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Show PRESIDENTS VIEWS THE NEPHI RECORD. Regarding Power of Congress te Legislate HENRY AD AM 8, FublUhar. UTAH NEPHI. UTAH NEWS. Goshen, Utah county, is taking steps to incorporate. It is said that an effort is being made to connect the Utah A Arizona railroad with the Utah A Iacitie. There is quite an excitement among prospectors and mining men over the strike recently made in 1'ort canyon, near Alpine. Out of ten candidates just examined before the state bomd of plnttmacy for license to prarth-- pharmacy, only time passed muster. A lone highwayman held up John Isaacson mid dim .ielson, at Silver City, seeming Smi for h is Iron tile, Isaacson being the loser. lhtring a target practice at Circle-villc- , Willis dolmson accidentally shot Jesse Applegate with a gun, in dieting'' a painful wound. It is said that William d. Iiryan will he in Utah to take part in the coming congressional cainpuign and that lit will make a lour of the state. The prospects for irrigation watei have been greatly improved by the storms of the past week, there having been a very heavy full of snow in the mountains. One million acres of grazing land in the Straw berry valley on the Uintah reservation is to he leased soon for u period of live years, the lease to be let to the highest bidder. The coal company at Sunnyside has finished thirty comfortable cottages, a and storeboarding-houshouse, and that place is putting on a pleasing look of prosperity. The coal at Sunnyside having been subjected to critical analysis and found to be very superior coking coal, coke ovens will be built at the mines and a great deal of coke made there. William L. Jones, of Winter Quarters, was taken to a Salt Lake hospital last week for an operation for blood poisoning, resulting from a cut on the hand made by tin in opening a can. New settlers are coming in daily and purchasing land near (Ireen River that is to be reclaimed by the aid of the big canal which is being constructed by the Green River Land ,'e Irrigation Go. Four men are under arrest at Irovo, charged with having blown up the safe at the Rio Grande Western railway depot at Spanish Fork, and the officers believe they have a clear case against bunk-hous- e, e them. A Salt Lake man last week forwarded to Lady O'Neill's soldiers and sailors' fund flail which he had collected. This fund will he distributed among Irish families made sufferers by the South African war. That Green River is to enjov it substantial building boom this season is evident from the fact that the new brick plant to be established there has already received orders enough to keep going all summer. The new management of the Salt Tiilace has decided to present first class vaudeville and light opera during the coining season, and to that end a new theatre will he built on the grounds-Thpalace will open for the season in May or J uue. The telephone company is putting in telephones among tile farmers at a low cost and connecting them with the toll lines running irdoSa't Lake. This plan will he put in operation in every community in Utah contiguous to an exchange station. Henry Oldham, of Paradise, while hauling logs in Fast canyon, last week, was caught in a snmvslideand instantly killed, his neck, back, arms and legs His team was also being broken. killed, while teams in front and behind him escaped uninjured. James Kirkman. a Sprinville farmer, was seriously injured in a runaway at Mini moth. The Untrue of the wagon came down, the waron was upset and Kirkman was thrown violently to the ground, suffering the baeture of a si oulder blade and two ribs. Governor Wells has departed for Washington, wMiere lie will attend the meeting of tin- committee to arrange for the one hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the seat of government at that city. He will probably be absent about three weeks. 'The state auditor's report for the year ending Decembe r !, Do:j, shows that the receipts from ah sources for tin- - year ainonnhd to el . ixoo. CENERAL CRONJE FORCED OUT OF NATAL BY ROBERTS. to Surround nd Capture the to the American policy toward the Attempt Boers Failed British ilrra Renewly acquired islands. The article is treat and Capture Supplies. vouched for as an authoritative interpretation of the president's views. Changes in the South African war According to Mr. Nelson, 'It is Mr. situation have been rapid during the McKinley's belief, that the Constitution fe.w days. has been past Kimberley does not apply toanj- of our new islands, and is in full relieved, General Cronje that those people are not tit for retreat toward Bloemfontein, with the beyond that proposed for British in pursuit. Hawaii; that our new possessions must Lord Roberts began his campaign by not be premitted to injure any of our striking at Commandant Cronje, covprotected interests and that free trade ering- the siege of Kimberley. In a with Porto Rico is right because our over three weeks he quietly little protected interests will not be injured massed .70,000 men, four infantry divisthereby. The president believes Con- ions and a cavalry division at a point gress has plenary power over Hawaii, on the Modder river where he could inPorto Rico and the Philippines. between the communication terrupt He holds that Congress