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Show 7 Among (he Hop The Gourd Fiddle done make her out of an old soap god fiddle dut mg so sweet'), hungry, an' my coat's toed. She sing to me whilst I's on de load. 8he sing to me diivin de cows down de toad. An' de t hunes putts a in my feet. 1 (Oh m Kf I Koea J. W. Walls, Super-ntenden- t of Streets Ky. Lebanon, if says: "My nightly rest was broken, owing to irregularities of the kidneys. 1 suffered Intensely from severe pains in the small of my back and through the kidneys and was annoyed by painful passages of abnormal secretions. Ir de cotton laid by, an de crab grass, mowed (Oh fiddle dat slug so sweet'). Den de niggah git paid what he been owed. An you'll aee me up high on er boa d, Wid de niggahs all like er ol When hop-toa- Doctors failed to relieve me. I began taking Doan's Kidt ey Pills and I ex perienced quick and lastlrg relief. Doan's Kidney Pills will prove a blessing to all suffere-- s from kidney disorders who will give them a fair triai." Co., Buffalo, N. Y., For sale by all druggists, proprietors. price 50 cents per box. 'Case my fiddle putts a in dey feet Giace MaiUowan Cooke Magazine. in National Foster-Milbur- African Prowling Hyenas. (Special Correspondence.) Out on the "Painted Desert on the all through the long morning and way border line of northwestern Arizona into the afternoon, until Alaxie, down into Mexico, i Ing that her rival was gaining on her extending there lives a race of the most seclusive and furthermore that she was being and clannish people on the face of the favored by Gonorilliez. threw down her grinder and sorrowfully departed earth. The Hopis are now Uncle Saras to her own home, leaving Mashong-cown people, for they have their homes a free field. Mashonge-c- e then let down her hair, on his reservation, and yet few besides the government officials, who which had previously been fixed in look after their welfare, have even a the customary large whorls which repreading acquaintance with this inter- resent the squash blossom, an emblem esting tribe of red men, if red men of purity and maidenhood to the Hopis. they are. The grinding or betrothal ceremony It Is pretty generally conceded that all the pueblo peoples of the great continued until nightfall, when a small Painted Desert are descendants of fire was made of cobs over which an the race or races which dotted these earthen olla was placed. When this territories and southern Colorado with was sufficiently heated the meal was strange ledge houses and who are stirred about in it by means of a known as cliff dwellers, but beyond round wicker beater, to keep it from that very little is known of them, even burning. Then the feast cakes were Dr. made and refreshments were served. neighbors. by their next-doo- r Elizabeth Snyder of Philadelphia is the first woman to penetrate into the heart of the people. Recently returning from a lengthy visit among the Hopis. she brought with her a romantic love story, the enacting of which gives a clear idea of the ancient customs still strictly adhered too by these people living right in our midst. exThe young people on these reservations are noted for their strength and beauty, and courtship among the Hopis is just as ardent as In civilized circles. Marriage Is a sacred institution, and although separation is countenanced there can be no remarriage once a child is born to the couple. The How many beautiful young girls develop into worn, listless and age is thirteen, and it is seldom a girl marries after seventeen. hopeless women, simply because sufficient attention has not been paid Although a virgin is treated with perto their physical development. No woman is exempt from physical fect courtesy she does not receive the weakness and periodic pain, and young girls just budding into woman-hoo- d same respect as a wife. feel-an- e an uncommon thing, says a man who has hurled in Central Africa, "to meet a native with half his face missing and when you ask him low It happened he will tell you that A hyena snapped at him while he was asleep. It is marvelous how they recover from such wounds, as the teeth ' (Copyright, 1901, by Dally Story Pub." Co ) of the animal must be poisonous, and When Cbunipsky left home and Mrs. right hand Just for one the natives have no antiseptics and Chumpsky that evening. It was with face so well concealedglimpsea at the mask by A very crude way of treating wounds, the avowed intention of attending a which not only hid her features but When a '881, as the natives call It, .lodge meeting. even her hair, and prevented