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Show THE BOX ELDEP NEWS. THURSDAY, Jan 26, PAGE FOUR. 1905 The News hxs received samp, Mr. Carnegie is having a desperate"1 elegant wedding cards, inler. the world a ly hard struggle to leave vitation cards and programs, and When you buy advertising poor man. His return to the tax fill all orders on short notice. can ill a itewspaperdoyougo assessor in New York is $ 5 ,000,000 space Call and see tnem and you are to the trouble to determine the returned u m of the goods, or do you which is double the amount sure to be pleased with the price the publishers word by Mr. Rockfeller who is supposed and quality. 4 We are under the to be the richest man on the planet. j.Qr Advertisers! Attention! Tabernacle Services. property would, in a very short At the services in the Tabernacle time, overcome the present exLEE & WIXOM, Proprietors. last Sunday, Prest. Lucius A. Snow pense. presided. Sinking .. Happy Day." An experiment was made in a , t KEUis or sosscKimos: 11.26 small ... One Year, In advance of Opening prater by Bishop Brigham southwest little a way taft .86 Months which Wright. Singing, Again we Meet." last .36 Brigham year Three Months city Falling hair means weak hair. was administered by the pressionthat when you buy grain, necessarily proved unsatisfacAdvertising rates furnished on application. Then your strengthen hair; W. C. Horsley read fruit, or other merchandise, you 3rd Elder ward. tory for the reason that the what you barfeed it with the only hair food, Bible. The choir see that you get from Entered at the Post Office at Brigham, Utah, as a the chapter ground had in no wise been prebefore you pay out your for Hair Vigor. It checks seoond Mass m"tter. Ayers gain I Will Sing of My Redeemer. sang, pared. If the experiment had money or theres a kick coming. falling hair, makes the hair Elder two NORMAN LEE, EDITOR. Joseph Barlow of Grouse Advertising been continued for the next space is just as as any of of Is the who a of Creek family commodity much visiting or three years results would have Bnn-eINSTRUCTIONS TO CORRESPONDENTS: was t lie first these. The value depends on Christian is no been entirely different. It Items o f news are solicited from all parts of speaker He had lately returned from the size of the subscription list. to be expected that uncultivatei tbeoounty. a m ssion to England, where he had The Box Elder News has far dancures grow, completely All communications mush reach this office not or poorly cared for land will pro labored mine Nottingham conference more subscribers than any other druff. And it always restores later than Tuesday morning to Insure publica- duce firs In company with V. Vern Phillips of paper published in this county. the best results the tion. color to gray hair, all the rich, this is of city. Referred to many Instances We invite the most careful The matter fact the Write upon cne side of the paper only. year. dark color of early life. of our subscription bad tended to strengthen his which In order to protect the publisher from in Elder Box a that county great " Mr hair vu falllnc ont hftdt? anti I waa and described how he himself list. Call on us and we will inftfraid I would looe it all. Than I tried Ajrara faith, from Irresponsible persons, tbefull name er variety of all kinds of fruit and Hair Vigor. It quickly atoppad tha failing Of the author should be signed to all was healed, through the laving on of form you how to ascertain the muli mr hair all I could wlah it to ba ' N. J. The Identity of correspondents will be can he produced than in any Rbujkjca K. ALLSM. Elitaboth, from what the doctois had pro- number of subscribers a country hands, trlthheldwhenever desired. to be cancer. Peaches other of state. nounced the paper has at any time so that you part Mi ii ii Minima IH1- for for instance, grow larger, better Elder David E. Davis of Perry, late- will know as well as the publishShall We Have the ly returned from a mission to New ers themselves. and more prolific ; tomatoes yie! Zealand, bore testimony tc the truth Experiment Station. better, and small fruits exceec Estray Notcecf the gospel as Caught by the Latter that of any other section. Com and described some of bis State of Utah, Ihbre is considerable discus- sidering these facts it seems im NOTICE. Countv of Box Elder, experiences In the missionary field. f sion among those interested in possible that the station could be Bear River Town. ) Notice is hereby given that the Elder