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Show 1 Could ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR MAIDS AND MATRONS. Hardly De Sole Bodice A Unique EtcuIdc Gown Hot Water Kcmedles Useful Household Utati Oav Cooklug School. rink MHiMellne Breathe r "I hid a terrible cold could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral and it gave me immediate relief. I don't believe there is a cough remedy ia the world anywhere and near as Sidell, W. C. Layton, good. 111., May 29, 1899. fliftffwnr irr Cures Night Colds mwiiTfTTnwanwiiWiiiiiiii , i.nit , mini wi 1 How will your cough be Worse, probably. tonight? For its first a cold, then a cough, then bronchitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs tend downward. Its always first the throat and then the lungs. They dont naturally tend to get well. You have to help Nature a little. You can stop this downward tendency any time by taking Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Then take it tonight. You will cough less and sleep better, and by tomorrow at this time you will be greatly improved. v You can get a small bottle of Ayers Cherry Pectoral, now, for 25 cents. For hard coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and the croup, the 50 cent size is better. For chrouic cases, as consumption, and to keep on hand, the $1.00 size is most economical. (Salzeri Baps fir. Rich, Spelt What is Itt Catalog trees tells. FARM SEEDS Seeds ars Warranted te Trod Mahlon Luther. K Troy Pa aatcolahtd the worl4 by growing 2j0iuhel Big reurOa.s, J Hri4r, iliahicott, is., 173 bus. burlrv, and H . I,owr;y, KedWmg, Minu . by growing S"ubush Halier'scwrm acre. pr Ifyu doubt, wine ittem. W a wiah to gala KO.OiMnew oustomers, benoe will tend oa trial Sahrrs 10 DOLLARS ic. WORTH FOR lOo. pkgs of rare farm sveia. Halt Butfc, the S eared Corn producing nfl buth. feod and 4 tens ha per a re abetc ea mud bade?. Bromut Iuermla n earth; Saiti the treHtewt gr Bane, Spring heal, Ao., including our mam moth Plant h ruitand Seed Catalog telllagaU about Hakzer a 4. rest Million Dollar Potato, all mailed I0for 10c. pottage to getaatart. nonttoeir worth kSeied Petatoee $1.2abbl. aed p. 35 pkga eaTTirit vegeta- 'Vs 10 Fl.ise end thls rlv. with ... . 10c. to Sdlzer. IN AH jr - crvc.t,iog alone, dc. !.. rrrWftTs wnu: 3 OR 4 YEARS INDEPENDENCE ASSURED If you take up your homes in Western Canada. the land of plenty. Illustrated pamphlets, of yiYiiiK experiences i, timers who have become wealthy In (trowing wheal, reports of deWaws. etc., and full reduced as to railway rates can be Information had on application lo the Nupei lntendent of Ottawa, Immigration. Department of Interior. cai.aua, or to C I. Broughton, 1223 Monadnock 111. Bloek, Chic, go, The Ways of llaidens Fair. They look the new muon in the face, Now, make a wish, said she, I a ill if you will make one, too, He answered pensively. They gazed up at the crescent that Hung in the western sky. And wished and turned away, and each Broke off a little sigh. They sat alone upon the steps. He and the maiden fair; She looked around to be assured No one was lurking there. she sweetly What was your wish? asked Ah, something good. I know; Confess, and I will tell you mine. Perhaps, before you go." He looked into her upturned eyes. Her little hand sought his. My wish tonight," he said, was what My fond wish always Is; I wish that I. somehow, might find The road that leads to fame That, dying, I may leave behind A great, an honoted name. She pulled her little hand away. She stghed another sigh. she What fools they are who wish, said; Good evening and good-byAnd, going home, he wondered at The sudden change of air Some people know so little of The ways of maidens fair. S. E. Kiser. li 7nacteg on Ocean Hot Water Remedies. Buffalo Evening News: Hot water is eo simple a remedy, and so easily obtained that its value is not half appreciated. It is one of the best restorers of nervous energy, it rests the weary, and it relieves pain, not only as an outward application, but as a remedy to be taken internally. A sudden and wearing attack of coughing often needs immediate attention, especially in consumptives, and those chronically ill. In an emergency, that