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Show for you. We will go together, and da go on before winter set in in earnest. all that can be done to find him. Already lowering clouds had hung He bowed and went out. She bow- over the valley and covered it with ed her face in her hands and wept. snow. "My heart misgives me, she sobAt last they broke camp and were bed. He talks fair and seems honBy JOHN R. MUSICK, moving slowly toward the Yukon, but something within keeps sayMr. Howard," "Tin est, when a dog was discovered coming gthf of Mjrftorlooo ing: Trust him cot!'" Dork Stronger, ' "Chortle Allendele'a toward them. Beyond a doubt it was Ben Holton, who had remained be- the Doable, Etc. property of some of the Klondyk-ers- . hind to look after her heavier luggage, Horsa Cummins discovered a arrived at the hotel, and went to conthe ties are broken Say. Rose, do you remember of tanned skin about Its neck Farewell, strip Oanrrlfbt, 1MT, hr Bonn Boxiu1 Boot. Stuffing Fowls for Weight. The dav you sang his thvme. sult with his mistress about some and called the attention of Lackland TheThat linked them in the past. Alt right roearroO. Ah the nightingale in December, Forcing Tomatoes. It is not the man who keeps feed parting words are spoken. missing packages. On his way to her to it. Your oice rang like a ihime. Loves sky looms overcast. an Tomatoes have been forced as before his fowls all the time who has The first mad, bo ish passion No thrush s note lose sweeter, room he met Lackland, and was much CHAPTER XII. He quickly removed it and read: Has spent its tierce dWight As your linnet's caiol clear, early summer crop at the Ohio exper- heavy birds, as birds, like people, do him? know astounded to Kate see asked. loved a in frantic fashion With music's mournful meter. 'man whom he Dye We are in the forest out of food They iment station for about twelve years not want to see what they are obliged And pait in foolish spue. That t hi filed the spellbound ear thought in Fresno that he was half and starving. Follow on the trail at "Yea, I have seen him. with uniformly good results and the to eat all the time. And, again, they Ye know no good o him. I be inclined to think himself mistaken. Fate keyed their hearts together, once and find us. Paul Miller and Oh. Love, how mav they sever product has been sold at remunerative soon tire of anything they are cone to Ditched the tune. I say, Miss Laura, was a feller In The bond that held them twain? hound, and Im one as Is not slow in as a feather. Companion. fickle prices. But to Tis hard stantly nibbling all the time, says the part forever. You changed with every moon. expressin' my mind about such cat- here a minit ago? he asked. The bit of tanned skin dropped from To quaff the cup of pain. At the station tomatoes forced in Farmers Advocate. was the summer season Sweet Yes. But of tle. they mut sup soriow the trembling hand of Theodore Lack-land- . When he and you first met. Have stated times to feed and 'et spring and early summer have not And taste of bitter He looked just like Lackland. To !oe you was his treason, Dont, Kate, I beseech you. He pressed his hand to his fore- H w drear will dawn grief. sold readily but the cost of pro- the fowls get hungry; then, by feedthe morrow only he is Then a tianor yet! "It was Lackland. All the while the marble white face That brings 'them no relief. head and groaned. duction is so much less at that season ing the right kind of feed in the right Your lustrious eyes shone brighter Well, Miss l.aura, I jist be dod of Theodore was unmoved. What is it, boss? asked Cummins. Their love had too much than in that they have way, you can have your birds up to the stars Than that gem Dawn, Is this your hand-bag- , Laura? he gasted if hes here for any good. Hes Go into camp. And not enough of tears; laughter. We must start at Your buoyant step whs lighter proven a very profitable vegetable for weight, and are liable to carry away Remorse follow must of timotous fawn. after soft tread Than alter grub stakes, yo kin depend on et. once to find some men .who are starvasaed, picking up the pretty, white the blue. Many a would-bforcing. winner The love that laughs at fears. Your rose-leface was fairer Look out for him. bag where the porter had left it. Your memory he will chensh, Than foam fiom ing. spray. of loses the prize on account of its Greenhouse because tomatoes, The fullest of his foes. Your beautv s rich and rarer She then told her faithful employe Yes. When they went into camp, after Till Life itself shall perish. superior quality, sell more readily and weight in the showroom. Than blithe haibinger of May, Le.t me carry It to the hotel for the proposition he had made, and old And Deu th his door disclose. Place not more than five birds in a at much higher prices than the southtaking care to see that Laura was love for and Time's Ben woman listened will This laughter. to up at and assist good you. her, carefully made comfortable, he took one man ern grown product on the same mar- coop 4x5 feet, with floor covered six For sott ows and bridal bliss. We never can the recapture is one there conclusion hotel in but said: you. dome, Remorse must follow after and three Indians and started on the inches