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Show ox It !ltr .1ciu0 TRIED TO KILL GENERAL. BALKANS PREPARE GOVERNOR CUTLERS STOCK GROWERS WALKED OUT. FOR MESSAGE. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. QUEER LITTLE SEA MOUSE. WAR Remarkable in the Lower Branches of January 9. Informs Lawmakers of the Needs of legof Utahs Organic Life. session the State. At tbe opening WHOM, Proprietor!, were A few days ago, wnen they brought Governor Cutlers message occupied islature, the following employes LARGE SHIPMENTS OF ARMSBE-INme a fine specimen, about four inches TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I : selected od of the time most of the legislature MADE. of that strange creature the sea One Yeer, la edvenct .....ll.29 For the Senate President, Stephen long, being a .6 the document .................. fi Months Tuesday, secremouse, dredged from the sandy botffcree Lake MoniHe U Salt county; H. Love of lengthy one. H. I,. Cummings of Salt Lake tom of Loch Ryan, I began to specu-lat- e tary, Guerrilla Be about Warfare Governor Cutler appeared John R. sergeant-at-armSatered at the Poet Office et Brlgbem Clt j M darkly upon the significance of county; tween eeeond elaw matter. Greeks and Bulgarians, 2:15 oclock, and at once began the Edgehiil of Juab county; chaplain, H. the generic name Aphrodlta, bestowed minute upon this lowly invertebrate Turks Threaten to Assume by reading of his message. The reading S. Gowans of KTooele county; NORMAN LEE, Editor. Nelson of Sanpete 4 clerk, Frank For it is no mouse, but a about Bloody Phase. until time the occupied Theodosius clerk, county; reading to the class AnneINSTRUCTIONS TO CORRESPONDENTS. o'clock, when the joint session ad Botkin, at large; docket clerk, Benja- worm, belonging lida, animals which, being still In a enItems of sews are solicited from all parte of The active preparations already reof county; Utah for tbe Bachman day. min journed the country. in Utah, grossing clerk, Fred Taylor of Salt primitive stage of development, enjoy W rite upon oce side ef the paper only. ported to have been made both in TurSpeaking of conditions Write proper names plainly. Lake county; doorkeepers, William the enviable privilege of being able to and war for a said: Cutler key Governor Bulgaria possible In order to protect the publisher from lm of Rich county, W. W. replace any organ, even a head, of Longhurst to positions from Irresponsible persons, tbe full this the are a legisIn his last message fully confirmed by year Thorne of Salt Lake county; watch- which they may be bereft by accident fame of tbe author sheuid be signed to all The identity of correspondent! private letter received in London from lature, my predecessor called atten- man, H. D. Wiley of Piute county; or assault. Will he withheld whenever desired. a minister accredited to the Balkan tion to the favorable conditions then messengers, Frank Maxwell of SumAt first sight no living creature is counof courts. in Utah. I am pleased to mit county, C. W. BoothH. S.Utah less suggestive of the goddess of love, prevailing of PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, Lane.v clerks, committee ty; This minister, who has Just combe able to state that those conditons Salt Lake county. Miss Annie McKay its general outline being that of a gipleted a tour of the Balkan capitals, have continued and are still prevail- of Weber county and Miss Alice gantic wood louse and Its structure of Salt Lake county; mailing but an oblong mass of Integument and writes that the Turkish and Bulgarian STATE NEWS. Capital is still seeking avenues ing. A. Marks of Weber vlscere. Yet on second thought, it governments are energetically preparof Investment in Utah, and the pro- clerk. Miss Juliette county; stenographer, Mrs. Alice R. appears not inappropriately termed are flock field and Free kindergartens are at last to be plentiing for eventualities. Large shipments of the ducts Hamilton of Salt Lake county. Abprodita, born of the sea foam of arms and ammunition have been ful, and command good prices. Farmestablished In Salt Lake City. Officers of the House Chief clerk, and, if beauty of form be deand hone mechanics the ers and , minmade Salt and Lake from county Minor W. recruits E. Asia Vigus, The schools at Castle Gate have sinew of a community are partaking ute clerk, Charles G. Olson, Sevier nied to it, compensation is made by are at Salonlca arriving weekly for been closed on account of smallpox. of the benefits arising from improved county; and engrossing an extraordinary loveliness of color. enrolling service in the Turkish army. The Bulmarkets for their product and labor. clerk. Miss Elsie Barrett, Utah coun- The breathing apparatus, consisting The Retail Grocers and Butchers garian and Greek bands in Macedonia The governor