ever useful remedy will often prove effective. It is much better than the ordinary cough mixtures, which disorder the digestion and spoil the appetite. Water, almost boiling, hould be sipped when the paroxysms come on. A cough, resulting from irritation, is relieved by hot water through the promotion of secretion, which moistens the irritated surfaces. For the trying dry cough, hot water is also excellent, as it promotes expectoration, and brings relief. When one has a sudden attack of indigestion it is a good plan to take a cup of hot water as nearly boiling as it can be borne. Persons suffering from dyspepsia will find a relief by drinking a cup of hot water on rising in the morning. When one comes home at night after a fatiguing day, nothing is Testful more than bathing the head and back of the neck with a towel wrung out of water as hot as can be borne. It soothes the nerves and rests body and brain. The same treatment relieves a nervous headache as nothing else does. When one is overheated and there ia a rush of blood to the head, a hot towel applied to the face and head Is a great relief. In the heat of summer this same hot towel refreshes and cools the skin, and gives it a feeling of lightness and comfort that cold water never gives. 4 J and of light becoming colorings, the fabric has been brought into greater prominence than ever this winter. The gowns are mostly of the monk's robe order, all in one, with an important cord and tassels round the waist, and a deep rolled collar cape of white cloth, piped with white and blue, or whatever shade may be chosen for the lambs wool. At present there is a feeling for pink. cream-stripe- Creamy c'hicao, Ilz trt lJ W, GljHfc ttritKt ALL LLiE fAilS. Best l tni b syrup. T atum Uw old bv flnik'gitx tmip. N ,Uw, Salt Lake-No- .8 Pi pi 1900. One ounce of OUR COOKING SCHOOL. i'ti. ts oar-gai- n medicine. printed regularly in this paper. if any one doubts the efficiency and sacredly confidential character of Mrs. Pinkhams methods, write for a beck she has recently published which contains letters from the mayor of Lynn, the post -master, and others of her city who have made careful investigation, and who verify all of Mrs. Pink-hastatements and claims. The Pinkham claims are sweeping. Investigate ms THIRTY YEARS OF CURES good-size- done. Prune Whips. Whites of five eggs, one half cup sugar, one quarter pound prunes; stew prunes until soft, rub through a sieve, chop meats of prunes, mix together and beat well; bake about 15 minut-esServe with cream or custard as preferred. Cold Water Cake. Two cups sugar, one half cup butter, three cups flour, one cup water, four eggs, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one teaspoonful vaniia. Rub sugar and butter to a cream; add the eggs well beaten, then add the water, then tha flour and baking powder. Nteweii Celery. bow-kn- ot ot Clean the heads thoroughly. Take off the coarse, green, outer leaves. Cut in small pieces and stew in a little When tender add some rich broth. (ream, a little flour and butter enough to thicken the cream. Season with salt and a little nutmeg. Macaroni Soup. Boil a quarter of a pound of macaroni in a quart of water for 10 minutes, then strain it off, and throw it into two Free! 13IA.3IOIS O why suffer from Heidache, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, EtC.. when you 0111 lie cured 111 a hho.rL.Ume ,by u'in our PHYSICIAN, which cures the worst pocket case of Headache iu 2 Minutes, and relieves all trouli-le- s of the air passagr s immediately, curing them in a short time. permanently Send ns 2o cents bv return mail, and will at once forward you the LITTLE PHYSICIAN, and wdth it send you a , little w-- e Genuine Kodo Diamond, . characteristic. letters of a few are The them. d Roil a oyster in a very thin strip of bacon and fasten with a small skewer; toothpicks are very good to use. Fry in boiling hot lard until bow-kno- ts lowt-habi- have been relieved of female troubles by ftfrs. Pinkham9s advice end Pigs in Blankets. This is a pattern material, and only comes in enough quantity to trim one dress and it costs a yard. This pattern is of silk net, with an applique of French mousseline de soie, the net of white and the