Glazier of Salt Lake City, who the welfare of Box Elder county, established anywhere else, anc annual meeting of the stockhold- returned from a mission to New ZeaI have in my possession the followdescribed estray animals which, If had had ing two not land do ago, of about the station of the the State Box the Elder Academy ers of yeais regarding experiment people not claimed and taken away, will be In speakpublic which is to be established the gross injustice. The object Music and Dancing Co. will be very little experience sold at public auction to the highest ing since that time, He, however, cash bidder at mv residence in said m. in 1 at the held We 130 season. have been not the could institution real p. Academy coming gave a very pleasing runnmg nar- town on Monday, tbe 30th day of Jan,, asked many times what is being be fulfilled anywhere else. We Feb. 20, 1905 for the purpose of rative of his labors In that far off 1905, at the hour of 1 p. m. done towards securing the insti- make this claim with all due electing a Board of six directors country, and referred to the fact that description or animals: tution for this county. In com modesty knowing as we do that, for the ensuing year, and trans- the signs of the times proclaim a near One red and white old steer, such other business as approach to the second coming of crop off right ear, underbit in left ear, versation with Representative F. the above statements aro abso acting Christ. may be deun.'d necessary. left ribs. branded W. Fishburn last week, we were Mutely true, C. O. Andersen, Elder John H. Forsgren dwelt upon old belfer, dewlap, roan One informed that the matter was be- f 16 By all means let us have the Secretary. the changes that had taken place In off right ear, uuderbit and upper-bi- t crop Horthe taken State by ing up station if any effort on our par he missionary fields within the last left ear, branded A left ribs NOTICE. ticultural bociety and that letters I will bring it here. A number o " few years. Referred particularly to red and white cow 6 years old, One I had been written to the boards fruit growers and farmers in this Notice is hereby given that Ur be church buildings that had been under crop off right ear, slit left ear, in erected I Scandinavia, of County Commissioners in all county have signified their wil sel S. Rose has purchased a right bip Benediction bv Elder Jas. By water, branded merinterest in the of the counties directly affected I were taken up by City Said ingness to do all that lies in their chandise business general estrays of W. L. telli i g how the station could be power to bring it here. We know I do not think our banks are safe Marshal in said town on the Ifiih day at Garland, Box Elder of January, 1906. secured. They are Box Elder, that our Representative will no Grover county, Utah, and said business says Col. Bryan addressing the S. F. Jensen, Weber, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah overlook an opportunity to a: will be conducted after Jan. 1, Missouri Legislature, We are feeling and Juab. We were further in-- 1 us in the matter. Therefore, w 1005 as a under more optimistic about it since the Poundkeeper for Bear River Town. formed that answers had been pronounce the outlook favorable the firm name of Grover, Rose & incarceration of Mrs. Chadwick. Estray Notice. Company to continue indefinite received from all of the counties All debts due said business ly. and EffectivePleasant Mott ) fexcept Box Elder. The chairman be payable to the new firm T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, State of Utah, of Box Elder, ) To Regulate Elections will County of our board ofCouuty Commisbusiand all liabilities of said Liberty, Texas, writes Dec. 26, 1902: In the Mantua precinct of said Regarding the bill introduced ness will be assumed by said with pleasure and unsolicited by you sioners told us Monday that he I bear to curative the testimony 2 lounty. had juBt received the letter, a 114 by Representative Fishburn pro firm. of Ballards Horehound Syrup. riwer used It lu my I have in my possession tbe followand can nothing has therefore been done vidingfor the regulation of elec family described estray animals which, If ing affltrm ts successful the effect tt advertiser most The the cheerfully tions, we are informed that it is as yet. tve and pleasantest remedy for coughs not claimed and taken away, will be publlo auction to tbe highest There is no such thing as bid- - meeting with general favor, ex one who keeps