may pass Boer forces operating around Kimberone tariff law for Porto Rico, another ley and Ladysmith, and at the same for Hawaii, another for the Philippines and that all may be different from time getting in the rear of Cronje, making it neeessary to either accept that of the United States. on conditions f. vo able to the battle It does not appear likely to his mind or retreat. British, that any question ean ever arise as to On Thursday General French's cav- the civil rights of the people of these airy seized the passages of the Diet places. river southeast of Jaeohsdal, and were toMr. McKinleys attitude, then, once followed up by two infantry at ward the natives is benevolent. He divisions. The cavalry moved north desires to elevate them, to educate and seized the crossings of the Modder them, and he hopes that, in the end, and the infantry followed at river, they will become worthy of being in- their heels. When one division of inHe trusted with local was on the Modder and the other fantry does not think any of these natives close behind it between the two rivers, worthy now, except the few in Hawaii the cavalry moved forward toward upon whom it is intended to bestow Kimberley, dispersed the besiegers the suffrage a few more than pos- from the southeastern front and opened sessed the suffrage under the Dole govconnection with the town. ernment. The same day the troops from the Mr. McKinley holds that the Coold eatnp at Modder river station nstitution only applies to a territory opened communication with Jaeohswhen it is set by a treaty or by legisdal, which has already been taken. lation. Upon this point there are Thus Lord Roberts has a authorities in his favor, hut he goes around the Boer position of the Magers-fonteibeyond the authorities and holds that from Kimberley on the north Congress is not bound by the limitato Modder river station on the south. tions of the Constitution when it It was hoped to surround Cronjie and enters upon the task of legislating i. e., it may refuse to the natives and capture his command, hut he succeeded to the American citizens who may go in eluding the blow. Considerable to our colonies, the right of jury trial, and stores were the right of free speech, the right to quantities of supplies British. the by ascaptured bear arms, the right of peaceable General Kelly-lve- n ney was last resemblage and of petition, freedom, from unwarrantable arrest, freedom ported as pursuing and engaging the from search all those rights which Boer rear guard. General Kitchener the Constitution guard jealousy. is supporting the pursuit. CRON J E SURROUNDED. HrltlnH Fuller Kitchener Relieved to Have IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. - nt semi-circl- e u, Cut OIT Hi Escape. member of the Britibli cabinet has given out the statement that General Cronje is hopelessly surrounded. But further than assurances that very good news has been received, the war office will give out nothing. The elementary facts are that the Iloers are trekking eastward toward Bloemfontein with baggage trains, and that they are pursued by Lord Kitchener, division. with General General MacDonald, with the Highlanders, made a forced march to ford and on Sunday pushed twenty miles eastward. General French left Kimberley Saturday, going east along the Modder river. Lord Kitchener is trying to outmarch and outflank the Boers, thus checking their retreat, if possible, and driving them back into the hands of MacDonald and French. The war office message seems to indicate that Lord Kitchener has either got ahead of the Boers or is about to realize his plan, and the war office waits to announce a decisive result. A slow-movin- g Kelly-Ixenny- 's Ivoo-doosra- POPULISTS HAVE TROUBLE. and Fusion Element Can Not Harmonize. and a walk-ou- t followed a Monthly Statement for January l r(,m the Bureau of statistic. The exports and imports during Jan 1900, were: Merchandise imports, $75,820,07.7, of which $32,948,280 was free of duty. The gain over January, 1800, was about $17,500,000. Exports, $117,020,930, a over gain January, 1800, of about uary, $2,000,000. Gold imports, $1,088,272, a decrease of $4,000,000; exports, $5,601,200, an increase of $830,000. Silver imports, $2,130,835, a decrease of $1,000,000; exports, $4,590,100, a decrease of $781,000. During the last seven months there was an increase in the importation of merchandise, as compared with the corresponding period in 1800, of an increase in the exportation of merchandise of $50,534,073, a decrease of $42,023,711 in the importation of gold, an increase in the exportation of gold of $11,703,160, a decrease in the importation of silver of $s24,441, and a decrease of $3,038.92 in the exportation of silver. CENSUS OF LIVE STOCK. Charles Martin of Denver Bill F. Supcr-ln- Governor Merriam, director of the census, lias appointed Charles F. Marof Denver, secretary of the Naleaders, tin Monday niuht. the after having a number of their follow- tional Live Stock association, as ers turned down by the credentials special agent in charge of the taking of a classified census of live stock for committee, organizing a bolt and formthe eleventh census. The headquaring a new committee. The members favorable to fusion, after adopting the ters for this division of the work, which