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Show lie go (Sifter $enc RUSSIAN A STRIKERS REVOLT HUNTERS PARADISE. RUSSIA FACES GRAVE DANGER CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. M GREAT ENGULFED ME 17. I EREilW Utah Great State for Game, According January The election of a senator to succeed to Bounty Payments, HOUSES AND CATTLE LAY HELPLESS AND SPEECHLESS Kearns was the first Dusiness PEOPLE, ARE PREPARING Senator CZARS TROOPS KILLS UNARMED The arrest of Charles Jones of Salt AUTHORITIES TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION! P0R HOURS AT A TIME. before the house. Mr Sutherland reARE SWEPT AWAY. FOR AN OUTBREAK. One Year, la advance MEN AND WOMEN. (Lake City, on a charge of extensive ceiving 42 votes and Judge King 3. .t bu Uonibi....MMMM for $25,625 bill The appropriating Sinking Spells, Headaches, Rheumatism bounty frauds in Salt Lake county, has brie MoaUu .t the purpose of defraying the expenses Avalanche of Rocks All Caused by Poor Blood Cured by Into revealed a deplorable state of affairs Precipitated eoun in Carbon Guard Social National of the Ir. Williams Pink Pills. Entered at the Poet Office at Brigham City u Labor Troubles in Russia Results in in both Salt Lake and Weber counties. Spread of Strike, Backed by to In Death in the Lake was Brings 1903 in and Norway 1904, passed ty second eiaxs matter. ists. Liable to End in Conflict When Mrs. Williams was asked fot Bloodshed, and May Lead to. Civil Fifty-ninhouse Salt Lake county has issued supPersons. With Soldiers and Much some details of the fearful illness from War In Czar's Domains. Bills were introduced by Mr. Fish NORMAN LEE, Editor. posedly fraudulent bounty certificates which she had ao long suffered, she Bloodshed. burn of Box Elder, changing time for spot 1, October between 13,444 totalling and Fifty-ninpersons perished as the as follows : taking school census in cites INSTRUCTIONS TO CORRESPONDENTS. The strikers of St. Petersburg, 1904, and Janaury 3, 1905, while In WeEdward, one providalso Nae-dal- , by since Ever counties; I of avalanche of an had nervous rocks at result Items of news are solicited from all parts of prostration Advices from St Petersburg state ing for the establishment of schools of goaded to desperation by a day of vio- ber county f 11,283 is the sum paid out tbe country. north of Bergen, Norway, Sunday. about thirteen years ago, I have had is becoming agriculture and domestic science in situation that Write upon one aide of the paper only. the strike and lence, wild a In are of fury bloodshed, extinction for the supposed Write proper names plainiy. A mass of rock was suddenly precipi- periodical spells of complete exhaustion. very grave There are 58,000 men out counties In order to protect the publisher from 1m state of open insurrection against the animals. a successor to Unit- tated Into Loenvand lake, from tne Any excitement or unusual activity for The voting movement is positions from Irresponsible persons, tbs full government. on and the strike, A condition almost borwould throw me into a state of lifeless-ness- . fame of tbe author should be slgurd to all coin At Ogden, on Tuesday, W. R. Swan, ed States Senator Thomas Kearns anl hills, causing an immense Tbe identity of correspondents munications At the beginning my strength dering on civil war exists In the an employe in the office of the county spreading to the big cotton mills, preliminary steps to scalp the bounty neighboring Will he withhold whenever desired . wavs twenty feet high, which swept would come back in a moderate time, Russian capital. The city clerk, and A. H Conlisk, member of a which employ over 50 000 operatives law occupied the major part of the the neighboring shores. Houses, peo- bnt the period of weakness have been called, at which time of the senate. is under martial law, with Prince kept length PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. prominent family of the Junction City, Meetings to Johnson introduced was A bill by ple and cattle were swept away by the ening until at last I would lie helpless as commander of more than were arrested on a charge of being im- tho Socialistic Democratic leaders meet of indebtedness outstanding as many as three hours at a stretch. will use their utmost endeavors to Louisiana 60.000 of the emperor's crack guards. Purchase exposition exhibit. rushe of water, and It is known that plicated directly in the fraud. You were under medical treatment vast Thus a into far politiconvert persons the strike