submitted recommen-dation- s ty; docket clerk, James G. Law, Cache of external branchiae like silky brisassociation of Salt Lake City is to are increasing dally and are fighting for appropriations for the county; sergeant-at-armHerman tles arranged all along the sides of each other and the Turks. This have a weekly newspaper. next two years totalling 61.947,925, Snow, Utah county; PROGRESS IN PHILIPPINES. assistant the animal, shine with a luster as deliwarfare threatens guerrilla all recommended that but appropriant-at-arms, John Carlson, Sanpete cate as and more brilliant than a A new mining association to ad Charges Filed Against Florida Judge, to assume bloodiest in the the as posas down phase tions be closely pared county; watchman, James Shefflell, pigeons neck. Pall Mall Gazette. wance the mining interests In the vi Conditions Continue to Improve, Says spring. The house of representatives on sible, consistent with good governGarfield county; messengers, John Secretary Taft. ' , elnlty of Ogden has been formed. Thursday devoted its entire session ment. ingebretsen, Weber county, and Wil- CAUSE AND CURE PREDICTS RUSSIAN SUCCESS. trans-of educaWar has Taft for Secretary to Liberal of the discussion appropriations impeachment James O. Mitchell dropped dead liam G. Seely, Emery county; chapOF RHEUMATISM. Charles tional purposes are favored by tbe lain, David Hess, Davis county; doorJudge while walking along the streets of Salt mltted to the president the anual re-- French Military Attache Thinks Port charges against chief the executive, appropriations Irott M. of the Philippines commission to-- 1 Charles Ahlstrom, port keepers, of district Swayne of the northern Lake, death being due to heart failure. Arthur Helped Out Kuropatkln. recommended for the Agricultural col- county, and W. D. Powell, Salt Lake Shown by numerous cures made by gether with the separate report of the A dramatic incident occurred lege alone for the next two years be- county; committee clerks, Miss Angii Utah leads all states In the percent- commission to the A French military attache who has Florida. Dodd's Kidney Pills. They cure the civil governor of when Mr. Littlefield (Me.) called on ing 9282,190, while the University of Bickford, Salt Lake county; Miss Ed of Increasd Kidneys and the Rheumatism cures age copper production In the islands and of the heads of the Just returned from the far east, in Utah 9335,431. needs na Wold, Morgan county, and John B Mr. Lamar (Fla.), who filed the Itself Remarkable case of Maggie 1904 over 1903, This Increase was 31 four exan Interview In state St. for asked Petersburg, Appropriations departments and the president E. Deckert. charges against the judge, to admit of institutions include for the state Hooper, Weber county. per cent. transmitted them, with the secretarys pressed the firmest confidence that, January 10. of an alleged Interview mental hospital, 9173,300; state inrepudiation Eagle River, Wis., Jan. 16. (Spe-oiaIn a runaway acicdent near Salt letter, to congress. despite the reverses suffered by the which The honor of introducing the first That rheumatism is caused by the former claimed tended to dustrial school, 960,000; state prison, Lake City, Frederick Solomon, aged The secretary says in his letter of Russians on land and sea, they would incite the 9111,600; school for the deaf, dumb bill in the senate this session, fell up- disordered kidneys is proved by the act of an commit to people was on Willis Johnson, whose measure and blind, 962,300. SI, of Granger, was killed, his neck transmittal to the president that the prosecute the war to a successful fineures Dodds Kidney Pills are making violence against Judge Swayne. Mr. A recommendation is made that! the usual b11 providing for an approreports show the great benefit which ish. The fall of Port Arthur, ha being broken. In every state in the Union. They of 925,000 for the defraying an admitted Lamar priation Interview, be further amended, law giving the been conferred upon the Islands added, would change nothing. has mining The A rabbit hunt between Mona and and oontingefit expenses cure the Kidneys and the Rheumatism of the kind of regular the a denied a state of continued suggesprovision but by regulating any by emphatically tranquility. fortress had in reality somewhat emA bill of the legislature. The cure that has caused passed cures itself. Santaquin for a dance and supper re- Except In the wild mountainous retion from him that could be construed illuminating and lubricating oil that any dissenting vote, and was deep interest in this neighborhood is sulted In Mona beating the Santaquln gions of the unexplored island of Sa- barrassed the plan of campaign, but into advising assassination or murder. may be taken into the mines, and giv- without it to the house, where