with straw, and change this ket. Those of bygone years, And chill sweet clinging kiss. Ill bet my head for a football that back trail made by the dog. All the That firstjoys the place, and there is no missing it. fine godlike rapture At the station, tomatoes grown In straw three times a week. This will of had shaie their They've pleasure, Lies quenched in hauntmj? fears. It is a long way from the landing, with its a salted mine hes Dont while he was thinking: the spring hae been much more prof- enable the birds to clean themselves Theyve drained the sweets of life; Who wins sweet Fame will lose her, Joy gave them heaping measure. no cable line. ye bite at his bait, Miss Laura; dont Who lones her will gain. "Paul Miller and one companion. itable than either lettuce or cucum- nicely in this coop. Have & box of Of keen strife. Loes lusty Though Fancy still pursues her. Who can that companion be? In a maze the unfortunate Laura ye bite. bers grown at the same season. good grit, a watering dish, and keep Her strenuous quest is vain. Is ended. the farce Farewell, Laura was more distressed after the was led from the landing back toward The over these two dishes well filled all the tawdrv play is done. The has been average yield The fairness of the flower Love dies when undefended, CHAPTER XIII. the hotel. She had left home, hoping departure of Ben Holion than before. two pounds per square foot and the time. Bloomed nchly in your face. Like some in the sun. Now for the feed. Take equal parts to be rid of her persecutor, and found She began to realize how utterly help- Clarence Berry and the Metlakaht-IansFor Beauty was your dower, rekindle Wo never cansuppliant average price 12 cents per pound. The heirloom of your race. The fire on Fancy s shrine. of corn, wheat, oats and barley. Have him waiting at the landing for her. less she was. Thus the more returns than been have Gray eyes that shamed the motning, The smoldeiing fire will dwindle There was quite a change in the Clarence Berry and his brave little She longed to know, and yet dreaded 20 cents per square foot of bench them ground together. Mix with waCharged with shy. pure disdain. That fire we deemed divine! with fine girlish scorning, ter or milk, and give the birds all JAMKS E KINSELLA. to ask him why he had come to expression on Lacklands face after wife Ethel continued to heap up theft Flushed space. As starshlne drenched in rain. Registry Division, Chicago Postofflce. Alaska. Her heart told her he was he left Lauras room. All the benevogolden treasure day by day, but they Raised benches have the advantage they will eat up. In fifteen minutes the dish away so they do not , on his way to the Klondyke, and she lence and unselfish concern for the had not forgotten their unfortunate over ground beds In earlier ripening of take even see It. Then at noon give them girls welfare gave way to a look of friend, Paul Miller. One evening, ae felt a strange dread of him. fruit. trianother and after fifteen minthey sat in their shanty, before the On reaching the hotel, which was a selfishness, and he chuckled in of mulching is essen utes takefeed, the dish umph. away. Follow this received the fire, great, blazing they to success in tomato forcing and it tial miserable affair made of boards and I will have her yet. She will be usual visitors. Long Dick and Gid It is a relief to turn from the Rus- drilled in ordinary marching evolu- is advantageous to combine both meth- for ten days, giving them meat three but roughly finished, she ordered a times a week, if their combs are in my power. A few weeks Myers. sian officer to the Russian soldier, tions and the manual of arms, for ods. room and was taken to it. Kate was wholly small. If too do not feed meat more, another turn of the cards and ef ye want t see d worst old says Thomas F. Millard in Scribners. which he must thank his Say, a miserable little a For spring and early summer crop or bone, as it large, assigned apartment the game is mine. will make their combs ever his ye geesers with yer Ivan, all clapped fellow, lamps poor ignornear the kitchen, where she could officers; but he apparently gets the seed should be sown In flats about too large. This manner of feedAt a low groggery in the town he upon, ye want t go down d camp, be ance and stupidity, is a man to love. very little instruction in modern fight- the first of December. The plants may grow can be smell the beef roasting and hear the found continued two weeks, if ing his two employes, Ben Allen gan Dick. His simple, kindly nature, unswerving be pricked off Into pots or flats, fiats cooks quarreling. and Horsa Cummins. necessary, but not longer. If a bird Dun know, but it looks mightly t loyalty to Czar and country who have ing tactics. Entirely destitute of permore second economical. The Laura had not been long in her sonal initiative, he is apt to become being gets off his feed, the "jig is up with Well, how are you faring? asked me like it was some starved-ou- t done so little for him, unquestioning Egypand third shifts should be made into him, and it will be better to take him apartment when there came a tap at Lackland. tian mummies az had been resurrect- obedience to officers who take such practically helpless if he loses