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Show flTfl COX ELDER NEWS Elder News. Box LEE & WIXOM, Personal Mention. A MATTER OF HEALTH Prof. E. W. Nichols was in Brigham John Pingree of Ogden was up Saturday. All kinds of stove repairs at Publisher end Proprietors. TELEPHONE NO. to-da- y. 30-- THURSDAY, JAN. Ip, 190s. In Advance, Jos. F. Hansens 80 B8CBIPTION, 129 Otherwise, 90 Miss Loa Tingey A TEAK. from Fielding Friday. J. P. Olsen and wife went to Logan Wednesday. Dr. A, T. Rankin went to ITEMS OF INTEREST Hon. F. W. Fishburn had the honor of making the nominating speech fot George Sutherland. The early advertiser catches the customer. A Big Clearance sale at Holsti All winter goods going at sacrifice prices at Boothe Peirces. Dewey ville Tuesday. Mrs. Leah Reeder went to Salt Lake Tuesday. C. W. Knudson went to Wes ton, Idaho, Wednesday. Mrs.J. Y. Rich is reportet quite ill at Salt Lake City. mmm Absolutely Pure IIAS t!0 SUBSTITUTE Mark Hamson We respectfully call attention ployed as devil is now era on the News, to the ad. of the Brigham City Shoe Mfg. Co. on the last page of this issue. Eor Rent Home of 8 rooms barn and lot. Enquire of O. V Snow. tf. Stohl Bros. Furniture Co. at Tremontcan furnish coffins anc caskets on the shortest possible notice. tf. r Sweeping reduction m every department at C. Holst & Son. Successful merchants declat that advertising is one of their Try profitable investments. for a year. Sheriff Josephson and wife have been called upon to part with their little be by only three We condole with weeks old. All pupils in dancing who have them in their loss. studied with Prof. Christensen N L Hansen' shoes are better are eligible to join either of the classes beginning Saturday the Sacrifice prices of 25 to 50 pt on all Ladies, Misses anc cent 21st at 8 p.m. and5p, m. It Childrens coats at Boothe Jos. F. Hansen, the furniture Peirces. man, .received his second letter Mr. and Hyrum Mortensen 0 from Box B yesterday, calling Second Ward lost their baby the him to England. He will leave Tuesday morning, The funera' about March 1st. will br held at the family rest Bargains and best service at dcnce this afternoon at oclock I Holsts. Edward L. Hansen carries the .The First National bank paj famous Tennent shoe that took five per cent on time deposits, the gold medal at the St. Louis if. compounded quarterly, if desirec Fair. Mrs. Nellie Evans and Mbs Maud Harris entertained the O, F, F. Club at their home on South Main St. last Thursday evening. . We are giving from 25 to 50 per cent discount on all Ladies, Misses and Childrens coats at Boothe & Peirces. J The dances to be taught the advanced classes at the Academy beginning January 21st include Waltz Minuet, The Niagara, The Sylph, The Ideal Quadrille, auc figures of the German. Glasses at 8 and 5 p.m. It. I have some fine spring cockerels for sale, White Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, Barred and Whit Plymouth Rocks Norman Lee. Last evening, the regular time for ward rehearshals, the members of the Third Ward Choir with their husbands, wives, anc sweethearts, very pleasantly sur prised the leader, Victor Madson IN cake and lemonade had been prepared in adundance. A very pleasant time was spent. ESTIMATING THE COST You get a number with every of a building the wise selection of 25c purchase at Christensens Lumber means something of import, -- Ice-crea- & Knudsons, came down f Robert Morgan of Willard was a Brigham visitor Tuesday. Andrew Funk, the architect, went to Collinston Wednesday, Dr. O. W. Snow, Dentist, room 32, First Natl Bank bldg, f Moroni Mortensen of Bear River Gity was over last Tues day. Willard Hanseo the stock man of Coliinston was in town yesterday, Logan Republican. Jan. 11 You can always do best at J? & Stores at Brigham and Tremont FISHBURNS, && U. 3. Marshal, Ben Hey wood was in town Tuesday on official , business. Charles w E. Foxley, County ent to Ogden Wed Attorney, For Rent or Lease Hote, of 10 rooms furnished complete nesday. State Auditor J. A. Edwards at Deweyville, Utah, near O. SI in conwas in town on business Wed- L. depot with hvery barn nection. Good business center. nesday. 0 R. C. Fryer, Deweyville. Andrew Anderson of Point Lookout was in Brigham this week. Rev. J. M. Hansen of the M. E. Church went to Salt Lake City Tuesday. Mrs. Laughney, mother of Mrs Orson Hudson, is visiting her Eph Josephson, twin brother to Sheriff Josephson, is visiiing in Brigham this week. The First National is the only )ank in Brigham subject to Government or state inspection, tf. For Rent two rooms on corner of 3rd west and jth south, h & Graehl BUILDERS HARDWARE soLDy right N, L. HANSEN &.W Guarantee Every Pair Best duality MENS, BOYS and GIRLS SHOES. We make a SPECIALTY of SCHOOL SHOES Boys and Girls O ETC ALL AND EXAMINE j OUR STOCK. JS JGt Brigham City Shoe Mfg. Go. f Store on South Side Forest St Opposite 1st -BRIGHAM CITY Natl Bank L Hansens shoes are better N Any one getting 7$ points at the shooting gallery gets a $1.25 pocket knife. Anyone getting 74 points get a 50c can of fresh oysters. Any one getting 73 points gets 3 targets free. Any one getting 72 points gets 3 shots free. When life insured, best insurthe get ance, which means insure with the Continental Life Insurance Co. of Salt Lake City. Call on Stohl Bros, and be convinced, tf dont gettngyour fail to Lost A brooch containing photo of Joseph S. Frodeham, Finder