hours. physiological experiImportant ments have been made in Russia to test the endurance of school children. The results prove tbat in the lower four classes study may be continued for a period not exceeding twenty-twhours per week, or twenty-sevebut that excessive fatigue results from longer continuance of brain work.. This time for teaching these classes has been fixed by the latest order of the ministry of public instruction. It is urged, however, that this should be the outside limit, and that no lessons should be studied at o home. A record-breakin- b H. B. McCarver. of 201 Cherry St., Portland, Ore., inspector of freight y interview he says: I cant say too much for Dodd's Mammoth Shrub With 90J Blooms. A mammoth hydrangea bush, which has borne a foliage this season, was recently exhibited in Europe. The bush had more than 900 blooms. The highest bloom was 12 feet from the ground, and in diameter the bush was 15 feet It was planted about sixteen years ago, and has received no more than ordinary care. Its thrifty growth Is attributed chiefly to the soil being perfectly adapted. The counting of the blooms was rather a difficult task, as can well be Imagined. solid-silve- j ACHING. Back aches all the time. Spoil your appetite, wearies the body, nor-- ' ries the mind. Kidneys cause It ail and Doans Kidney Pills relieve and cure It. That Dodds Kidney Pills will cure Brights Disease. Remarkable case thing for anyone having sore or tired feet. Mrs. Matilda Holtwert, Providence, R. L Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Auk tulip-woo- - HIS EXPERIENCE TEACHES THEM Deafness Cannot Be Cured - fy. k plest food. e e n cup-shap- e It seems that If you only begin early enough It is possible to tame even the fiercest of animals. A baby alligator, caught In a swamp, was taken to the home of its captor In New York, and in course of time It would follow him about like a dog. What was even more curious was that It and the cat became great chums. When pussy slept before the fire the alligator used to lay Its head on the cat and go to sleep too. The only creature that excited the alligator was a fox chained in a yard. It did not try to bite the fox, but lashed it with its tail. Once, had the chain not broken, poor Reynard would have been beaten to death. The alligator was fed on raw flesh and milk, of which It was very fond. When the weather was cold It was kept in a box with wool In It. One frosty night the wool had been forgotten, and next morning the alligator was dead. door-kno- How He Gained 50,000 Acres at Fees in Law Cases He Tried. There are two ways of reaching the Hermitage from Nashville either by carnage the entire- - distance, or by train to the litHe station called Hermitage, thence by conveyance or foot the remaining three miles. In either case, says a writer in News, the way leads among the rughills of sunny Tennessee," ged through native forests which we may easily imagine look just as they did in the latter part of the eighteenth century, when Andrew Jackson, a young man who had Just completed a brief and very unsystematic course of "reading law, placed all bis worldly goods and himself on the'back of his one horse and turned his face from the Caroiinas. to the then wilderness of eastern Tennessee to make his fortune. The land records of 1794 7 show that it was dunng those years that Jackson laid the foundation for the large estate he afterward owned. He was the only lawyer in that region In the early days days when money was scarce and land was cheap and a lawyers fee for conducting a case of no very great importance might easily be a "640, a square mile of land. In a few years he was the owner of over 50,000 acr.es. which he acquired while cheap and held till it advanced In value, when he sold part of it to enable him to cultivate and Improve the remainder. Four-Trac- Push CONSTANT BIG ESTATE. dozen ways. Tour grocer return your money If you dont like 8c hilling' Best.. Port Durban's Rapid Growth. Port Durbans rateable value Is Sixty years ago It was a sandy wilderness, with a small blockhouse In its midst, besieged by a commando of Boers, TEA Theres plenty of humbug in tea; not one ounce in a ton Schillings Best. Your grocer return your money If you don't like It. Size of Texas. This wiU help you to figure out Just how large Texas really is. If you have a star mathematician in your family, tell him the number of square miles there are In tbe big state, then teU him tbe population of the globe; then ask him if all tbe people in the world were placed in Texas and its soil divided out among them per capita, how large would the mans farm be who had a wife and two children? When he gets through figuring, then whisper in his ear:' More than half an acre. Texarkana (Tex.) Courier. TEA The Knowledge Book is a great book fora little one; answers many troublesome questions. Your return, your money If you don't Uk. Schlllliur'u Beet. prof Polite to the End. One of the most famous criminals the old Tombs has held in many years has just been placed In his cell. The delinquent In this case has always been friendly with the newspaper men, and when he was arrested several of the reporters who had known him hastened to. the Tombs, confident of obtaining an Interview. He refused to be seen, and his message to them, which is a tradition of the Tombs, was eminently characterTeU them, he said to the istic: warden, "that I am not in. TEA We sell both tea and coffee; and dont care which you buy. Oh yes; theres a lot more money in coffee. Your grocer return your money if you dont like Schilling Best. Why, Can She? It Is very diflicult for a man to believe that a girl with golden hair and blue eyes would ever tell a fib. Baltimore American. TEA ' How does Schilling make groceries profitable ? Good tea and moneyback, everything- to match. - Your grater return like Schilling's Bert. your money If yon dont Baby's Urgent Need. Edgar, aged 5, was taken In to see his new baby brother. After walking around him several times and viewing him critically, . he finally said: Mamma, dont you think we had better get a wig for that kid like grand- pas? Painstaking Author. The late Hans Hopfen was one of the few modern authors who . made it a point of keeping his stories, poems, and plays in bis desk until he felt that he could not improve them any more. |