his of- pots. out of the pen. her door, and a boy with tangled, red ed from de pryamids. Dry! growled Cummins. little care for his welfare, never fail- ficers. He has a fairly good weapon, Under ordinary care plants from hair entered and said: Come, Cummins, you remember Where are they from? though inferior to the rifle used by the seed sown Dec. I will be ready to set ing patience unde'r reverses, unflinchEf yer please, mum, thars a feller the obligation imposed on you when Green Food In Winter. eninMetlakahtla. of the ing courage in the presence Japanese, but has been given little in the permanent beds about the mid downstairs who gin me this keard fer you were employed you were not to The aim in feeding poultry in the Where is th.i? emy, generally uncomplaining attitude struction how to use it. Target prac- die of March, and the fruit will begin ye, an says hed like ter chin yes a drink. winter is to give variety and come as "An island far away across the in misfortune and quiet endurance of tice is expensive, and in an army the to ripen from the first to the middle near to bit Yes, but that makes me dry, said mountains. meeting summer conditions sis poor food and excessive fatigue make size of Russias the men get the mini- of June. From Ohio Experiment Laura took the small, neat card Cummins, with a wink. possible. Therefore, the providing of Clarence opened his book again, him an almost heroic figure. mum. In this war it has been no- Station Bulletin 153. from the dirty hand of the boy and, green food erf some sort for winter Now, you have both been here beand, casting a casual glance over the Unaccustomed to what he would ticeable that such infantry fire confeed should not be overlooked. Right glancing at it, read the name of Theofore, have you not? pages, remarked that he did not see conclder ordinary comforts, he does trol as is displayed by the Russians now is a good time to look after this dore Lackland. Should she see him? Improving Poor Fruit Trees. Yes. what they had. to do with the peace of not miss them; knowing nothing bet- is directed almost entirely by the nonShe knew the interview must come. In Do you know where to procure There are plenty of fruit trees that matter. Roots, such as turnips, manthe miners of the Klondyke. Gid was ter, he is contented with his lot. Per- commissioned officers, and its efficienfact she wished for it on her own ac- good outfits? i about to speak when his friend began: haps it is his deeply religious nature cy falls far below that of the Japan- ought to be robustly in their prime golds and sugar beets, can be fed to that are in very poor condition. Some advantage in the winter provided that count, so why not have it at once, "Right here is the best place in Thats where yer off yer trolley, that enables him to bear so well the ese. understand each other and have it Alaska, declared Cummins. people may also talk of cutting off the poultry quarters are not too cold. Clarence. They come without recomhim. He The would Is Russian upon soldier, too, put hardships poorly these weak trees and s over with? How much will a outfit mendation, but they spin mighty rather enter battle without feed than planting others, Cut the roots into halves and place in to clothed supplied and comparison with such reasons this is unneces- them on spikes or nails driven into but She told the boy that she would see cost? old Glum and he without destrange yarns, the blessing of the regimental those of most armies. His rations put the walls so as to be in easy reach ot the stranger at once, and he bowed sary. So long as the trees are Cummins reflected a moment and this thing and that thing together priest, whose picturesque flowing pend largely upon his foraging ability. although inefficient, there ishealthy, the fowls. The poultry will pick out his red head and retired from the said: every and say they got some information." gown and long, uncombed hair are to When the war began his clothing was of their being renovated, and the meat of the beets with a relish. . apartment. She nerved herself for Well, I think it will take about two be met even on the firing line. Many unsuitable for the requirements of chance (To be continued.) the coming interview. great crops will be secured much Another source of green food is cabthousand dollars. priests wear the St. George cross, giv- modern conflict, but as time has gone sooner from them than by planting bage. They should, however, be fed There came a light rap at the door. Without returning a word his emOUR SOIL RICH IN GEMS. en only for gallantry under fire. by efforts are being made to remedy small and young trees. Come in, she said. Pruning Is one sparingly, because ot the danger of ployer counted out the money and told As a soldier Ivan is fairly well this. of the aids to improvement. The diarrhoea. Cabbage intended for feed The door opened and Theodore him to go and procure it at once. Where American Precious Stone growths may not be strong, but they may be stored in root cellars or, where Lackland entered the apartment Cummins and Davis set out, and Have Been Found by Miners. may be crowded, and this must be the winters are not severe, in trenches There was an insidious smile on his next morning reported that