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Show A -- " ur y. v :r THE BOX ELDER NEWS, THURSDAY, Jan 19, 1905 PAGE FOUR. i if $ ljc guac 1 I LEE A M Proprietor. WIXOM, ,mu or ecBscBimo: $ One Tear, la advance Months Three Month! The Drama. lm0 GBlfccr . . 11.26 .66 - . Advertising rates furnished on application ' 1 if ,: i Entered at the Host omee at Brigham, second Mass m tier. J :l?i NORMAN ' t4 The dramatic season was mait opened on Pridav mgSt Iasi by the Home D.amittc Co. with . Bound by an Oath, a piece well adapted foi oik amateurs and plye throughout with a dash th ,t won thi Pectoral Ayers Cherry throats, hack- quiets tickling ing coughs, pain in the lungs.It relieves congestion, sub- favo and held the inteiestof the hip an lienee. EuirH. The scene y prep K-- Cherry Pectoral f.r d vo t i .! i) 1 1, ned f iv-u- d u. r me pi i ir. 1 idiu v.tg We tidci! u,. inn w. li ;o was so fm f ell He t e u o.r icd to piy itt girincn; t'n' si. tv- - joui.g woman to I sj. !'' Ii'il 'pm t ' d m j. m r o 1 v- -d "the i ) lh d er ur s- - to , and .0 turn her In. ttsk- - 'I bus mm iik' worn, the young dues inflammation. It heals, star ed, she gra Itu.i) hunt up a husi- strengthens. Your doctor will hop on the ness, and uow she ha-- a explain this to you. He knows r medicine. wiicie core-or all about this cough edge of the retail W. Mr. ned At.rl fherry Pectoral In mothers visit her. Sie does little for throat end lung our tmntly fo- - " trouble stid wo thin a no medicine oqtiulsli or no actual se.vi'i,' buigivs almost Mol A Tomiroy. Appleton, uiott. 4 C AYBR CO. v hei w hole time to n ng garnioi t- -. A?' mri'' for fowl 8 nsourctfulue-bhe has shown gieat to her in adapting i.u.ous rn.ilerials Van Dam came in for much praise special needs. Mothers are sti t Ling for the faithful portrayal of his part Ayers Pills greatly aid recovery. her bu-- i' gently laxative. each uti er about l.er, aud effect We are amused at the Miss Bertha Thompson, although her Purely vegetable, nebs still grows. Ex. upon our frieud Bro. Goodliff e voice was hardly strong enough to NOTICE. Mr. W. II Miller of Syracuse, of a complaint registered in our reach all parts of the big hall, spoke Notice is hereby given that the who is the larges! fapple grower issue of the 12th against the act- her lines feelingly and did a lather annual meeting of the stoikhok reion of Commissioner Jones in difficult part creditably. Miss Allred ers of the Box Elder Academy cf in the county, has told us that III -- , d.'-lg- Weak Throats . fusing to confirm the choice oi Clerk Valentine for assistants. We expressed our opinion of auclLScri. ini thereupon, Char ley, like Arnold Winkelreid, drew to himself the spears of the enemy and valiantly died for hi 6 Greater country (i. e. Jones). love than this hath no man, that he voluntarily beareth the burdens of his brother. We fail to see wherein we said anything derogatory to Charley. W e con cede everybodys right to aspire f r ff cr ? i e nyloji-- d t'l-- ml-- ct What Next? added much to the comedy features of Music'and Dancing Co will be the play by her clever work as "the held in the Academy at 4:3 p. m widow her scenes with Jesse Men Feb. 16, 1905 for the purpose Board of sit director denhall, the nigger being one of th electing a for the ensuing year, and trans features. Mr, Mendenhall was ef such other business a and a favorite. fective Manager acting Southworth, who played the part of blind miller, poor but honest, did his work naturally and in good style, his may be deemed necessary, C. O. Andersen, 26 Secietary j NOTICE. defiance of Jacob being well worked Miss Hobbs and Mrs. Rose, up. he makes as high as $500 an acre from his apple orchard by ! a I f 1 . stage properties was shown th in in last season's productions. As a rule the players failed in speaking so tbit the back benches could hear them and with two or three exceptions the actions were somewhat stilted , Man ager Southworth, however, h.s sernr ed a good company and hi future plays will be looked forward to, of citizenship including the right to pay taxes ; the affairs of the Considerable credit ihoula be given county are no concern of ouri. But, all joking aside, we are to Mr, Southworth for the difficulties thankful that, such is not the