her voice comes round the camp howling, the Dont sit up for me, Agnes, he had from reaching him except in the lowboys fhout all sorts of vile names at said, "it may be rather late when I est, sweetest murmur Chumpsky had him. But very often the animal makes return. We are to elect our officers ever heard. no noise whatever and not till next for the coming year, you know." The evening passed. Couple by coumorning Is the loss of something disAs a matter of fact, Mrs. Chumpsky ple the dancers deserted the floor. It covered." did not know, but, like a good wife, was with a feeling of barbaric rage she promised obedience to her lord that Chumpsky saw the tall chevalHows This ? and master. So, with a feeling of se- ier, her first partner, coming toward We efltr One Hundred Dollar Reward for ans ease of Catarrh that caouut be cured by Halls curity pulsing In his breast, (Agnes them. Catarrh Cure. was usually a sound sleeper) ChumpWhen shall I see you again? F. J. CURVET 0.. Toledo O we, the undersigned, hae known F J Cheney sky made his way, not to the lodge, Chumpsky panted in his eagerness to t 15 be for last yesr, and believe him perfectly hnn but to the rooms of a certain Mr. Black-wel- finish before the man arrived. Table In all business transactions aud ble to carry out auy obligati, us made by financially from whence, a full hour later, Women Highly Esteemed. Waloino, Kinxan Marvin the two of them issued, clad In green Wholesale Toledo, O aN Among the Hopis the women are Catarrh Cure Is takenDruggixa. acting dominoes A Internally, and masks. bore carriage directly upon the bltMid end m'iCoiia surfaces of tha held in high esteem; they are treated them eyatein. Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents par to hall the the rapidly where Dtrttle. fioid by all Druggists. with a gallantry remarkable among great masquerade ball was soon to Take Hall's Family puis for constipation. Indians. Unlike the women of other break forth In all Its gaiety and splentribes, they perform only the lightest dor. Shah Guards Hia Jewels. duties, and are consulted on all transThe shah of Persia owns more preNothing else helps a man like takactions of note. The men farm and cious stones than any other monarch ing a, night off occasionally, Chumpbarter; they also make the clothing or commander In the world. He keeps sky explained, addressing his own and household utensils. The dressas conscience as well Mr. Blackwell. $10,000,000 worth in a glass Jar In his is done in the kivas or undermaking Of course, with women It Is different. bedroom, but the remainder of his ground ceremonial chambers, where to stay at home. Jewels, to the value of many millions, They are satisfied some stone shelves run around the are locked in a huge safe at his palace They never feel any of that restlessroom upon which the leather, cloth, at Teheran, and a body of fifty men ness, that desire for a little Innocent etc., are placed for cutting. excitement without which man can find employment in guarding it. It was from young Gonorllllez, a not exist. famous Hop! beau, that Dr. Snyder To this Mr. Blackwell murmured a If you cannot procure Sindhofm'a Earn LotMM and Dandiuif Cura from gained an insight into the courtship drUKVist ready assent, and Chumpsky's conor barber, w rite Sundholm Drug your Co. , 27 Maand marriage customs of this strange nhattan Bldg., Des Moiues, Iowa, they will send science chimed In. race of people. It express prepaid. It cures when all doctors The ball was Indeed a gorgeous afInternal medicines, greasy salves and ointments Gonorilliez loved and was loved in fail. Free booklet for the asking. Describe fair. Conscious of the security of their turn by a popular belle known as your disease and special directions will be furnand disguises carried away by the gay ished. Kosema, Pimples. Acne, Old sores. Kina or Butterfly Wings. He Mashong-ce- , Worm, Blood Poison. Black Heads. Insect Bites. spirit of the occasion, formality was also won the affectlor of another had Dandruff, Scalp Trouble, Falling Hair. Nervous to thrown Men the winds. women and Trouble. It never paUs. Lotion, 1 ; Soap, o. young beauty, Alaxie or Fleet Foot, danced with whom they pleased. and like the young gallant In the song, a For while stood back Chumpsky Encourages Travel. he sighed, Oh, how happy were I and watched the revelers swing and The authorities of the Congo Free were tother fair charmer away. across the polished floor. In State are endeavoring to popularize sway Both of these young girls were in their gay abandon there was sometravel through their