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Show ADVERTISING THE BOX ELDER The News reaches all parts ot Box Elder t ouuty, and as aa advertising medium is unsurpassed Rates on application. Devoted to no Party or VOLUME X. AJlgll r v ON SALE Great Sale! UP. Miss Paper ,wxJwiU at 1-- January 17th was the 50th birthday ot diaries W. Knudsmi. II is wife and his sister bad arranged for a surprise party on him, to which they had invited the family and a few intimate friends. All met at J. 0. knudson's home, and while Charley was sitting dreaming about anytblug but surprises, and rejoicing that hereafter! there would be no more call upon him for poll tax, the crowd inarched in aDd informed him that they bad come to take possession of the place for the evening. Some time was spent In games and social talk after which the tables extending clear across the dining room weie surrounded four times by the crowd that had gathered. Jos. Kuudson on behalf of relatives and friends presented C. W. with a beautiful gold beaded oane. Sad Bereavement We are called upon to chronicle tha death of Mrs. B. H. Jones, which occurred last Friday morning. About 4 oclock in the morning she gave birth to a tine baby boy but was unable to rally aud passed away shortly before 10 o'clock. She was born Nov. 15th, 1880 In this city and Is the daughter of Lars C. Christensen and Malvina Christensen. She grew up here and attended schools. On May 20th, mother. Nels Jenson said that the lavish display of flowers contributed by kind hands and loving hearts were fitting emblems of respect. That judgment will be passed upon us all by One who bag a perfeot knowledge of our weaknesses and imperfections, and also all the desires of our hearts. E. A. Box read from chapter 14 of the Gospel of St. John. He said that be had beeu acquainted with Mrs. Jones all her life and knew not a sin gle improper act that could be rightfully laid at her door. Had been neighbor to Mr. and Mrs. Jones for some time. James Bywater said "We have known her from the cradle to the grave as a kind hearted, peace loving girl. Bishop Blackburn referred thankfully to the splendid sentiments expressed by the speakers and on behalf of Mr. Jones and the bereaved families, thanked the people for their kindness in turning out lu such large numbers upon this occasion. A long cortege of carriages followed the remains to the cemetery where they were interred In the family burying ground. Five brothers of the deceased and E. Holgate Jones acted as pallbearers. We extend sincere sympathy to Mr. Jones aud the family of his dear departed wife aud their relatives. Reallz-iu- g how Inadequate is human power to console, we ask the blessings of the Almighty on them lu their sorrow. became the wife of B. H. "Jones, well known in this part of the slate as a lawyer. Their wedded life app a red to be very happy. Besides her husband, there are scores of relatives who mourn her untimely death, A Cruel Impressive funeral services wire held Monday afternoon at 1 oclock in Disappointment. the Sec md ward meeting house. The U. S. Marshal Heywood called at services were presided over by Bishop Bishop Lorenzo N. Stohi's residence Thomas Cl. Blackburn. and taking a paper Charles H, Hart was the Monday evening said joculary, Well first speaker. H is remarks were time- - from his pocket, Bishop, Ive got that little letter for ly aud fitting to the occasion. He the sentiment "that the only you. An expression of delight overcertainty of life Is death. The axman spread the Bishops countenance as wields his ax and flowers fall as the subpoena was being read. He well as oaks. It was the Judge who had visions of a sumptuous sleeper performed the ceremony making Mr. and diner on the Overland Limited and Mrs Jones husband and wife. Mayor O. Holst referred feelingly to speeding towards Washington, aud of the kind and loving disposition at all a delightful visit In the nations captimes manifested by the deceased. ital all at the expense of Uncle Sam. He said, death comes to the rich and When the reading was finished the the poor, the high and the low alike. first name Is God is displeased with none save those Marshal said, Your Presto! who acknowledge not His hand In all 'Oleen, isnt it, Bishop? What a change. The erstwhile beamthings, ' John F. Merrell bore testimony of ing face of the bishop was long as an the kind disposition mentioned by ax handle. 