overcome in fitting up the stage in sentiment of the republicans of the Meeting House, the work having this county, We have been ac- to be all done from the very beginning corded every courtesy by them. and nearly all by himself personally The reason that we havent This stage is uow as complete as wtl r any democratic officer be found in any town of this size iu this year is obvious. In that re- the Vest. The Alberta Star. gard we are in the same preStomach Trouble and Constioationdicament as Old Mother Hub- Cbamberlalns Stomach aud Liver bard who went to the cupboard Tablets are the best thing for stomach to get her poor doggie a bone. troubles and constipation I have ever sold, says J. R. Cullman, a druggist An agreeable movement of the bow- of Pottervllle, Mioh. They are easy roasted - els without any unpleasant effect Is produced by Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by the Eddy Drug Store State Auditor Edwards announced yesterday that warrants have already been issued for 910,000 for bounties on wild animals. This exhausts the money appropriated by the state legislature. Mr. Edwards says that ap0 propriations amounting to about moie will be called for when the session starts. At the beginning of the year claims had been entered with Tlngey amounting to 925,. 000. The first 910,000 of these were paid in the first three days of the year. But this exhausts the sum at the disposal of the state for this purpose. Since then more claims have come In, and by the time the legislature Is in session the total will have been swollen to 925,000,-Des- eret News. 925,-00- GO TO BROWNS advertiser Look over this issue. Consider our subscription list. Dont you think it would pay you to advertise with us? You cannot reach 1000 readers in a better -i-n-law tt i) Cur MAILS C LOM1S. A salve that heals without a scar Is Northbound No 7 De Witts Witch Hazel Salve. No Northbound No 9 . Northbound, Local tisers to get their ads, in not later than Tuesday noon for pages 4 and S and Wednesday noon for pages 1 and 8 to insure a change. DaWItt's ffisl Salvo For PUet Burns, loros pasture with 20.34 acres indepenC, Holst dent water right near O. 8. L. depot. Mortensen 100 acres land all Nelsen .... k .. .... m an p n, Cache 17 North 0:35 Brigham City Jensen at Thatcher, Utah. Good house and Lewis J Lund fences. Andrew Funk 1 acre with j. D. CALL orchard, 3 room bouse ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR B P Newman and good barn, about 60 rods from Mary Johnson county court house In Brigham citv. Brigham City, low price; will Samuel Carter On easy terms and at tyELS JENSON, B II Jones sell this place on the Installment plan. 5 OF HEALTH, BOARD Chairman Secretary Dr. E. A. Rich F W Fishburn Dr. L. Berg. The city council meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. PRECINCT Justice tne of 8:30 am a in am p u am 10.10 a.m Peace COUNTY (Short R. R.ne: ( In Effect reins arrtr OFFICERS, Andrew Funk, j June 11.00 a. m. Office hours from 9.30 a. m. to 5.30 m. . B. F. Booths, Postmaster. Utah & Judge 1st Judicial District W W Maughan F J Holton A W Valentine Early Risers UcWlit' Littlo The famous little pills nston, 2 55am 2 43 am Dewey Elonev vtlle 2 33 a m Brigham Perry.. . Willard.. it N07 Noll 1 is 8o Ooili ii l If ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Practice In Stats and Federal eourta and b fore Doited Stetee Lend office. Office over Roeenbaume store. tf tab Brigham city ... L. BERG, JR BARBER, SHAVING I80 HAIR CUTTING 28e City Bell Express the City Orders Filled Promptly, Charges Reasonable 8 15 p m 758pm 7 4s 7 43 utan Delivers Freight and Express to All Parts of 125pm 835 pm 116pm S25pm 06 pm 2 15 am 12 50 pm 2 01 a m 12 38 pm 1 55 a so 12 33 pm First Nat Bank building, B. H. JONES, 1904. BOX ELDER CO. OFFICERS Rooms 20-- 21 Brigham 'City, cbbp ljth, ... V. Supreme Court and depart at local stations dally ea follows! NORTH BOUND. pm pm John Funk, Sour Uollinston, 615am 542am 410pm 9 25 a m 5 50 a m 4 Dewey 21pm Honey vilie 9 35 a m 6 58 a m 4 33 p m 9 55 a m 6 15 a m 6 03 p m Brigham 1001am 0 24 a m 510pm Perry. Wiilard.10 05am 0 30 am 5 20 p m can be flagged- for I" Nos. llatandall 12statii ns; No. 8 can - at Honeyvtile and Hot Springs, Brigham is the regular stop; No. 10 