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Show G0.0D..REC,pE. FOR SUCCESS. Treatment Regular Medical Pills Pink Dr. Williams Sd, Cured Her Rheumatism. afflicted wi th wesiwut years under the care physicians iu vain. Then to the conviction Wfl settled down them for life. Mrs. is fastened on nf .more was not wiUing to join the hopeless merely because her not know how to help her. Hundreds of people Client jjrdid iFotyearsago inI epitaph told Dealing Justly w.th the World a Main Requisite. I! ymT mirror an(l it smiles bark k P,eas&ntly at the J0.u: fefl6Cta your eood attirllkn1 ed cultivate a warm feeling ard a' men and y radiate and give back the warmth. Deal justly. Trade on broad principles. Be not too Jealous of your rights. The world mankind soon discovers where It Is well treated, and trades there. Be loyal to your clerks and will. return it In loyalty. Trade they on broad lines, buy of broad treat ibe public generously andpeople, success is sure to come a success that Is worth the winning and keeping and cherish-mBe exacting, carping, looking out carefully for jour little rights, and as sure as the sun shines the world will have its eye on you, watching you in a way that jou do not care to be watched. Keep sweet and move on. Battens Wedge. t- - -- suffered greatly my hands and jheumatism After I had been sitting a while me1 s ' VaTy 1 could hardly b. t empt. So long as I first Jkou the was all right, but just as I moving hpt seemed to mnn as I stopped, something make them ache. and knees in my (tie so bad I couldnt touch v hands were !h of them on a flat surface; they Swollen and pained w." ? HYENA KNEW ITS FRIEND. -- Did yon call in physician for over a year; steadily doctored I said : You have taken Apparently Vicious Creature Had then one doctor to kill almost Memory for Kindness. medicine strong enough not me ' did kill nor A few years ago in one of Still, it Anything. the menageries exhibited during the races at the rhemnasm Brighton, England, was a striped How, theu, did yon get rid of it? hyena, which, to the keeper and all At different times I had read in variDr. about Williams around him, displayed the usual feroes publications --onderfnl Pink Pills for Pale People, cious habits Inherent in animals of his to try them. I took kind. Among the nd I finally decided spectators was a four months in young man who fearlessly approached them steadily for directions. that the with the den where It was snarling and By cured. snapping furiously, and, putting his time I was completely "Have you been free from it ever hand through the wires, patted the animal on its head. since?" In an instant the hyena gave sympSince then I have had but one slight tetom of my trouble, aud a box or two of toms of the greatest delight, bounded about in an ecstacy of Joy and rubbed the same pills made me all right again. Hrs. F. A. Dinsmore lives in hearty himsel fagainst the young mans hand, enjoyment of her recovered health at seeming to be overjoyed at his caIt appeared that this animal Woburn, Mass., entirely freed from the resses. rheumatism always had been taken when a cub by this pave anxieties that brings. Wbeu it appears iu but a siugle young man and brought by nim to the blood is in a faulty England and sold to the joint it shows that keeper of a itate in the whole body. It may at any menagerie, and although seven years moment break out elsewhere, and one of had elapsed since then the recollecthe dangers is that it may break out iu tion of the gentle treatment he had the heart and theu the result most be received had been gratefully rememfatal. The only security is to keep the bered by this apparently untamable sonud blood all the time iu a perfectly g creature. condition. Pr.Willianis Pink Pills make healthy blood. All other relief is superficial. These pills are sold This is thorough. by all druggists. , Zebras in German East Africa. report from German East Africa is to the effect that there are over 250,000 zebras In the colony. They apAll Know Her. pear sometimes in herds of from 200 a there Is In every neighborhood to 400 animals. voman the neighbors hide from. She I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consumption gits around and complains that she is hut that she really has an equal for coughs and colds. John F. "keeping up, Atchison Globe. Botes, Trinity Springs, Ind , Feb. 15, 1900. ought to be in bed. TEA Think of us once If you least take-bac- a day at dont like it, your money. k Tour (jroeer