perished. NEWS. as 18. Troops are bivouacking In the street Mr. Conlisk has been employed January course? of bodies four been at have the presonly recovered. cal demonstration, which, and at various places on the Nevski assistant ticket seller at the Union deThe senate met at 11.30, hastened Yes, when I became so bad that 1 Smallpox has again made Us appear, prospect, the main thoroughfare of pot, but since last April has made af- ent crisis, might have most serious to a reading of the record and took A great storm has stopped the relief had to give up my housework, in when met May ol it until recess 12, a are noon, authorities as The the work, is district ance In Park City. surrounding the city. On the Island of VasslIIos-tro1903, I was being treated for kidney fidavits in support of claims to the ex- developments avoid an in joint session with the house to unable to send help. to precaution every adopting affidavit in of later and and form the doctor thought trouble, the out sections, Infuriat- tent of 2,308 50. The canvass the vote for United States Heber M. Wells has Demodifficulties came from change of life. inyJ senator. After the joint session disbeen chosen president of the Salt Lake ed men have thrown up barricades, filled out by him and by all others col- outbreak, but the Socialistic BIG SHELLS FINISHED THEM. on the strikers, solved the senate reconvened and was not only weak, bnt I had which they are holding. The empress lecting bounty money requires that crats are spurring Commercial club. dizzy reived senate petition No. 1, by Senand there Is great danger of a feelings, palpitation of the heart, misery Could Russians Not Stand Terrific the The Independent Telephone com- dowager has hastily sought safety at they make oath to having killed the lision with troops, would be ator Bennion. for the appropriation of which after hot flashes, nervous head, eating, Tsarskoe-Selo- , where Emperor Nicho- animals themselves and within the almost sure to be followed with red $327 26 to reimburse William Gibson Bombardment. pany has made application for a franaches, rheumatic pains in the back am) las II Is living. accompanied of Vernal for payment made by him demonstrations, Advices from headquarters of the hips. The doctor did me so flag past sixty days. chise In Park City. little good to the state on lands afterwards Minister of the Interior Sviatopolk-MlrskAccording to the bounties paid out, with great b!ocdshed. J. E. Johnson was struck by a Rio of sensa- found to be a part of the forest re- Japanese Third army, at Port Arthur, that I gave up his treatment, and really full is The Wecommunity in animals wild presented to his majesty the the slaughter of State that when the Kwantung penin- feared that my case was incurable. tional rumors and rioting is generally serve Grande train near Becks Hot Springs, Invitation of the workmen to appear ber county was phenomenal during the expected. The great industrial quarWhat saved you from ynur state ol Aside from the joint; session to can- sula was bisected by the second Japand Instantly killed. &t the winter palace . afternoon past few months. During the entire ter of St. Petersburg presents the ap- vass the vote for United States sena- anese army the entire Russian force hopelessness? Sunday The hotel men of Salt Lake City find receive their aimed camp. The idle tor, four bills were introduced in the n the In July of 1903 I had a very had but tbe year of 1904, $12,946 was paid in boun- pearance of ansurrounded petition, of district Talien, military house. cordons factories are have organized for mutual benefit, by and my husband came in one day advisors already had taken a ties for oojotes, wildcats, wolves, of Bv McCrea. providing that wills which included Port Arthur and spell, police and patrols of infantry such as maintenance of rates, etc. with a little book which told of remarkdecision to show a firm and resolute mountain Hons and bears supposed to march about the snowT covered plains. shall be revoked when the testator Dalny, was 35,000. The Russian force able cures effected by a remedy for the Professional musicians of Salt Lake front, and the emperors answer to have been killed in that part of the This is the first great strike in has married after the execution of the bloocLand the nerves, Dr. Williams Pink City are organizing an association, 100.000 workmen, trying to make their state. The coyote is the popular wild northern Russia Hitherto the work- - will ; by I yman, creating the office of