can be flagged at all stations except Perry; No. 7 can be flagged at all si at ions except Perry and Honey' ville; No. 9 can be flagged at all stations except Perry and Honey ville. only be fisgued Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, htadacho, constipation, bad breath, general debility, eour risings, and catarrh of the stomach ara all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This now discovery represents the natural Juices of digestion as they sxtst In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known fonio and reconstructive Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not properties. only euro Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthanlng the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, ef Rivenswood, W. V.. says: i troubiad I with aour stomach for twenty yesrS. Kodol curad m aad w ara now using It In mh Through Pullman Palace Sleepers, Lateet lor btby. Improved Tourist Sleepers, free Reollnlnf Kodol Digests What You Eat hslr cars. Elegant da, ooacnes, Bottlss only. 1 1 .00 Sirs holding 2 times tbs trial W. W. UKownsoH, Agent, Brigham. else, which sells for SO cents D. B. A Geu'I Pas. T'k't. Agtnt, Bdrlst, OO.. OHIOAQO repared by K. O. DsWITT Salt Lake Cit, For Sale by Eddy Drug Store DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT The 9l .00 bottle eontslns 2 FXSMklD Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia E. C. DeWITT de tkneath trial size, which sails for 60 cants. OHI.V AT THE lABOSATOltY OF COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. mm mim -- r JV. So frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or take something that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. Stops the Cough and heals the lungs and prevents Pneumonia and Consumption the Consumption Threatened C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champaign, 111., writes: I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I had consumption. I tried a great many remediea and I was under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and I have not been troubled since. 18 3:50 p.m. 10.00 to AT LAW Prsctloes In nil the State Courts asd TIMB (Oregon - 1:10 p m 8:30 a in bound CorlDne, South bound Garland, Tremont, Coriune P. O. opens Sunday from V Utah ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Justice of the Peace..VVtn. Horsley LEE & DUNN, Anderson Supt. Waterworks-Loren- zo Real Estate Agents. William Forsgreh Chief Fire Dept Room 25, First National Bank buildO. C. Jensen Street Supervisor 39-- 4. O F Nelsen ing, Brigham, Utah. Tel. & Jailor watch Night Sextim C J Nelsen am MAIL ARBITES: No N. C. Mortensen & Sons under cultivation 7:38 pn. 7:38 9 m 6 03 p 11 MAIL CLOSES! Tremout, Garland OVER 7:38 p m From south No. 17 carries Salt Lake morning papers 10.30 From north No 8 From north No 10 5:i0 From north Local & Cache 10:15 Valley No 12 MALAD VALLEY R. R. No OFFICE !Z!Z n LOCAL MAILS. Spssdy Rsilcf. We will kindly ask our adver- ANDREW FUNK, Architect. gain. BRIGHAM CITY. fOLEYSITOmTAR . Farmer. builds up OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Utah. 24 wav. 0. harness si ore The successful advertiser is the the body, the rest restores the stomach to health. You dont have to diet one who keeps hammering away yourself when taking Kodol Dyspepsia The longer and harder the hamCure. J. D, Ersklne, of Allenville, mering the greater the results. city bay lots; Brigham City, acres orchard with house and large ham. A bar- containing THE FINEST who gets results. Harness and Saddle Exhibit A Coriune subscriber asks where he can find a competent In the city will be found at man to superintend his apple orchard. Unfortunately, there are C. ANDERSON'S few such men in Utah who are not already engaged. The young men who work for wages m Repairing of all kinds in my line Utah would do well to give at- promptly attended to. Mall orders tention to orchard work, as the have my persona! attention. demand fur trained orchard htna First Door North of First Ntl Dunk Blag. is rapidly increasing. Deseret J Wwfc hIUo Mala St Brigham olty W. five-ac- re J remedy effects such speedy relief. It Valley Noll..