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Show THE BOX ' ELDER NEWS, Reservoirs Dams and in Box Bounty Frauds. Elder County. resources are considWen water that in irrigation believed ered it Box Elder county comimprovements with any county in pares favorably in the West. The indeed state or tbe irrigation system, although by a number of Duw greatly eclipsed of national fame stil. oilier systems, is our readers that to and so well known is unnecessary. thereof all description Seat in rank comes the new system fall in Blue Springs Valley put m last Ranch company. by tbe Promontory is about 7 cuTbe flow of Blue Creek bic feet per secoDd and originating constant. from springs, is practically To store this water an earthen dam 82 feet high was 513 feet long and built from bank to bank across the 20 feet wide on bottom. Tbe dam is of sandy clay, and contains built top, The water slope is 38200 cubic yards. bott3 lo 1 and ripraped from top to conis a dam built the om. Through crete tuunel, 4 feet inside diameter, 152 feet long, and at the upper end of tbe tuunel is a concrete tower, 7 feet inside diameter and 30 feet high, with 7 intake pipes, each 3 feet inside diameter, aud of 4200 lbs. weight, cast at Silver Brothers foundry, Salt Lake City. Tbe water stored by this dam will cover about 2000 acres one foot deep. The cost of these structures was 113,700. Tbe company did not limit cost to the engineers, and the result is a structure which for elegance if design and convenience of manipulation Is not likely to be excelled in ibis county. A canal 4 miles long, capable of carrying 100 cubic feet of water per second is built around tbe west side of the reservoir to carry tbe sedimentary jaden storm floods below the dam. Tbe Suowville people have plans for smi are contemplating building a similar dam with a similar tunnel next spring or summer. Tnelr water supply Is stated to be about 20 cubic feet Bear River per second. Two dams are built on tbe west fork one of which is about 16 feet high and stores considerable water. One about tbe same height Is tieaily completed on tbe south iork of The Portage people Junction Cieek. have also a couple of noteworthy of Grouse Creek, dams. On tins line we have our record of failures, also. The perpetual breaking away of the Mai ad dam was a constant uunoyunce to the people of Bear River city for many years. Also the Corinue mill dam on Malad river broke so tiemendously once for all that it was never repaired. In tbe nineties, Three Mile Creek canyon dam broke away and left a scar in the canyon aud on the farms miles below that will itver be effaced. A couple of jears a ago an incompleted dam broke away on Dove Creek. The destruct- It Is a good thing that the frauds to connection with the bounty paid l.y tbe State on wild animals were discovered before the culprits got a cbance at the next appropriation. It that plainly It could n it be collected upon a second time. Although a claimant for bounty Is required to take oath that the animals were killed in the state there is no way of proving or disproving such oaths. However, so long as officers are incorruptible there is not much chance for any great amount of fraud In this connection. GARLAND. Business is moving along quietly in Garland at present, but according to the business men the propects are very flattering for the coming year. W. A. Ray is working all the time and extending his business into the surrounding country. W. L. Grover and Ursel S. Rose Roamer earthen dams. Imperfect Digestion. Means less nutritioh and in consequence less vitality. When the liver fails to secrete b'le, tbe digestion becomes loaded with bilious properties, tbe digestion becomes impaired and tbe bowels constipated Herbine will it gives tone to the liver and kidneys, strengthens tlie appetite, clears and Improves tbe complexion, infuses new life to tbe whole system, 50 cent9 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. stom- rectify this; ach, three or four of these establishments, and it Is also noticed that in towns where the home merchants do the least advertising, tbe department storesdo the biggest business. The merchant thinks he cannot afford to advertise, wntle the profit on the goods bought at the department stores, would pay for a big a ivertisement for a year. The unprogressive