passed that of Maggie E. Deckert. In speakmar and in the Moro region of the Rio it had also served its purpose by bold- He said that, although Judge Swayne ing the mine inspector power to regu- sent boys by three. without opposition. Grande and Lake Lanao districts, in ing out long enough to enable General was known of it she says: most lawless late the blasting in coal mines in such to be the Senator Williams of Salt Lake pre- ing I had There Is at present a great deal ol the sparsely settled island of Jolo, Kuropatkln to receive reinforcements man in Florida, he had remained free a way as to prevent the undue vitiakidney trouble and rheumaestablishto bill a sented the looking tion of the air with powder smoke. typhoid fever In Park City, and the conditions as to tranquility and la-- 1 and prevent operations against Vladi- from bodily barm. of a central experiment station, tism and was so lame I could not walk. ment believes The to he continue governor dronlsm, evidently says vostok. Even with the men drawn improve, I could not for I ached all over. 'Physicians are attributing the preva-- and that private banks need watching, as as an adjunct to the State experiment I was In a sleep except In the places mentioned from before Port Arthur, the offloet President Asks Greater Powers. terrible state and firmly Ance of the disease to the water, he recommends that section 2441 of farm, and under the supervision of agriculture and the arts of peace are said, he believed that when the camPresident Roosevelt, in a message the Revised Statutes of Utah, 1898, the Agricultural college. It Is to be believe that If I had not used Dodds A man named Burns had his feet so not at all Interfered with by lawless paign reopens in the spring General situated somewhere between Box El- Kidney Pills I would be dead. I took or hands suwill have a depredations. numerical Kuropatkln transmitting to congress on Friday the which limits the authority of theof bank badly frozen while trying to make a cor- der and Juab counties, the site to be nine boxes of them and they have examination examiner to the to and will back caroll begin periority first annual report of the Panama determined by the board of trustees done me more good than all the other trip afoot from Kimberly to Fish PATCHING UP PEACE. porate banks only, be amended to In- of the Japanese. nal commission, together with a letter clude the Agricultural college. creek that he is in a precarious condibanks. medicines I ever took. Now my aches private Panto to from Taft order in Livestock Men to Work Together, DeIs for asked relating More Secretary tion. money January 11. are all gone, I can eat and sleep and MUST BUILD NEW NAVY. i ama affairs, recommends that he be represent Utah properly at the PortSeven new bills were introduced In I am feeling good. I want all the spite Differences, A rabbit hunt between th-- married land exposition, 910,000 having al- the house, as follows: In given general discretion, as the presiSuccess to Russias for world know Dodd's that Hope Only Kidney been have Negotiations opened by and single men of Santaquin resulted been appropriated, while the By Joseph, abolishing Lewis and Pills cured me. War With Japanese. dent is charged with the responsibility ready commission asks for 930,000 addi- Clark Exposition commission. In the defeat of the young bloods, who the officers of the National Livestock Vice Admiral Doubassoff, the Rus- of constructing the canal. The board tional. By Luther, relating to per diem and HAPPY CHILDREN OF BURMAH. tendered a banquet and ball to the vic- association with the American Cattle he says, of canal commissioners, A recital of the Carbon , county mileage of jurors in Justice courts. Growers association, which was or- sian member of the North sea commis- should be reduced to five, or preferably tors. strike is given, and speaking of the By J. A. Anderson, amending the Members of the Democratic minor- ganized in Denver last Friday by cat- sion, is quoted by the Echo de Paris three, members, whose duties, powers lack of funds at the disposal of tne law relating to the duty of hank ex- Uncontrolled, They Riot In Sheer Joy and should the salaries he stock-menby assigned s as in an interview that he tlemen who seceded from the having said of Life, Says Writer,. governor at the time,- - Governor Cut- aminers. ity In the legislature decided to give president. had submitted to Emperor Nicholas ler says: I am of the opinion that a convention, with a view to By Joseph, to repeal the law proBurmese children are the spoilt chilJudge W. H, King the compliment of fund should be placed at the disposal viding for sericulture. hormonlous relations bedren of the world, according to V. C. Bristow Given Promotion. their six votes for United States sen- tween the two