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Show bodies are iu lull operation, an invitation will undoubtedly be exThe Missionary class is steadily and tended to our last State Legislature bow to increasing. Over sixty students that they may better know V rapidly the of now are enrolled. goconduct such branches vernment and proceed with its workLOCAL TIME CAH1, President A. M. Caunoc, of the Salt ings. IB Effect March 9, 1899 Lake S take, !add reseed the students of "With these various steps and the Train arrive and depart at vartc'--i Stations the Academy last Thursday morning. results which are sure to follow, vjaily as follows: the B. Y. A. at Provo can prepare Southbound. Stations. North for a most interesting time in case Ar. The Musical Department has an of 9 35 a' two hundred about of a repetition of the last interLakeAr 5.48 pm ....Murry.... 9.1 atn This ia the largest music class contest in which they 6.E6 pm Bingham Jn. 9.08 am knowrn in the history of the Academy. collegiate 6,U0pm. ..Sandy.... 9 05 aiu had such a walk over iu the liter6.10pm ...Draper... 6.57am B. Y. Academy Notes. THE OREGON SHORT LINE RAILWA b;7-Leav- e Btu-den- J n Dp 5.20 am 6 Jo pm Ar Lehi The Argoria Society of the Academy iuet last Thursday and debated the Resolved that following question; Provo should prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors, except for medical 9.00 am Dp Lehi Jn Ar 5 30 pin 9.30 am Deader Fort 4.50 pm 9.40 am ArFairfieid Lv4.39 pui 11.00 am ArMereur Dp J. 00 pin 9 47am LvFive-raileA- 33 pm 10."3am Rush Vally 4.16 pm 10 37am ..Inooton.. 3.45pm 10.43 am Silver City 8.37 pm 10.55 am ..Mammoth.. 3.33 put II. 10 am... Eureka. .. 3 30pm 4 President Cfuff has received communication from the Mexican Govern rnent, stating that the Acudeiny South American Expedition will,be permitted throsagh their territory. The Secretary of tke Interior desires that an itemized aooount of fthe Accufcrements be sent to tnm so that he may issue instruct Ions to hae them admitted into the country ffree of importation charges. pm Dp Lehi Ju Ar 8.35 am 6.36pm ....Lehi.... 6 33am 6.44 pm Amern Ferk 8.26 am 6.50 pm 8.20 am 8.59 pm Lake View 8.11am Provo.... 8.00am 7.10pm 7.20 pm Springville 7.48 n 7.27 pm Spanish Fork 7.41 am 7.33 pm . .Benjamin. 7.35 am 7.42pm ... Payson.. 7 26am 7 52 pm Sairtatjuin 7.17 am 8.10 pm ....Stair.... 7 02 am 8.17 pm ,...Moa.... 6.54 ain 8 35 pm Ar Kephi Dp 6.40 am am am 9.15 am 8.26 am Dp 8.00 am Ar pit DpFt.Nephi Green pm ...Meroni... pin pn. ..Ephraim.. Ar Sianti pm 10.55 10.62 ILvfilOam 8.I0pmAr5nab 9.30 pm Lv Ar 5.40 am ( pm Leamington 3 45 am 1.00am ....Oasis.... 1.00 am 1.52 am Clear Lake 12.10 am 4.00 pm Blank ltoek ilO 05 pm 5.30 pm Ar.) Mil- - I Lv 8.35 pm 6.00 pm ( Ar 8.05 pm 7.30 am .... Frisco .... 7.00 pm Leave Arrive Trains eouh of Jnah run daily It 10 nrm St t. BATS Two through trains deity Lake to all points East. Dm One year ago last Saturday, Feb. 17th the autberities of iD. Y. A. took steps towards the establishment of a perman ent School Fund 'for the support and maintenance of the Academy. Fifteea hundred dollars was donated last year by the frieuda and patrons of the school. The report of this year is not yet definitely known, but it is supposed to be somewhere in the neighboj-boo- d of 1500. making-- sum total of $2000. This will be placed with the Trustee-in-truof thecchurch of J. C. L. D. S. and will not be used nntil it reaches a ,--s Through Pullman Palace Sieepeis' tern-- . Lake to Chicago without change Improved Tourist Sleepers. Free Reclining Chair cars. Elegant day coaones. The only line operating dining car service The shortest asd fastest line to all noir a at J. L. DUNKLEY, Agent, Nepi D. E. Barley, DeriS Agt. Passgr. Dept., City TieketOttiee, 201 Maui st..Salt La ie University Briefs. Sp-ria- SAN PETE New Train Service. In Effect Dec. 25th,. ISM. Trains Run Dallyexcept Sunday as Fol- ic wi: No. . Daily Doing Net tta Dint, j from j 1 1 Dist. trom hepEi j Da,ij I j 43. Lv. Nehpi Ar. 3.00pm 1 8.0 37 jO Ntsbo.itt' notion 2.40pm 29.0 Fountain Green U.O 2.10pm 23 5 19.5 Morsni 1.25pm 3. 