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Show BOX ELDER ADVERTISING News reaches all parts of Box an advertisiug medium Is uusurpa&aed. Rates on application. Tb Elder County, and BIG SALE Wall Paper ON The Passing of a ss n, 14 14 OFF outa all n Monday Morning, Ian. 23rd. la one of the The Niws Job best equipped in the state. All kinds of print lug neatly and promptly executed. Great Sale!! Good Woman. (Communicated.) The beloved wife of William Wrlgb-boof the Second Ward of this city, passed away from this sphere of action at eight oclock on the morning of January 20th. 1905, after a lingering Illness of several weeks, finally turning to pneumonia, whioh, considering her advanced age, hastened, her de-t- We will close out our entire stock of WALL PAPER at prices that will make you buy JOB PRINTINGOffloe be. Hannah Jones Wrlghton was born Come early and select your patterns and then start a bank account in the parish of Hanley In the Count? with the money you save. of Worchester, England, on the 6th of August, 1821. She beard the gospel when a young, woman, Joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y First 'National Bank Building. Saints September 29th, 1844. In the Birmingham Branch of that Church In England, Young People Marry. Operation for The deceased was married to WillAppendicitis. Miss Clara Irons an accomplished iam Wrlghton on the 18th of August, Mrs. N. A. Macdonald of Salt Lake young woman'of Brigham city, a grand 1850, She became tie mother of three City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Evans sons and three daughters, also having Le of Brigham, underwent an oper- of the Third ward, and Mr. J. Sooit nineteen grandotlldren and five greatation for appendlcltts at the L. D S. Jeu3on, the enterprising son of Banker grandchildren. Her, three sons and -- WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR Hospital, last Friday morning. The j, Jenson, were married in the Salt three grandchildren have gone before operation was entirely satisfactory Lake Temple yesterday. Mrs. Jen- hei to the spirit world, while her bus-ban-d anl at last reports Mrs. Macdonald son's mother was Lizzie Evans Irons and daughters are left to mourn was getting along nicely. who was well known as a girl la this the loss of a dear wife and affectionONE-THIR- D Neither Mrs. Macdonald nor her hus- city, and who died about fourteen yeais ate mother. band are over 25 years of age, but up ago. Both of these young people are With her busbdDd, she sailed for to date they have each undergone well known aad popular in this city, America on the 3rd of September, We are also doing the work that our patrons are delighted with. two very critical operations. It seems and the News wishes them the great- 1850, to Join those who were of the to us that they are entitled to im- est possible happiness on their voyage same religious persuasion; arriving at Call and Have Your Photo Taken. St. Louis November 8th, following, munity from all such things through life. Frames Made To Order. after a long and wearisome voyage of jf After tarrying nearly nine weeks. A Pleasant Social. nere for about three years, they took Fruit Industry. up their journey westward, crossing The officers of the First ward Sub-da- y the Judging from the article In this great plains by ox teams, arriving issus beaded A Pertinent Letter, School were royally entertained In A..W. COMPTON, Proprietor.. Salt Lake city on the 17th day of there is something radically wrong at the home of Superintendent Nets 1853. September, with either the Fruit Growers Union Jenson last Monday evening; about In the year 1855, Mr. Wrighton was or the fruit growers. It seems to us forty guests were present The evenBo? Burned With Powder called by Apostle Lorenzo Snow to was a time of rejoicing rather than of that oae experience in the handling ings entertainment began with regu- come to sorrow to bear the testimonies borne In aid buildYester to Jeppesen of Mantua, son of Brigham city we have of peaches, such as we had last year, lar opening exercises, consisting of now fair city. He was joined uf the Gospel and of tne good J. P. Jeppeseo, was quite severely this ing would be enough to put every fruit singing and prayer. Mr. Jenson made heard of Sister Wrlghton.' burned last Sunday In a peculiar way. by bis family In November of the same Bro. John Christensen spoke of his He was grower on his mettle. If the proper a speech of welcome bidding the year, In Secabode the tneir dressing for Sunday school and up taking wlih the good traits Interest Is taken in the Association guests be perfectly free and to enjoy ond where they have resided un- long acquaintance accidentally ignited a pan of gunward, there is no doubt but that good will