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Show A Marriage Licensee AM Jssse T. Strange age 24, of Levan and Miss Gertrude Knowl age 21, of this city. r LJVV'' tU!5E &J3SLVIZLY V -- William and Lcttia Makes the food more delicious and wholesome eKV POWOf co., new M. Anderson age 2D years M. Brown age 19, both of Diamond, luab County, Utah. - yo. Do Dean and Co. for spectacles. FraDk Evans wm over from Mona AV. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. T. Your Own lu magnificent Royal line for the Spring and Summer season of HKX) is now in our House. The marvelous beauty of the designs Ave samjle, and the st. rling worth of every fabric we sell, are the results of 1 Monday, John E. Ingraai came in from his Dr. E. K, Wilcox, jiliysieiau and surgeon. sheepcamp in Beaver county, Saturday. Dr. Frank B. Steele, physician and surE. II. McCune the merchant of Deer geon. Lodge Nevada came in Tuesday for a few days visit. Lnnt and Feiri.i, Meat Market. Eoliert Typer, paper hanger. Call ami bc our line of spectacles. W. T. Denn, Watchmaker and Jeweler. AV. T. I enn nrd Co. Dr. J. A. Tooth, Dentist. Win. Sparks returned Tuesday from Ostler and Allen, harness makers. an extensive tour through southern W. If. Tettrgrew, harness maker Utah and south eastern Nevada. Chas Foote and Suns, General MerchanSupt. J. AA. Taxman of tbo Excelsior dise. and Bullion Beck Stores returned home General Mercn r. ise Nephi Eureka Saturday. from Excelsior Mercantile Co. General Merchandise. AA. T. Denn and Co. fur spectacles. Luutaml Son, drills, notion, etc. Get Ready and do Your Own Mer- !' George McCune returned from a T. B. Foote, wines, liquors and cigars. liquors and gars Sparks Bros, confeetionary. IYxton Bros, confectionery, Miss Alic Grover, Deputy County Clerk attended the wedding of her cousin Mr Stephen Richards at Salt Lake City, Wednesday. ci- .Wright, restaurant. Forrest House, Henry Forrest proprietor. Mrs. Lottie Farmer, boarding house. MissN. J. McAfee, who has been visiting Mrs Judge IligginB for the last four weeks, left here AVednesday for a few days visit in Salt Lake City, before returning to her home in Denver. Call and see our lina of spectacles. W. T. Denn and Co. Miss Hor tense Hyde the 12 year aid daughter of Mr. J. A. Ilyde, is sick, at her home with scarlet fever and the Cooper, Pyper & Co., Tinners and Timbpremises are quarantined. It is said ers. that this ia the sacond time Miss Hyde Grace Bros., Lumber has had the scarlet fever. yards and Tlainiime Mills. The Nephi High School class of 1900, Oscar Booth, Architect. a ball in the Opara Hoase Friday gave S. R. AVinn, Dealer in Coal and Farm night. There were about sixty couple Implements, preicnt, C. II. Sperry9 orchestry furT. II G. just I' irrs can therefore depend upon receiving the newest 'tiou.uJe Colorings and weaves. that are so much desired and so difficult to obtain. We anticipate for the ply of Glass and Putty. We fell COOK Parkes, agent for Stndebaker nished the music. James Vickers and Charles Hall, J. Clayton, sold to Morgan and Wirthlin of Eureka 17 two year old beef steers, Tuesday, Co., AVool, Hides, Hay, the price paid was 3! cents par. pound Grain, etc. live William Stout, Shoemaker. weight. The steers averaged 1180 J- X. C. pounds each, and brought 44 25 per. Ostler, Shoemaker head Vncle Henry Goldsbrough, Livery and W. T. Denn and Co. for epectaclas. Feed Don't buy a knife HYDE & WHIT10RE CO. Always Reliable. because it is warranted. We have known dealers to guarantee very inferior goods: charging an extra price and counting on a large percentage of returns. Say Co, B. Manager. - TRTOE Cooper, Tuesday, on business. Adelbert Cazier went to Salt Lake City on business Tuesday. John Ellertson the merchant of Mona was m town on business Tuesday. Edward Kendall has for sale, Parsnips. Carrotts and Top Corn. John Morgan ws over from Eureks (n business Monday. Judge Higgins made a trip to Salt Lake City and returned Saturday. Call and see our line ef AA' T. Denn and Co. spectacles. To the wife of AA. I. Norton, Tnursday, a boy. I). K. Prown returned home Tuesday, from a traveling trip in the southern and eastern parts of the State. BORN Joseph p, rough, having been out all winter with his sheep herds on the Desert, came in for a few weeks re6t, y. One fare for the round trip for the Democratic and Republican state eon ventions held at Salt Lake march 1st and 2nd respectively front all points Frisco to Murray, Eureka