all had The report of the geological survey, relieved at once. It Is a first and out of doors, and covered with dirt and been secured. face, as he said: Just compiled for 1901, shows that absolutely necessary step; then the leaves. You did not expect to meet me, It is well, declared the shrewd Mr. during that year there were mined in roots must be seen to. If turf grows Vegetables, such as potatoes, can be did you? Lackland. "Be prepared to go when-eveAlmighty one who rules the desheavy. Make them drop their call for the United States precious stones to cooked and fed to advantage. On remove It to a round the all stems, I certainly did not, she answered, I give the word. the value of about $300,000. When tinies of sheep, cows, pigs, farmers, Tight handy cattle when ours are distance of 18 inches or two feet out many farms there are often quanher eyes growing round with astonishchickens Well be ready. other and live stock, heavy. place talking about rare and beautiful gems Take It away, and do not let It regrow. tities of small potatoes that are ment When bis hirelings had gone Lack-lanears near the ground and listen Oh, rich ones, dont continue to steal The soil should then be dug away till wasted every year that might ae ones naturally revert to your I hope my appearance did not went to the hotel and sent up his South thoughts to our plea. our young heifers and our old bulls. Africa or the orient or the well have been fed to the poulcause any unpleasant v shock to your card to Miss Laura Kean. She admitEternal and ever growing ones, who Tell your menials in the yards, we the roots aare met with In quantity, of Asia or Europe, or permountains matry during the winter months. Bright cow fork of liberal then supply I nerves, and now that it is over trust ted him, and he asked: to South America, but one is not kill, kill, kill and chop and scrape and pray you, that when they skin us, as nure among them. Bone manure Is clover and alfalfa hay chopped haps Miss Kean, when are you going to you will be glad to have a friend in to think of our own land yield- slash and can, who fry and boil and they ever do, that our hides do not also stable as an artificial. Use up and placed in the scratching' pens concross the pass and start for the Klon- likely this strange, wild land. reach to the bone. but the fact is, that no in- freeze at will: we pray that you them; ing plenty, and in filling in give plenty are great helps in winter feeding. fine your boilings and freezings, your There was a short pause, after dyke? value in gems is taken Stop, we pray of you, the daily yawp of manure among the soil. If the Boll Rape and kale sown in the early fall we which he went on : As soon as I can. I want to go significant the soil right here at home. The cannings and killing to the tribute "lack of demand when you, by cor- is gravelly, try and refill over the can be used as a food In the early of from on human I will be frank with you, Miss with the first train. of the geological survey shows pour in, nor insist forever the whole works on land and roots with loam, but do not place the winter. The neglect to give a proper report ralling Kean. I came that I might be near There are some gentlemen ready sea and on lands beyond the sea, are soil much further up the stem than it amount of green food or substitutes to that during that year we mined in sacrifice. to start in the morning. you. be blood Let blood the the you spill the only demand. Say that you dont was before. When any good liquid poultry in confinement causes much the United States precious stones to I am capable of taking care of myThen I can get ready. I will go the value of about of beasts and not be the drippings want our stock and we shall more manure is available, saturate the roots sickness in the early spring. $300,000. declared. with them, she self, she answered. from fingers. thoroughly with it. greatly respect you. Diamonds of $100 represent only But while I concede all that, I Would you like my services in All powerful ones, we do not ask Th Destructive Rat. and fat fact are but the that this ones, amount, Oh, large, prosperous they reasoned that you were coming to a securing you an outfit? Housewives in the country someat all gives encouragement to to see your books, we do not question our prayer rises before daylight from Prune Gooseberry Bushee. Yes, yes; if you can, secure me found land beset by many dangers, and the hope that paying fields of them as to your rebates, your private cars, a million farms; range men sing it in If the pruning of gooseberries is times complain that poultry raising is could not feel comfortable in the an outfit at once. your methods of ruining small butcha great care on account of the losses storms blizzard In and of found. some be teeth the time the Last may year I I would as soon start had "Ill do so. thought that you were alone. ers. We do not care what price you of alkali dust. It must be heard or we neglected, the bushes fill up with wood that occur among the young chicks Lee was in found diamond one county, as any other time. and the berries become small and difleisure and means, and consequently myself where diamonds were not be- charge for beef, embalmed or fresh. perish and with us your power