ttk Schilling's returns your money If you dont Pest. First American Fire Engine. the first fire engine was England to New York. In 1731 taken from A COLD IN ONE DAT Tike Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU drwjp the refund money If it falls to cure. E. W (lu 6rove'i signature is on each box. 25c. TO CURE A Remarkable Dinner. remarkable dinner was served recently by a farmer near Ault, Col. The table was set for twelve and the menu consisted of one potato, one chickcabbage, one A en, one onion and pound apple. thre turnip, one pies made from a Im- (6HHS fi x Mr. Windows Soothing Syrup. for children teething, soften the gums, reduce fa 2Sc a wtiui Q&mmeUon, aiif i pain, cure colic. Elephant Memory Good. Elephants never seem to forget the lessons they learn in captivity. A traveler tells of one which had been trained to carry baggage and which wild. escaped from its keeper and ran recwas it afterward months Eighteen wild of a herd in elephants ognized It seemed at first as savage as any of the herd, but when its old keeper told boldly seized it by the ear and it to lie down obeyed. it Always Bought 9 Bears the PNl Signature Promotes Digestion.Cheerful-nes- s and Rest. Con tains neither Opium,Morplune nor Mineral, of hox Narcotic. Ay, tfoua-siNviLFnaa- In Use Aperfecl Remedy forConsUpa-Ho- n Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea For Over Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of Thirty Years NEW YORK. 10,000 Untoere for 16c. to Hot garden and farm planted w8lzra flned thanreason any oher in for tnl. yAmerica There b We own over 1,000 scree for the PJO- -I Auction of onr warranted needs a order to induce you to try them, we n make you the following unpre eedented offer? J to 18 Omni Liniment Mustang and Strains. cores Sprains i I Above seven package contain 10000 plante, fui otlotabrllllaid of choice i flowere and lots andwith our great I vegetables, together ' telling all about Flowers catalog, Eoses, Small Fruits, etc., all for Mo in stamps and this setles Big catalog alone, to. JOHN A. 8AIIER SEED CO dent seed to grow nlehlng bushels vN.v, La Croaae, Wig N MEXICAN PomfpmHi VlAftOlerijr, IwlleaeM LeteUbbefe ItOOO flee Juicy Turvlpe I tune HUehhig Cultry, I Luttnea. 000 Hied lone SpleedM Oiileee, I lflOO Bare iuseiuuo Naibtiew 1000 gUHeeely BrillUal Viewer w. Testimony to Character Witnew Thought All Convincing. Got one day on pnresldent John G. McCullough of Vermont. Governor, he said. 1 want to to jour notice Sebastian Su- AH )ouns nian a ni.' trUSt "Uh lii,cretlon in- and tegritv He Is a good man, eh? the Governor asked e one of the best of men, said t.ne bank piesident, solemnly. VMoral generous to a fault Mth a laugh the Governor inter rupted the bank president This fen id praise, lie reminds me of a case whereinsaid, I appeared in San Francisco He laughed again. Then he went high-minde- U., Salt Lak- e- No. 3, 1808. FREESS When Answering Advertlsemente ' Kindly Mention Thle Papr CURtS WHtHt AUltSl wiHH&umr OF SMALL COTTAGE. Design Insures Compact and Comfortable Quarters. C. C. W. Please publish a plan of a small cottage having hall, parlor, living room, two bedrooms and kitchen. I should like a veranda at the front. In the plan shown there Is only one chimney, which is between kitchen and lmng room. There are folding doors between parlor and living room and the parlor can be warmed from the stove In living room. The chimney receives the pipe both from the kitchen and the living room. There is a veranda six feet wide along the front and one five feet vide along the Witch- - the tombstone. The Woman With a Baby. 'Mid the herd of human porkers crowded on the tiolloy car All is selfishness and jostle, making age and sex no bar; Men collapse in seats g and stay there, shi inking ladies stand With a look of indignation and a strap in either hand, xet theres one thing that youve noticed, never fails to make a stir when a woman ith a baby comes they all make room for her. I have sat in stuffy coaches on a crowded railway train. Listening to case hardened travelers who declared with might and main That thej d see the raihoad company in hades fiercest heat Long befoie theyd even think of giving any one a seat; Then, ere scarce theyd ceased their boasting, theyd rise without demur For a woman with a baby, they must al) make room for her. There is something sweet. Madonnahke. in putures suih as that. And it makes the lowest ruffian feel like taking off his hat; For it bears him back