mousseline of pale green. It is in design and there is a Tom Thumb fringe of cream silk which is testooned to another. Little from one bow-knwavelike threads of gold run from the t the fringe. The corsage around. Vogue. has a drapery of the green velvet, like the skirt, running across the upper Iambs-WoDressing: Gowns part of the sleeve. Over tbC. shoulder It is pleasant to note, with the is an ornament of green velvet flowchange of the times, a growing taste ers. On the left shoulder is a group for lambs-woo- l dressing gowns instead of saucy velvet bows fastened with of the expensive materials which have jewels, and at the left side of the belt enjoyed so glorious a reign for a season hangs a sash of velvet. The hair orpast. These are as soft as soft can be. nament is of light-g- r en tulle with the ol h. four ounces spirits of rosemary. Mix well. To be well rubbed in the hair. PENSION PABST CHEMICAL CO. Hair-Was- sweet almonds, one ounce strong liquid ammonia, two ounces rosewater, oil iiRTE&sami w Useful Household Hints. d V um- aigrette, and it is studded with emeralds set on tiny gilt wires. Washington Post. Fresh taw meat is the best bait for mice traps. Lemon and salt will remove stains from the hands. Hot water and soda will remove most grease stains. For nose bleeding, snuff powdered A Unlqn Eveolop Gown. alum through the nostrils. is of This charming evening gown To make your light brilliant, rub the a cream and with white, green just chimneys, after washing, with thought of gold. The underskirt is of lampsalt. dry with shot a thread green velvet Overheated rooms are naore injurigold, that only shows when the pile of ous than a temperature lower than is and The is overdress the velvet open. usually advised for them. corsage are of light green and To raise the nap in cloth soak it in taffeta. It is the trimming of the dress that gives it its distinctive cold water for half an hour, then put on a board and rub the threadbare parts with a prickly thistle or emery. s, t t As e conviction grows in Great Britain that the war will be loug, the efforts for providing for the sick aud wounded and the families of the soldiers at the front are redoubling. OLD SOLDIERS A a or to Matters do not stand with ar.y of us a3 they ikd a year ago. God is where He was. We have changed. Vve have come nener to Him by the rising quality of our life, or we have gone away from Him by sinking into and under the dominion cf lower princip1' - f''cu ip.c q aius. the liberal oner m.i ie !v the T. M. Roberts Suppij lion e of Minneapolis, Minn., should be of interest to ml our renders, in audition to ttie best ever offcrd in si eds they give a high grade knife free of charge with each purchase. The firm is thoroughly reliable. MONUY YOUftSGSVlEN! ( ubl(B. for cable The recent in vehtigalionlayiug in the Pacific Ocean Iran revealed the fact that if not upon ruck bottom, they become encrunted with seaweeds, heavy enough to break them. This is like dyspepsia, which grows until it breaks down the health. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters will cure it. as well as .udigestion. liver and kidney troubles e! Economy and Old Furniture. There are certain economics which are not economics. Our clothes and our houses should be reflections of ourselves. I do not want you to carry this to the extreme. There is no reason why you should dress in silk and lor satin and velvet, and wear powdered hair, and dance a minuet because you have a Loul XVI. or a colonial hemse. Union soldiersand widows of soldiers who made toraestead entries before June 22,iS74 of less than I have known people to admire the 60 acres (no matter if abandoned or relinquished), Orient so much that they have had f they have not sold their additional homestead a addre-with full particulars, giv. complete Oriental rooms without ights, should B. C. chair in them, or even a divan. Handtog district, &c. E21T Zi IT. CC??, some rugs, were placed on the floor, SURE CUBE FOR PILES and everyone sat there, and shoes i.U iden prudii eminvun mu! cause itching were removed before entering the lit Thin form, as wll a Blind, Blending or Piotrudmg Piles aro eared by Dr Bosankos Pile Remedy apartment. I know of others who had