merchant thinks the trade has got to come to town and he will catch his share, but be is mistaken. Other merchants are reaching out and Inviting custom, and people go where they are invited. The American Eagle. Now while business Is slack is the time fur merchants to consider the above item. Advertising iB tbe open sesame to tbe cave of customers. of the bank and drug store. Work Our Correspondents from the will be commenced as soon as possible county are wofully negligent in and pushed to completion. Mr. the matter of sending us news. Smith purchased an additional piece We have had cosiderable patience of land Just west of the bank corner so far but it is nearly exhausted. so as to have enough room upon which We must have the news of the county if our correspondents will to erect an implement house. not assist us we shall adopt other Mr. C. N. Porter returned home means of securing it. Friday noon from a two days visit to Rev. Carlisle P. B. Martin. L- - L. Brigham City, where he visited tbe Waverly, Texas, writes:" Of a establishment of the Brigham City when first arising, I often Shoe Manufacturing company. He morning, find a troublesome collection of admires the pluck aDd energy of the phlegm, Which produces a cough and moving spirits lo this commendable is very hard t dislodge; hut a small home industry. Mr. Porter also visi- quanlty of Ballards Horehound Syrup will at oncedislodge It, and the troub ted old friends lo Brigham. I know of no medicine le Is over. Superintendent Edwards of the that is equal to it, and It is so pleasSugar Factory says that out of 150 ant to take. I can most cordially recmen emplojed during tbe running ommend It to all persons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble. season, he has retained but fourteen. 25c, 50 and 1. Sold by all Druggists. However, additional men will be put on soon which will liven tbiugs up a Services at Presbyterian Chapel little more around the factory. Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Mr. Wynne, representing the NorthPreaching at 8:00 p .m. Christian Endeavor Wednesday at ern Pacific irrigation interests spent A. T. Rankin, 3:00 p.m. two days in Garland last ween, examPastor. ining the canal system and gathering data as to the best means of preventf F0LEYSH0NETTAR H. Rowe went to Salt Lake city Saturday. Some of tbe ladies of Garland are endeavoring to have a ladies club organized as a means of entertainment and improvement. J. H. Kirkham and others are negotiating for the lease of the Garland hall Amusements at the hall are rather far between and as Mr. Kirkham is leader of the orchestra which furnishes the music, he is of the opinion that the musicians cculd manage the hall nicely. Something will likely be done In the near future. W. L. Grover and son George returned Saturday from Brigham where they went to make up tithing leports. tope the soegbead hetbleegl Fifty Years the Standard Curo Dyspepsiaeati what you Digest THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK or BHiaHAMCITT. f-- Denver & Rio Grande AND THE Rio Grande Western. THE SCENIC LINE TO Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with alt PACIFIC and ORECON SHORT LINE TRAINS SOUTHERN -- and Mr. and Mrs. James spent of Ogden Miss Anna Hanson re the holidays here visiting parents, latives and friends. Henry Gii tens of McCamraon, Ida, Mr. Is visiting with his grandparents, will He perhaps Mrs. H. L. Marble and go remain the rest t.f the winter Wardlel-r- A BANKING BUSINESS Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent directors: b to school reMrs. Hattie Marble entertained a merry crowd of home her at cently All expressed tb ,oung people a good time. had having selves .is and Mrs. M On January lfiih, Mr hall to their in a A LMi gave dance ward in honor of of the children the 'r' the birthday of their Jiio 16th. 190o. John I. Edwaras Norman Lee, Alma Nelson, Jenson, Peter M. Hansen. snzo N. Stohl, J ohh D. Pete rs Cashier President. ginia. lus A. Snow, n N. Stohl, . f0inSH0HETTAR FoimmsmcuRE RIM nad BMfcr WakN Kldotyt only Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City (Friday) evening at 7, p. m. K.P. Johnson and Miss Gertrude Church of Cotinne Mrs. were in Brigham Tuesday. ADVERTISED LETTERS Jan. 10, 1909 The following letter if not called for In two reek, will bo lent to the Deed