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Show FIGHT THE FIRE. SEARCHLIGHT ON FIRE ENGINE IN NEW YORK CITY. It It a Success Are FARMER Enormous shipments of agricultural machinery are beiug made to Russia for the development of the vast wheat WRITES OF WESTERN CANADA fields of Siberia. Much machinery will WHERE HE IS NOW LOCATED. from Pacific coast go to ports. Farms 1q Hii Neighborhood Are SlOO Reward 100. Being Rapidly Taken t'p hy I ormer The readers of this paper will be pb a,l to Resident of the Inited btate. learn that thee is at least one dreaded i..sa"i8 that science has betn able to cure m ad it st tees, and that is Catarrh Hall (atarrh ure w the onlv positive cure now known to the The following extracts from a letter medical fratriuiiv t'ntdr-- h hi icy a i instituwritten to Mr. Benj Davie-,- Canadian tional d'sease re uiios a constitutional Hall s Catarrh i ure is taken internally, government agent at St Paul, Minn . a i till it threi tiy uixin too blood and tnui uus vur- of the system thereby destrov ng the give an excellent idea of what is said faces themseasi andiovmtrthepanent of Western Canada by those who have foundat onbvof buiidnnr up he tnustitut'un and strength its work 1 he tiro- gone there during the pat two or thiae assist ne li.itueso intmudoing li fa.th in its curative prieturs hoet Hundred years. i Cl Hue Douarsfur f hev powers that "When we first arrived here and took any ease that it falls to cure. Send for st of Testimonials up our homes on the p.airie near Address F J CIIFVKY & CO , Toledo, a Sold by druggists t Dalesboro, Assa , for a short time we s Family 1ilis are the best had a fit of the bluet, but now all hand are settled to business, hale, A lair Fxrhange. hearty and contained, enjoying the Tern (to his sister) Kitty, if y finatt winter we hare ever seen We give m a bit of your eake Ill ppeil have got veiv comfortably situated, the piano so that you wont have to with eonsickrabie preparations for a take a lsaaoa for a month. think this is crop, and all hopeful. reot-Fa- s Tran. Yen Can tlet Allea veiy fine country, and if the past seaWrite today to Allen S. Olms'ed, Le sons crop is not an exception, which N. Y., for a f.e sample of Allen s they claim not, I believe this is going Roy, Fcot-Eaa powder to shake into your . We-tto be the wheat field of the It It cuies chilblains, sweating, la filling up fast. In this township list shoes. damp, swollen, aching feet. It nukes, s spring there were 25 A nitain new or tight shoes easy. of land vacant and today there is not cure for Corns and Bunions. All drugone. I can stand at my house and gists and shoe stoies sell it; 25c. count ten houses where there was not Caw Tim Be TrwwT one last spring, with six more to go up What a lovely complexion you He this spring. This Is only a sample of She "Oh, Im glad you like what is going on all round. We intend have. to build a church next summer, right it. Its a new brand Im trying, and close to my place, so we will be strictly is ever so much theaper than the kiad Chicago News. in line. It w'ould have amused you to I formerly ued. Thc-have been here last spring. Mrg. Winslow's toothing: Syrnp, dren soften the inini, rtducef Inwere crowds of and some- Torch! a buttle flammation, allays pum, cures wind coxlc times in the spring the prairie is not The Killing; Iassien. very inviting, and of course lots were Floorwalker Hurry out, madam! discontented. There was one in the Mrs. Purchase crowd who jumped on me for putting The stores afire! Oh, is it? Then I'll just wait for the a letter in the paper, only for which Philadelphia North Ameri-cahe never woull have come here, and fire sale. he was very hostile, but eventually he TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY, got a place and today claims he would Bromo Quinine Tablets. All not take a thousand dollars and move Take Laxative refund the money if it fai s to euro druggists 25c. E. V. Grove s signature on each box. out, so 1 am glad he is satisfied. Well, my dear sir, as Arthur FinLong is hedrtily in favor ney is about to move out in March, of Secretary canal and of a Pacific the Nicaragua with his family, and also one of my both necessities, he are cable. They sons, anything you can do for them to in this progressive age and they assist them along and to make things 6ays, come. to The United States are sure smooth as possible, will be should them. control I me. will close for by this time, and will write from time to Pisoi Cure for Consumption is the only time to let you know we are living. cough medicine used iu my house. D. C. Drop us a few lines to let us know Albright, Mifflinburg, Pa., Dec. 11, '95. how things are moving in St. Paul. The coming