themselves. of his neighbors, and felt to speak well He said that the pur- til the which was sitting on the floor. time. powder present result. Exchange of Ideas by the pose of the gathering was to have a of those who were yet living. The fire caught him souarely In the Sister Wrighton has lived In accordBishop Blackburn expressed regiet face and neck The burns are severe intelligent class of jnen from which good sociable time In which the offic- ance has a her belief been and with our fruit growers come is bound to ers and teachers could become better that President Charles Kelly was un- but not necessarily dangerous. in its cause, able to attend. belter the cooditioD. It Is a deplor- acquainted with each other. A pleas- firm andan ardent worker exemplary and faithful life able fact that men can place so little ing program was rendered and delici- living The services closed by singing the unto last. the Character Ball. Mid Scenes of Confusion, confidence in each other nowadays, ous refreshments were served. Stake hymn, A Carnival or Characbut we would suggest a way by which Supeilotendeot John D. Peters and The funeral services over the re- when Bro. James Ingram pronounced ter Ball Is on the tapis for Febuary the object of the Fruit Growers Union Bishop John B. McMaster were the mains were held at her home where the benediction. The lamlly are thankful to tluse 8th, at the Academy. Manager Chriscuutd be accomplished. Let the only guests outside of the ward officers many of her old acquaintances met to e pay their tributes of respect and who have aided them during their tenson informs us that he has been growers get together and form a cor- and teachers. of the heavenly Influence that troubles. ' frequently importuned to put on some poration just the same as they would was to which all testified. present, bankdo If they intended to go into the thing of this character, and deems the of Biography OCTOGENARIANS. Bishop Tnomas H. Blackburn presided 8th of Februa'y the most favorable ing, real estate, or mercantile business. Mrs. Harriet Hunsaker. at the services, music beiug rendered How many persons have we in Box El- time Thlj announcement being Fruit growers could become stockmembers of the ward choir and der county eighty years old and over? made now will give pospective holders m the corporation; hire a comwhose Mrs. Harriet Hunsaker, The singing of the hymn, We know of a few. Among them are tlclpants a obance to make up cosothers petent man to manage the business, H. E. Bowring Third ward. tumes of their own. However, those was Harriet Beckstead, When First the Glorious Light of find a market, and superintend the maiden name Third ward Ingeborg Nelsen followed was Bro. by etc., born in was is Truth, Wllliamsbune, Upper E. R. Chase Fourth ward. who dont care to make up costumes packing and shipping. If there the invocation. Christiau Hansen Fourth ward can rent from cusi timers who will be money in this kind of business for Canada, June 17, 183L Her parents George Gidney offering will be interesting to know how here from Sat Lake city In about a It was pathetically My Father, those who are already engaged In It, 0, of of Christ Jesus Church the joined many there are. If you will send in week from now, A agitable prize will be there would be money in it for an Latter-daSaints at that place, and sung by Sister Lottie Cozier and Bro. the names we will be pleased to puboffered for the beau costume, one lady N. Lee. association of the fruit growers. lish them. then went to Missouri where they sufand one gentleman, the decision to bo of Produce could be sold to the com- fered the persecutions indicted upon Blackburn Thomas spoke Bishop and The reason the First National made by vote of those present. pany at prevailing market prices the saints la those early times. She the recent illness of Sister Wrighton the profits of the business divided came to Utah with her parents In 1850 and that she felt that the end of her Bank continues to grow is beThe Stohl Furniture Co. is cer-uni- y each year. Keep nut the sentiment and v.as married to'Ahraham Hun- career bad nearly come and asked that cause its stockholders are comgiving good bargains on which puts a man In a position, that saker In November of the same year. those around her pray for her release posed of money lenders not Linoleum. exhe is altogether incompetent to fill, She was the mother of fifteen childPatriarch John D. Burt feelingly just because he may be a good man ren, eleven of whom survive her. She pressed himself for the privilege of or you may like him. Hundreds of had seventy-si- x grand childreu and being a neighbor of Buch a noble wo children. She man, who has borne the trials of life goid men are failures in business. twenty great-granWuatever Is done, let us urge that the was president of the Relief Society at and kept true unto the gospel needs of an industry so Important to Honeyville for more than twenty throughout. Bro. James Pett of the High Counthis community be not lightly years. Her whole life in the church has been very active. She died on cil bore testimony of the remarks made, speaking also, of associations he . 