Pills. He bought a box for me, and Positions of Hostile Fleets. state veterinarian and providing for Way to the palace square, was a solid animal among the hunters of Weber men have been unorganized and pro looking to protection againBt that was the beginning of my return to vious strikes in St Petersburg have tbe suppression of disease among aniLake county. in Salt as not Involved more than 10,000 men. mals; by Wootton. conferring addi'.array of troops, who met them with county, as well health. My appetite grew keen, my food The Logan sugar factory has com- rifle, bayonet and saber no longer distressed me, my nerves were During the year 5,770 coyotes were Tho strike leaders claim to have tional powers on city councils; by mjvmnaaip' J The priest, Gpon, the leader and made to bite the dust. In addition to funds enough to hold out for a month, Dailey, requiring certain county ofand my strength began to requieted, pleted Its run for this year, after havbut this is doubted, and the lack of ficers to keep offices at county seats. vive. ing worked up approximately 60,000 idol of the men. In his golden vest- these, 406 wolves were slaughtered, money and tbe privations of winter 19. Janaury How long did you take this remedy? ments, holding aloft the cross and 33b wildcats, 108 mountain lions and and perhaps government interference tons of beets. The important feature of tht legisFor two mouths only. At the end 45 bears. to are at the head of thousands of make the only strike marching short expected Frank Connors and two other prislature was the passage by the senate, of that time I had regained my health the be and to Lake Salt appears workmen county sharp. of a bill repealing the present law authrough the Narva gate, mironers in the Park City jail made their and cheerfulness, and my friends say of the thorizing the payment of bounties for that I am looking better than I have BIG STRIKE OVER. escape by digging a hole In the rear aculously escaped a volley, which laid champion hunting grounds wild the of animals. four at least has killing and low a done for the past fifteen years. however, half hundred world, persons. The fig'wall of the jail. The hill Is now In the hands of the Mrs. Lizzie Williams is now living af hunters whose names will long be re- Cotton Mill Operatives at Fail River ures of the number killed or total house, and It Is believed the house bill Clifford Wilkinson and Henry Bow-dlcNo. 416 Cedar street. Quincy, Illinois wounded here, at the Moscow gate, at membered by ordinary sportsman. AcReturn to Work. covering the same provisions will be The pills which she praises so highly! Salt Lake lads, each sustained a various bridges and islands, and at the cording to bounties paid Edward King cure all diseases that come from imThe strike of the cotton mill opera- withdrawn and the senate bill passed broken leg as the result of a coasting as It came from the senate. winter palace, vary. The best esti- killed 1,685 coyotes. 314 wildcats, 190 tives at Fall poverished blood. If yonr system is al) River, which affected accident In the capital city. , Senator Johnson requested that a run down, Dr. Williams Pmk Pills ar mate Is 600, although there are exag- wolves, 121 mountain lions. 41 bears, about 25,060 In and haa been of the senate commit, ic HIM INMAN persons the very best remedy to take. Any drug, during the past hunting season, while The great Honerine tunnel at Stock-to- n gerated figures as number the placing Edward Cooke slew 903 coyotes, 167 progress for six months, to the great tee on apuropriatlons and claims in OCEAN gist can supply them. is nearing completion, and the nigh as 6,000. wildcats, 94 wolves, 73 mountain lions, hardship and suffering of Fall Rivers vestlgate the accounts of the Worlds from of of ore wagon hauling days Many men were accompanied by and 12 bear. James German collected people, was settled on Wednesday Fair commission. Consumption of Bananas. It Is said by some that a sensation 842 coyotes, 106 wildcats, 59 (hat mine are nearing an end. their wives and children, and In the bounty on In the United States 40,000,009 the of mediation Governor will through follow this investigation. wolves, 42 mountain lions and 15 bear, peo-- 1 confusion, which left no time for e Eight hundred and ejghty-eigh- t bunches of the fruit are consumed while George King succeeded In bag- William L. Douglas of Massachusetts Representative Miller is preparing died In Salt Lake City during the crimination, the latter shared the fate ging only 622 