1899 she Ex-Jud- -- THE Simplest, easiest and most efficient machine for is ashing ever invented. ' The "1900 Washer is a thoroughly pracmachine for washlog all tical kinds and grades of materials, from the finest lace to the coarsest fabrics. It is constructed on scientific principles. It revolves which renders the rotary on e movement as easy as the wheels of a high-gradThe 1900 washer will wash bicyule scrub-bin- g any garment without boiling, without of need no is using There absolutely wear and tear. and without to do any chemicals. Soap and water are the only necessary things perfeot work. gST Price $12, returnable in 30 days if not satisfactory, labor-savin- F. A HAIM g CO,: FURNITUBE FRIEND in need is a friend Indeed. our fine You will find a friend lndeeed these rold nights HOT WATER BOTTLES- - in combination We have them alone-a- nd FOUNTAIN SYRINGE at prices from gj In one of to be used as a ONE JDOLLAR Two Dollars C& according At Cents Each f Fifty to quality jf The Eddy Drug Store, t WYNN L, EDDY, Prescription Druggist, eFor a short time ONLY Christensen & Knudson. Miss Gene the Logan Temple yesterday. Mr. Baird was bora and reared In this city, and enjoys an eaviable reputatloo as a wide -- WE AREi CLOSING OUT OU- Rawake and moral young man. Miss Jensen is a daughter of Jacob Jensen, our old townsman, aud is knowu tor ONE-THIR- D good from one end of the county to the other, Mr. Ernest E. Cheney and Almeda We are also doing the work that our patrons are delighted with. Jensen, both of this city were married yesterday In the Logan Temple Taken. Call and Have Your Mr. Cheney Is a son of Nathan B. Made To Order. Cheney, and came here with bis parents ten or tvelve years ago. Since that time he 'has fulfilled a mission and been promioent in phuroh work in Box Elder County. Miss Jensen Is a daughter of Jacob A. W. COMPTON, Proprietor. Jensen, and has been engaged in school teaching for a number of years past. MARRIAGE LICENSES- Mrs. Rees Sick- All of these youog people have been Mrs. Charles Wight Jr., came up engaged in school and church work Ernest E. Cheney and Almeda Jenfrom Salt Lake, Saturday evening, from their childhood. Their acquaint- sen, both of Brigham. she has been for sometime atance Is prized by all. We wish them Peter M Baird, and Rise Imogene where tending her mother, Mrs, Zilla Rees. happiness greater than we can express. Jensen, both of Brigham. Mrs. Rees went to visit her daughter They are a valuable addition to the Clarence E. Horsley of Brigham aod Mrs Zina Woolley aud while there ranks of the happily married and we Sarah A of Willard. Harding was stricken with pneumonia. She extend to them a hearty welcome. does not seem to Improve much aud A Theatrical Treat. Mrs. Wight may have to return right A New Firm- The people of Brigham city and vi- away and help to nurse her. A partnership has been eotared into this week between Dr. E.A. Rich and cinity were accorded a rare treat in Tabernacle Services. Dr. Frank H. Cutler the firm belog witnessing the presentation of the You As Like comedy Tabernaole Sunday afterthe Shakespearian At known as Doctors Rich & Cutler. The P. F. Mad son new physician Dr Cutler Is from ODe It" by Florence Gale at the opera noon, High Councilman President Charles Kelly con- presided. Id bouse last Dtght. Saturday of the pioneer families of the state, a an operation and botb was versation with M iss Gale, after the per- of hisundergoing counselors were with him. Patfamily very prominent at the present fold the representative riarch Wm. L. Aatkins read the last time, Ueoomes to Brigham with the formance, she ot the News that she was highly chapter of Malacht. recommendations. highest pleased with the enthusiastic recepElder Grow of Ogden, who Is vlsit-lD- g Jacob Jensens family, occupied tion teudered her. She referred to Mentally Deranged. of the time lu relating numerous part orchestra music the the Jorgensen by George Lohbauer, an insane man, as in the missionary field in experiences was he simply Inspiring. was brought in from Point Lookout that musicians so young should California. last Saturday. His mania took the be able to render such divine music. Elder D D Rees spoke of the dif form of looeudiarlsm. He was exWhy, she said, they would be a ference In effect of the preaching by amined by Drs. Rich and Harding of credit fo any city In the land. Speak- those endowed with authority and of the great number of people pre- those who took upon themselves aa this city, and committed to the Insane ing sent she expressed wonder as to where thority. The attendance was good. Asylum at Provo. He is a native of they all came from. We shall welGermany and for the last five years come Miss Gale back any time and the If you don't