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Show IIIGII PRICE OF PAPEB lYEEK IX CONGRESS. NEWS SUMMARY TARIFF TAX ON WOOD PULP A COSTLY ONE. Subscriber to Pay Mora for Their Country Newspaper The Cry for Its Instant Repeal Is Tery Loud Paper Trust Robbery. May Compel There are very conclusive reasons why the present tariff tax on wood pulp and printing paper should be repealed, and there is no reason in the interest of American industry that pleads for the continuance of these taxes. They are now simply an element of robbery under color of law, and they should be effaced from our statutes. The paper trust is now taxing the newspaper and book publishers of the country many millions, not because of any such actual increase in the cost of producing paper, but because the trust has the power to extort from the purchasers of paper up to the extent that d would make foreign paper and pulp cheaper than the prices demanded here. This trust has played ita scheme of extortion to the uttermost, and congress should at once remove the tax that protects no American industry and that has become only an agent to rob the consumers. of the wood pulp used in the manufacture of paper for American consumption should come from Canada, but it is excluded by a tariff tax, and we are now rushing headlong in the destruction of our forests, while Canada, with its almost limitless supply of timber, cannot reach our markets because of the tax imposed by the tariff. The two conclusive reasons which should make congress act promptly are first, that the paper trust should be at once halted In its rapid destruction of our American forests by the admission of free wood pulp from Canada; and, second, that the present extortion practiced by the paper trust upon publishers of newspapers and books shall cease to have the protection of the government. The time has come when any trust that makes arbitrary profits by tariff duties must cease to be protected by Where American inthe government. dustry needs protection it Is reasonable to permit it, but where alleged protection is used only for systematic robbery, it must be overthrown. We can now manufacture paper a3 cheaply as any country in the world. There is no excuse whatever for a tax articles, and upon the manufactured the raw material should he free, not only because the general principle is correct, but because if it shall not be done promptly our forests will be practically destroyed within a few years by tariff taxes excluding the lumber of Canada from our markets. Paper and pulp must be made free cf all taxes, as the paper trust has demonstrated that these taxes serve only a single purpose that is to invite robbery under color of law. Philadelphia Times. tariff-taxe- Two-thir- J ehruary injuries. Keciprot it y Treaties Delayed. Before proceeding further with the construction of new reciprocity treaties the state department will await the action of the senate upon the pending French treaty. Should this fail all efforts to effect the reciprocity scheme as contained in the Dingley act will be abandoned. been fixed as May 14. The formal ratifications of the Samoan treaty have been exchanged between London and Berlin. The president of Mexico has issued a decree for the establishment of a system of bonded warehouses at ports of entry. A statement of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash bal ance, S2D0.G73.0sl; gold reserve, S733,-24.1,77- 1. Nineteen deaths have occurred in Noumea. New Caledona. from the plague and there are many cases in quarantine. Most of those who started from Dawson for Nome are making a detour to the recently discovered diggings on the Yoyokug. The Salvation army celebrated the twentieth anniversary of its establishment in the United Mates in Carnegie hall, Chicago, last week. On the steamer Coptic tlieie were 23,821 pounds of opium, and its value, with duty paid, is about $4)i,000. The duty on the opium is 142,1)20. Six hundred Finlanders sailed from Liverpool Saturday for Canada, making about 8.0U0 who have emigrated during the past six months. Bear Admiral Sampson has been offered and has decliued the presidency of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The ott'er was a surprise. Trinity M. F. church one of the oldest Methodist church buildings in Chicago, has been destrored by fire. It is expected the loss will exceed 3100,-000. William and John Newton, bachelor brothers, were burned to death last week in a fire at Portland, Ind. William was one of the wealthiest men in the state. The project of the new constitution which is before the San Domingan congress abolishes capital punishment and provides for the separation of church and state. Sliafter has received official word that the Territory of Alaska is no longer a par t of California, and therefore would no longer he under his command. A cold wave is doing considerable damage in the Texas coast country to truck farming and fruit. Stiawberries have suffered the greatest as the plants Major-Gener- al were blooming'. It is announced from Belgium that a socie ty organized to fight American monopoly will send delegations to the United Slates-- , Russia and