'Jan. 6, 1905 a faithful Latter-daEdward L. Hansen carries the , gaint. The funeral was held at bad bad with Sister Wrighton and her .(-N- AILS famous Tennent shoe that took ( Htmgyville Jan. 8. 1905 and the re family, looking upon her as a kind and j a woman like aDgel among good the gold medal at the St. Louis maios were interred in the cemetery loving them. if. Fair. at Brigham City. Bro. Joseph M. Jenson spoke of the deceased in highest esteem, stating that her one great aim was to live up COME AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY to the knowledge she had. Speaking THE "19 00" WASHER of the change from this life, testified OUR PRICES ARE THE VERY LOWEST. that the life hereafter was real, and Simplest, easiest and most efficient ma& chine for washing ever invented. related a recent experience he bad The 1900 Washer Is a thoroughly pracbad in which he was positive as to the machine for washing all tical labor-savinexistence of the spirit. Felt conkinds and grades of materials, from Ibe fident that Sister Wrighton will join conis fabrics. It finest lace to the coarsest her sons who have gone before aud structed on scientific principles. It revolves which renders the rotary on that she will be there to meet her huse movement as easv as the wheels of a band when his time shall come. will wash washer 1900 The bicycle Bro. Pett corroborated the statescruwithout any garment without boiling, ment of Bio. Jenson by relating the b's bing and without wear and tear. There Is absolutely no need of using appearance of bis wife to him after any chemicals. Soap and water are the only necessary things to do her death, while her body yet lay in JL perfect work. the house, if not satisfactory. fflTPrice $12, returnable In 30 days Patriarch John Welch endorsed wbat bad oeen said regarding the deFURNITURE ceased. Stated that In associating with Brother aud Sister Wrlghton he 44A444444-l44F4444'l'iHl-i'44l- 4' could feel they were indeed true Lat ter-da- y Saints. Bro. S. N. Lee, Sister Lottie Cozier and others sang verv feelingly the hymn, Who Are They Arrayed in White. Bro. John D. Peters felt that the Latter-daSalnta, at times, were all mourners. Said that the deceased in need Is a friend had executive puweis and ability of indeed. You will find a ftlend lndeeed these cold nights In one of bolding her family together. Reour line HOT WATER BOTTLES called circumstances and hardships ef the early times. in coranlnatlon to be used as a We have them alone-a-nd Bro. Fred J. Holton spoke of the InFOUNTAIN SYRINGE at prices from g tegrity of the deceased. Spoke of the eternal existence of life. Felt that the spirit of God was in attendance rowith marked power, comparing It with cottage meetings when we first the beauties of the Gospel. according to quality j heard President Lucius A. Snow Bpoke of his regret when hearing that the serAt vices were to be at the residence, but j TREMONTON, UTAH. that we might not have fen- M WYNN L EDDY, Prescription Druggist. gj felt now joyed such a power of the Spirit had It been at another place, Thought it Crockery, Chinarare, Glassware and Stoves , Stohl Furniture Co., For a.short time ONLi Christfensen & Knudson. - medallions PRICE. AT Picture aComptons Art Gallery . Mid-Wint- No. I of Deseret News OGDEN, UTAH EDWARD B. KIRK, We have before us a copy of No. 1 Vol. 1 (of Deseret News) Issued by W. Richards at Great Salt Lake June 15th, 1850. City,-Deseret- , The paper Is an eight page 7 x 10 la pamphlet form, The prospectus is as follows; Motto -- Thvth and Liberty. We propose to publish a small weekly sheet, as large as our local circumstances will permit, to he called Deseret News, designed originally record the passing events of our State, and In connexion, refer to the arts and sciences, embracing general education, medicine, law, divluity, domestic and political economy, and every REAL ESTATES tj thing that may fall under our w LOANS. L N r v - . obser- vation, which may tend to promote the best Interest, welfare, pleasure and amusement of our fellow citizens. We hold ourselves responsible to the highest Court of truth for our intentions, and the highest Court of equity for our execution. When we speak, we shall speak freely, without regard to men or party, and wbeu, like other men we err, let hltu who has his eyes open, correct us in meekness, and he shall receive a disciples reward. We shall take pleasure in communicating foreign news as we have opportunity; in reoelving communications from our friends at home and abroad; and solicit ornaments for the News from our poets and poetesses. The first number may be expected as early to J une as subscriptions will warrant waiting the aotlon of 300 subscribers. Terms, 6 months, $2 50; Invariably In udvauce. Single copy, 15 cents. Advertising, SI.50 per square lines, and 50 each succeed! ug Insertion. 