to boyhood, when loving mother arms Closely clung to him and kept off een the the least of earths alarms. So, no matter what his station, he will evermoie defer To a woman with a baby he has reverence for her. Once I dreamed I stood in heaven, just inside the peaily gate. While to every new arrival good St. PeYou re late; ter said For the places are all taken and the in use. ail harps aie Golden sheets arc just so crowded that I had to call a truce woman lugged a Then a little, tued-ou- t baby into view, And St. Peter said Were full up, but well find a place for you. S. W. Gillllan, in Leslies Weekly. A City of Joiners. In Guthrie is a city of joiners. fact, everybody there belongs to at least one lodge, and some of them to all of them. Frank Greer, editor of the State Capital, heads the list. He recently joined the United Commercial Travelers, and this makes him a member of every order in the city except the W. C. T. U., and he is said to be an honorary member of that Recently a new man came to Guthrie and located Just across the street from H. T. Swearengin, a prominent Scottish Rite Mason. One day, about a weak later, Swearengin caught a boy of the new neighborhood, as the lad was passing, and after a few preliminaries, asked if No, sir, his father was a Mason. answered the boy. Probably, then, -- suggested he Is an Odd Fellow, Swearengin, but the boy said No. Isnt your father a member of any Incredulodge? asked Swearengin, Not a one, answered the lously. Then why does he make all of lad. those signs when he comes out in front each morning? asked Swearengin. Why, that's easy, said the boy; Kansas pas got St. Vitus dance. City Journal. CURED BY en. If the living room is to be the dining room, it might be well to have the pantry next the dining room. Plan of Store and Dwelling. I Intend to build a store 20x38 feet, having 17 ft. posts, with rough boards, building paper and matched siding; the interior to be sealed. It is to have shelves along both sides, 8 In. On deep and counters 2 ft. 6 in. wide. the upper floor I want a sitting room, hall and bedrooms, the partitions to be of boards. I would like a kitchen, pantry and probably a bedroom down Btaira. Please publish a suitable plan with probable cost of the building. C. R. A COLO ON PE-RU-N- A. THE LUNGS THREATENS TO BECOME SERIOUS. Wartime Courtesies. Ernest Vedel, a Paris literary mac, was a lieutenant In the French navy. At one time he commanded a small warship charged with the duty of preventing the entrance of foreign vessels into a Siamese harbor. A ScanPlain Subject In Plain dinavian ship, with a Siamese com, Language. modore who called himself Armand Duplessis de Richelieu, attempted to The coming winter will cause at least enter by the alleged authorization of of the women to have catarrh, M. the French minister at Bangkok. colds, coughs, pneumonia or consumpVedel wrote a note in these terms: If tion. Thousands of women will lose their lives and tens of thousands will you dont desist, I shall open fire. Then he learned that Mmo. Richelieu acquire some clironio ailment from which they was with her husband, and he tied the will never recover. note to a magnificent bouquet. The Unless you take the commodore with the illustrious name necessary precautions, the desisted, and thanked the polite lieuchances are that you (who tenant profusely for the flowers. ill be one of the unfortunate ones. Little or no risk need be run if Peruna is kept in the house and Willing to Pay for Hit Drink. of any symptom One night not long ago Archie got at the first appearance of catarrh taken as directed on the over his in and, turning very thirsty, and said, bottle. bed, poked his mother Peruna is a safeguard, a preventative, ' Mamma, gimme a drink of water. a specific, a cure for all cases of catarrh, to to him sleep. acute and chronic, coughs, colds, congo His mother told In another five minutes he again sumption, etc. For free medical advice, address Dr. asked for a glass of water. This time Ilart-Il-l his mother said to him, If I get up S. B. Ilartmnn, President of The Ohio. man Columbus, a Sanitarium, spanking. good you only give To which Archie replied, Will you when you give me the glass of water get up to give me the spanking? one-ha- It depends on the amount of business you do and the space required for same to determine if you require the whole ground floor for the store. A building 20x38 ft. Is not very large, and if living apartments were partitioned off of the rear end it .would make the store very small. One can not draw a satisfactory plan of building without knowing how it is situated. It may be so that no windows could be put in the sides, or the building may be lighted only from the front and back. It would be better to get some practical man who knows the Great Supply of Sherry. Sufficient sherry wine to supply the situation of the building ground to draw a plan for you. The probable worlds demand for a quarter of a cencost of such a building would be about tury is said to be contained in the storehouses of Jarez de la Frontera, in $1,200. Spain. Plant Lice on Apple Trees. Comforts of Travel. F. S. p. What is the best treatment The porter on the California Limited for five year old apple trees that are will be prepared to press a covered with a small green louse, ap- this winter trousers while he waits. gentlemans the as cabbage same the parently This is a new wrinkle, introduced for or advise spraying louse? Would you of tastidious dressers. It Is a the benefit painting this time of jjar? 2. as a isnt absolutely necessary to carry burlap wrapping Tur the trees along an extra pair of trousers, either; protection agxrtist rabbits, safe? Or the porter works while you sleep. On this luxurious train daily market is there a better plan for preventing reports are received by wire; there rabbits gnawing the bark. are the latest morning and evening issued en route, fine staThe apple trees are evidently af- newspapers of western books and a library tionery, fected with green aphis. While the current A Whitley exermagazines. trees are dormant, or at this time of ciser for those who wish to keep up the year they could be sprayed with their athletics, and electric curling wash with good ef- irons for the lrdies are other travel the troublesome comforts'. fect and if the aphids are The Santa Fe Intends to keep Its when the trees begin to grow next with fast flyer at the front. he should sprayed they spring kerosene emulsion or whale oil soap. Civilized Death Rate. The aphids are seldom very troublerate for males throughdeath The on nursery some on apple trees, except country Is 19 per 1,000, for out the stock. , only 17.2. The difference is 2. Burlap wrapping makes a safe in old age. These differences greatest rabbits, against and fair protection also in the most carefully regisexist meshas effective as but is not nearly tered European countries. ed wire or wooden veneers wrapped lf Brings Speedy Relief. PalMrs. II. E. Adams, metto Club, of New Orleans, La. writes from 110 Garfield Court, South Bend, Ind., as follows: J am pleased to endorse Peruna, aa Pe-ru-- I took it about a year ago and It soon brought ma relief from a cold on my lungs which threatened to bo serious. The lungs were Bore and inflamed, I coughed a couple of hours every night, and I felt that something must te done before my lungs became affected. Peruna was suggested by some of my friends who had used it, and acting upon their advice I tried it and found that it was able to bring about a speedy cure. You have my highest endorsement and thanks for the good it did me. Sounding the Praises of Peruna. Mrs. Frances Wilson, 33 Nelson SL. ' Clinton, Mass., writes: Had you seen me at the time of my illness and now, you would not wonder that I take delight in sounding the praises of Peruna. My ailment was a severe cold which attacked the bronchial tubes and lungs. followed your special direction and after using six bottles of Peruna, I was on my feet again. I think Peruna a wonderful medicine. MOUNTAINEER OVERALLS NO BETTER ONES CAN BE MADE lime-sulph- KINO OF ALL LINIMENTS CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN SPRAINS. OUTS. MUIttt, IUMI, SOAlMg 4. NKURALOId I I E3 mm G OLOJORKS,OeiCK JN tPftAINIS apavs.vni, Mwawi) m m mm ftPIMMKO WMIST. ALL INPLAMtoATtOMA OF MAM ANKILS, OORN LMUUMAl TUT. OUt. MMIOMli AMO HUIKin PAOSTIM. 