Lottor offloe. Anderson Par Christensen Anna Foster N A Howard William Jamee Albert Jensen A 0 Sr Matson John Olsen Chas Richards Mrs C When calling for the state when advertised. above B. F. Boothe, Postmaster. ine fillnuici) Gough Cure For Coughs. Cold and Crouo home on account of the temples being was temporarily closed. A reception of the event and many honor In givn beautiful presents were given the Mrs. Gard tbe young couple. Mr. and friends their to ner are now at home street. Main on residence at their holR. H. Fryer and wife spent the thestate visiting reiativeand friends s STRICTLY 'The Geo, mony being performed by Bishop at was performed C. Dewey; ceremony Mrs. Fryers old idays at Santaquin, C. Fryer spent R. Mrs. and Mr. home. of tbe holidays in the southern part Sale of Animals for Damages. 1 State of Utah, County or Box Elder, f In tbe Portage precinct of said county. I have in my possession the following described animals which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at publio auction to tbe highest cash bidder at Estray Pound in said precinct, on Thursday, tbe 26th day of January, 1905, at the hour of 2 p. m. Last Wednesday morning at 11 oclock funeral services were held in the meeting house over the remains Sister Maggie Campkin Knight, I of wbodled Sunday tbe 8th in Ogden. wisdom of voting for what they con-- ; Services were commenced with the sider right, because It may place them choir singing Nearer Dear Savior to In a position afterwards in which they Thee. Prayer by Richard Thorne. cannot ask for favors of party leaders? Singing We Lay Thee Softly Down Why should they seek favors, except to Sleep. DESCRIPTION or ANIMALS! at the bands of their constltutents? James Young, choir leader, was the old heifer One dark red three-yea- r of been given tbe bonor They have first speaker. Annie Peters, coun- branded jjGJon left ribs, crop off representing them, not by party lead- selor in tbe Y. L. M. I. A.; Bishop right ear, swallowfork in left ear. ers, but by the people, and their first Nelsen and his counselors, and the One red lined back heifer, blotch fealty should be to tbe public. Tbelr Bishops counselors of the Warren brand on left ribs, crop aDd underbit obief consideration should be the inward, Weber stake, all spoke words of in left ear. Do wbat Is terests of tbe state. Awardid Said animals are hed by me to se praise of the departed, aud consolalet tbe consequence follow," is tion to her right, oure tbe payment of 82 damages done Honors Worlds Fslr. relatives and friends. Highest said animals upou tbe premises of an excellent motto, for tbe consequenby A male quartette composed of Jas. Richest tests U.S. Gov't Chemists D. W. Morris on the 4ih day of Jan., ces of doing right are always good, Young, V. F. Davis, John P. Roberts 1905. g while wrong-doinalways and J. S. Holton, rendered ultimately, Asleep in J. W. Halford, carries its curse with It. JeBus. Bank Examiners. for Poundkeeper Portage Precinct. Tbe best policy Is to have a firm Sister Maggie was born at Three National hank examiners come unconviction on all public affairs, and Mile Creek, November 6th, 1873. She announced, enter the national backs, Estray Notice- asks no questions, but proceed to stand by It, until it is proved to be has been a worker In all the organizations of I ward tbe relief except suoiety. state of Utah, fiDd out for themselves the condition wrong. The man who is known to Box Elder, f was assistant organist tor a numof She County of tbe bank, have views and to be faithful to them In the Brigham City precinct of said Examiner Beebe was seen at tbe is more esteemed tban the one who ber of years, but was later selected to as act office as well wbicb as organist, county. First National Bank of this oity Tuescasts his votes as the hope of future all others, she filled wiih fidelity, I have In my possession the followday counting cash and checking up favors may dictate. It Is the man of About eleven months ago she was mar- ing described estray animal which, accounts ried to Samuel Knight, of Warren, We- if not claimed and taken away, will strong oonvictlonB who is sought after ber county, a joung man or exellent be sold at public auction to the highGovernor Folk of Missouri hits and whose opinions are considered of character and good habits, who proved est cash