81 for half square, or 8 lines. Travellers and Emigrants, EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH HOTEL UTAHNA The one place for comfort, elegance and convenience. Excellent meals served at 25o and 50o. An eighty acre farm with full water right, located in Garland can be Cannot bought for but little money be excelled in either location, quality or price. Call on Stohl Bros. , First Natl Bank Bldg. tf FARM LOANS CALL OR WRITE The Bank of Brigham City CITY, UTAH BRIGHAM 25 cents per copy, with the insertion uf their names, place of residence, time THE INDEPENDENT FIRE of arrival and leaving. Companies uf INSURANCE AGENCY OF 20, and upwards, entered at once, 20 cents eacu. BOX ELDER COUNTY. A paper that Is worth printing, Is worth preserving: if worth preserving The very best Insurance at consisit is worth binding; for this purpose tent rates. Not too low this year and we issue in pamphlet form; and if too high next not too anything-ju- st every subscriber shall preserve each right. To call or write is convincing. copy uf the News and btud It at the office with close of the volume, their childrens children may read the doings of their The Bank of Brigham City, fathers, which otherwise might have Brigham City, Utah. been forgotten; ages to come. v pat-tak- y d WS y just ssseeiv and Car Load BARBED WIRE 4 4 CHRISTENSEN KNUDSON. s, high-grad- OURSTOCK IIS. F. HAIISEH A J&t CO. Baby Carriages has just arrived for the spring trade. A large stock to select FRIEND from. y It will pay you to see Our SarTiages andgetQur PPleeS ONE DOLLAR - Two Dollars C. Fifty Cents Each 0 before buying. 4 a ros. Furniture Goi, The Eddy Drug Store, j A DUMBECK, QARTHEY A fine assortment of the best quality of linoleum of all grades just received from the east. Examine these prices and come early to make your selections. E Grade 88c per running yard. D Grade 98c per running yard. Yours 10 please, Sionl Furniture Co. PLUMBING. 219 . TELEPHONE Salt Laks City. Utah Stats St - LORENZO N STOHL JOSEPH N STOHI. STOHL BROTHERS. TOR AGENTS NOTICE. Continental Life Lv surance Co. of Utah. The citizens of Box Elder county are requested to meet at the court house, Brigham city, January 28th, at 2 oclock p. iu., to discuss and devise INSURE AT HOME. some means of securing the HortiRoom 22- Ttlsphono No. 22 cultural Experimental Farm about to FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. be established. James Jensen, Sec. Co. Board. H. W. Valentine, Chairman. THE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY . J. O. Barker, P. J. Christensen, CAPITAL $50,000,00. Pres. Fr.uit Growers' Union. it Tie Oldest and Strongest Bank In Box Elder For Rent County. Livery barn, with or without horses and vehicles, at Accounts and Correspondence Garland on reasonable terms. Solicited. Water and electric lights in barn; AH business given prompt attention centrally located; good business office at this or R. C. Apply M. Jenson, Homkb J. Rich, . Fryer, Planters hotel, Dewey-vill- e, Cashier President. Utah. jN L Hansen's shoes are better DO YOU WANT - Homestead Entries and proofs; To buy or sell Real Estate; Titles examined and conveyed, 4 g T LINOLEUM. COUGHS Reliable legal work; IF SO CONSULT A BIG CROP FRED J. HOLTON- - Winter coughing has begun. White Pine with Tar Syrup is selling fast. People think as much of it as ever. It certainly is a good remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and ordinary Throat Troubles, 25 cents. Three times as much (family size) 50 cents, Bring it back if you dont like it. Utah, Brigham Gty, Dr. L. H. Harding Dr. L. H. Berg DENTISTS - WIDERBORG BLOCK, J N. L. HANSEN one-ha- lf the Garland Sugar factory. formation call on For In- PAUL STARK, tf Brigham fity, Utah. If you don't buy shoes made by HAMILTON Pharmacy. If you don't buy shoes of Sugar Beet Land For Sale. acres In whole or in part, lomiles north of cated one and 100 Brigham City Hoopes & Eddy, Props. Utah. Brigham City, you dont J SOLDby n BROWN buy shoes right. N. L. HANSEN We Guarantee Every Pair. Air WANTED. Hides pelts and furs. Highest cash price will be paid on delivery Apply to my residence just north of the Tan- 4th ward. you don't buy shoes right nery, FRED flO SHYe Guarantee Every Pair. jQ HILLMAN. |