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Show Vol. I. Council. City No. 8. Nephi City, Utah, February 23, 1900. diseases now raging in Euroka, as the quarartiue regulations had not been strictly observed. The following resolutions was die then introudeed by Counciluien City Council meeting ltel.1 Council chamber Feb. 1(5, 190" McPherson. Meeting called to order at 7 p. m. Whereas, There pi' a number of Mavor Issac II. Grace, Counil-mediseases existing in the Isreal Bale, Thomas Bellis-to- contagious of Juab, and J. W. Grace, Timothy County Whereas, The regular term of Iloyt, J. R. McPherson and Re- the Fifth District Court is to concorder K. L. Paxman, present. vene in Nephi City ou the 19, inst. The minutes of the meeting held therefore be it Friday, Febnary, 2, read and on Resolved, That the said District motion of Bale approved as read. Court he not allowed to convene n, n, Amusements. Republican A. & Son Wrug'giHis. Primary The Second Ward Sunday School gave a dance iu the second ward bouse Tuesday night which Whites Elected to Attend the Stite meeting was very well atteuded about Convention. seventy-fivcouples being present. - Nephi, Utah. Dr. C. H. BIRD, e a The Republican Primary meeting for the purpose of electing 7 delegates from Nephi precinct, to the Republican State Convention was held in the County Court until the aforesaid diseases shall louse, Monday evening, Mayor I. have abated. I. Grace was elected chairman of After thorough discussion of the the meeting and Post Master E. R. matter the resolutions was adopted Booth was elected Secretary. by & unanimous vote. The following named delegates S. R. Winn presented a petition A. Cazier, J. A. were elected. asking for a rebate on his license lyde, Judge E. V. Higgins, Henry on the Implement Business, also Adams, E. R. Booth, IhosA. Foote asked tor the priveledge of moving and E, II. Sparks. his scales, both petitions were on William Burton, Joseph Morgan motion of Grace referred to the and H. D. Goldsbrough were electcommittees on License and Streets ed alternates. and Highways. The delegates to the State ConA petition from Lunt and Ferrin vention were instructed to cast was next presented asking tor the their votes for George Sutherland, right to build an ice house within provided he becomes a candidate the Fire Limits. On motion of for the nomination for RepresentaBelliston the petition was granted tive to Congress. with the provision that the buildThe selection of a campaign coming be covered all over with iron. mittee ot 5 members, was delegated A petition from Sperry and to the chairman and secretary. Jenkins was next read asking for The meeting was fairly well atlicense of a, rebate on unexpired tended and harmony prevailed. of Belliston the On motion Lunt Dontist, A very pleasant suprise party was tended Mrs. Andrew Palmer MANTI AND Friday night, many friends being present. Amusing games were played, and all present had a most OSCAR BOOTH, enjoyable time. Architect. NEPHI. The committee on Water Works reported the claim of the Excelsior Mer. Co. for $64.75 as Picturesque Homes a Specialty. correct recommended and d occur-ebeing A pleasant surprise party . Nephi City, Utah. that it be allowed, the recommendat the residence of Mr. and Mrs. ation was adopted. Joseph Morgan Monday evening. The committee on Police and The occasion being Mr. Joseph Prisons that they reported City Morgans 29 birthday. Amusing found the report of Ex. City Marshgames were played, songs and First Class in all its apartments. al II. D. Goldsb rough to be correct choice musical selections rendered RATES REASONABLE. and recommended that it be apZee All Mrs. the Whittaker, present evening. during Proprietorets. had a most enjoyable time. Among proved and ordered filed, the comwas recommendation mittees those present were. Mr. and Mrs. adopted. E. R. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miss Millie Schrodor, The committee on streets and Brough, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lunt, the reccomended that Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wood, Mr. Fashionable Dress Maker. highways L. Foote others and T. of and Mr. petition aud Mrs, William Burton, Main Street, Nephi, Utah. Mrs. Thos. Carver, ,Mr. and Mrs. (asking that the water ditch on Hollow Street be changed,) be Albert Sowby, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. the the with that proviso granted Crawley, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkey work be done under the direction Mrs. Alonzo Price, Mrs. Edward Lunt & of the street supervisor, the recomWood, Mrs, J. W. Schofield, Mrs. n mendations of the committee were J. R Hickman, Misses Laura k adopted. Warr, Minnie Lunt, Emma Craw- ii $3.00. and streets The committee on ley, Lillian Blackett, Del Kendall, petition was granted and the not was in who We have always on hand J recommended that also Higgins, udge highways Maggie Pass, Drew Ostler, Bertha amount appropriated, when at the attendance and ames of Garrett J meeting, the petition Ostler Emma Davis, Georgina Beef, Mutton, Tork, Veal, Sausage, J. Belliston presented a petition informed of his selection as one of foot a relative to putting others, Hickman, Yes Hickman, Messrs to withdraw his application Butter and Chease. asking to declined the on act, Hollow across giving Roy B rough the Big delegates Barton Brough, bridge for the position of Street Super as a reason that in Jus. opinion no Eugene Blackett, and Sam Warr. Main street, be granted, providing visor, granted. one occupying a Judicial position the citizens would do all necessary Lust & Ferrin, Props. An application for ihe appoint in an active take should poliof on motion for part same, grading Settled at Last. . NEPIII