hammering away and colds I have ever used. 25c, 50c sold atbidder cash ham- and tl.oo Sold at my residence, in said and The the harder all longer by from ft few ward politicians Druggists. ding for the experiment station, precinct on Wednesday, the 1st day of the results. the greater 1 and Ogden. We mering February, 1905, at tbe hour of 1 p. m. but the conditions are that the u Rothschilds of Luck, Theory wil county in which the station i8 sincerely hope that the bill description of animate: The opinion of the elder Rothschild, GO TO Two red old heifers, branded established shall give 100 acres be Passed and become a law as it who was certainly a most practical of land with water right. There wiU result in Bod in y vyg seem would on left hip aDd side, underblt left at first glance to be man, are two bills at present before 14 wiu eliminate this ever lust a strong argument for the theory that ear aDd slit In right ear. after all there are lucky and "unthe House regarding this matter ; ing campaign work and reduce One blue old mare, branded lucky men. He wrote to one of his one of them by Kuchler of We. tbe spen8 of elections ; that is YOUR on FOR left ? sous: thigh. "Never have anything to do ber providing that the station to 6aJ i4 wiU do away with ty Said estrays were taken np by me In with ah unlucky place or an unlucky RUBBERS, elections which now be are held shall be established as a branch man; I have seen many clever men, said precinct on tbe 17th day of Jan., of the Agricultural College and tweeQ the regular state and .OVERSHOES, very clever men. who had not shoes to 1905. their feet; I never act with them; Hans Keller, under the direction of the Col- - county elections. It is a mea WARM GLOVES, their advice Bounds very well, but Poundkeeper for Mantua precinct. lege Board; the other is by sure thafc wil1 fil1 a lonS felt they cannot get on themselves, and If MITTS, Stewart of Weber providing want and should certainly be they cannot do good to themselves, Estray Notice- come aw a for a seperate and indepen-- 1 LEGGINGS, how can they do good to me? i of state I Utah, dent establishment. The former BOOTS, SHOES of Box Elder, f County nd ContiuationT,ouBI s,omaeh I Tonio to tns System. bill, however, is meeting with In the Rawlins preoinct of said and For liver troubles and constipation most favor, as it is thought that LChamberlaln8Stomacband Liver there is Le county. better Tablets Witt's than are the best thlDg for Btoi nothing two exnerimAnlFELT SLIPPERS Little Early 1Q the troubles Risers, the famous ltttie and constipation I have .... I have In my possession tbe followdo not weakeu the stom-acfills. They .state would entail extra expense sold," says J. R. Cullman, a ing described estray animals which, If -P- RICES LOW. VALUES GOO- Ddruggist Their action upon the system not claimed and taken away, will be and cause confusion. As to Box of Potterville, Mich. They are easy He is mild, pleasant and harmless. Bob sold at still repairs shoes while you public auction to tbe higbest M. of t0 No take and always give satisfaction. wait and makes guaranteed custom Elder securing this institution lore, LaFayeue, lnd. says, cash bidder at J. H. Watts place, use De Witts Little Early talking, in said precinct, on Saturoustoers to try them and shoes. we fail to see any reason why it Risers do their work. All other pills Thatcher, iTSOUTH MAIN ST JSt f have used gripe and make me sick day, tbe 28tb day of January, 1905, at cannot be done. There is no In the stomach and never cured me, at tbe hour of 12 o'clock noon. set their money, but have never bad place m the state where so many I a complaint For sale by the Eddy De Witt's Little Early Risers proved description of animals: to be tbe lung sought .relief. Trey different kinds of soil can be I Drug Store are simply periect,. Persons travelOne red cow and calf, cow branded found within so small a radius I , ing find Lltile Early Kisers tbe most FRon left shoulder, crop off, D reliable remedy to carry with them, and a temperature so favprable I ePres0ntative F. W Fishburn and hole In right ear. (sold by tbe Eddy Drug Store. to experiments. On the east Introduces BillSaid estrays were taken up by me In side of the valley almost anyl Fishburn of Box Elder introduced It is the persistent advertiser said precinct on the 19th day of Jan who gets results. 