Rouinania to ascertain the conditions of direct imports. Arrangements are making at the war department for the establishment of additional garrisons and troops in the new military department of Alaska. Companies B. I and K have been ordered to St. Michael. The possibility of having the Zulus as allies lias shocked the British. But in whole, the logic of their right of and the duty of Great Britain to help them, even though they are savages, are taken as justification. Killed In SnowitlUie. Resolutions were adopted at the CenAt the Fold King mine, Silverton, tral Federated union, N. Y.. last week, Colo., George Foster, Louis Avi and requesting the officers of the national Antoni Tain were caught in a snow-slid- labor organizations to ask President Antoni Tam, by running, saved McKinley to grant all rights of Amerilife. can citizenship to the Iorto Ricans. his e. 1 Argentine and Portugese ports have House An important hiR wa passed been declared free of the bubonic which makes universally applicable plague. law that now permits the transit the The date of the fight between Janies in bonds of goods through the United J. Jettries and .lames J. Corbett has Goods in bond can be Fire that started in a grocery store at Ilarrisonville, Mo., last week destroyed one of the city's principal business blocks, causing a loss estimated at SOO.Ooo. An American syndicate, with a capiDeath From l'lague in Manila. Out of a total of fifty one cases of tal of 310,000,000, is to immediately besuspected bubonic plague reported in gin the construction of a great steel in Monterey, Mexico. It will Manila forty-tw- o proved genuine and plant 4,000 men. employ o thirty-twdeaths resulted, half of inA The Chinamen. them being hundred government lighthouse hoard is the under of making every effort to establish a spectors superintendence number of light and fog signal stations a health officer, Major Fdie, are reinthe forcing sanitary regulations. along the Alaskan coast before the end Thirty of the inspectors are Chinamen of the coining season. who have been furnished by the ChiNew Orleans reports the steamer nese merchants. The local health deMontezuma, with 1;550 mules and a partment census shows the population large cargo of foodstuffs for the Britof Manila is about 100.000, including ish army operating in South Africa, 31,000 Chinese. cleared for Capetown. Another IoKlmaHler (ioen Wrong. General Ron, commanding a force of Frank (1. Simmons, postmaster at revolutionists in Venezuela, attacked Seward, Nebraska, has been arrested, 1,200 government troops, under Genercharged with a shortage of 53,830. als Martin and Guevara, at Gurrico. Simmons, who has long been promi- The government troops were defeated. nent in state politics, admitted his At Albany, N. Y., last week, three shortage. David Figard, oue of Sim- men were drowned and half a million mon's bondsmen, when informed of dollars damage done to property along the shortage and asked to take charge the Hudson river by the worst freshet of the office, dropped dead. which that city has seen since 1857. Despondent Wife Hum Herself to Death In St. Louis, Saturdays Mrs. .lulia Catner, wife of a foundry workman and mother of five children, poured oil over her clothing and deliberately set fire to herself in the presence of a drunken husband and will probably die of her 1 self-defens- e NORTHWEST NOTES. Cl ft j Italian Joseph Sueeetti, a rancher of Elko. Nev., committed tsu side by blowing his head and arm off with giant powder. States. shipped A. H. Lewellen of Sumpter, Ore., was through any portion of the territory of taken from a passener train the United States to foreign parts. It at Elko, Nev.. on suspicion that tie was is principally designed to give the suffering from smallpox, and lodge in . transportation companies o' the United he States a portion of the trmisconti- The city council of Grand unci ion, nental trade to the Orient. has passed a sewer ordinance Colo., Senate The Senate adopted a resot he entire cit v w ill be placed under and for the Boers in lution of sympathy their war with Great Britain. The the sewerage svstem. work to Ik com" resolution was introduced by Senator mcnced at once. The board of police commissioners Allen. When it was adopted a quorum was not present and few seemed tc of San Francisco elected William P. realize what was going on. When t lit Sullivan, ji, chief of police to succeed rssolution was declared adopted Sena- I. W. Fees, resigned. Mr. Sullivan is tors looked from one to another, and the private secretary of .Mayor Phelan. several, among them Mr. A lieu, laughJanes Millsap, a brukemun. while A motion to reed unrestrainedly. attempting to cross the track in front consider was introduced. of a moving engine, near Elko, Nev., February 15. had both of his legs broken and his House A joint resolution increasing skull crushed, hut he may possibly rethe limit of cost of the new govern cover. , inent printing office to 34 7 5, ouu on acPacific Wire A Nail Work, of The count of increased cost of bailding mabeen susterial was adopted. A hill to extend sail Francisco, which has six resume will for operyears, the period of suspension