organizations. The Na- programme for a reorganization of the of the governor, to be used in case of By Joseph, repealing the act cre- Scott OConnor, In his which Is Indispennavy, absolutely book, The Silk. L. Bristow, fourth assistant riot or insurrection. To give the govtional Livestock associations board of ator. the Utah Art institute. Joseph ating en East, he says that they are never milistate control has decided to meet in Denver sable for success In the war against out call ernor to the to an establish agriculBy power Stewart, cm Friday tendered postmaster general, A committee from the four wards of on tia to quell insurrection and not pro- tural experiment farm to be operated punished by their parents, who uniMay 9 next, on which date the Japan. Twenty months will be nec- his Leh! has been appointed to organize a American Cattle Growers' association essary for Its execution. resignation to the president. to vide him with a fund with which to in connection with the experiment sta- versally adore thgm. They grow up Admiral Doubassoff thought the take effect on January 20. By an ex- meet the necessary expenses incurred, tion of the Agricultural coliege and in the open air with all the grace of borne dramatic company, which will will hold its convention in Denver. Meantime the executive committees ecutive order issued late Friday after- is as inconsistency, and may lead to to create a commission of seven mem- young, unchecked life. The sheer Joy prospect for Vice Admiral Rojestven-skyput on a series of plays for the benefit of both organizations will make efforts some embarrassment. squadron was hopeless. He un- noon, President Roosevelt designated bers. of life abides in them, says he, "and of the new meeting house. to harmonize their interests In their hesitatingly declared that he consid The governor expresses himself In By Kuchler, providing for tbe es- they seem to live perpetually at play commissioner Mr. as Bristow a special s There are rumors of the establishand constitutions. It is pro- ered a provisional peace would shortly favor of a bill repealing the law tablishment of a central experiment In the village street, where they play station under the direction of the Ag- a ment at Modena of a clay works, posed to have the new association of be probable, Japan retaining Port Ar- to make an Investigation into the pres- creating the Utah Art institute. game of ninepins with the great affiliate with tbe parent thur and other territories which she ent trade conditions and freight rates cattle land board of The growers arid ricultural the work college. where various articles of pottery will There were no bills Introduced In seeds of a jungle creeper; in the exactly as does the Na- has occupied. Russia meanwhile, the between the Atlantic and Pacific and the state board of horticulture Is be manufactured. The material for organization tional Wool Growers' association. monastery, where they lie upon the admiral said, would prepare an. in- coasts, and between the west coast commended. the Senate, a fact which led auch an Industry la abundant. vincible fleet for a future effort In conclusion, the chief executive, Allison, who was around shaking floor and scream out their lessons With of South America and the east coasts ANARCHIST IN THE TOILS. hands with his former colleagues, to lusty delight; in the river, in which of the United States and Europe, to de- says: "Nick" Haworth, who Is serving a PANAMA RAILROAD INQUIRY. Doubtless other matters than those remark that it was an abler body than they splash and plunge before they termine the best policy of managing life sentence for the murder of Thos. Tried to Wreck Statue in Washington, can walk; at the play, where they briefly outlined above will suggest he had suspected. the Panama railroad. House Provides for Examination Into Sandall at Layton, and who figured In and Sent Bomb to Steamer. themselves to you for your considera12. crawl about among the feet of the January tion. Coming, as you do, from all Affaire of Company. the break at the state prison some "Gsssler Rosseau, who was arrestMelba in Salt Lake. donna and the posing kings, announcement the made Despite prlma by parts of Utah, you are familiar with of the Legislature that few and at the pagoda, where they bold, time ago, will make another petition ed In Philadelphia on Thursday with committee on Interstate Manager Pyper has just completed the needs of the state in detail, as members new laws are needed, new bills of flowers before them with faces screwfor pardon. an unloaded infernal machine In his and foreign commerce on Tuesday au- arrangements for the appearance at the well as in general; and these will, I various kind are being submitted. ed up to gravity, with ' Silas Smith, the laughter pent up from possession, admitted to the