embraces all the range country, report of the credentials committee, will be established in Denver, and acin all likelihood it will adjourned, and tive work will be commenced at once. empower the chairman or a committee This will he the first time in the hisof three to call the national convention for the same city and the same time tory of the country that a classified the Democratic convention is held. census of live stock will have been The will hold a national taken. The association began the agitation of the matter a year ago, and convention in Cincinnati in May. through the assistance of lion. L. G. oeur dAli-nInvestigation Begun. Rowers, Senator Wolcott, Governor The investigation of charges as to Merriam and others, congress made the conduct of the United States milithe necessary appropriation to carry forces al under Brigadier-Generthe work. out tary Merriam during the Idaho mining Fire at Denver troubles last summer began Monday A before the House committee on Idaho. building in Denver, octhe by Auditor State Spiee comSinclair, General Mer- cupied Kansas-Molinand the Workman Plough pany riam, Sovereign of the Knights of Labor, E. J. Flanicompany, was gutted by fire Saturday. , gan of the Idaho legislature and a The total damage is estimated at of which of is on the stock $50,00o magistrate at Mullan, Idaho, and a considerable delegation of miners from the company, $75,0oo on comthe Coeur dAlene district were present. the stock of the The day was occupied in discussing pany, and $2.1,000 on the building, plans of procedure and no testimony owned by Charles Boettcher. was taken. anti-fusio- n anti-fusionis- ts e four-stor- y Millor-Osbor- n e er $150,-000- Miller-Osbor- Hid, (12.1.71, n Kansas-Molin- I t eml t he Work. A split turbulent meeting of the Populist National committee at Lincoln. Neb., while the expend tun .reached the sum of SI. 37.; m. '1: ere was a balance on hand of ylW.v : 1. on December ?b for Inland Possessions. The New York World publishes a summary of a statement made by Prest. McKinley to llenry Loomis Nelson, as e BRITISH ADVANCING. MAY TURN ZULU'S LOOSE. EOERS RETREAT. If ilofr Invade Zulu Territory British Will Beer Lines Broken Near Kimberley ana Magersfonteiu. Encourage Zola to Defend Themtelve. In the house of commons, during the The British army, for the first time course of a reply to a question relative since the war began, is inside the Boer to the probable Boer invasion of Zulu-lan- frontier. Lord Roberts, with at least the secretary of state for the 40.000 infantry, 7.000 cavalry and 1.70 colonies. Joseph Chamberlain, said that guns, has turned the Magersfonteio the government had decided that if the lines, before which the British forces native territory was invaded by the have been eneamped for ten weeks, Boers, the natives will be encouraged and with half of liia force he is already aud assisted in every way in defending operating in the Free State territory. themselves.' A battle has not yret been fought, but Mr. Chamberlain's reply confirmed large tactical advantage have been the reports of the invasion of Zululand gained. The relief of Kimberley is aud showed the consequences could no within measurable reach, and the way fail to be serious throughout South to Bloemfontein is appreciably nearer. Lord Roberts reports that General Africa, as the alarm and unrest of the Zulus was bound to to the Natal French left Diekel's Drift Wednesday natives. with three brigades of cavalry, horse The colonial ecietarv also said the artillery and mounted infantry, includNatal ministry had notified the home ing several colonial contingents, in orgovernment that it could not any longer der to seize a crossing of the Modder be responsible for the peaceful attitude river about twenty-fiv- e miles away. He of the Zulus, as the invasion of their reports by dispatches that he had forced a passage at Clip drift, and has country was contrary to a tacit compact that the natives should not be occupied the hills north of the river dragged Into tl.e war. capturing three of the enemy's laagers TRIED TO BRIBE SUPREME COURT with their supplies, while General Gordon of the Fifteenth Ilussars, with his Sengationa! TAtimonj in the Clark Invesbrigade, who had made a feint at tigation at Washington. drift, four miles west, hadsiezed Highly sensational testimony has it. and another drift between Clip drift, been developed in the investigation by with two more laagers. the senate committee on privileges and together to the Owing rapidity of his moveelections of the election of W. A. Clark ments. General French met with but to the senate from Montana. Justice slight opposition, his losses being Hunt, a Republican member of the small. Lieutenant Johnson of the EnMontana supreme court, testified that niskillen Dragoons is the only officer his family physician, Dr. Tracey, had wounded. severely reported made what lie (the justice! regarded as CE. attempts to have him consider a $100,-00- 0 bribe to favor Lawyer Wellcome, Government Ownership of Railroad and one of Clark's attorneys, in the disbarDirect Legislation Frged. ment proceedings against Wellcome. After a heated debate the resolutions The witness did not directly at least t committee of the conference, connect Clark with this bribery propowhich convened in Chicago