of certain pended soon. The plant is the only one ations laws relating to the war department on the coast that is not controlled by for another year from March was the trnst. adopted. The House then adjourned William J Stoddard, postmaster at out of respect to the memory of the late Representative Chiekeriugof New De La Mar, Idaho has been found short in his accounts to the amomntof York. is under surveillance and his bons-meSenate Senator Nelson was authorhave been notified to make up the ized to report his substitute for the hill providing fora depart men of commerce shortage. with a cabinet officer. An amendment The Republican state central comwas made to take the patent office from mittee of Washington has decided to the interior department and include it postpone the state convention at Fllens-hurin the new department. The financial for the election or' national delemeasure was theu considered. gates from April 4 to April 5, at the of the Republicans of Tacoma February Hi. House The reclamation of arid requestthe where municipal election is held hinds is receiving more attention from on April 3. the United States government than Virginia Godin, aged 7 years, daughter ever before. The House has appointed of IlarmisdasGodin of Butte, unskilled a strong standing committee on irrigathe accidental discharge of her by tion, with a chairman and a majority revolver in her own hands. He father's of its members interested in or reprehad laid the gun down and left the senting' irrigable sections. Senate lhs Senate substitute for room. When he returned she had it in the House currency bill was passed by her hands playing with it. He tried the Senate by the decisive majority of to grab it away, when it was discharg4)1 to 21. The vote in details was as ed. Juan Amigo, a Mexican, was shot follows: Yeas Aldrich, Allison, Bev and killed by one of his own nationBurrows. eridge, Uaffery, Carter, Clark Cullom. Davis. yo.), Deboe, Depew, ality at Rock Springs. Wyo., on the Elkins, Fairbanks, Foraker, Foster, 14th. Amigo had figured discreditably Frye, Gear, Hale, Hanna, Hansbrough in both state and police courts during Hawley, Hoar, Kean, Lindsay, Lodge, the past two years and was considered McBride, McComas, MeCumber, Mc- a bad man. Ills slayer claims he shot do but Millan, .Mason, Nelson, Penrose, Per- in corroborate not statement. this V. kins, Platt (Conn.). Platt (X. ), Colorado cattlemen and sheepmen, Pritchard, (Quarles. Ross. Scott, Sewell, both in the mountains and on the Slump, Simon, Spooner, Thurston, Wolcott. 16. plains, will be heavy losers lv the Nays Bate. Bern-- , Butler, Chandler, storm of the past week. Stock is everyChilton, Clark (Mont.), Clay, Cockrell, where in good condition, but is unable Culberson, Daniel, Harris, Heitfeld, to stand without loss the severity of Jones (Ark.), JoDes (Nev.), Kenney, the storm. To the fanners, however, McFnery, MeLaurin, Martin, Money, the storm is a blessing, as it is the first Morgan. IVttus, Rawlins. Stewart, Sul- snow of any consequence this winter, livan, Taliaferro. Teller. Tillman, Tur- aDd the scarcity of water has amounted to a famine in many places. ley, Vest. 20. The bill, as passed, consists of ten are holding Wyoming sections, it provides that the dollar their wool 23 cents for per pound. clips s of 25 fine shall Some few gold, have contracted sheepmen be the standard unit value, and that their spring clips for ID and 2D cents, all forms of United States money shall but the majority believe wool will adhe maintained at a parity' with it, and vance to 23 cents and even 35 cents per that treasury notes and greenbacks pound, and will not make any contracts shall he redeemable in gold. for a cent less. A majority of the wool Hie secretary of the treasury is to who have been asked about set apart a fund of 5150,000.000 in gold growers the matter say that the fleeees this year far the redemption of these notes, and will be heavier by one or two pounds to maintain these funds at a figure not than they have been heretofore, owing below 100,000,000, he is empowered to to the fact that owners have been breedsell bonds of the United States bearing a better grade of interest at not exceeding three per ing Edward T. Colby, a well know newscent. solicitor of Butte, was stabbed 17. paper February House The House passed the legisand fatally wounded by Harry W. lative, executive and judicial appro- Peters on the 15th. Colby was engaged priation bill, after having it under con- to be married to a sister of Peters' wife and Peters objected to the match, and, sideration four clays. w Hie civil service appropriation, it is claimed, abused his sistei'-in-lwhich was striken out of the appro- about it. Coiby met Peters and asked priation bill in the committee of the him what he meant by his actions to" whole, was restored in the House by a ward the girl. There was an exchange vote of 77 to 123. of epithets and Peters drew a knife and Thirty-fiv- e private pension hilis, stabbed Colby twice, once in the thigh previously favorably acted upon by and once in the abdomen. Ietersgave the committee of the whole were himself up. Mrs. Nettie 11. Craven has sprung