- - .... draws out. iufl amatiom. xooUies, Sonthiiouud Not Souihl-iuaV'J to d cools and heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A cure for Piles and sktu Suuiahouiiu, Local12 & Cache No More Stomach Troubles. Valley No All stomach trouble is removed by diseases. DeWitts is the only genmails akhivb. the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It uine Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of From south No 7 counterfeits, are they From south No gives the stomach perfect rest by didangerous, Irom south, Local & Cache gesting what you eat without the Sold by the Eddy Drug Store. Valley No II stomachs aid. The food Mich., says, I suffered Heartburn and stomach trouble for some time. My sister has had the same trouble and was not able to eat for bIx weeks. She lived entirely on warm water. After taking two bottles of Eodol Dyspepsia Cure she was entirely ured. She now eats heartily and Is In good health. I am glad to Bay Modol gave me instant relief, Sold 8 Eddy Drug Store. ories, has challenged the three Utah sugar factories to a rabbit hunt in Fremont county. If the challenge is'accepted the Oregon fehort Line will put in a special rate. The affair promises to be one of the biggest hunts held for Herald. some time s ATTORNEY-AT-LA- twice once in the st Real first-clas- Dist. Atty Chairman Co Com. Co Commis., Iowa String M B Hari FOR YOUR " " Kelton E H Jones RUBBERS, N J Valentine County Clerk Prosecuting Attorney Chas E Foxtey OVERSHOES, S N Cole Treasurer WARM GLOVES, Sheriff Jos JosephiOt Tonic to trie System. Christina Madsen Recorder MITTS, For liver troubles and constipation Assessor E A Box LEGGINGS, -- A E Jensen there is nothing better than De Witt's Co Supt of Schools DeweyvilleJ N Ilodawa) BOOTS, SHOES Little Dtrly Risers, the famous little Surveyor, Fi3h & Game Werden, J P Larsen Pills They do not weakeu the stom-ac- U' Dr. E. A. Rich and County Physician Their action upon the Water Commissioner. ,N P Anderson ' FELT SLIPPERS is mild, pleasant and harmless.system Bob COUNTY BOARD OK HEALTH . -P- RICES LOW. VALUES GOO- D- Moore, of LaFayette, Ini. says, No A W Valentine Chairman use talking, De Witts Little Early Dr. E. A. Rich Ile still repairs shoes while you Secretaiy wait and makes guaranteed custom Risers do their work. All other M. B. Hart and E. H. Jones, pills shoes. I have used gripe and make me sick iqembers of board . CiTSOUTH MAIN ST In the stomach and never cured me. . TERMS OF COURT, I9o5. De Wilt's Little Early Risers proved Dsitrict court Second Tuesday in to be the long sought relief. Trey February and Mav; First Tuesday in are simply perrect. Persons travel- September and Third Tuesday in og find Lit' le Eariy Ulsers the most November. reliable remedy to carry with them, County commissioners meet thr Sold by the Eddy Drug Store. first and third Tucsdaysof each month to lake aud always give satisfaction ltell mv customers to try them and If not satisfactory to come back and get their money, but have never bad a complaint For sale by the Eddy Drug Store It is the persistent bar-pe- t-, He sprayed with winter sprays; tall after the leaves had dropped and again in the early part of plea-ante- member of the Democratic Party and the present editor of the Box Elder News, is concerned at all. Ye gods and little fishes Into what rashness hath our presumption led us. It matters not that we are possessed of all the rights 59-- 4. Last year, he Dra) ed twice a month through, out the season, which he said gave him better results and paid him besides. If The News his received samp. elegam weading cards, incards and programs, and vitation 10 acres good bay laud or pasture can fill all orders on short notice. When you buy advertising cloie in north. Call and see them and you are space in a newspaper, do you go to be pleased with the price sure the to the trouble to determine LEE & DUNN, and 4 quality. do or yon quality of the goods, Real Estate .Agents. word just take the publishers Room 25, First Nrtiona! Bank buildPROFESSIONAL CARDS for it? We are under the lnt-- 1 Tel. Utah. Brigham, ing, when you buy grain, pressionfhat fruit, or other merchandise, you GEORGE R. CHASE, see that von get what you ATTOUNE Estate W, Bargains, gam for before you pay out your Utah City, Brigham kick a or theres coming, ll acre lot in 4th ward; orchard and money as is just Advertising space barn and sheds. QHAS. E. FOXLEY, much of a commodity as any of 4 acres orchard; house and sheds; W ATTORN E on value The these. depends water right; Immediately south (County Atioruey) good list. size of the the subscription Office at Court House of Biigham. The Box Elder News has far Utah 4 room house and Brigham City more subscribers than any other Acre lot with paper published in this county. PRED J. HOLTON. 