buy shoes of sooner the better. has been a resident of this county. MEDALLIONS PRICE. AT Photo Picture Frames Cdmptons Art Gallery . President Kelly Operation. We are Informed this morning by members of President Kellys family that be is getting along nicely after Undergoes WB HAVE JUST RECEIVES A Cat tnad il-NAI- 8111 LS BARBED WIRE ' District Court At the sesslou of the District Court Jauuary 12th. 1905, Eli Holton was appointed official reporter of the Court for the session. In the matter of the Merrell Lumber and Balt Co. vs James OBrien et al, J. D. Call moved that an order of default be entered and cause he dismissed. Argued motion to strike out demurrer filed herein which was argued by both sides and taken under advisement by the Court with ten ys leave granted defendants in which to prepare and file a brief, and plalotifis granted five days after service to file a reply br'ef. Unsafe Temper. George A. Strain of Corinne, Utah, was examined last Friday by Drs Rich and Harding, who declared him to be partially de- He was sent to the mented. slate asylum. Mr. Strains condition seems to have been brought on by fits ot epilepsy. His mama took the form of uncontrollable temper, and the officers concluded that it would not be safe to have at large. Notice of the Dancing Classes - the Academy-Thadvanced classes in danc ing begin next Saturday; the childrens class at 3 p. m. and the juvenile class at 6. p. m. All pupils who have taken the first term may enter the classes, but no new beginners will be COURT- - The board of County Commissioners met January 17th, 1905, all members present. The petition of A, L Wight and V. F. Davis for the privilege of putting electric light poles on the couQty road from Brigham to Perry was granted, with a provision that poles shall not be nearer than 27 feet from center of road. Action upon petition from residents of Thatcher road district, asking that A. W. Borgstrom be appointed road supervisor, was deferred. A like petition from Mantua asking for the appointment of Nels Andersen as road supervisor was also deferred. Action was deferred regarding the petition from Calls Fort to have J, R. Horspool appointed load supervisor, and asking for appropriation of 1400. Aotlon was deferred upon the appli cation of J. P, Larsen for appointment as game warden. Brigham Jensen was road supervisor for Box Elder road COME AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY OUR PRICES ARE THE VERY LOWEST. CHRISTENSEN & KNUDSON. Heating, Stoves At Bottom Prices. We have yet In stock a few Cole's and Vortex Hot Blasts and Stewart Oak Heaters which must be closed out this season. You'll save money by getting your heaters from us. It, REAL ESTATE LOANS. EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH HOTEL T REMONTON, UTAH. UTAHNA- - The one place for comfort, elegance and convenience. Excellent meals served at 25o and 50c. FARM LOANS The annual report of J. P Jenson, road supervisor for Iowa district was CALL OR WRITE approved. James N. Holdaway, Countv Surveyor, reported amount of extra work done by Ellas Jensen on proposed new road west of Brigham to be 821 4 cubic yards. The Clerk was authorized to purchase ten copies of tlie Revised StatBRIGHAM CITY, UTAH utes, and a sufficient number of subsequent Session laws to supply Justices of the Peace and Constables. THE INDEPENDENT FIRE A number of rlaims were allowed, B. C. Vaoausdelu was appointed INSURANCE AGENCY OF Justice of the Peace for Garland preBOX ELDER COUNTY, cinct. The Chairman was given power to act in the matter of the application of The very beBt Insurance at Consistent rates. N ot too low this year and John W. Young for assistance. The matter of providing a road from too high next not too anything-ju- st To call or write Is convincing. Calls Fort to Bear River City was re- right. OFFICE WITH inferred to Chairman Valentine for vestigation. of Brigham City, Ilewett To! man was granted a free The Bank license to peddle merchandise for one Brigham City, Utah. year. The appointment of Charles Wight Jr. deputy sheriff, iudeflnitely, was QARTHEY Sr DUMBECK, . ratified, Frank Cook, E. R. Sherman and i. A. Fishburn were appointed judges of election at Tremoutun, Febuary 1st. -T- BUEPHORK M. Adjourned until Febuary 7tb, 1905. 