passed. another sensation in her testimony in a February 10. House The Porto Rican tariff bill suit against the estate of the late Senais before the House and is attracting tor Fair for 85.000 a month widow's much attention, because it will deter- allowance since the death of the senamine the status of all our island pos- tor. Mrs. Craven testified thatsheand session. The bill provides for free Senator Pair were married by contract trade with Porto Rico. Democrats are in June, 1D2, and that one month later, united against the measure and have at the request of her daughter, Margaconsiderable Republican aid. The ret, Senator Pair anil Mrs. Craven were resolution to investigate the charges married by Justice of the Peace Simp-toof Saueilito. Simpton says the to Pretoria. preferred by is false, and that Mrs. Craven had story was Macrum, recommended for pasto bribe him. attempted sage. Andrew' Carnegie having ottered to Senate The Hawaiian bill is before for a public library' at the Senate, and its provisions were donote 850,000 Grand Junction, Colo., under certain discussed during the entire session, an the city council of that city conditions, effort being made to determine has guaranteed 1,700 annually for the whether, If the provisions of the constiof the library, upou request mainteance tution were once extended to the of a delegation of ladies. islands, they could be withdrawn. well-to-d- o i j west-boun- pest-ho-ise- : .1 1 n g ( self-defens- e, ft 1900 65 ft ft 4ft There is every good reason why fft ft ft St. Jacobs Oil ft15 ft ft ft should cure ft m RHEUMATISM ft ft ft NEURALGIA ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft LUMBAGO SCIATICA for the ret of the century. One paramount reason is it does cure, ft ft ft ft ft ft SURELY AND PROMPTLY MM Thanking ioil First. The conduct of men In great emergencies often rebukes the ingratitude In every-daand lack of life. Nansen's countryman. Dr. Svea Hedin, after suffering from hunger and thirst for days in unexplored Asia, I thankfound a pool of clear water. ed God first, says he, and then I felt my pulse. I wanted to see the effect that drinking would have on It Then I drank. Religion and science In the face of the imperious demands of the physical nature, thus asserted their controlling power. Youths Companion. Lalori,Drerfus's lawyer, will lecture in this country this summer. self-contr- ol SUCCESS FOR THE DAIRY. the cure of milk ami i utter, attention rau-- t bo given To secure the best res .its in The milking must be propyrlv used must be kept done, and ail scrupulously' clenti by washing morning and night ia hot wf.tr with Ivory Soap, theu rinsing we-- in cold water and setting out to air and sun. ELIZA R. PARKER. del-ills- ve-se- .s Iorto Rico, about as large in area as Great Salt Lake, has 1)00,000 people. In Winter Cue Allen's A powder. Your feet feel uncomfortable, nervous, and often cold and damp. If you have sweating, sore feet or tight shoes, try Allens Sold by all druggists and shoe stores, 26 cents. Sample sent free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Foot-Fas- o. Foot-Eas- e. The wheat crop in Brazil will be larger than ever before in its history. THE Fleasantest, most powerful, effective .'.aci Wet-mor- e, never failing REMEDY for Rheumatism;,. GRIIMK nnd CATAKKHt 5A If all knew what thousands H J know of of the mutism J)KOls as efficacy a Curative as E well as a Preventive of any Ache or Pain known to the human body, there would not be a family iri all America without a bottle of 5 DROPS! Send for trial bottle. 25c. or large bottle, containing 300 doses. 1.00. 6 bottles for 5. SW NsOX KI1KI MATH (IKK t'O., 0 I L. Lake St., Chicago 111. 1(1 0-- 1 wool-growe- 0 y nine-tenth- - 5 SLICKER ItMMajK wool-producer- s. a n ex-con- Mill T ! Keeps both rider and saddle per-- I fectly dry in the hardest storms. I Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for i6q7 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker j it is entirely new. If not for sale in I your town, write for catalogue to A' J' TOWERj W. L. DOUGLAS $3 &3.G0 SHOES vVortli $4 to $6 compared ,nx with other makes. . (Indorsed bv over 1,0110,000 wearers. The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and Price j ! stamped on bottom, lakef no substitute claimed to be as good. Your dealer j I should keen them ita'!,, 1 we will send a pair not, receipt ot price and ate. ' jon I extra for carriage. State kind ot leather, size, and width, plain or can toe. Cat. free. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mass. uxotmiiTS IALM 'TfD au.1 n rw yor n a00 V e Y3?-- ? 3- - in tha CAT A3 RH HAY FEVER and HEAD positively relieved and CURED by this wonderfully cleansing antiseptic and Healing Specific. Price 25 and 60 eta. COLD If not nt your drm'gist.s send to Haswell Drug Wnators Agmta, Dourer, Colo Co., well begun i na.lt' dune. Sow well. Sow wonld vfip S E E DS :& WandGREGORYS boat r snit-- tue .V'cn 4.4 reap eive. IV u it. t.Rr 'or.Y (- -t A iloree free. tjartu tfivos DISCOVERY; nOrtQCSVI'lEW il o,ii',Ar1,'fandruriwHst EJ iV w fii cii-p- tKafc. P,i k of tc- -t IK. U. U. OttfclA a 5 ail . DUX trentineufi Vk' AOfcntAt |