200 acres bordering east side of ' District We iinite the most careful inAttouney 4 miles west of about Bear river our of subscription vestigation ATTORNEY AND COUN6KLLOB AT LAW Room 23 First Nat. Bank Building list. Call on us and we will in- Brigham. the to how ascertain Utah form you 25 acres good bay land in Big Brigham City, subscribers a of number country Fields. S. PERRY, paper has at any time so that you 127 feet of business prop- JAMES as well the know as will publisherty on Main street. Office Court House. ers themselves. also 2 lots 2 taking care of it. Notice is hereby given that Ur although having minor parts, uddec. sel S. Rose has purchased a one Febiuary Davis County Clipper half interest in the general mer considerably in making the play the Pleasant and Most Effeotivschandise business of W, L, success it proved. John Wall, while T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, Box Elder at Grover Garland, Lofty aspirations are stepping he was acting altogether out of his Llbei said business Texas, writes Dec. 25, 1902: and ty, county, Utah, stones to greatness. In fact Tis line, did hii opening scenes well, fail will be conducted after Jan. 1 with pleasure and unsolicited by you better to have spired and lost ing somewhat in his liues toward the 1905 as a under I bear testimony to the curative d: power of Ballards Ilorehound Syrup. Rose of name Grover, than never to have spired at alL end. Albert Powell, as Mabel the firm I have ued It In my family aad can continue indefinite to As to the toleration for demo- lover, played a dashing part, his en Company afflirm it the most effect cheerfully business said All debts due Ive and crats expressed in his letter To try at all times being a sign that there ly. remedy for coughs will be payable to the new firm and colds I have ever used. 25c, 50c The Public, it is certainly of would be something doing. and all liabilities of said busi and 8I.00 Sold by all Druggists. I canthe microscopic variety. On the whole the play was well up ness will be assumed by saic f-- 2 not understand how my friend with any other produced het and firm. Manager Mark Austin in beNorman Lee, who is a prominent more care in regird to costu ns ail half of the two Idaho sugar fact- r ! c f ,jUI 11 m th- - o'! er it . on a ,e tin flora litiui 1 ti tii lat In' iln 11 t''1 1 WANTED. Advertisers! Attention! Clothes, li 1 c ciiilc iM.r ,u 6ab s lint.' vso'iu.i ire 0 uiut.i Iteme parts of the scenes delaying the progress ft the oounty. A11 communications nmh reach this office not the play. The leading parts, the tw later than Tuesday morning to insure publication. Hums, were taken by Ed. All if and Write upon one side of the paper only. H, Nan Dam, who played their dif In order to protect the publisher frotr frapo-sltlo- ns from irresponsible persons, the fu'l name ficult parts deciJedly well. Mr AHe ef the author should be signed to all eommurl-eatlon- s. The identity of correspondents will be was clever throu3hoj:, adding to th withheld whenever desired laurels he ha 1 before won, and M f 1 ah y A rr the p'ay was m t appropriate an i g jy INSTRUCTIONS TO OURFRPOVliFNTS ruler elaborate, the setting oi tom of of news are solicited from all vt !4 l.KB, flab, She DesiLr' Thraa 81m 25c, 60c, $1.00. llzs and tha 91-0- 0 Cured Hemorrhages of Lungs A. M. Ake, Wood, Ind., writes: Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had I took treatment with several many hemorrhages. physicians without any benefit. I then started to take FOLEYS HONEY AND TAR, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. I recommend it In advanced stages of lung trouble. Th 60-cetimes is much as ths small tbs contains two and one-ha- lf bottla almost six times as much. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. SOLD AK9 RECOMQEHDED BY THE EDDY DRUG) STORE. |