to work ficult to pick. The fruit is largely due to the presence of rats. produced The rat is far harder to why not devote them to your ser- You will want Indian porters for your Georgia, not of We the ingredients not more question for evil. care the to hedge against We New Mexico known exist. price from lateral buds on vice? Oh, Laura, and he drew his luggage and a sled and dogs for your- fore your croquettes, soups or tr males. than the cat. A good strong partiwe cannot the consumer, in and you furnished charge $113,000 turquoises, also in and wood short on I all Ben Holton know wood, Have her. self. spurs chair a little nearer to pack up But, oh, great ones, please let up afford to eat of your output. Charge two or more years old. The same tion to the poultry house or a good and he these have been placed on the market. you spurn me. I know you believe me your effects and be ready, wire fence around the poultry yard on us. We pray you to call off the him as much as you like, great peoin us Montana $90,000 gave sapphires, spur may produce fruit for three or will to be a deceitful hypocrite, but I am left. litout market-quoter- s dictation who at divide a fraction but next. come come oh, divide, your which from ple, They four years if the strength of the bush tle keep in cats, but these have Ben Holton was only a stupid felnot so bad as you think. I am your effect checking the depredations is now tell us our stock when light is half of your spoils with us or we perish. is maintained by proper fertilizing and of rats. friend your best friend if you will low, but he declared he did not like Fergus county. Granite county They can gnaw through the fat and would bring good prices If William Kent, Genoa, Neb. pruning. The Jlrst two crops from a the arrangements at all, and smelled being explored for fancy colored saponly permit me and tunnel under the wire partition of evidence that give being the phires, however, spur are, given usually I cannot. a greatbig mouse somewhere. Neverand do the work so expeditiously fence in Fine there and new The wood paying is which best. quantities. proYou have mistaken me all along. theless, Ben went to work packing up to the flock is done extensive rhodolite garnet deposits are duced In a gooseberry bush each sea- that the damage Perhaps at times I have, but I the goods and preparing for the found in Macon county, North Caroson appears as new branches arising before the farmer has had time to take know you now." journey. combative measures. Then when he from buds on the previous green, blue and yelyears Laura took her place on the sled, lina. Many asdark to fight the rodents he finds Laura, will you listen to me a Many things combine to make the plete it and obtain commissions must well as of low and canes the beryls, amethysts already present, begins and the Esquimau with big snow moment just one moment? American officer the best in the world, have attained a standard which other growth that the process is not a smooth one. were found in new state. that or as shoots from the arising nations find it impossible, for a variwrites Thomas F. Millard in ScribYes, I will have to do so, S3 I have shoes came to strap her in and draw emeralds, the bush. The new branches The animals avoid the Bteel trap and There is hardly a state of the Union ners. In the first Is a ety of reasons, to exact. That, even crown of no other choice. the robes and furs over her. there place, old some canes will produce fruit the wire cage. Poison is the only trace of In which there is not to under our system, we have incompe- on the Are you strapped in securely? His voice regained its calmness, but large and intelligent population the buds the year follow- thing that seems to be effective, and lateral stones not at from it and appears precious tent officers simply proves that perLackland asked Laura. his manner was still agitated. draw upon, an advantage, it Is univerone in which they develop. the farmer hesitates about employing the before all that many unlikely ing years I may serve you even yet, Yes. he not equally enjoyed by fection has by no means been reached, Is afraid of hurting other with he old sally admitted, The new shoots from the crown will this, as he Do you think you will be comfort- we may be competing I have done you much wrong said. animals. But this method of destrucany other great nation. Again, owing and does not alter the fact that our become when canes two in world years fruiting furnishing gems. to the smallness of our army, the num- army Is better officered than any in old if allowed I know that and him, too. I did able? to grow. The new tion will be found to be about the only I I know I shall. of officers to be supplied, In pro- the world. ber you and him a 'wrong, knowing on a comparatively young effective one if the rats are very numbranches HOW BOOTH FOOLED MANAGER. would repent it to the last hour of They were soon in the midst of a But take Russia, with her vast cane are much stronger than those on erous. If poison is used it should be portion to the total population, makes a care in selection and edu- standing army of a million and a quar- an old cane. After a cane has reach- - placed where only the rats can get acmy life, but I was driven to