bidder at City Estray Pound, ihe nail squarely on the head value. Others may be wanted as tools himself to be a devoted husband, 5th west, between Forest and 1st when he says in his message to for special occasions, but they are not During tbe last illness of his beloved north, in said precinct, on Saturday, ihe Missouri legislature that party considered when useful mateilal Is wife be saved neither time nor means. the 28tb day of January, 1901, at the but is sometimes good, loyalty He can truly say that all that loving that patriotism is always better needed for the rearing of massive po- hands could do or science suggest w a hour of 1 p. m. litical structures, description of animal: Deseret News. done to alleviate her sufferings, but One light red heifer calf about one One of tbe greatest evils of our time it seems Providence ruled it otherChamberlain's Couth Remedy the Best Is tbe buying and selling of political wise. She died a ralthtul Latter day year old, marked crop off right ear Made- with two small nicks in end of ear, a Saint. Chamberlains Influence. By such bargalolng the small hole in left ear, branded II W In my opinion 11 Last Thursday morulngat oclock on left Cough Remedy is the best made for very fundamental principles of the funeral blp and M H on left ribs. . services were held over the recolds" says Mrs. Cora Walker of Por- American form of government are set was taken up by men Said estrav of two mains ti.e months old baby ol terville, Calfornla. There Is no doubt at naught. Tbe intents and purposes Brother and said precinct on the 16th day of Jan., McDonald. Sister Angus about its being tbe best. No other of the laws framed for tbe conduct of It seems the little oue bad been Bu- 1905. will cure a cold so quickly. No other Marenus B Olsen, Its parents Is so sure a preventive of pneumonia. government are defied; the public is ffering from bronchitis. for Poundkeeper Brigham City preto safe so and is No otber pleasant betrayed and tbe Interests of the peo- thought it somewhat better when cinct. take. These are good reasons why It but Tuesday retired, they evening, should be preferred to any other. ple are sold as 0 much merchandise. next morning on awaklug they were The fact is that few people are It is a condition that calls for the dumbfounded and heart broken to find otber after with satisfied having any In the District court of the First once used this remedy. For sale by earnest consideration of tbe best men that their dear little baby had passed District of the Stateof Utah, Judicial 8tore. tbe Eddy Drug and women of the oountry. Deseret away sometime during the night. In and for Box Elder County, State of of exward the whole is News. Sympathy Utah. That Fremont county is lead tended to tbe bereaved parents. Caroline C. Nelson, Jan. 15th, 1905 Jacob. ing all parts of Idaho in the matCoughs land Colds. Plaintiff, is ter of development SUMMONS. vs. partiallj All coughs, colds and pulmonary com illustarted in the f ict that Archi- plaints that aae curable are quickly Chamberlains Cough Remedy absolutely Fred G. Nelson, Defendant. Hermits. tect G, M, Squires, of Rexburg, cured by One Minute Cough Cure. med- The State of Utah to the said de of The children fault giving has on hand pl.ns of buildings to Clears tbe phlegm, draws out Inflam icine containing injurious substances, fendant: be commenced in the spring to matlon and beals and soothes the is sometimes more disastrous than You are hereby summoned to apthe amount of $100,000, all in and affected parts, strengthens tbe lungs, tbe disease from which are pear within twenty days after the serthey off wards pneumonia. Harmless and around Rexburg. Sugar City suffering. Every mother should know vice of this summons upon you, If pleasant to take. Sold by tbe Eddy lhat Chamberlains Times. Cough Remedy is served within the county in which Drug Store. tor children to take this action is brought, otherwise, withsafe perfectly Cursd His Mothsr of Rheumatism It contains nothing harmful and for in thirty days after service, and deMy mother has been a sufferer for Kennedy a Laxative Honey and Tar coughs, 0 ldsand croup is unsui passed fend the above entitled action; and in all Cough, and xpcla Cold from many years from rheumatism, says Curst tat tb aowait. For sale by the Eddy Drug Store. ayatam by moving gaotiy