territory, and Jt high favor with the parents of Gonoril-lteFor a whole thing fascinating. year, has Just been officially announced that-th- ever since his while the handsome fellow himmarriage, home and I I Congo railway has reduced the rather overtaxed myself at the self was thought well of by the reMrs. Chumpsky had taken up his 2 for a rate for fares to spective mothers and fathers of Maslodge lodge election." every thought. But as far as the penJourney of 240 miles. This Is a great dulum and Alaxie. hong-ce They each to the right so far will swings reduction on former fares, and Is the It return pulled at his heart strings, and he to the left. Chumpsky felt hide even the lowest rate In west Africa. found It impossible to decide between himself swinging back. An uncon- catch the word. them. Finally, however, it was arto trollable desire to one be dance, "How shall I know you? The H. 8. Dept, of Aarlcwltare ranged that the matter should be deof the mad throng, seized on him. She caught up a fold of her skirt cided by a gives to Salzer'a Oats its heartiest enas Just he to turned cast his eyes and dorsement. Halzers New National Oats It swayed gently. Again the rich, contest. yielded in 1004 from 150 to 300 bu. per about for a partner, a couple swayed heavy perfume of roses billowed up acre in 30 different States, and you, Mr. by. He could not but notice help to his nostrils. Ground Corn for Lover. farmer, can beat this in 1005, if you will. them, so gracefully they glided over But where? When? At what It was the betrothal ceremony which the floor. Every turn wrapped the place? Chumpsky gasped Dr. Snyder Witnessed and of which long domino around the woman's form, Before she could answer the man she took photographs east. fascinating Chumpskys eyes. Three was at her side. With a low bow he and Alaxie arrived at the Spelt or Emmer, above illustrated, times while he stood there gazing, offered his arm. And when Chump- home of tbelr beloved early in the gives 80 bushels grain and four tons hay spellbound, she circled by, The fourth besides per acre. It's wonderful. Salzer'a time they stopped almost In front sky, dazed, stumbled to his feet, It was morning, bringing with them the corn needs are ped.gree seeds, bred up through of him, scarcely two feet away. He to feel Blackwells hand upon his which they were to grind and prepare careful selection to big yields. for the wedding feast. It was decided heard her murmur something about shoulder and to hear that gentleman Per Acre. that the one completing her task first ealzer s Beardless Barley yielded 121 bu. an ice, and the man bowed and glided saying In bis suavest accents: Salzers Home Builder Corn... 300 bu. Been looking for you everywhere, and most successfully should become off.Y That was Chumpsky's opportun80 bu. Spelt and Macaroni Wheat.... old boy. Then as he caught Chump- the bride of Gonorilliez. What Salzera Victoria Rape..,.,...,. 60.000 llis. ity. He took advantage of It. In the homes of the Hopis the chief Salzer'a Teosinte Fodder lei.ono lbs. he said he never knew; but, divine sky's eye on the couple disappearing from the hall. "Quite swell, old fel- family room serves as kitchen, Salzer's Billion Dollar Grass... 50,000 lbs. sensation, there he was gliding across low. -room, Salzer's Pedigree Potatoes 1.000 bu. Saw jou with her all evening. room, bedNow such yields pay and you can have the floor, one of his arms about her murmured Chumpsky something room, parlor and reception hall. waist, one of his hands clasping hers, them, Mr. Faiaier, in 1905. Here gathered .the parents and that sounded like an invitation for warm and soft. SKND 10c IN STAMM Blackwell to descend to the regions of was It true that was and this notice to the John A. Salzer Seed Chumpsky Then he followed sulkily Co., La Crosse, Wis., and you will get born susceptible to feminine charms, darkness. their big catalog and lots of farm seed but even if his blood had been colder Into the cloak room. V. N. U.J All the way to Blackwell's room samples free. than the coldest. It would have thawed into warm living wine when he felt Chumpskys mind ran on the woman Stags Cuel in Paris.' the glow from her shoulder, pressing In the black domino, and the night Two stags fought a duel lasting his breast, steal slowly, yet cap he took there only made.lt whirl against more than an hour In the Bols de and dance the faster. Irresistibly, over his whole being. In full view of the Boulogne, Paris. When he reached his own house all May be It was the wine he had Neither of the combatants public. was dark except for a