February so the latter's counsel, sition, 14, reported in favor of government moved to whole the strike Faulkner, of railroads, and for their testimony from the record, but did not ownership on payment of actual value and seizure succeed. without payment for watered stock Harrison Robbed. or other ficticious values. The comHarrison and his wife mittee also unanimously favored direct wore systematically robb d and otherpopular legislation as a means of obwise swindled during their last visit to taining the result. Paris last summer, when the general The platform agreed upon is prewas engaged in the Venezuelan claims ceded by a long address to the voters iffair. The was asked of the country. This address urges about the matter and confirmed the the people to organize at once to destory, although he said he did not prive the trusts of their power. It reknow that it was abroad and did not cites the methods pursued by the trusts authorize it. He now thinks that a and theeffeetsof their operations upon young Frenchman, who acted as his the people at large, and cites as parvalet, was the swindler, or if not that ticularly aggressive the Standard Oil he knew all abont the larcenies. Aside trust, the beef trust, the elevator trust, from sums of money that the the anthracite coal trust, the sugar missed, the boldest and most actrust and the paper trust. complished operation consisted in a series of forgeries perpetrated on Mrs. CATTLEMEN TO MEET. Harrison, by signing her name to drafts of Dropout ion to Leaso Inhlic sent to her and obtaining the money Agitation Lands is rimmed. on them. A meeting of the cattlemen of California, Washington. Oregon, Montana, MAINE ANNIVERSARY. Ltah, Nevada and Arizona will he Fitting Exercises Hel.l at the Scene of the held in San Francisco on March 5th Wreck in Havana Harbor. for the of taking steps to The second anniversary of the de secure thepurpose of the Foster bill, passage strnction of the United States battle now before pending Congress. ship Maine, in Havana harbor, was This hill provides for the delimitasuitably observed February 15. Sevtion and leasing of the grazing lands eral hundred Americans went out to on the public domain to stockmen for the wreck of the Maine, over which terms of ten years, with the right of the United States flag was flying at their use. half mast. Every available piece of Blizzard In England. wreckage above the water was banked with laurels. From the searchlight The effects of the blizzard which platform short prayers were offered by started Thursday are felt throughout Dr. McGee of the Episcopal church, and Great Britain. Trains are snowed up Father Jones of the Catholic church. in all directions and street car lines At the Church of Mercede, the mublocked up, and telegraph and telenicipality arranged for imposing me- phone wires are down, delaying commorial services which were attended munication in all parts. There have Wood and other been a great number of accidents, due by Governor-Genera- l civil aud military officers. to falling chimneys and slates and from similar causes. Mail vans and Clash of Authority in Kentucky The clash between the Democratic people traveling by foot in country districts arc reported missing, and sevand Republican branches of the state eral persons have been found frozen to trovernment of Kentucky has been emdeatli in exposed places. phasized by the prison officials releasI a ing John Seals, a Louisville convict, 'Montana Houndary Fixed. an a pardon issued by Governor Heck-haThe director of tlie geological survey Deputy Warden Punch was has reported to the of the secretary acting warden and when the pardon interior that tiie of the boundsurvey papers were presented to him he orary line between Idaho and Montana dered Seals released, and the latter left has been The survey excompleted. the city at once. Douglas Hays, a tends from the international boundary Knott county convict, recently parline to the crest of the Bitter Root doned by Governor Taylor, is still in mountains and was made under the confinement, the prison officials refus-.nprovision of the act of June 17, 1807. to recognize Tay lor as governor. Kentucky Governorship Content in Court Soldier Tortured to Heath. Suit has been filed in the Circuit Three Massachusetts soldiers of the com t by Governor of Kentucky Twenty-sixtregiment, U. S. V., have to restrain J. C. W.Taylor Beckham from actbeen tortured to death by insurgents. as governor. The suit will be alloting The men were Dennis Hayes, William ted to one of the circuit judges by drawHugan and Michael Tracey, privatesof lien it is held an ing. application company F, under Captain William M. for a restraining order will be made. Tutherly. They remained behind their The suit is brought by Governor Taycompany and were surrounded by in- lor n as governor of the and l.vidually and surgents subsequently put to death. state of Kentucky. KIMBERLEY RELIEVED. Naval Appropriation Bill. General French and Command Enter the This years naval appropriation bill Besieged Ton n. will carry more money than has been The war office at London announces voted by Congress in any regular anthat General French reached Kimberlnual appropriation bill since the Civil ey Thursday evening. February 15. war. d, srnd Eon-dev- anti-trus- nt g h ai |