case of your failure so to do, Judgof W. H. noward Husband, Pennsyl ment will be rendered against you acvania. "At times she was unable to to the demand of the comcording wa'k times all while move at all , at of which a copy Is herewith with her plaint, was I presented painful. Ing served you. Balm upon Pain a bottle of Chamberlains Geo. R. Chase, . and after a few applications she defor Plaintiff. Attorney most wonderful was cided it the pain Post office address: Room 4, Union reliever she bad ever tried, in fact, Block, Brigham, Utah. sbe is never without it now aDd Is at First publication Jan. 19, 1905. all times able to walk. An occasional Balm , of Pam away keeps application the pain that she was formely troul el w itb. Sold by tbe Eddy Drug 133rd quorum of seventy meets THE Store. in the. usual place Is it not a little strange to hear representatives of the people, gathered for tbe purpose of attending to public affairs, express hesitancy as to tbe Supported by a company of real fun makers, Broadhurst & Currie will present in this city DEWEYVILLE. at the Opera House on Monday been an epidemic of colds, Jan. 23rd, that very clever farce There has some cases were quite season, this comedy, "Rudolph & Adolph severe but Done have proved fatal and it merit receives its best reOn December 29th, Etta Dewey and ward, the house will be crowded Gardner wre married at the James at each performance. cerehome of tne brides parents, the Kodol PERRY. THE BEST POLICY. have formed a partnership for the Cured Lnmbago. purpose of conducting a mercantile BA. writes Canmao, Cblcago. business in quarters formerly occuMarch, 4, 1903: Having been troubled W. L. Grover. Mr. pied by and Mrs. with Lnmbago at different times and Rose are both workiog in the store tried one pbyslcao after another; tben now. different ointments aad ltnaments, Last Friday, J. R. Smith represent- gave it up all together, bo I tried once more, and got a bottle of Baing Studebaker Bro's., sold a corner llards Snow Linament. which gave lot across the street north from W. A me almost iostant relief. I can cheerBays store to the Garland bank. A fully recommend it. and will add my two story brick building will be erect- name to your list of former sufferers. Sold by all Druggists, ed on the corner for the accomodation 25c, 50c and $1. ion of tbe two latter dams at least seepage. were caused by insufficient overflow ing William canals -- tbe general cause of failure of PAGE; FIVE. Jan 19, 1905 Mail Order Houses. Merchants often express surprise at the Immense amount of goods bought by our people from the eastern department stores, and wonder why it is. They would be more surprised at the volume if they could see the amount of money sent by bank drafts, express and money orders. The reason is seems Impossible that anyone could work such a game without tbe these of publio officers In conver- houses advertise their goods in every sation with our County Clerk we were way within their power; you can scarInformed that every skin or find a farmer in the county but scalp pre- cely can tell the name aod address of at least sented for bounty is marked so THURSDAY H. GLover, IW- DINING CARS For rates, folders, free illustrated booklets, etc., inquire of your nearest ticket agent specifying the Rio Qrsndo rente, or address I 1 Clhiambeirlam's Cougpfo A BENTON Stables - Rigs, Up-To-D- at Depot. MONUMENTS? ow is the time to order yojr Monuments and Headstones Children. at the Eddy Orug Store. - Brigham City Fall Delivery guarantee the best of stock workmanship at Lowest Prices. tnec. -- For Sale very and Teed Hack meets all Trains never be afraid to buy Chamber-'- 3 0 In buying a cough medicinela for childrenfrom It, and relief Is always sure Codoh Remedy. There no danger colds, croup and whooping for Intended coughs, Is especially llow. It medicine la the world for these diseases. It Is not only . and is the best as the croupy cough appears, , Min cure for croup, but, when given as Boon event the attack. Whooping cough la not dangerous when this remedy It oontalns no opium or other harmful drugs, and may be , :i as directed. . us confidently to a baby as to an adult, G. A. P. D., Salt Lake City, Ut LI ROPRIETOR O- F- At All Hours,.. Remedy for A Safe Medicine -P- Service a la Carte on all through trains. JOHN H BOTT & Sons. Utah |