please leave at this ju HOTEL UTAHNA. Brighams model hotel. Caters to tin traveling publlo. Meals 25c and rooms 60c and L P. J. Koford, Prop 50c If you dont buy shoes of N. L. HANSEN you don't buy shoes 0We Guarantee Opera House, Lorens Every Pair. rigt j H. Stohl, manages Curtain 8 30 p. m. 33rd Monday, January Sr DRODHURST CURRIE PRESENT Rudolph Adolph 3 Bldtf. UTAH. THE 3Cffi222aS3C2all TWO THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Our big clearaoce sale will last one more week. Have your neighbors told you of the wonderful bargains they have been getting at Holst, a the past few days. Silk Head Shawls at $1.60 8.00 Fine Wool Head Shawls at 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.75 .75 1.00 .50 of ORS $3.60 GERMANY 1 irigham Tuesday, giving tfews a pleasant call while here. For a first cla's shave, hair-cgo to Nelson s very fine and well adapted for the 3ros. Full face value evary time. )est class of work and our pnres Fresh and Cured Ladies coats, Misses coats Meats of All Kinds, THEY ARE RIGHT and childrens coats at from 25 to 50 per cent discount at Boothe & Also Fresh Oysters, English eirces. $ rlcMASTER FQRSGREN Bloaters, Norway Herring, AnThe Mayer girls have returned chovies, etc. rom a two weeks visit to BrigFresh Fish Thursdays ham City where they spent a and Fridays enjoyable time Logan very Three points to think of when you get Abstracts of Title to Beal . Oranges, Lemons, Mixed Nuts Eoate: N. Stohl was and Celery. Monday evening by U. Completeness; Marshal S. Bone meal for chickens it will 2. Accuracy; Heywood and left make them lay. 3. Responsibility. Tuesday morning lor WashingThe value of an abstract depends on ton to testify in the Smoot case. Full line of THESE THREE VITAL POINTS Bicycles repaired at Christensen & Knudsons. Vegetables and Groceries. We Invite n ezsmlostlon of the methN L Hansen's shoes are better od adopted to secure accuracy, and ol our ability to make good eny loee oaneed Carl Nelson has returned f.om by error or omleeion In our abstracts. HARVEY L. Preston, where for some time We confine our business exclusively past he has been stationed as to relief agent. Carl is glad to be ERDMANN, ABSTRACTING, back, and no doubt someone else is CONVEYANCING, glad to have him back. ....(Successor to J. R. Bywater,).,., OTARY WORK and REAL ESTATE Oga, Valdemar, and Thcrvald And can give the promptest atten- Jorgensen and Prof. Chris tion to all work in our line. Christensen returned Tuesday 0A1I business Intrusted to our care from Salt Lake City is treated with the strictest confi- evening where dence. they took part in a con Store, cert at the Theater given by the Will carry a full line of fresh and cured famous Symphony Orchestra, meats and a complete line of in which organization they are s groceries. Bonded Abstractors. members. CTFresb Fish and Game in Seasonal They are the only (Successors to Norman Lee.) members outside of Salt Lake Next door north of Boom as, First Nat, Banh Bodon you dont, buy Rlioes 0UR OWN MAKE. ance to the one who has to pay the District Attorney FredJ, HolStchl Bros. Furniture Co. at bill Our stock has been selected Tremont have a lot of heaters with especial care and we know it will ton was in Logan this week and ranges that they are dispos- suit the most fastidious. At least that ooking over court business. ing of at cost, bee them before is what our tell us, and they patrons Dan Perry of Willard was m tf. purchasing elsewhere. to know. ought the Our line of BROWN HAMILTON Patronize Home Industry daughter. Joseph H. Watkins of Beaver Dam was in Brigham on business Tuesday. J. W. Halford, ponndkeeper of Portage, was m Brigham on business Tuesday. Girl wanted immediately to do Call at this office or housework. ou N.J. Valentine. it If you dont buy shoes made by .60 $6.00 .25 and $6.00 Silk Waists at $2.50 ut or face-massag- Stand oovers, mens ine wool shirts, suspenders and so many other their value goods we cannot name, going at We still have some big bargains in dress goods and outings. e, one-tbir- d 300 Pairs of Shoes at Half Price. values offer are The we history, this week positively the greatest In our Early buyers get first choice. Dont delay; we 8tUl lead in bargains. C. Holst & Son. ABSTRACTS. ' Remember the place half block south tabernacle. WITH A GREAT COMPANY OF FUN MM sub-joen- MAKERS aed GOME TO US FOR SHOES. For neatness and durability, STAR BRAND SHOES cannot be beaten. Two years trial has established their honest An Wynn L. Eddys drug store Dunn, Bldg., Brigham, Utah TELEPHONE 39-- City line of the CSJFine THESE SHOES are MADE ftttrt nut What we have, in atock.gy on the LATEST LASTS We are headquarters for Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents nishings, Groceries, Glassware, Tinware and Graalteware. $ G Yours, With a Complete Stock, SKIRTS M. Hanson and Sons PHONE ! We make frames quickly with prices satisfactory at our LABOR-SAVINMILL. Fur Novelties and Trimmings a Specialty. An express order of badloe Buator Brown Cellars Just received. TBIG REDUCTION ON LADIES Yours truly, YOU NEED! Everything in the Building Line. We have them in the BOX CALF, VELOUR CALF, PATENT CORONA and TAN RUSSIAN CALF. Grocery & te Famous W. L. Douglas Shoes for MEN Meat and Lee Box Office open 10 a. m. day of performance. qualities. Cash first-clas- NEW ORIGINAL Prices: 25. 35. 50 and 75c. l S Merrell Lumber Co. ; PhoneSo.8. .4hm-4444-44-4-4444-4-4- 4 - |