bleeding. Abborbs tumors, .xjo a 8tnps itrhing and Jar at druggist or sent by in ad. Treat tte free. rite become so enamored of life in the Pame about your case. DR. BOSAMvO, PhilAda.,pA cific Islands as to occasionally give a fcat in an apartment arranged in the simple fashion of those remote countries. They did not go into cannibalHas the largest sale of any ink ism, but they had thrir dishes served in the world. very much in the same manner, and almost indulged in a war and sun 1 dance. Perhaps the taste of this J&'SVR.fM I I" IIICKIOHU, Washington. I. C., they II will receive quick replies B 5thN.Ii.Vola Iiiight be questioned, but then it IfwasI Bias Kth Corps. Prosecuting Claims since IS 7 1 honest without the .east sham. am able to pick up genuine furniture for my Louis rooms I shall be de-- I lighted, but I should rather have a piece made to correspond with the pe- If hare money to try all the Curet you riod and I should not hesitate to tell wMi run of chance lo or if mar you of tbe hear Know you fftiuig a ntnctuie buy tin injection- which ate add to anyone the truth about it. I could lure In 2 to Savh(0 But if you w tut a remedy a Lit h is aa?H and v hir h r fan to cure uunaUmU even have a room of the era arranged ib'oiutHy no matt r how at noun or of how long stand Big the caoe may be, get without a single equivocal or doubtful PABSTS OKAY SPECIFIC old piece. There is one thing upon No case Known it has ever fulled to Cure. the doctor, dnigginti Nothing like It. Keeulta atom-swhich I shall insist. My chairs are aii an be wno to have it. ithu taken occasion tnd he made to sit upon and there shall Sironrnieaceordetention fromhu8HV-M- . Price. $3 OO. to by Lx forealebyall rehaoU aiuggir. orofwent reAid he plenty of room for people to get kreaa, plainly wrapped, eu ietipt price bv Batch her mailed on request. Gods Angela. God's angels do not come to m, any more than they did to Abraham, with wings, and harps, and halos. We entertain them unawares. They coiae. perhaps, as new and throbbing affections. They may come as a call to duty, or as an inspiration to hope and faith, or as a leading unto prayer. But they surely come to all of us. Jacob's ladder descends to the pillow upon which we lay our heads, if only we have grace to think and rest and dream. Sunday School Times. PINK MOUSSELtNE DE SOIE BODICE. FOIt WOMEN AND HOME FREE. Very brilliant, mounted in a gold plated setting Stud or Pin. Our goods are warranted. This offer is made during Febiuary only, to in troduce our remedies, So write at once. 805 EAST INDIA REMEDY CO. Elm Street, Cincinnati, 0. Agents wanted. CORN WHEAT Will out-- j ield corn: wil. make the same kind of meal; has superior fattenm? qualities; will solve the problem of fattening Hoks and Cattle in a wheat country; should be sown in the spring the same as wheat and will yield from 50 to 100 bushels per acre; the straw after it 19 thrashed has an oily substance and it is almost as pood as hay. Irtee of seed 10c puund or 5 per hundred. Cblres. & per M. J. slIlKI.Ds CO., Moscow, Idaho. IPOTATOESlBbuI 2 targe st BfpI POT AT 9 1.20 H up. Hoed. S JOHN Nrnd A. Grower In America. Price f ( ioter and Kartn stork tliU nolire sod lor entnldL' End II M1.7MI O irs, fr A A CLOVERSi stall IO.. MIHOSSI-- is. W quarts of boiling stock; let it simmer gently for half an hour, then serve, with grated cheese, upon a plate separately. Potato Croquette. Season cold mashed potatoes with pepper, salt and nutmeg. Beat to a cream, with a tablespoonful of melted butter to every cupful of potato. Add two or three beaten eggs and some minced parsley. Roll into small balls; in bread dip in beaten egg. then crumbs and fry in hot lard. Mpat smoked in a few honra with KRAUSERV LIQUID EXTRACT OF SMOKE. Made from hickory wood, Cheaper, cleaner, mirr than the old way. So mi for wter, And D. JaliALMbli A iiUO., MUluu, i , circular. SHEEPMEN. n tor market report non hetp and 'Am ha Yooy DOBStfruni utw eoljf't-- d hv fcNul.l BOOTH, the only Write Exclusive Sheep CommlMlou Company at the best sheep market ia the world. K.inuas city btock 1 arc. Throat ( nnd , one of the lxt U w f,,r tuihIihs, j.uUIic lUo to Lamb Mfg. Lo.. Ottawa, Liiiad, confection Ac. bend torpample box. |