coyotes, 104 wildcats, 65 each year, and the demand Is increasThe agreement was memorial to congress asking that accepted land office be established at Price. firear 1904, while the births for the of the men. The troops, with the ex wolves, 5 mountain lions and 3 hears. framed ing at the rate of 25 per cent In by the governor, and was I Senator Lawrence Introduced a bill There seems to be no end to the ame period amounted to 1,746. Europe, although the consumption at ception of a single regiment, which Is to submitted each him side when to secure by of plumbers, and registration bounty frauds perpetrated in the state, present is less, yet the rate of In. The seventeenth annual poultry reported to have thrown down Its and citthe for the of it Is believed that at least $75,000 plumbing In supervision parties met. After some discrease is quite 50 per cent greater. ies of second Ishow given by the fanciers of this arms, remained loyal and obeyed or has been paid out on fraudulent cussion in first class. the and separate rooms the comMore than 150 steamers are now enstate was held in Salt Lake City last ders. But the blood which crimsoned claims. Th matter has been taken np mittees returned to the governors ofJanuary 20. In the collection and distribugaged by the legislature, and it Is probable fice and announced their acceptance By a vote of 24 to 18, three memxoJzsrvFJtsxr SMzraau tion of bananas, including the new week. About 400 birds were entered, the snow has fired the brains and law be will the of repealed. bounty the The mills not JBStlET bers TQO&ttM house affected the to refused proposition. Df the strikers and turned wo voting, fruit boats, which have a carrying ca600 people attended the In-- 1 More arrests in connection with the by the Btrike have a combined soaAjaxarj? z&ac&f capital repeal the bounty law under which Ci vjteke men M weI1 M men ,nt0 wlId beasts, extensive frauds are expected. pacity of 50,000 bunches each. of $25,000,000, and have 2,300 spin- $40,000 or more has been stolen by augural ball in Salt Lake City on the of the Infuriated dles. cry the The months populace the mills cross During is The maltose of shows two proml-last that where week, grafters. willing majority Thursday night 15 YEARS OF TORTURE. CHINA WILL ENTER DENIAL. were shut down the operatives lost the old law shall be altered, but will Japanese 6cout vessels called and revengeance, nent people from all over the state 18 cor$150,000 no and on take nearly the chances the weekly The sympathy of the middle classes Celestials Will Claim to Havw having bounty ported that two Japanese battleships, being in attendance. porations about $23,000. The aggre- measure abolished. four cruisers and a dozen torpedo Itching and Painful Sorea Covered is with the workmen. gate direct losses to all interests up served Neutrality. Head and Body Cured in Week The house also adopted the senate boats were John Burke and Joseph Davis, The star e approaching. Later in the evening, after the to today are estimated as fully joint resolution against the purchase shows where the Baltic fleet was exBy Cuticura. The note of Secretary Hay relative charged with highway robbery, commassacre, every officer wearing of pen knives and fountain pens, and mitted lit Ogden, were sentenced to to the Russian charge of violation by the petit larceny of waste baskets and pected to collect for the final stages uniform of the emperor, who was the For fifteen years my scalp and of Its journey. China of the laws of neutrality which Killed as He Slept. twenty and eighteen years, respective- found cuspidors. slone, was mobbed. A general forehead was one mass of scabs, and A to to act is will he ly, In the penitentiary. authorthe with a speDr. Bmmett Perdue, head physician presented Peking was killed on the Nicholas bridge and 'my body was covered with sores. ities by Mr. Ooolldge, the secretary of of the North American Copper com- cial committee named by the senate at the battle of Nanshan hill was 4.000, Words cannot Judge Howell of Ogden has denied L dozen offlcerg were gelzed Btr, d express how I suffered to the and of funds 2,000 of these were lost Thera Investigate request of District Attorney Hal-- of tter epaulets and deprived of their the American legation at Peking, will, pany at Encampment, Wyo., was shot by the Louisiana expenditure Purchase exposition have actually surrendered at Port Ap from the itching and pain. I had givIt Is expected, be rather welcomed by and killed at the home of F. M. commission. worsen