1905. kind of fruit cm bo grown. Our I H. B, 53 feaerda, .iteraoon, which J H. Watt, d re Provd (or the Look over this issue. Consiri change of municipal for Rawlins Precinct. Poundkeeper liable. Ti17 one S, er our subscription list. Dont impor- M t0 toake the date tant thing in our favor is that ectlon.date you think it would pay you to and 8eneral election those directly superintending the vmUDCiP advertise with us? You cannot reach 1000 readers in a better ?he blU amends 8ection affairs of the' Agricultural Col- s,atuteSl 1898 and lege experiment station favor . HE FINEST Harness way. ,he Tusday ncxt fo) Elder county above all other K ? and Saddle Exhibit the first M"day November, places. Of course there would loa;in the city will be found at F01EYSH0NETHWR A 9 Owm Coidai PrevMta PwwiMoela there blennalIy thereafter, be some expense to the ,,and county heid in each incorPorated in securing 100 acres of good land .al election but it would be of such benefit city and town of lhi state-ato the reputation of the county t0 flU a11 e,eive offices in said cities HARNESS STORE d lown and to the farmers individually of all kinds In my line that the increased valuation of I Should larvorable action be taken Repairingattended to. Mall orders promptly ths bill by the1 legislature, have my persona! attention. ox Ibcr Ayers Hair Vigor oommunt-Oatlon- " ' i WANTED, 10 acres close In s. .11 Falling Hair - I ; one-hal- I I GEORGE R. CHASER good hay land or pasture north. ' ATTORNEY-AT-LA- LEE DUNN, & Brigham City, Real Estate Agents. First Nrtlonal Bank build-loBrigham, Utah. Tel. n, lmpo-kltlo- ns PROFESSION AL CARDS. Room 25, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Offloe Real Estate Bargains JAMES 8. PERRY, 200 acres bordering east side of Bear river about 4 miles west of Brigham. 25 acres good bay land in "Big Fields. 127 feet of first-clas- s business property on Main street. 2 five-ac-re hay lots; also 2 city lots containing 24 acres orchard with house and large barn. A bargain. 20.34 acres pasture with indepen, dent water right near O. S. L. depot. 100 acres land all under cultivation at Thatcher, Utah. Good house and fences. 1 acre with orchard, 3 room house and good barn, about, 60 rods from county court house In Brigham citv. On easy terms and at low price; will this place on the installment plan. LEE & ATTORNEY-AT-LA- ANDREW FUNK, Architect. OFFICE -- mae arrive J. he I seal-lowfor- w 0 - k . f T at room 24, Brigham City, ... 1st Nat'l Bank bldg Utah NELS JENSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Practloea la all tb State Courts Booms 2021 First Nat- Brigham City, - Bank building. Utan B. H. JONES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Praettoes In State ana Federal oonrts and b tore united States Land offloe. Offloe OTer Rosenbeums store. Brlghsm elty ctb ... L. BERG, JR., BARBER, - SHAVING HAIR CUTTING NORTH BOUND. lSo 25c City Bell Express A Delivers Freight and Express to All Parts of the City Orders Filled Promptly. Charges Reasonable 1 jp si I?. 7 Noll Oolll nston, 2 55 a m 125pm 8 35 pm 2 43 a m 116pm Dewey 825pm 06 pm 815pm Honeyville 2 33 a m 15 rlgham 2 am 12 50 pm 7 58 pm 2 01 a m 12 38 pm 7 Perry 48pm Willard.. 1 65 a 12 33 pm 743pm John Funk, u SOUTH BOUNU 4 S& Si Sour Stomach M Se 2 J? Ik Ii Uollinston, 915 a m 642 a m 4ioptn 9 25 a m 6 50am 4 21 p m Dewey Honeyville 9 35 a m 6 58 a m 4 33 p m Brigham .9 55 a m 616 a m 503pm 1001am 6 24am 5 10 pm Willard. 10 05 a m 6 30 am 5 20 pm 8FNos. 11 and 12 can be flagged for passengers at all stations; No. 8 can only be flagged at Honeyville and Hot Springs, Brigham is the regular stop; No. 10 can be flagged at ail stations except Perry; No. 7 ean be flagged at all station except Perry and Hooey-villNo. 9 can be flagged at all stations except Perry and Honeyville. Perry. e; Through Pullman Palace Steepen, Latest ! Improved Tourist Sleepers, free Redlining j ( :h!r cars, Elegant day ooacoes W. W. Brownsos, Agent, Brigham I 'I D. E. Burlit, Gen 1 Pas. A T'k't. Agent. me and art now ustng it'ln uly. all, Tispgisd by which sells for SO cent. DeWITT CO.. OHIOAQO I. O. Sale by Eddy Drug Store nL DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Th $1.00 bottl contifni 2H FRtfA.Ii: trial dza, which tails for 50 cents, OWLY AT TH LABORATORY OF B. C. DeWITT tc COMPANY. CHICAGO. TT.T - NoMor , Stomach Troubles. tbe ' All stomach trouble is removed the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, by I forms office all of bikes municipal officials would Salt be extended one year. Under section oi?w?nrCbPerfearest by di 887 their term, of office would expire in TanUary' 1906, stomach's aid. p