00 MAfa, . around the trees. Parrot Lost Voice. S. R. T. A parrot aged about six years, lost Its voice about a year ago through water being repeatedly thrown over it to quiet it. A couple of months ago It began to whistle mournDepartment That Fays Its Way. again and sometimes utters ain good ful cry. It is seemingly No department of the national adCan you advise ministration pays its way quite so health and lively. manfully as does the department of treatment to induce it to talk again? agriculture. Congress has recognized deAn experienced parrot raiser this fact in liberal appropriations. In was the bureau of forestry alor.e, accord- cides that the bird in question treatthe ing to Secretary Wilsons report, frightened into silence by these approproations have permitted ment it received. It Is not a difficult Increase in matter to terrify a bird of any kind In six years a sixteen-folinto silence. The parrot will have to the working force and a twelve-foland increase in expenditures. Yet a single be very kindly treated, petted and regained It has the entirely until bureau, made humored by discovery It now applied to the production of tur- the confidence of its attendants. resavshould In this way be gradually pentine, is effecting an annual condition. of ing equal to the total expenditure de- stored to Its former the bureau for six years. The Aladdins Chimney that Catches Fire. partment is the farmers L. a. B. The chimney on my house lamp. Rub It and Its genius produces in anything called for. SL Paul Pioneer frequently catches fire. It Is built Press. the ordinary way of 2 by 1 bricks. Is there any method of 'construction Guard Wat Satisfied. which would be less liable to catch- on the of secretary fire? Walter B. Stevens, Purchase exposition, was Louisiana bewelcome In the first place the flues of your down for an address of fore the congress of deaf and dumb chimneys are too small, being only four held at the Worlds Fair. Usually 4x12 inches. The flues being only moments late, inches wide the soot will collect in punctual, he was a few the chimney and leave only a small and by way of preface apologized for inrebuildhis tardiness, bis explanation being opening for the draught By In the sign ing your chimneys and using flue tiles "audience his to terpreted on the plat- - on Insifis of the brick, the soot will language by an instructor In chimney. For . not oo'lect so freely farm. 8x8 inches When I reached the door, said an Ordinary chimney tiles a Jef- are generally used. Mr Stevens, I was stopped by no one ferson guard, who told me that and deaf dump except Weight of Spelt and Emmer. admitted was was deaf I him that I told v. M. What is the standard weight persons. enter. of spelt and emmer? and dumb and had a right to Ob, If thats the case, sir, pass MinneIn a bulletin devoted to spelt and right in, the guard replied. Journal. Oicmer, prepared by Air. C. E. Saunapolis ders, experimentalist, at the Central Missouri Live Stock. Experimental farm, the weights of farmstock Missouri has more live these grains are referred to as fol ers than any other state In the Union, lows: The weight of a measured $200,000,000. Its five stock is worth emmer or spelt depends of bushel per cent of While It has only 41-on the variety and on the way largely has it the of country, the live stock been threshed; loosd of live In which it has per cent of the total value if present, materially increase kernels, stock in the United States, a striking the weight Roughly speaking, one commentary on the high quality of may say that emmer generally weighs stock. Kansas City Missouri live from 30 to 38 pounds and spelt from Journal. 22 to 30 pounds per measured bushel" 2 SUFFERED Women's Duplicate Shoes. most curious trade has sprung up lately which illustrates quaintly the pet vanity of woman. It appears that women when stajing at hotels or the like do not care to exhibit to the passers along the corridors the exact size of their feet, so they carefully carry with them a couple of pairs of tiny, delicate shoes, which, instead of the ones they are wearing, they place outside their doors for the servants to take down and clean. All the big boot shops in Paris now make a specialty of this tiny footgear, and a pair or two form a portion of the trousseau of bride. Madrid womevery en are said to have the smallest feet; Peruvian women come next and the American girls are a good third. that? from CATARRH OF LUNGS SO COMMON IN WINTER. A It was a will case. We were trying to break the will of an elderly gentleman who ignoring his relations, had left the bulk (jr his property to a total stranger 1. was part of our case to prove that the dead man had been eccentric, irregular, cruel, dissipated, and after we had proved this point the defense summoned a witness In rebuttal. The first question put to the de fenses witness was, 'What do you know about the character of the deceased? and the man answered, sir, in words like these: He was a man without blame, beloved and respected of men, pure In all his thoughts, and But I Interrupted the witness. Where, I said, did