police that thorized a favorable report on the tabernacle, Sait Lake City,' of Madame am sure, be made the subject of your Those submitted at todays session behind it And if there be any dispute to as- were: Fort Douglas who is charged with hav- be is the man who attempted to de- Shackleford resolution, providing for Melba and her superior concert com- attention and care. I desire about the good looks of their elders sure you of my willingness to do all By Joseph, extending the statute destroy the statue of Frederick the Great an examination by that committee of pany, Friday evening, January 27th. that Is in my power to help In the ing (hot and killed Albert Hassott, there can be none as to the prettiness to fining the housebreaking entering of affairs the the railroad Panama Her assisting artists include some well work of legislation. The solemnity of of rooms, soldier, on the morning of De- In Washington on Tuesday of last apartments and tenements; of Burmese children. known musicians and as Melba herself the duty of making and amending to tax the output of coal, coke and cember 24, 1904, in a brawl, has been week, and also that It was he who company. sent the trunk containing an Infernal Mr. Shackleford said it was known is laws governing so great a common minerals not taxed at present. 'discharged from custody. Gambling in Ancient Times. greatest living singer, wealth. machine to the British steamship Umthat tbe railroad was maintaining of- theprobably the to all of ns; and I Is By Austin, making it a misdemeanor in Interest is her intense. know that apparent In the time of King Henry IV. of coming B. H. Schettler, the Salt Lake bria in New York In May, 1903. He fices in New York at an expense of you, In common with my- to threaten or intimidate employees no reasons for the attempted out- )200,000 a year. It was known to at The prices will range from 91 to 92.60, self, will fully sense this responsi- of England tbe "smart set managed to any individual or corporation. banker, whose bank has been placed gave except that there are too many least fourteen members of the com- and the sale of seats will open at the bility, and discharge the obligation play bridge or Its equivalent withmuniciBy Kuchler, that providing in tbe hands of a 'receiver, has been rages foreign affairs in this country. After mittee, he continued, that in 1903 tbe out shocking the susceptibilities of with the view of promoting all the In- pal judges may call in temMusic 109 Main pro company, Clayton judges on arrested a charge of receiving having Rosseau under fire all after- directors of the road had declared divterests of our state. In this labor I pore, appointed from the bar, when those who think it wrong to play for 16th. All mall street, Monday, Januaiy funds for deposit after his bank was In noon, the police classed him as an idends of between 9200,000 and 9300,-00- orders should be sent to Geo. D. and hearty co- reason exists for a change of venue; money. The fifteenth century gamPyper, pledge you my sincere American patriotic fanatic. in excess of the net earnings. an insolvent condition. to authorize the services of civil pro- bler, according to one historian, operation. Salt Lake theatre. cess from municipal courts by city played at cards for counters, nails The monthly reports up to the Boy Confesses to Murdering Man for Took No Chances. Peabody Will Contest Election. officers; extending the jurisdiction of and points, In every house, more tor Uncle Sam Objects. Sake of a Woman. month of December last for 1904 shows Alva Adams was at noon Tuesday L. C. Falkner shot James Reeves In municipal judges In civil matters to pastime than for gain. Everie Mr. Powell, American minister, has the county In which the court Is sit- scholar or towns In the state that In twenty-seveGeorge Duncan, aged 18, an Indian inaugurated as governor of Colorado. Informed the petyte (little one) that of Haiti that the back of the head at Goldfield, uated. government there has been 1,109 cases of whoop- boy, arrested at Muskogee, I. T., on While he stood with uplifted hands for money is to be expelled, By Carroll, providing for the ap- plates the United States government refuses Nev. Reeves died two hours later. charter of ing cough, and from that number the charge of murdering John Brewer, taking the oath of office, administered to fire inspectors in coun- ordains a grammar-schoo- l of himself Falkner pointment up. Immediately gave senof the the recognize validity the period. One of the duties of hosa farmer, near Melvin, I. T has made by Chief Justice Gabbert, there was ties outside of incorporated towps. there were Bixty-thre- e deaths. In He I shot said: tence to fifteen years at hard labor By Thompson, to establish experipital sisters was to make dilygentt Frank Slgnorrettl, a mining