the body, the rest restores the stomach h KU Was efcrrcd to the com- .to health. You dont have to dlctlmttee 00 municipal corporations. yourself when taking Kodol Dyspepsia Herald. Cure. J. D. Ersklne, of Allenville, Mich., says, 'I suffered Heartburn Speedy Relief, and stomach trouble for some time. I A salve that heals without a scar Is My sister has had the same De w'tts Witch Hazel Saivtt. So trouble and was not ablo to eat for six remedy effects such speedy relief. It Weeks. She on warnidra's ouo inttamaUom, soothes, water. After taking two bottles of I coo's heals all cuts, bums avd Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she was I entirely bruises. A cure for Piles and &klo cured. She now eats heartily and is 3iseiu.es. DeWitfsls the ouly am to say uDe Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of Kodol gave me Instant relief, Sold counterfeits, they are damrerous. by the Eddy Drug Store. Sold by the Eddy Drug Store. John Burns the Irish English af,k agitator says that'Chicago is a pocket gw aiiver- edition of hell. St. Louis believes lsers t0 their 8et ads, in not later it U an encyclopedia of that thau Tuesday noon for pag es 4 place. ThelodIlds Flrrt Door Nertl, ot Flnt NatJ Bank Bldg. WMt atd it r. y gen-beal- tb SSinwS Wednesday noon for 5 An agreeable movement of the bowJ els without any Pa8es unpleasant effect pmdud by ChamberlalQ. Stomach r 1 ad 8 to insure S change. Bt Sa Iva ror PUe Burnt, tori Brigham ettj LOCAL MAILS, Obstinate racking coughs that settle on the lungs and may develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by MAILS CLOSE. Northbound No 7,. .......... 12:30 p tt Northbound No9.. 7:38 p m Northbound, Local A Cache 7:35 pm Valley Noll Southbound No 8 7:38 p m Southbound No lo 6.00 p m Southbound, Local A Cache 9:35 a m Valley No 12 n-law lived-entirel- Mato St . TUT MAILS ARRIVE. From south No 7 From south No ti .... From south, Local A Cache Valley No H From south No. 17 carries Salt Lake morning papers From north No 8 Prom north No 10 1:10 p m 8:30 a m tt:30 am 10:30 8:30 am am No North mail closes: bound Cortone, ... Tremont, Garland 17 hail arrives: No 18 South 1 It soothes and heals the inflamed air passage, stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. FOLEYS HONEY AND TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and is safest fof children said delicate people. Remember the name FOLEY'S I!C"EY AI.D TAD and Insist upon having the genuine, as no other remedy is so safe or as certain in results. 5:fo p m From north Local A Cache 10:15 a m Valley No 12 MALAD VALLEY R. R. . 10:10 a.m bound Garland, 3:50 p.m. Tremont, Coriune P. O. opens Sunday from lu.oo to 1.00 a. m. Office hours from 8.30 a. m. to 5.30 m, B. F. Boothe, Postmaster, Given Up to file With Croup. Mrs. P. !. Cordler, ef Monnington, Kyn writes I MMy thrbe-ye-tf oM girl had severe cm of croup; the doctor said she could not Hve nd I gave her up to die. 1 went to the store and got a bottle of Foley Honey and Tar, The first dose gave quick relief and Saved ber life, Three sixes a THE Editor Cured of Lung Trouble. W. L. Straub, Editor of St Petersburg Times, writes: When coming across the bay from Port Tampa (Fla.) I got wet and caught a cold that affected my throat and lungs. 1 it, thinking I would won recover, but I kept getting worse, untilneglectea I bought a bottle of Foley a Honey and Tar, and it cured me completely.'" 25c, 50c, J1.00. The 50 cent sixe contains two and .. $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. solo K9 mii Whit YOU 1st 1.00 Sirs holding 2M times (he trial Kodol Digests Salt Lake City noils 0. a&d V. Court. ox n Utah ATTORNEY. Office and depart at local station dally at follow , T - D. CALL Supreme 1904.- - 1 , - - - Brtglam City CARD In Effect June 19th, OVER N. C. Mortensen & Sons DUNN, V Utah Brigham City, (Oregon Short Line (TIME R. R. W. Court House. Office Real Estate Agents. Room 25, First National Bank building, Brigham, Utah. Tel. 39-- 4. I - (County Attorney) at Court House Utah Brigham City and orchard 4th in acre lot ward; li FRED J. HOLTON, barn and sbeds. District Attorney 4 acres orchard; bouse and sheds; good water right; immediately south ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAM Room 23 First Nat. Bank Building of Brigham. Utah Acre lot with 4 room house and Brigham City, f-- BROWNS Utah QHA8. E. FOXLEY, g, 39-- 4. - 1 .... one-ha- lf times as much as the RofuM eecoute:bi Substitutes. BY EDDY DRUG STORE. "n - end the it- tr its T |