to Lehi Junction. For full information see your nearest ticket ageDt. Pyper & paper? Well she has, and they call it the Co. NEPHI UTAH. 1 For family liquors go to T. B. Foote. J. R. Fdgheill went to Salt Ljke city That Nephi has got a new Razors, Knives are so well made, and inspected so thoroughly that a defective article is almost an For Sale by impossibility. AROUND CALL ON L. 31- - Pcxton, for You should call at their office and get a Paper Hanging and Sign Painting. sample copy and have your name put on the subscription list for its so cheap that you and all your friends can afford to take it. Why just think, its only entire season, Second the mild open and warm winter has greatly assisted in keeping the sheep in good (Condition and consequently the wool has been Or leave orders t Pexton Bros, Store. growing the entire season. Main St,, Nephi. AVhat is your opinion about the price Weil there of wool for this year! a be seems to disposition od the part of the wooldealers to crowd the market down, but notwithstanding this I believe that wool will sell for more this year, than for lo or 12 years past. Buyers are now ottering 17 and 18 cts per pound but I do not think it Horseshoeing and Repairbest to to the sneepmans interest, to ing of Farming Impli-ment- s be in a hurry to sell the tirst few clips as the first sales generally regulate a Specialty. prices for the season, I feel confident from present indications that we aill be able to obtain 20 cents or better if we hold to our wool a few months. Utah, Nephi City, Ike Robinson pre-enr- e, $1.00 per year. 50c. for six months. 25c. for three months. BLACKSMITH. PAPER HANGER. Also keeps a full line ol WALL PAPER on hand to order from, and can save you money. Prices run from roll and up. Call i cts. per and See Samples. Main St. Xepbi, Utah. For an up-to-d- ate five column eight page newspaper. Now is the time to subscribe, call on or address. Robert Pyper, samples ot did you know TraHK-REOfetE- KNIVES POCKET Shears and Butcher Stable. J. S. Ostler returned from his sheep camp oo the Desert, Wednesday. He reports snow very scarce and in conseTOAVN. quence the sheep are. in the high mouc j tains in order to get snow. Sheep as a rule appear well eicept there aie quite AV. T. Itonn and Co. for spectacles. a number of peor lambs. Mr. Ostler was asked, AVhat are the Go to T. It. Foote's for 5c of the wool crop this season? proopocts I beer. There will be more wool per head Call Dd see our line of spectacles. this year than usual the staple will be AW T. Dodo and Co. My langer and stronger,' he replid. Dr. Steele made a flying trip to Juab reasons for thinking so are in the first place the sheep have been thriving the Tuesday night. Best uv Kay-Andre- Ttie-da- our c on legal business. Hotel Henriod, Gus. Henriod Prop. Union Hotel, Mrs, C. E. Foote Prop. Eephi House, Mrs. Zee Whittaker Prop. Miss Mary Morgan, millinery, , Mrs. U. W. Wheeler, millinery. Miss Mary Pyper, dressmaker. Miss Millie Schroder, dressmaker. Bigler and Rollins, blacksmiths. Sparks and Chase, blacksmiths. Francis Sells, Furniture Warehouse. Mrs. Bella McCune, Bakery. Lorenzo Webb. Wheelright. Juab County Abstract ; The heavest trade in the history of our house, and we have made STOVES, RANGES such preparations as will enable ns to give you prompt and efficient and everything else in the hardJoseph Lippman of the law firm of service, and to maintain intact until the very close of the season the Powers, Straup and Lippman, was in ware line. this city Monday, in the Hans intreit superb variety of patterns shown. Chas. wagon Co. i For years they have been continually improving the quality of Royal Tailoring, by adding here and there those master touches which lend the charming grace a nd distinctive elegance to Rojal garments received a large assortment of Ibiints Oils and Varnishes in all sized cans and all the different Shades and Colors, all ready for use. We also keep on Land a supWe have trip tj Cheyenne, Saturday, where he had Lout and Ilarton, J wines, liquors and been with a large drove of French cigars. Marino rams. J. R. Edgheill, wines, ho.! House Painting. Co-o- p, Hyde and Whitmore Co., General chandise. their b oding contracts with the foremost mills of the world. Nearly every design in the Royal line is made solely aud exclusively for their BUSS MEETS ALL TRAINS. H J Goldsbrough Uncle Henry. PROPRIETOR, Ostler and Allen Yard.. Main St HENRY ADAMS Publisher. ill |