it; I had driving snowstorm, and Kate Willis Got Stimulant in possible no power to resist it it mastered me declared that she cation Impracticable elsewhere. Conjust knew that Great Tragedianter men, exclusive of supplementary ed the age of about five years, the cess to it. Novel Manner. sider how a great majority of officers reserve organizations of even greater new child would freeze. then; it masters me now. growth is likely - be short, weak When the elder Booth that Is, the in the United States army are obTheodore had risen and took a step a , country where tha and unproductive. As soon as a cane They halted before reaching the magnitude, Poultry Pickings. of Junius and father Brutus, Edwin, tained. Appointments to West Point masses of the people have almost no shows signs of summit and camped. Tents, had been nearer. Confinement and idleness causes the ' should it weakening was his Wilkes of in the John height are secured, as a rule, only after a educational vice of feather pulling. "Laura, he said, and his voice fell brought and every precaution was advantages, where tha be removed. Farmers Guide. was most undein which a level of Intelligence Is undoubtedly to a broken whisper, I love you so taken to provide for the comfort of popularity here, he examination, competitive Poultry raising is one of the most to old play in the She and Kate were pendable. Engaged number of young men of good ability lower than In any other great nation, I can see you the wife of another if Laura Kean. branches of farming. attractive One of Farms Fruit Blessings. Theater in Richmond, and character take part. The man he can make you more happy than I. "housed in a tent warmed by a gasoline Broad Street and how is she to supply her army Water is as important as food and Most farmers cannot afford to take Powhat-tathe at he Va., stopped Do you believe there can be an unselthus selected goes to West Point, with stove, which made it quite comfortofficers, in our accep- time from their other work to grow should be supplied clean and fresh. hotel, then famous throughout the where he must pass a rigid physical tationcompetent i fish love? I know it, and I swear that able. of the word? She simply can- fruit for market, but enough should The views of many persons in poulthe of The manager theater, examination before he Is admitted. Next day they resumed their march, south. not. The United States government If you can be more happy as the wife culture are more to be relied on so try the be that farmers grown family that Booths condition was not nature would find it equally impossible, with may have an abundance of each kind than the views of one, because the one of Paul Miller, then I will go with crossed the summit and began the noting the to exatcing Then, owing what it should be, coaxed him to his all our undisputed advantages, to in its season. That is one of the com- has had only a small proportion of the you all over the world to find Paul descent. locked him, taking of the curriculum and the severity of Lackland was often seen talking room, and then a large percentage of equip an army of a million men with possible experience. Miller, and If he be living will find the discipline, evenin the the pensations of farm life. key. Returning When confined fowls have no opporwith one of 'the Indians, who spoke away him and give him to you. fail to complete the officers of the standard of those who candidates the found to release him, the manager of gratifying their desire of the who do com now command our little army. course. His words had produced a profound English fairly well, and was a big, ing Those Season's tunity Yield. four Potato years fellow. One the actor in worse condition than in effect oh Laura, and she could only burly, villainous-lookinRevised returns Justify the esti- choice of food. There are three points the morning, and, summoning the help, mate of an average yielc of 110.4 to be observed, which are that nitrogaze on him in wonder. Overwhelm- day two men came to their camp. asked how Booth bad ' obtained the ed by the ardent manner of the man, They held long and earnest conferbushels of potatoes this rear, instead genous food is necessary, that too bell of One the boys explainof 100 bushels, as stated in the last much green food must not be given, she was speechless and dumbfounded. ences, and when they went away that liquor. bell from that the The average yield for the and that fowls must not be made too number. When she could regain her voice she night the man named Ben Allen went ed that, hearing It Is to he presumed that a day or and wanted to see the horse. And so previous ten years was 81 bushels, fat. It is perhaps needless room ringing, he went to the door, with them. said: was told by Booth to bring a long- so before there could have been found it went on until the cleverly disguised Poultry raisers differ in their opinHeaven forgive me, Mr. Lackland, to inform the reader that the two men and making the present a bumper year for were Morris and Ned Padgett, who stemmed pipe and a quart bottle of In a gypsy camp not far away a gypsies who made up the original this crop. Maine is credited with the ion on account of the great differences If I have done you injustice. When he returned