30pm - Stations. Manti 4.00pm 4.42pm 5.25pm 8.0 r.6.15pm r 6,40 pm 35v0 Ephraim Ar. Manti Lv 43..D 12.42pm 12.15ptn iThe Company reserves the right to vary d I from this at. pleasure. time-ear- Theodore Bkuback, Pres. & Genl Manager, gait Lake City, H, 8. Company. The preliminary Meeting to the incorporation of a Race Track Co. was held in the City hall Saturday evening. The meeting was fairly well attended. The following named persons were agreed upon for the first offP. Christison President, icers Wm. Burton, Samuel L ve and Wm. Stanley, Directors, J. A. Hyde Jr. Secretary, David Dowd Treas urer, and H. D. Goldsbrough Man- l Kerb, 8upt A G. F. & P, Agent, Mau.i Denver & Rio Grands Soemic Line of tit World. Only Line having two Lines-o- Railway between Grand Junction and Denver f good via either Cure' Kodol Dyspepsia Digests what you cat. I BIGGLE HORSE BOOK -- a Common-Sen- s Treatise, with over illustrations ; a standard work. Trice, jo Cents. 2 BIGGLE BERRY BOOK All about growing Small Fruit read tad learn how j e containi 43 colored reproduction of all leading varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. Re. 8 BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the beat Poultry Book In existence ; e tell everyth ing ; witbi colored reproductions of all the principal breeds; with ioj other illustration. All about Hors R. 4 life-lik- ei-- 1 life-lik- Price, 5 Cento. - BIGGLE COW BOOK ff.All4 about Cow and the Dairy Business having a great ie; contains colored reproductions of each breed, with 13s other illustration. Price, 30 Cents. life-lik- e Ro. 6 BIGQLB SWINE BOOK Jiut out. All about Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Bute, cry, Diseases, etc. Contaias aver Se beautiful p it tones and other engravings. Price, $ Cents. TheBIQQLE BOOKS are nnique.original.tisafal aaw anything like them so practical, osenr0je never ere having an enormana sale East, Wee xjnHhThey and South. Every one who keeps a Horae, or Chicken, or grows Smsll Fruits, ough. to send rivht away for the BIOdLE BOOKS. f State Convention Salt Lake FARM .JOURNAL March 2nd 1900. Correspondence.) For the above named occasion The State University ended its first half year Friday last, the term the Oregon Short Line will make a having been extended two weeks rate to all of one faro for the rouuc because of the time lost during the trip, from all points in Utah. Sol ing date March 2d, only, good re smallpox scare. The closing of school through turning March 3rd. Fare from the above named cause, not only Nephi, $3.55. Juab 4.10. Mona resulted in a decrease in atten- - $3.25, Santiquin $2.75. J. L. Dankley, Agent. dance, but also an universal lack of interest among the studeat body: .however, after two weeks of No. 3537- school, conditions have somewhat changed, most of the students REPORT OF THE CONDITION fcave returned, there now beinjr OF THE .pwards of six hundred pupils in attendance, and all have again FIRST NATIONAL BANK Betti edidown to hard study. At Nephi, in the State of Utah at the At a meeting of. the board of re close of business, Feb. 31th, 1900. gents, last week, it .was decided to RESOURCES. cancel the spring vacation in Loans and Discounts 145,78,27 secured and unsecured... 2,172 33 April, and also extend the school Overdrafts, U.S. Bonds to secure circulation 12.500 00 on S. Bonds Premiums 500 00 U, year one week longer in June to Stocks, Securities, etc 12,285.30 , fixFurniture, and make up for the reeent dismissal. tures 500 00 Other real estate and mortgages ownThe various school societies and ed 2,225 0 and other cash items 981.92 class organizations are each taking Checks Notes of other National Banks 1,580.00 Fractional nickels paper currency, the initiative steps towards the and cents 85.05 17,165 40 cultivating of higher extemporane- Specier notes 1,340.00 fund withU. S. Treasu'r ous speaking and publie debating. Redemption I per cent of circulation ) 562.50 Several interesting contests are Total 197,635.37 soon to lake place between these LIABILITIES, different organizations, amd the re50,000.00 Capital Stock fund 50,090.60 sults are sure to develop a greater Surplus Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 21,868 67 interest in the studying of public National Bank notes outstanding 11,247 50 Due to other 84.67 National Banks likewise and questions cultivating Due to State Banks and Bankers 746 96 Individual deposits subject to check.. 