man a full confession. He lived with the at his side the athletic form of pronouheed by the Haitien court Reeves bad repeatedly threatened my mental farms to demonstrate the best searche amonge the poore for cards In and was said love he with Brewers, James H. Peabody, who will against Jaeger Huber, an American Hfe. He fired several shots around method of reclaiming from Ogden, was brutally assaulted by dry or arid or dice. a brace of negro men in San Francisco, Mrs. Brewer, although she Is old inaugurate the most energetic and bit- citizen, for alleged complicity in bond my house last night and directly at lands. Mrs. frauds to B. he mother. his 16. H. administraBrewer No. the To charged enough against ter contest that Colorado has ever relieved of $500 in cash, two Wells-Farg- o Bible Owned by Shakespeare. prohibit the use which I returned. He threatened tion of former President Simon Sam me, A Bible said to have been the propto kill me before sundown today and of explosive oil and to regulate the seen for the right to fill the position and money orders for )100 each, and has also been arrested as an accomof the Bank of Haiti. The officers use of in coal and hydrocar- erty of William powder plice. She tried to shield the boy, say- that Governor Adams had Just sworn United States demands the annulment as he passed the office where I was, bon mines. left for dead by his assailants. Shakespeare, dated God to administer several times, apparently looking for Some man called Brewer to the by the ing: 1613, and being an imprint of the secof sentence the 3 oclock the senate went into enerAt under of the pain to the best of body and mind. I took rio more chances." Safe crackers attempted to loot the door and shot him. me, executive session to consider the ap- ond edition of the King James vergetic intervention. safe of the First National bank at pointments that had been made by the sion, was sold at auction In London reCoat Strike In Germany. Strike. Ball. a of The inaugural Tragedies Botkin Poisoning Cats. . Morgan, but were frightened away begovernor since the close of the last cently for 91,000. The book contain s Both the coal miners and The house has adopted the senate session. The long list was read and two signatures of Shakespeare. Sunday, with which began the twenty-sfore they had accomplished their purThe court California of supreme has week of its continuance, added resolutions providing, among other the action of the governor was inthroughout the Rhenish and pose. The vault was damaged by the ixth granted an alternative writ of habeas to its the in for the holding of the In- dorsed in every particular. MIGHT HAVE 8AVED IT associated quota districts, Germany, Westphalian tragedies no but burglars, money was secured. In favor of Cordelia Botkin. The things, January 13. with the cotton-mil- l Btrlke at Fall are preparing for a general strike. So corpus ball in the pension building. augural The Uintah reservation lands will be defendants attorneys hold that she Is f of the members A Lot of Trouble from Too Much Only about 0 On a viva voice vote the resolution River, Mass. John Neville, a weaver, far only 20,000 out of a total of confined in the San Francisco of the senate were present, the absent subject to any entry applicable to the who, with his illegally men concerned have out The gone Starchy Food. sufwas a roll enabled had call but those ones having gone to their homes, and lost, crippled wife, on the charge of murdering Mrs. public domain, with tbe exception that fered much, after began rejecting re- Jail A little bdy of eight years whose favorable to the pension of the fail- mine proprietors As building Del. but of Ida little Deane was business reading SenThis Wilmington, transacted. soon as their rethe homesteader will be required to ure of the strike quests Tuesday. ator Lewis Introduced senate joint me- parents did not feed him on the right conference at Boston plies are received the miners do not has nothing to do with the Dunning proposition to muster their strength and pass It Speaker Cannon and sev- morial No. 1, which has in view pay fl.26 per acre, while under the which cf Mrs. Botkin has murder, the kind of food, was always nervous and Saturday, stood before a mirror and go to work when it is time for their general law five years residence en- drew a razor across hts throat He died next shift. The employers are noti- twice been found guilty, and for which eral of the Republican leaders re- memorializing of congress to sustain suffered from a weak condition of the corded as to themselves the President Roosevelt in his efforts to stomach and bowels. opposed been to life titled the homesteader to a patent immediately. Finally he was Thee men were also fying the miners to return to work or she has Mrs. sentenced Botkin wishes