with the broken-winde- d had created a No one persons and weatherbeaten bunch of rustics average acre yield, 215 bush- in the experiences. I freely forgive you. It Is so diffibrought the information that Paul and brandy. was ordered to of interest set- largest he undercurrent and strong bottle, pipe in the were els. The Southern states had from 61 knowledge covers the whole range of $30 in worth a of cult for us to understand each other the old hermit horse prisoners perhaps plug insert the stem of the pipe in the ting toward the transformed "plug. to 80 bushels, except Florida, which experience. that we - are continually blundering cavern. open market, says a writer In Outing. The first show of cash came from Because a person fails at the busi"It is lucky 1 learned of his cap- keyhole and pour the brandy into the Then began such a grooming, clipping, grew 102 bushels. Iowas yield was and making mistakes. But now that these to told among until bowl stop. farmers, of poultry raising Is not a sign ness masquerading bushels 136 Curse and Wisconsins Lackland. both him, 126, now that you ture, thought my motives are plain, An th gemman doan nebber say polishing and, doctoring as must rank whose identity lurked only in the good for this country. The that he would not succeed in another extremely see how unselfish I am, I hope you why isnt he dead? For over a year were Mane tail and arts. eye and shifty glance with the average of the old New at among the Stop! sah, an cussed provokin You England states attempt at the same enterprise. In will trust me Implicitly. may he has been lost in the forest and me when Ise doan tol him de bottle miracles of braiding, intertwined with true gypsy slant in the corner of it is higher than in the same number of fact hip chances ot success are Inthink you have money sufficient to thought to be dead; now, why isnt was clear And after hours of palaver over many newer western states. empty, sah added the lit- fresh straw and fetchingly beribboned. Farm, Stock creased by his first failure. , , push this search and may be mis- he dead? Into the crowded village was led a mugs of beer it was one of these and Home. black. Philadelphia Ledger. tle If a person can succeed with a small the dreamed that Lackland little that you taken; all I ask of you is who closed the deal, mettlesome and shining steed, care- made-uHodges flock of chickens or other fowls there were was willing tools he using allow me to furnish the funds you very fully escorted, too valuable, forsooth, bought the horse and paid for It in osIs no reatn why he or she should not No Lime On Manure. Salisburys Natural Fear. need. You shall not lack means to to betray him if they could make tentatious sovereigns. The genuine When Lord Salisbury and his fam- to he put up for sale. It is a mistake to put lime la the succeed with a large one, provided more out ot It, and that they were tryfind Paul. After the horse was tied near a pop- fanner, for whom the bait was cast, manure heap, for it destroys the salts that the large one is given the same were at Homburg recently Lady The man watched with anxious eyes ing by bribeg and threats to extort ily Cecil, his lordships daugh- ular public house three of four rustics could not withstand this evidence of ot ammonia, and by compelling it to care that the small one receives- the face of the girl to read the im- from the prisoners in the cavern the Gwendoline him a cane chair. She was strolled up to the owner of the beast, a "rare bargain, and was ,the more take the gaseous form drives it off. The man that dreams about poultry ter, bought treasure. cached the pression his great generosity would secret of of her bargain, saying who looked to be all hayseed. They eager now that it had slipped out of Lime will rot manure very quickly raising but never tried it imagines rather his fulfil to proud After Ben left the party make. asked five marks for it, looked the bargain over, shook their his grasp. Therefore it was not long and do its work well, but it will be at that the whole business consists In It was favorable, and his delight at orders they camped three weeks in the shopkeeper she had got it for four. "My heads in disappointment that no dick- before the "fake buyer was offered a the expense of a loss of nitrogen, feeding the. fowls and gathering th that but a diabolical. valley. was the discovery almost "are ering was possible and drifted into bonus of a pound to let go of his pur- which is an ingredient of ammonia, eggs. When he gets into the business Laura Inquired why they delayed so dear," said the portly Thank you, Laura. You have made ot the pub. Presently chase, held out for two and got it and dpr-- - Farm Jaurnal, and its good he finds that his dreams were mere the sure will exsubstantial be it you had abundant enough Lackland me supremely happy by accepting my long, but other farmers shadows. pricked up their ears vanished as if on wings. me at that for would authority. her price? they favor. I will endeavor to find Paul cuses, and assured , self-sam- mid-wint- e wind-swe- . Soldiers of the Czar . first-clas- Prayer to the Packers n d corn-huskin- g Officers Best in World - t- n g Ho w Gyp sies Sell Horses mid-nigh- t p tap-roo- , J . , . i- |