62,969.34 the ability to discuss such impor- Demand 525.00 certificates of deposit Cashiers checks outstanding 192.99 tant issues before an audience. Total A United States House of Rep197,635.37 resentatives has been organized State of Utah, County of Juab, ( I, C. S. Tlngey, Cashier of the above among the students, the members named bank, do solemnly swear that the above from the various classes and societ statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ies have been appointed to repreC. S. Tinget, Cashier. and sworn to before me this sent the various States of the 21stSubscribed 1910. of day February B. J. Claytox, Notary Public. Union; speakers of the two nationCOBBECT ATTEST: M. E. Whitmore, i al parties have been elected and M. A. Gbovkr, Directors. W. S. McCok.nick. i all important offices Riled Mail 2TS is the ouit-after-y- e It Is n year Household pan- - ,or Ton and not a misfit. boiled-down- , barm and the biggest paper ofits size over a pittlioeeticehkviag the wortof Air . est - - -- a rearreadera! BIGriLE kGOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL ?o any addnrss'for A VoLLAfe'SulL?01' ,9 Sample of FARM JOURNAL, end circular Address, nd t93 wiU scnt 7 all describing BIOQLE BOOKS free. FARM JOURNAL Philadelphia JOB PRINTING. IVotwitlistmidiiig tlie recent rise in Paper Stock Zhc IRecotrb Banking-house- Legal-tende- Tol Hep$irtiiient is prepared to moot all competitors in sun! in iuility. Call and get Prices RAILROAD 00. Tieket-- A cough at auy time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts LuntsPharmacv. By JACOB BIGQLB No. The thares will be one dollar each. Just the Hineui't of cap: stock or the name of i i.e conq ai y j was leftover uiuh i.ie next n. i tomorrow ing, which will be tn l evening. A committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions to the capital stock and report tomorrow evening. So far over 800.00 has been subscribed. . The REMEDY WILL STOP ENGLISH Hand-Mmc- ager. Republican ACKERS A Farm Library or unequalled value Practical, ly Concise and Comprehensive Printed aid fieaitlfally illustrated. . VALLEY RAILWAY . Track theaum of $1,000,000.00. east. Coing South. operation via these lines. For parnphl ts descriptive of the Great Salt Lake Route apply to W. II. Snedaker GeneralAgcnt.il Montgomery, San Francise; to J. D. Mansfield. General Agent, 253 Washington, Portland; to W. McBride, General Agent, 47 E. Broadway, Butte; or to Geo. W. lleintz, Acting General Passenger Ageut, Salt Lake City. ary part o the progi am. Race & For the above oceassion the the Temple City, the Great Salt Lake the Salt lalaoe, and the picturesoue Oragon Short Line will make an Utah Valley, it offers choice of six dis- open rate of one fare for the round tinct routes to the East and the most from all points in Utah. SellA trip, magnificent scenery in the world. dates from Xephi. Juab, Mona double daily train service and through ing Fudman Falaee and ordinary sleeping aud points north March 1st only, cars, free recliniug chair cars and a good returning March 2nd, 1000. perfect dining car service are now in J. L. Dundley, Agent. pre-parito- 6. 8.00 4.15 5.00 5 68 6.15 ts. Rio Grand Democratic State Convention Salt Lake and Colorado Midland Railroads. It is City, March 1st, 1900. the only trans continental line passing and Lake Salt City, t directly thorough in addition to the glimpse it afforis of rectum with the Denver 4icie. Two Daily Express Trains to Glen wood Splint's, Leadville, Cripple Creek, Pueblo, Colorado Sprinps, Denver, and all points East EFFECTIVE JUNE I, 1607. Train No. 2 leave Ogden at 6:45 a. m; Salt Lake 7.50 a. in. Arri at Glenwood Springs at 9 p. m; Pueblo .5 :50 a m:Colorado Springs 7:13 a. m. Denver, 9 :30 a. m. Train N 4 leaves Ogden at 6:35 p. m; Salt 7:40 p. m. Arrives at Glenwood Springs ait 6:10 a. m; Pueblo 5;27 p. in. Colorado SpringR, 6:53 p.m., Denver 9 :25 p. m. Lake Couneetions made at Pueblo, Colorado Fprlngs and Denver with all lines east. Eleehair ears, and Pullman gant day onroaches, all trains. Take the D. & ft. G. and deeper t have a .comfortable trip and enjoy the finest soeiier) on the continent. Wiortist line to Crtpdie Creek, Colorados g.ieat gold eauip. Tram No. 2 leaving Salt Laake at 7:50 a. in. arrives at Cripple Creek next morning at 9 :50. I Is to turn out Neat and Accurate work, at reasonable prices. Our patrons have a right to be satisfied and our ambition is to satisfy them. V The Congress meets once a week, and is now in full working order; How To Travel. at its last session a resolution on the Boar question was introduced Information for the Public. and ably discussed. S. K. HOOPER, A. S. HUGHES, G. P, T. A., Trallic Manager, In selecting your route to the East It is likewise intended to also Denver, Colo. Denver, Colo. H. M. CUSHING, J3. F. KEVINS, you cannot afford to overlook the adTrav, Pass Agt establish a United States Senate, General Agent, vantages and comforts offered by the Salt L jmk City, UTAH, and when the two law making Rio Grand Western Railway in con- fc and examine our work before sending to Salt Lake or elsewhere. Orders Will be given prompt attentioa Call On or Address, TtE Nephi re.gg HENRY ADAMS, Publisher. |