for a grand jury to Investigate IWOrds. en up hope when a friend told me to Senator Rasband has introduced thur between 9,000 and 10,000 aoldler iget Cuticura. After bathing with the bounty frauds, believing It an unthree miles It is rumored that M. Witte will be the Chinese government as affording Leakey, hia father-in-lait a proper opportunity to make formal southwest of Richmond, Mo., on Wed- two bills to reorganize the state land and sailors, of whom many were unfit Cuticura Soap and applying Curti-cur- a necessary expense. appointed dictator, but the report Is board and the board of equalization, for duty. The sick and wounded numOintment for three days, my At Santaquln, last week, Irving Jen- not confirmed. The authorities, while reply to the Russian charges. It la nesday. Dr. Perdues wife will be held In the house bills were Introduced ber 16,000. Fifty per cent of the of- head was as clear as ever, and to my In Secre- temporarily, but she was allowed to certain is that there nothing T a comstabbed Earl seem Dean, to realize the magnitude years, by sen, aged they establishing poultry note in any degree menac- remain at her fathers home last mission and providing for annual poul- ficers of the garrison were killed, and surprise and joy, one cake of soap and aged 8 years, in the cheek, mak- - of the crisis with which the dynasty tary orHays one box of calculated to in touch way shows. any ing try the only 28 (probably per cent) went cure in oneointment made a complete I By Miller, Ing an ugly gash. Both the boys are tod the autocracy are confronted on tbe pride of the Chinese. It Is further night After six years of married life exemption of heads of increasing week, (signed) H. B. families the from through siege unscathed. evenU, apparently believed that the Chinese government Mrs. Perdue left her husband two $30 to $60. By Of respectable parentage. Franklin, 717 Washington St, AlleI are for Fishburn, providing The could fortress have out held for the moment. for of such action by the years ago. Recently she and her hus- the holding of municipal elections on some Pa." The ax Is being put to the many Intense Indignation Is bound to he In anticipation band became reconciled to each other even time longer but for the fire of gheny, secretary of state, has practically pre- and numbered years. shade I aroused all over Russia. The work-tree- pared Its defense. This week thousands of last came to the home the Japanese they will amount Both houses adjourned until howitzers, which Tree That 8hould Pay Rent revolutionists expect news to a sweeping denial of the accuracy of her parents together. They intend- o'clock growing In Monroe. It has been rom Moscow destroyed the food depots, the workthe most costly tree in Monday afternoon. . Probably and other big centers, of the Russian charges upon many ed to leave for Wyoming together. shops and the ammunition stores and the world is the estimated that about 1,000,000 feet of Where the troops are not of the same MrS. Perdue refused to testify before plane 'tree which a and made the declaration where ' of that defensive the points repair new the officers Among proposed in lumber can be sawed from tnese trees, class as the guards regiment of St the Russian statements are founded the coroners jury, and the members grows in Wood street, In the city of works Impossible. new measures so far introduced in the London. It occupies space which on facts they do not constitute viola- of her family would give no testiIt will cost Jacob Bergermann and Prsburg, A member of the emperors house- is a poultry commission, a would bring in a rental of $1,250 per of the law of neutrality, as ac- mony. Mr. Perdue was shot, appar- legislature SENATOR tions SUTHERLAND. Charles S. Ford $1,412.50 for beating fcold jg qUOted as gaylng that this con- ently, through the back of his head as mine inspector, with two deputies and annum, and this the powers. at thirty pp Joshua Mldgley, at Calders park, filet will end the war with Japan and cepted by he slept. Mr. Perdue carried a life a clerk, a state veterinarian, a boiler Salt Laker Chosen to Succeed Senator years purchase capitalized gives a value of I that board a Russia will have a constitution of commissioners inspector, In August 1903, the Jury having Insurance In name the PORT ARTHUR PLUNDER. policy of his to $37,500. Kearns. uniform legislation, promote wife. awarded Midgley verdict for that or EmPeror Nicholas will lose his head. board of Inspectors. plumbing of Sutherland George