light burning in drunk before Blackwells leaving was seriously injured. room, may be It was the spirit of the the hall. This Chumpsky turned out occasion, may be it was the rich, and, lighting a match, climbed softly heavy odor of roses that wafted up to up the stairs. He opened the bedroom his nostrils every time the long black door and stepped In. To his credit The English serve tea and domino swing and clasped itself let it be said that Chumpsky staggered around the superb creature he held in back only two paces. The air In the room was heavy with the rich perfume a biscuit in business at four "It Is not - l, z, e first-clas- s bread-makin- g dining- g TEA of roses. Is that oclock ; a nice little break. Wrtta for car Knowledge Book, A. Schilling ft Company, San Freacteoa Modern. Pastor "The collection Up will now be taken, and those who contribute ten cents or more will receive trading stamps from the ushers. Woman's Home Companion. TEA You can have it good if .. . . y., yoif want to. Or bad if you don't take care. s Ir aver pack or 8c tuning booklet: Bow to Mftka Good Too. Work and Boot Tan la ft Hope. Every genius was an amateur at one time or another. Plod ahead with your work, having In It a divine faith, and sooner or later you must win out English seml-heaven- ly Pantomime. The first regular English panto- mime is said to have been Harlequin Executed, produced at the Lincoln's tna Fields theater. Dec. 26, 1717. la a state of rapture. hia arms be that as it may, Chumpsky was Intoxicated with a divine intoxication. And from the fullness of hts heart his lips spoke. Heavenly sensation! He felt her shoulder press closer to his, and her fingers tighten their clasp. Even when the music stopped, and they promenaded the long hall or sat In the shelter of fern and palm, Chumpsky dwelt in a state of semi-firs- t With each breath heavenly rapture. be drank in the rich, heavy perfume of roses and his eyes feasted on every graceful movement and posture. He felt that he would have given his ! came Mrs. you, dear? Chumpskys voice sweetly from the pillow. Chumpsky weakly acknowledged that it was. Then he sat down in a chair, as if exhausted. This perfume, Agnes. he stammerit smells like roseS where ed where did It come from? Its so oppressive and I I rather overtaxed myself at the lodge lodge election. "Perfume, dear? Why, yes; Isnt It delicious? Cousin George brought it all the way from France to me. If you hadn't been so Impatient to get off to that old lodge, you would have met him. You had scarcely left the house when he came. And oh, he has grown into such a handsome man, so tall. He wanted me to go round with him to look on at the big masquerade ball. Said it would be a gorgeous sight. But of course I couldnt go unless you went, you know. Chumpsky thought that he heard a titter somewhere In the room. But, like a wise man, he kept his thonghts to himself, and went to bed without asking any more impertinent questions. And it was the love of a bonnet that Mr. Chumpsky generously paid for the next day. Secretary Mortons Paradise. One of Secretary Mortons old railroad friends asked him if he would not rather be at the head of some department where he would be more familiar with the work than he is with the Navy department. Not much, he replied. Id rather be right here, where I can be on deck all of the time, even though I tome times may be at sea d Peterson, Secretan 3arkdale Tennis Club, Chicago, from perience advises all young girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex, to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound e should be carefully guided physically as well as morally. Gonorilliez. The festival continued three days amid much merriment, the guests coming and going at will, and always partaking of refreshment, which was kept in waiting. When the ceremony w.s completed Mashong-cbade farewell to her mother-in-lain the mornvery early ing and returned to her own home, followed in about two hours by Gonorilliez, as was the custom. Two weeks later Alaxie died of a broken heart; her name will never again be mentioned among her people. On the second morning after the betrothal ceremony, Gonorilliez and Mashong-ctraveled to a hillside, carrying a pinch of gound corn in their hands. Facing the sun they awaited Its rising and instantly as It appeared they scattered their corn and prostrated themselves in prayer. Together, hand in hand, they returned to their home. e Menas of Maschong-cand Alaxie to watch the contest. In one corner of the room in which the two Hopis beauties strove for the man of their