219 State St - - Salt Lake City. Utah m The Bank of Brigham City . PLUMBING. NOTICE. A notice of a meeting of the stockholders in the Box Elder Academy of Music and Dancing appears in two places in this issue. The one on the first page is correct. The notice on 4th page is void, because in this instance the articles of incorporat ion require that 30 days notice of such meeting shall be given. For Rent Livery barn, with Or without horses and vehicles, at Garland on reasonable terms. Water and electric lights in barn; centrally located; good business. Apply at this office or R. C. Fryer, Planters hotel, Dewey ville, Utah. f N L Hansen's shoes are better LORENZO N A BIG CROP Winter coughing has begun, White Pine with Tar Syrup is selling fast. People think as much of it as ever. It certainly is & good remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and ordinary Throat Troubles, 25 cents. Three times as much (family size) 50 cents, Bring it back if you dont like it. Brigham Gity N STOHL FOB AGENTS Continental Life Ins sur ance Co. of Utah. AT INSURE HOME. a r THE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY CAPITAL $50,000,00. The Oldest end Strongest Bank In Box Elder , County. Accounts and Correspondence Solicited. All business given prompt attention J. M. Gosirb J. Rich, Jenson, President. Cashier DO YOU WANT Homestead Entries and proofs; To buy or sell Real Estate; Titles examined and conveyed , Reliable legal work; IF SO CONSULT . J. IIOLTOII- Utah,' Brigham City, Dr. L. H. Berg Dr. L. U. Harding DENTISTS WIDERBORG BLOCK, Utah. Brigham City, Sugar Beet Land for Sale. acres la whole or ia part. Ic 100 miles north of cated ODe and ooe-ha-if For in the Garland Sugar factory formation call oo PAUL STARK, .tf Brigham t'lty. Utah. If you dont buy shoes made by HAMILTON S0LDby - We 8- BROWN dont buy shoes right. N. L. HANSEN Guarantee Every Pair. 4 - WANTED. Pharmacy. Hoopes&Eddy, Props. I, Room 22- T.lephono No. 22 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. FRED COUGHS JOSEPH STOHL STOHL BROTHERS. you Stohl Bros. Furniture Co., OGDEN, UTAH An eighty acre farm with full wau er right, located in Garland can be district. bought for but little money. Cannot Resignation of Thomas Alston as be excelled in either location, quality registration agent of Garland precinct or price. Call on Stohl Bros, , First was accepted. Natl Bank Bldg. tf Official bonds of Frank J. Walker, Charles Kroksch and E. H. Rudd, were approved, e - EDWARD B. KIRK, N. L. HANSEN covery. him running NUMBER 40. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Box Elder Academy of Music and Dancing Co. will be held in the Academy at 2:30 p. m. Feb. 20, 1905 for the purpose of electing a Board of six directors for the ensuing year, and transyou don't buy shoes right acting such other business as CTWe Guarantee Every Palr.j may be deemed necessary, C. O. Andersen, j 26 Secretary. At the Academy dance next Saturday night some new and popular music will be introduced. It. the operation performed by Drs. Rich of Ogden, and Pearce and Harding of Brigham City. It was for the removal of a large stone from the kidney and the result so far has been satisfactory Indeed. Prest. Kelly was In good condition physically and no doubt is felt as to his ultimate re taken, S 4 Glassware and Stoves W. Knudson as was this wife and mother, beoause model voung men, and the queen was neither wife nor Jensen were married in 1-- Crockery, Chinauare, Stohl Furniture Co., Caned. OFF 4 1 all sssh iMay Morning, Jan. 23rd. the district FactionBut Just to All. COUNTY Wedding Bells, Mr. Clarence . Horsley and Sarah A. Harding were married in the Salt Lake Temple yesterday. Mr. Horsley is one of our best and most highly respected young men. His exaud his wilc!ose out our entire stock of WALL treme goodto nature has endeared lingness help PAPER prices that will make you buy him to the heart of everyone who knew him. There is no task too hard, nor any burden too heavy for him to undertake Come early and select your patterns and then start a bank account in helping others. He is worthy with the money you save. - of a good wife, and we believe that he has received his reward. Miss Harding is one of Willard ' ' Citys fairest daughters. She First National Bank Building. . has been teaching school this season in Brigham City, and has to all who Mayor Holst. He said the great Queen endeared herself C. is Elizabeth, receiving homage from the know her, nobles of the world was not honored Mr. Peter M. Baird, another of our A The Nws Job is one of the best equipped in the state. All hinds of printing neatly and promptly executed. BRIGHAM CITY, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1905. BIG i JOB PRINTINGOfflee Hides, pelts and furs. Highest cash price will be paid on delivery Apply to my residence just north of the Tannery, 4th ward. flO FRED HILLMAN. " |