Salt Lake List of Russian Property Captured by amount ' 8enator Burton of Kansas Anxious to FIVE DEATHS IN FLOOD. Seventy-twnew bills had been in- City was chosen on Tuesday to sucJapanese. Resume His Duties. F. N. West of Springville is In a troduced in the legislature at the end ceed Thomas Kearns in the United The following report from General Tragic Results of Heavy Rains of the twelfth session. It Is a strikTake-bac- k Senator Burton of Kansas has instivery dangerous condition from blood States senate on March 4. Mr. Suthyour money of the Russian Arizona Becoming Known. Nogl, giving details ing coincidence that on the twelfth poisoning, caused by running a small tuted an inquiry among the leaders ol n erland a received of total of at Port Arthur which has the last session the of day number property and the Information comes from Clifton, tea you may keep sliver of wood In his finger about three the senate regarding the reception been transferred to the Japanese Ariz., that five bodies have been re- bills was exactly the same seventy-two- votes, against six cast for Judge Wilweeks ago. His recovery Is consid- that would he given him were he to reforty-fivBut at time that of liam the H. Each if it house King, balloted give away you like. has been received as follows: "Per- covered since the flood there last measures had been Introduced In sume his seat in that chamber. The the ered doubtful. At noon Wednesday both Towr srrocw return, your money if yon dont; manent forts and fortifications, 69. week, and that others are still en house and twenty-seve- n In the senate. separately. senator .maintains that the decision of houses met in joint session in the like Bcbllllng'a Best. The house has passed a bill appro54; medium cali- tangled with the drift. Bui two of This time the house Is the industrious Guns, large calibre, the supreme court removes all possibills te hall of representatives. Minutes or bre. 149; small calibre, 343. Total, the five bodlGs already recovered have body, having put in priating $25,625 for the payment by of his ultimate conviction, and Photography for Prisoners. the bility senate's nineteen. both bodies showing Mr. Sutherland been Naidentified. 646. tbe state of the expenses of the They are John Hunt Shells, 82,670; torpedoes, lessons for prisoners, 60; Photography Is an injustice to his state for that it The labor and and Romeo. Jesus a others received majority in each house, were says the Veport of the Persons are hourly organizations tional Guard of Utah, while on duty in one of its senators prison commisto abstain explosives, 1,588 pieces; powder, are a In as longer In interest the taking great reported missing, and it is imposand President Love of the state sioners for Scotland, have been atCarbon county during the strike trou- from participation in legislative af- bushels. Rifles, 35,252; pistols, sible to determine how many per- itiative and referendum bill, which is read, senate then formally declared Mr. tended with very successful results. fairs. ble of the winter of soon to be introduced. A petition is 679; swords, 1,891. Ammunition for ished in the flood. already in circulation which has se- Sutherlands election. small arms, 2,266,800 rounds. AmmuThe Farmers union held their third Killed in Automobile Accident 10,000 Plants for JSo. cured about 5,000 signatures In varThrew Wife Out of Doom. nition wagons, 290; train carts, 606; This is a remarkable offer the John A. ious parts of the state. The referenannual reunion festival and dance in KNOX SUCCEEDS QUAY. Frank H. Croker, son of the former miscellaneous Kalzer Seed The of Mrs. death John Co., JLa Crosse, Wia main. Johnson, dum is growing in favor among the carts, 65; saddlery, harthe Apollo hall at American Fork on . Tammany chieftain, who was thrown who was found for etc. second labor the time unions ness, and this telemay Searchlights, 14; explain Receives Unanimous Vote of Repubthe 18th. This event marks the close from Uf antomoblle at Ormond, Fla., graph apparatus. 