heart is a quaint hooded and here the successful maiden would cook the meal after it was ground. wood, N. J., says i I thought I would write and tell you that, by following your kind advice, I feel liks a new person. I was always thin and delicate, and so weak that I could hardly do anything. Menstruation was irregular. UI tried a bottle of your Vegetable Com pound and began to feel better right away. I continued its use, and am now well and strong, and menstruate regularly. I cannot say enough for what your medicine did for me." How rirs. Pinkham Helped. Fannie Kumpe. Dr ah Mbs. Pinkham: I feel it is my duty to write and tell you of the benefit I have derived from your advice and the use of Lydia E. Pinkhanis Vegetable Compound. The pains Brought Out as Result of Searching in my back and womb have all left me, and my menstrual trouble is corrected. I am thankful for the good advice you gave me, and I In his capacity as Judge Lord shall recommend very medicine to all who suffer from female weakness. your Brampton always Insisted on the imMiss Fannie Kumpe, 1922 Chester St, Little Rock, Ark. (Dec. 16, 1900.) GOT TRUTH FROM WITNESS. perative demand that every case should be investigated in its minutest details. Upon small points the great issue of a case depends.' As exemplifying this, Lord Brampton cites & curious case that came before him on the Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound will cure any woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability nervous prostration, and all forms of womans special 111s-It cannot forthwith prodnao tha original lot tan FORF-l- T ftbov Itftfnoniftli, wfctefe Will prove their ftteolute genuineneee. Western circuit. A solicitor was charged with forging the will of a lady, which devised to him a considerable amount of her property; but as the case proceeded it became clear to me that the will was signed after the ladys death, and then with a dry pen held in the hand of the deceased by the accused himself while he guided it over a signature which he had craftily forged. . A woman was present when this was done, and as she had attested the execution of the will, she was a necessary wltfiess for the prisoner, and in examination-inchie- f she was very clear indeed that it was by the hand of the deceased that the will was signed, and that she herself had seen the deceased sign It. Suspicion only existed as to what the real facts were until this woman went into the box, and then a scene, highly dramatic, occurred In her After getting an admission that the will was signed in the bed, with the prisoner near by, the woman was asked: Did he put the pen into her hand? n. Yes. And assist her while she signed the will?" ", Yes. How did he assist her? ' By raising her in the bed and supporting her when he had raised her. Did he guide her hand? her just hand at all? touch her hand." When did he touch her hand, was she dead? At this last question the woman turned terribly pale, and was seen to falter, and fell In a swoon on the ground and so revealed the truth which she had come to deny. London Daily Mall. e fire-plac- Miss Hannah E. Mershon, Callings e No. Did he touch I think he did Mashong-ce- . If you know of any young lady who is sick, and needs motherly advice, ask her to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., who will give her advice free, from a source of knowledge which is unequalled in the country. Do not hesitate about stating details which one may not like to talk about, and which are essential for a full understanding of the case. Hair for Brushes From Steers Ear. The system of utilizing odds and ends which had formerly been discarded, said a St. Louis man, who Is Identified with one of the big packing houses, is shown conclusively in my line. The trough Is never We thought that we had long ago absent In the house of the Hopis. Sometimes it is on a little raised plat- discovered every saving that could be form, and is large or small as the fam- effected by the proper disposition of etc. But, just lately, it ily demands. The trough Is composed either of wooden or stone slabs, ce- was found that the hair In the ears of mented into the floor and securely steers is of a quality which permits fastened at the corners with rawhide its being used in the manufacturo of cameishair brushes. And now the thongs. This trough is then divided hair is, removed from the ears of the Into two, three or four compartments, steers that art may flourish as well and in each compartment a sloping as the packing house industry. slab of basalt rock Is placed. Kneeling