Attorney was read tics. One of the alternates selected UTAH. McPherson the committees recom- mentofCity of from T. L. Foote and on motion will consequently be substituted. mendation was adopted. Belliston laid over. Mrs Anna Marks Pays Her Fine ef $500 tor Shooting at Pat Shea The matter of location of said The following claims were read foot bridge was on motion of Mc- and amounts appropriated and re The case of the State of Utah vs. Pherson referred to the committee corder instructed to issue warrants The most sociable, homelike and Anna Marks, charged with assult with on Streets and Highways. for same. treatment to all patrons. a deadly weapon with intent to kill The committee on Streets and The claim of S. G. Gadd and Patrick Shea has been ene of the cele FRENCH COOK. The brated cases tried in this county. Highways recommended that some George Sperry for 8.00 for services Eatables the very best the market affords. case has beed tried three times in the of the poll tax be applied on Hollow blasting shale for graveling purGood beds and warm rooms. District Court here and also once in the Street east of main under the dir- - pose. Delegates Elasted Attend the State Supreme Court on appeal. The last ection of street supervisor, on The claim of Paul Wood for $4.80 time it was tried the jury found the Tekmk: 75c. cents per day and np. Spec- Convention. motion of Grace the committees tor iron purchased by Street Superial terms by the week. defendant guilty of an assault with a recommendation was adopted and visor for making a street scrapper. to de intent with bodily deadly weapon GUS. HENRIOD Prop. harm without cause or excuse. A new the street supervisor so instructed. The claim, of J. Jenkins for $2.00 The Democratic Precinct Primary trial being refusedj Mrs Marks was Nephi City Uth The committee on printing re- as services as Special Police. called for the purpose of electing five sentenced to pay a fine of $iOQ. Notice The claim of A. Lunt and Son ported that they found the claim of delegate! from this city, to attend the of appeal .was given but the GOcts for be to for for Record was not perfected and the time expense telephoning Democratic State convention at Salt the Nephi $7,75 Lake City was held in the County having expired. Mrs Marks came over correct and recommendation was by Board of Health. Tuesday night to settle up. As a last The Marshal asked that he be Court House, Tuesday evening. adopted. Grover was elected .Chairman resort Mrs Marks appealed to Judge F. Joel Dealer in The committee on Fire Depart- paid more than 15cts per meal for and C. E. Abbott was elected Secreto have the amount of fine reHiggins ment recomended that the Chief of feeding prisoners. Ou motion of tary. duced, but the Judge could not be .nc3L Fire Department be instructed to McPherson the matter was referred The five delegates elected were; T. by her pursuasive appeal. Wedtake an inventory of property to the committee on Police 9nd II. G. Farkes, Enoch Burton, C. E. nesday afternoon Mrs. Marks walked Abbott, P. P. Cbnstison and John into the clerks office and planked down on baud aud have the lire hall City Prisons. And thus ended the Beal. in drafts 1500. On motion of Bale the meeting cleaned and make report to Council Alternates elected were W. A. Gar- celebiated case. Family Trade a Specialty. the committees recommendation adjourned. rett, Gustave Ilenriod and Orson was adopted. Cazier. Died The following named persons were The Mayor reported that the Main St. Nephi Utah. Joel as committee. elected precinct Board of Health had instructed the District Court Opened and Then F. John Ilartly, who was badly hurt in Grover, as Chairman, O. E. Abott, as and all public a runaway lait week at the Sevier schools to Secretary; Oison Cazier, Enoch Burton Adjourned. Bridge, died at the County poor house and Charles Haynes. gatherings to be resumed as tliej The meeting was not well attended Saturday night at 11 o'clock, and was CITY small pox was confined to the one burred Monday afternoon. ball and the no the in doubt grand family, and still quarantined. But very littla is known of the deJudge Higgins opened Court North Ward Meeting House, detained Liquor Store for a ceased in this neighborhood, lie was The Mayor then called here Monday morning and made a great many from attending the 65 years old, born near Liverpool Eng- Is the Best Place in Nephi forFirst-clas- a report from the County Sheriff, P. an order that owing to the smallland. He was employed some fe w P. Christenson who had met with pox condition in Eureka, where years ago in brick making for Samuel WINES, LIQUORS, the Board of Health, and the Sheriff the most of the litigation ot this Beesley now of Provo. Some of Mr. Ball and Banquet. and reported as follows, that the Quar- term of Court would come from, it Hartley's acquintances claim that he has a divorced wife living in Sevier antine Physican of Eureka stated had been deemed advissable by CIGARS. near RichfieldAny person in certinot County could that he the City Council and City Board of give The officers of the First Ward information regard ficates of health to any one for he Health, of this city, to pospone Sunday School gave a ball and ban possession of any John Hartleys friends will confer a considered that practically every the term until March 14. 1900. quet to the Sunday School Teacher favor by communicating the same to R. body in Eureka had been exposed And the CouTt was adjourned aud Cliior, last night in the First P. P, Christenson Sheriff of Juabj Proprietor. County. Ward Relief Society Hall. to'smallpox and other contagious accordingly. . Nephi House. Ferrins Hotel Henriod. Democratic Primary -- ... ap-pe- il T. B. FOOTE, ced Pure Wines Lilciuors. re-op- THE - Edgheill, |