15; within a few hours lying in the street why they are so anxious to extend telephones, 134 of three years of success, attained by died licans in Pennsylvania Legislature. same the to 6 state after oclock 3. principle shortly Sunday signaling apparatus, legislation Horses, 1.920. before her home in Chicago, la being the union, since it was established. A The two branches of the Pennsylnumber of entrenching tools. Four investigated by the police. The womSalzer Seeds have a national morning. His death came as a stunGeorge Carr, a negro barber and reputation Salt Lake automoblllsts have start- ning blow to his friends, for It was battleships, not Including the Sevas- ans husband has been vania legislature balloted separately s the earliest, hnest, choicest tbe earth restaurant of Caio, proprietor pendarrested, Ills., 2 14 will send you their big produces. cruisers, Ihey gunboats and ing the outcome of the on ed a "good roads movement At a reported by his physicians that he topol; shot and Rev killed Mr. Greer. Greer Tuesday for United States senator. plant and seed inquiry. Two is the was doing fairly well and that they torpedo boat destroyers; 10 steamers, catalog, together wuh of the negro Do Right Philander C. Knox, who was seed to grow , meeting of the directors of the Salt hoped for the best. From the first Dr. 8 launches, 12 miscellaneous craft, tod pedestrians found the woman the first church, pastor appointed enoughL00O some and time solid ago fine, eloped Lake Auto club, held recently, it was Parks and Dr. Millen realized that also private steamers. Governor Cabbages, by The above time and carried her Into her home with Carrs wife. Pennypacker to succeed 2,000 rich, juicy decided to petition the city council for Mr. Crokeris injuries were very seri- were sunk or otherwise destroyed. Johnson, the husband, is alleged to the late M. S. Quay, received the unan2.000 blanching, lurn.ps, nutty Celery, The resdence of George Barnes, one imous vote of the 2.000 rich, buttery Lettuce. a number of Improvements on certain ous and the shock great It was evi Besides these there are 85 small have said: Throw her out 1 dont The Republicans. 1.000 splendid Onions, dently from the effects of the tremen- steamers, which will be serviceable want her Not long afterwurd of the farmers in North Democratic streets. 000 rare, luscious minority cast their ballots dous shock that he died. after slight repairs. Wisconsin, was burned early Sunday. passers by found her in the street Radishes, 1.000 gloriously brilliant for State Senator Hall. Milton D. Hammond, one of the ploFour persons perished. Flowers, offer ibis is made Wrote great HELD in Lovers Name NO CAUCUS. Blood. in order to in,, Judge Hargis in Feud. tters of Cache valley, and the father duce you to try their warranted seeds Victim of Lawsons Frenzied Finance lor when Adams Answers Peabody. of Lottie Burner, alias Hamilton, of Syi Nebraska of States James T. A. F. Byrd attorney for the cons you once plant them you will Republicans Voted 8olld!y Claiming to have lost his fortune of (row no others, and The answer of Governor monwealth Hammond, died at his home in Provi- acuse, N. Y infatuated with another in the case Alva Bill against For Elmer J. Burkett. AM, FOB BUT 16o POSTAGS, dence on the 15th. He was 111 but & womans husband, slashed her own Britton for the alleged assassination Adam to the allegations of former $80,000 as a result of Thomas W. Law a Without caucus foror 'fill return this notice, and other sons party attacks Governor Wall upon street interJames H. Peabody, contest, short time. Heart failure was the throat with scissors when the object of James Cockrell them 26c in postage, they save the pledges of the state the feudal war. In at Jackson, Ky, is ant for cause of death. of her affection, Morton Parrot, re- mality his opening of th governor of Colorado, has been ests, a man who said he was Frank wiu tad to the above a big package of the and district the Sweet D. conventions, case, made Corn on earth Sal rers the 40 Repubsensational statement Austin, filed. years old, twice, on fourth of The answer makes general de. Clyde Baxter, a miner, was killed, fused to accompany her. The deed licans in July fully 10 days earlier than tbe Nebraska legislature on that he would prove that Judge Har ntal of the to Tuesday, throw attempted and Sam Potts and Frank Gulley, were was committed in the presence of Parhimself o of the Cory, allegations contestor Peep Day, etc., etc. W. N. U. Tuesday voted for Elmer J. Burkett gis sat in the window of his stow seriously Injured in the Old Hickory rots wife, who tried vainly to pre- for United States senator There are with a rifle in his hand prepared tc and specifically charges fraud In sev- from the Brooklyn bridge, says a New York shoot at the time Britton and Curtb eral counties against the contestee. dispatch. He was prevented by mine at Milford. Baxter was being vent IL Rushing to a nearby physLong Meal. only nine fusionists In the two houses, A Madrid restaurant