behind this trough and Alaxie with their hair Princes to Join Navy. done up In virgin whorls, commenced The two elder eone of the prince and side by side to grind the corn. They princess of Wales are to begin their seized In both hands a narrow, flat studies for the navy next year. They piece of rock, and with the motion of are Edward, born June 23, 1894, and clothes on rubbing a washboard Albert, born Dec. 14, 1895. moved up and down over the corn, throwing a handful of grain at Jewels for Virgins Crown. few strokes on the upper side ofevery Women of the Spanish the aristocracy grinder. have given jewels valued at 15,000 to make a new crown for the reputedMashong-cWine Victory. ly wonder-workinsilver Image of the Steadily the girls kept at their task Virgin In Seville cathedral Puffs of Locomotive. A locomotive going at express speed gives 1,056 puffs to the mile. TEA tea is extremely good; we dont believe it Good ever did anyone harm. Your grocer return your money It you dont like Schilling Beat. TEA We Mas-bong-- e g dont grudge we the want you to money; have it, if you dont like your tea; for we want you to like your tea. Tour (rooar return, ,onr Bona, It Jon don't Uka Schilling-- , Beat. Poor Pawl Yet, said the teacher, you must always remember that all' liars will have their portion In the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone. The little scholar looked thoughtful. SudThat settles denly he exclaimed: paws hash; he goes flshin twice a week! AUanta Constitution. DISFIGURING ULCER People Looked at Her in Amaxement Pronounced Incurable Face Now Clear as Ever Thanks God for Cuticura. Mr. P. Hackett, of 400 Van Buren 8L, Brooklyn, N. Y., says: I wish to give thanks for the marvelous cure of my mother by Cuticura. She had a severe nicer, which physician had pronounced incurable. It was a terrible disfigurement, and people would stand In amazement and look after her. After there was no hope from doctors she began using Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, and now, thank God, she Is completely cured, and her face is as smooth and clear as ever. Japanese Public Ovens. It la a curious fact that in nearly every street of the cities of Japan there la a public oven, where, for a small fee, people may lave their dinners cooked. rifnatnracaC Lob, 1 Think White Hair IndecenL The dislike entertained in Servta to fair hair is so great that, according to a writer in the Boudoir, it extends even to the white hair of old age. No Servian matron who respects herself would appear in public with white hair. Nor does she hide the fact that she dyes it periodically. This custom has come down to her from her mother and grandmother, and it Is not the outcome of vanity, but of decency, . she will tell you. TEA Public Medical Fund. The city of Zurich, Switzerland, imposes a medical tax of about 87 cents a head on the whole population above the age of sixteen, which creates an annual revenue of $100,000. This is divided among forty doctors, who receive $2,500 each. In return for this salary they will be compelled to give medical attendance to all citizens of Zurich who may claim their tt rvices. g , uff lilft K. Piitkluuft Mod, Ce costs almost nothing any- how; nothing at all if you dont like it Uke Your grocer return your money if you dont Beet. Schilling Mistaken Attention. Men make a mistake, saya a lady, in making such a fuss over middle-agewomen. They dont want to be waited on. They want people to think they are just as young as they ever were, and they resent it when a man tries to help them get around. If yon want to keep good friends with a lady whose hair is just beginning to turn gray, dont take her arm every time she steps off a three-inccurb or offer her your seat in a street car to ride a couple of blocks." Detroit Tribune. d . TEA You will find no poor tea in packages bearing our name. If you find any such, you know what to da tlk Tow grocer returns yoar nxmey If yon don't Schilling' Best. 8lck People Are 8o Selfish. An Atchison girl started out to be s nurse. It would be so Noble to wear a white apron and cap, and minister But she tenderly to the suffering. lasted four weeks, and quit In Indignation. No wonder; her patients actually expected her to take care of them nights! Atchison Globe. TEA The cheapest nice drink in the world is tea; and the finest Toor (rooar return, yoar maaoj If yoa SoaN , Ik. sctuun(-- so. Few Suicides in Japan. Is reDespite the fact that hara-kir- i garded as a national institution of JaIn pan, Instances of that empire are much fewer than la the leading lands of Europe. |