you learn all I got it,' the man answered, Monarch Fond of Puddings. King Hal, otherwise Henry YIU. of England, was exceedingly At one time he fond of puddings. gave a certain Mistress Cornwallis a house in Aldgate, for herself and her heirs forever, in reward of fine In King Henry VIIl.s puddings. private accounts occur again and again entries of his rewards to different housewives for bringing him puddings. A tjpical Instance runs thus: Item. The same day paid .o the wife that made the king podlngs at HampThis would be ton corte, ls. viijd. about $1.75. but its value was much greater when the entry was made. This love for fine puddings explains much in the familiar rotund figure of King Hal. Bluff on. d tUAUUSmf- a- , PLAN bottle The Kind You Have njPTTTTiiT Vegetable Preparationfor Assimilating theFoodandBegula-tin- g the Stomachs and Bowels of INFANTTSWORTtaK Underground in a Gold Mine. Few people realize the extent of the underground workings of a gold mine. One mine in the Colorado Cripple Creek district, Colorado, has over miles of development untwenty-siderground, and is adding to this terriIt tory about four miles a year. would require a week of walking, riding and climbing to inspect even half of this mine. For InfantajindjliMIdreiE 'M Tffli A all things; TEA We tell you the truth; and moneyback shows it We tell you the truth; and moneyback shows it. Your grocer return BchlUlng'e Beet. toot money If yon don't like Bread. Unclean English newspaper correspondents are complaining of the disgustingly unclean treatment of bread on Its way from the baker to the consumer. - TEA There are good grocers who dont sell Schilling s Best tea coffee spices ex soda; tracts baking-powdstrange but true. READ THIS REMARKAELE CURE I was much afflicted with rheumatism," write Ed. O. Nud, Iowaville, Sedgwick Co., Kansas, "going about on erutebea and suffering a great deal of pain. I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which cured mo, after using three S0O bottles. IT IS THE GREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USED: hare it to a number of persons, all express themselves as being benefited by it. I now walk without crutches, and am able to perform a great deal of light labor on the farm. ' THREE SIZES: 23c, 50c AND $1.00 Ballard Snow Liniment ST. LOVIS, V. S. A. er Write for our Knowledge Book, A. Schilling Oomimny, Son Fmoelooo. Foibles of the Police. A London judge learned tnat policemen with a black eye felt a delicacy' about doing duty, and, until the eye got well, always did night duty. TEA the way to do business, it is the way to make money, it is the way to make friends, it is the w-- .y to make name and fame. It is Your grootr ntariu jrowr mony If 7 on don't tlkn Schilling's H - Better Time Sure. Why should troubles overcome us? God gave the flowers the power withstand lonfc'trinters and to patiently await the jeomiug of spring. HALL'S CANKER PON TH TOMAOH Nalden-Judsa- n MOUTH, TMUOST, AND OOW1L.... AND -- DIPHTHERIA REMEDY NEVER FAILS- - Drug Co., General Agents. Thief Travel In Trunk. An Ingenious thief who secreted himself in a trunk addressed to the freight station at Smlchow, in Austria, was captured after be bad Ailed the trunk with miscellaneous valuables from other luggage. FOR SALS BY ALL OEUOEIETS AND OINSRAL aTONS..., aaa Salt Lake City, Util. SI, SALT LAKE CITY Superintendent C. C. HUNTINC, A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES. ASSAYtwo-.- CO. FUe. Your JOHN OGDEN timing. BIIihI, iriKedlbg nr if PAZO OlKTMEhT 1 nr j IIAO Gold, Silver, Copper wLUU aurh Adt three. a drugs!.! will refund money or Lead. 50c. 14 to cure la yuu day.. fail, to Sample, by mall receive prompt ettentlon. Placer Gold, Retorte and Rich Ore. Bought. DENVER, COLOw I72S Arapahoe Street, Look for Christmas Day Omen. ASSAYER AND Many English people believe tnat If CHEMIST. the sun shines bright at noon on Bpectmen prices: Gold Silver, Lead, If; Gold, WK Christmas day, a plentiful crop of apples may bo expected the following year. er.TOc; Gold,50c; Zinc or Copper. SI. Cjftold (MIA Mulling envelope and full price list sent on applies tlon. Control and Umpire work solicited. vlll Colo Reference, Carbonate NaUunnl Bank Lo PUTNAM FADELESS DYES 10c oackaoe color, silk, an ol and cotton equally well and t. Guaranteed to qirt oorli krtehter end taster color, than to, other dre. Onebooalet-How to Die. Bleach and Mu Colors. UJKOJC vutu CO., Unkmetlle, paid at lUo a oackaoe. Write lor free UhdMwew!ll |