to avoid Idea of the employment of the pension increase the effectiveness of the in- taken down with appendicitis and without paying for land. found In one room, unconscious from be discharged with the loss of six Inof for the the purpose terstate commerce commission. trial on the charge of murdering Mrs. building after the operation the doctor, knowdays wages. augural balL Charles Jones of Salt Lake Is under Illuminating gas. Deane. The flood of bills in the house con- ing that bis intestinal digestion was To Make Mors Homes. arrest, charged with defrauding the Robber Had Nerve. tinues, eleven being introduced at Fri- very weak, put him on Grape-Nut- s Too Much Prosperity. Vicar Defends Dancing. state of about 114,000 In bounties. President Roosevelt has transmitted For nearly a week the police of Chimaking the total for five twice a day. Alonzo Dr. H. Sylvester, Emperor days session, Rev. Forbes Phillips, vicar of He rapidly recovered and about two Jones is accused of running a wolf twenty-eigh-t A committee days just cago have been searching for a young to congress a communication from the who has written plays for Mrs, Williams American dentist, commit- clerk months and coyote farm, and of sending the man, thereafter, his Father states, from of the interior requesting Brown appointed Ogden caused the who, masked and armed with a secretary same pelts twlcp for bounties on nuPotter, writes a letter to the ted suicide at Berlin. He shot him- sensation of the day In the house. It He has grown to be strong, muscurevolver, forced his way into the resi- the withdrawal of certain lands In the London lar, and sleeps soundly, weighs 63 papers Indignantly protesting self through the head in his bed room. is alleged that his merous occasions. dence of Ernest G. Woers, a wealthy abandoned Fort Sherman military resignorance of short- pounds, and his whol$ system Is in a The emperor was fond of Dr. SylvesRev. the attack of Reuben A. against hand and typewriting make him use- fino condition of health. Name given Hana Tope, familiarly known as brewer on Fifth Avenue, held up three ervation, Washington, In view of the American revivalist, on ter. He created him a royal Prussian less as a "Mad Beaver," is dead. Tope was one servants and Mr. Woerzs daughter contemplated use of the lands in con- Torrey, theThe committee clerk. An attempt by Fostum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. him councillor, his appointed misprivate and forced the brewer himself to pay dancing. was made to have him appointed readof the most familiar Indians about tribute in the sum of 9100 It is plain that if he had been put him dentist nection and with works. With gave many sion Irrigation presents. announced a on crusade recently before be at an earlier period in was a protest London society scandals, dancing, gam- Dr. Sylvester was the pioneer AmerOgden, and comes from Malad, Ida. He would consent to leave. The robber this communication ing clerk. This met with opposition on Grape-Nut- s ican dentist In Berlin, having come and a motion was hiB life, and kept from the use of lived in a tepee on the banks of the then rushed from the house, and, al- from Senator Heyburn of made to discharge Idaho bling. theaters, etc. Mr. Phillips de- here thirty years ago. He had an him from further that only a depraved mind and that he could not digest, he nevWeber river. Consumption was the though the police were promptly noti- against the diversion of the water of clares attendance on the Joods Iner would have had appendicitis. That fied, not a trace of him has been Lake Coeur dAlene for use in an irri- a jaundiced life could imagine such extraordinarily large professional house. cause of death. monstrous charges as Dr. Torrey come, bat had, nevertheless, financial found. disease is caused by undigested food gation project in Washington. difficulties. makes. Two menTuho entered a saloon in decaying in the stomach and bowels, New Years In Russia. An Free Zone Abolished. Expensive Strike. Salt Lake City and ordered the occufor the causing irritation and Valuable State Lands. Bryan Loses Again. The Russian new year was celebrat- growth of all kinds ofmaking The strike of union machinists, microbes, setThe abolition of the Mexican govpants to throw up their hands, were A decision adverse to the contened on the night of the 13th with much ting up a diseased condition which is Immense deposits of salt and soda routed by the proprietor, who hurled which went into effect May 24 last, has ernment of the free zone," a strip of a beer bottle at the robbers, striking been expensive to that organization, territory extending along the entire have been found on state land between tion of William J. Bryan has been of the customary enthusiasm In pri- the active cause of appendicitis, and given