hoisted and was knocked from the icians office the woman then with a and Mr. Burkett received a majority Jett are alleged to have killed Cock It alleges that divers corporations and Captain Devanney of the bridge pokeeper has relL This is first time the nans mine owners sued a woman for a meal. He swears bucket He fell to the bottom of the pen wrote In her blood a letter in vote in each. Mr. Burkett has repre- of Hargis has the associations conspired lice, who grappled with him and after that been an as used actua which she told she ate and drank without ceasthe name of the man sented the First Nebraska district In with the Republican long struggle, In which he was state central shaft, and eighteen holes exploded. participant in any of the Jacktot committee for whom she tried to end her life. and spent large sums In helped by two detectives, placed him ing from 8 p. m. to 2 a. m. congress for three terms. feudal killings. Joseph Forsyth of Thurber has been securing fraudulent naturalizations. under arrest ADAMS GRANTED TIME. arrested, charged with misappropriatEuropes Sugar Crop Short Woman Admits Election Frauds, valuables from Uncle Sams mall. ing Lobster Caused Mans Death. In the senate, on Tuesday, Senator The department of agriculture in a In a deposition by Mrs. Blanche Colorados Governor Given Till Satur-daForsyth Is a stage driver and from InBlood poisoning caused by the Mitchell or Oregon, made a statement formation received he has been tam- report on the international sugar sitDo you think all tea is to Make Hit Reply. Shaw, presented In a hearing in the pinch of a lobsters claw, has caused declaring his Innocence in connection pering with the letters and it is uation, speaking of the sugar year 1904 In district court Pueblo, Colo., In the At a joint session of the two houses claimed extracted orders with land frauds. Mr. Mitchell read alike? money and 1905 says that more equal terms election fraud cases, Mrs. Shaw de- the death of Otto Zimmerman, a chef and indorsed them. his statement from manuscript. As of competition In the worlds markets of the general assembly of Colorado to clares that she assisted Chief In a N. big Y., restaurant Harlem, of DeDo you think all tea is Joseph Barber, a miner employed at between beet and cane sugar and In- take action on the contest filed by tectives B. H. Wilson In making out Zimmerman's special work was in ho proceeded his voice cleared and the Grass Creek mine, near Coalville, creased consumption In continental James H. Peabody for the office of gov- dozens of fraudulent registration preparing lobsters, his skill for which there was little difficulty In hearing alike ? met with a very painful accident re- Europe appear the most Important fea- ernor, the request of the attorneys for sheets, and had received pay from was somewhat noted. He handled him throughout the chamber. He had tures. The him with so Yor frooer return your money If you dont year opened prosHe fop was working in a room cently. doing. Mrs. Shaw has hundreds of crustaceans Governor Adams for an extension until like Schilling! Beet. every day, the undivided attention of senators been In custody since the grand when a large lump of coal fell from pects for a reduced beet sugar output and and jury was visitors In 2:30 bitten. 'clock Saturday afternoon of the began throughout his recital. Europe that probably will wipe out Its root onto him. His left ankle was investigating election frauds, one frequently strong lobster Finally The senators almost to a man faced caught about when Mr. broken, his left (houlder badly bruised the accumulated stocks and perhaps time In which to submit an answer to and the deposition was taken In order him particularly Japs Drink Much Water. a thumb Mitchell began to by and blood. brought to allow her freedom. considerable decline In con- - the charges made In tbe tod a large gash cut In hts head. A gallon of water a day Is drunk There are The wound began to swell and in a speak, and few of them contest pae changed other J'ftoty-nlnwas indictments pers, ons until he closed. The scene was by every Japanese who practices, aa granted by a vote of 61 to 31 Wilson. against few hours the chef died in agony. nearly all do, the gymnastics known impressive. LEI M WfXOflft Proprietors. f e e terror-s- tricken UTAH STATE fifty-nin- v y J V dls-pl- Ifiraxs pas-Ov- jbze 1 ter-rlbl- 4e I . Hig-anso- KfSlw Insect-breedin- s g h ..I TEA o , fifty-seve- , e fifty-thre- e 30,-00- 1903-190- he. best-know- n ' ru TEA y fr 1? M |