in the superior court at New vate homes, for new years Is one of this Is more marked with people who one of the men. One of tbe men shot according to a statement given out by border for a width of twenty kllomet- ta ktoradT Haven, Conn., by Robinson, who the greatest fete days of the year; but do not properly digest white bread. at the saloon man, but missed him. S. Lee of ers. Fisher is announced. When Secretary the zone was M. Falke, a capitalist who has secured declared that the Judge Chicago. Grape-NutIs made of the selected famous sealed letter publicly there will be little demonstraThe Utah Light & Power company His report shows that out of a total established it was believed that the lease from the state, expects big of wheat and barley and by parts which late S. the Philo by to war. the Bennett, tion, owing It has been customs duty would prove a turns from It. Register Woodruff of has plans under consideration for a expenditure of 9X61,000 during 1904, processes of the cooking at benefit to the towns on the bor- -' the state land board says the deposits Mr. Bryans personal friend, expressed customary to hold a great new years the factory, all of the starch Is turned Mr. wish large light and power plant In Ameri-oa- 9156,000 had ben used in supporting great that should Bryan der. is said It will that the of to the the growth prove equal at folWhen the strikers. Winter Hutchison, the strike was called palace, into sugar rerdy for immediate digesFork canyon. The plant will be 800 members border cities has been retarded and A , Kan., field. On Faikes lease Is a have 950,000 from his estate, could not reception of the union be admitted as evidence In the case lowed by a ball, in which all the state tion and the more perfect nourishwork, been has asked The sodium for operated by both water and steam, and but a number of them havequit change with a Falke that is spring. functionaries but this ment of all parts of the body, particusince obto offering protection to new ing out of this sp. lg is worth about before the court. The matter will year Emperor participated, Nicholas cancelled the that cost will be tained employment, and strike benefits now be taken by Mr. Bryans attorlarly the brain and nerve centers. x about $400,000. are now being paid to only 500 men. . enterprises which promise to locate 930 a ton. When the boring begins he neys to the and there will no be official function, Conencticut supreme court In the border section. Read the little book, The Road expects to strike the deposit in greater on of activities sort. any questions of law. ' found in each pkg. "volume- IBB But Assassin Was Poor Marksman and Soldier Escaped. A dispatch from Moscow says: At the Nicholas station, Sunday night, while General Trepoff was bidding farewell to Grand Duke Sergius on his departure for St. Petersburg, a young man wearing a students cap fired three shots from a revolver at the general. All the shots missed General Trepoff. Grand Duke Sergius proceeded on his journey. General Trepoff, who recently was relieved of the office of chief of police of Moscow, and ordered to the front to take up his duties as head of the Red Cross society in Manchuria, Incurred the special enmity of the students of Moscow by the severity with which he put down their demonstrations of December 18 and 19, 1904. Within one week in 1902 there were three attempts on his life. The first of these, on March 81, was by a woman named Allart, a governess, who placed the muzzle of a pistol against General Trepoffg breast and pulled the trigger, the weapon failing to discharge. A UTAH Three-Cornere- d Would Not Remain in Organization Which Admitted Packers to Membership. The National Livestock association was rent in twain at its session in Denver on the 13th, by the adoption of a new constitution, which admitted the packers to membership, and provided an open door .through which the railroads of the country might at any time become factors In the control of the organization. The cattlemen, horse and swine growers, together with representatives of some of the affiliated industries, refused to agree to the new constitution, withdrew when they considered Its adoption probable, and in the afternoon formed a new organization under the name of the American association, whose aim it will be to wield a dominating influence in the interest of the cattle grower. Roughly speaking, the sheep grow-erscommission men and the stock yards interests remained with the National Livestock association, and the actual growers of all other animals for the market have gone with the new association. Lam-trac- Cris-mo- Stock-Grower- s am-phr- , three-cornere- d sergea- 1 l) ( The-hous- e n ever-livin- g mine-owner- one-hal- 270,-00- impris-onmen- Gor-iesto- Torrey-Alexand- jg lanulsFe, s n tak-vie- , , |