naval maneuvers of the Yours Respectfully, Japanese fleet are attracting great ALEX. CAMERON. I , k To Aid ttaa Firemen in Lighting Vp Dnrk Placet In Tall Buildings That Are Ahrm A MINNESOTA feelf C (New York Letter.) . Fire Chief Croker expi esses himself as being greatly pleased vuth the searchlight of the La France engine, an exhibition test of which was given the other night in New York. Many other officials of the fire department who were present also spoke highly 01 the searchlight. Superintendent Louis Ditien of the La France company worked the searchlights. There were two of them attached to the engine. Each of them was about eighteen inches in diameter. Thy were detachable and were worked both n and off the engine. A small Insulated wire cable was fastened to each light. In front of the engine house stands a twelve-stor- y building, and one of the searchlights was turned upon us upper stories. The light illumined a circular space about thirty feet in diameter. The light shot far above the building, showing that it can easily be sent to the top of any skyscraper In the city. When thrown horizontally up Mercer street the searchlight illumined n the fronts of buildings a blocks away. The light penetrated the smoke from the engine easily. Of course, this smoke was not so dense as that which will be encountered at many fires. The new engine has a frame and running gear much like those of the ordinary fire engine. The boiler is a combination of nest tubes and snake flues. On the frames in front of the boiler is mounted a Forbes engine, light and compact. Directly connected to the engine is a marine type multipolar generator, supplying sixty-fiv- e amperes of current at a pressure of eighty volts. This generator is entirely inclosed, making it impossible for rain or fire streams to reach the armature. On each side of the drivers seat is placed an projector, and the seat folds over so that the projectors can swing through a circle. They can also be placed at any vertical angle. The projectors are supplied with deflecting glass fronts, making It possible to cover a large area with the light at short range, or by using the piain glass fronts, also supplied, the light may be thrown out half-doze- 18-in- 1 1 - e, quarter-section- land-seeker- s, MRS. POLLY EVANS, A n. greatly-appreciate- d The receipts and disbursements of public funds in the island of Cuba for the year 1899 are: Receipts, $16,346,- 015; expenditures. $14,084,805. TO PLACE OUR GARDEN SFFR IN FVFRY TTalter The Largest In the World I A . Pktr td Dorchester, the largest Mir, ot I o oa aud Chocolate My wife Polly J. Evans ) says she feels entirely cured of systemic catarrh of twenty years standing. She took nearly six bottles of thy excellent medicine, Peruna, as directed, and we feel very thankful to thee for thy kindness and advice. She did not expect to be so well as she is now. Twelve years ago it cured her of la grippe. I want to tell thee there has been a great deal of Peruna used here last winter. Peruna does not need praising. It telis for itself. IVe can and do recommend it to anyone that is afflicted with catarrh." 4s ever, thy friend, John Evans, South Wabash, lnd. When catarrh lias reached the chronic mucous membranes of the whole body. 6tage, of course it lias gone beyond the It produces regular functions. Peruna reach of all local remedies. Nothingbut restores perfect health in a natural v a sv stemic remedy can reach it. Peruna ay. No one should neglect to procure one is the only remedy yet devised to meet such cases. Peruna eradicates catarrh of Dr Hartman's free books on catarrh, from the system. It does its wotk sent to any address by The Peruna quietly-- , but surely. It cleanses the Medicine Company-- , Columbus, Ohio. ne in the wuild. The Boers have rebuilt the two forts demolished by the British at Matching H FRIEND OF PERUNA. LIFE-LON- SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 76 W. Second South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Students mav enter any time. we offer fresh TUP Koei,, full sized lockages, at les than V value, best ever groan, that will grow in any JufiC li? I H L flfiilNTRY YOU FR EE garilon t .uni Mnd m 77 cU if oa w ml ur thoite of knives shown 4 Tit out this ad v erti semen ' ' if jot Write today lor Information r k S i f ihraateand GIVE No 7sb or T7 T lyTU 1 Bir.nfe Beaa., 1 kg. KoLbs Orm Crtyrn Peas, 1 pkg Dwarf Y ax 1 1 Green Oilron Must-dtermelon, 1 pkg Mirble Mammoth Drumhead C bi boston Lettuce, 2 kb Purj la lop Turinp.l k. melon. lpkr Km ibaa. 1 THIS XNir. I ed Globe Onion, 1 pkti Hollow trowa Par. ups, 1 Early on Scarlet Uauirh.l Pk Double Cuntd Pprsley, 1 pkir. Celery, I pkc rhvm, li Wreak fast HadKNIFE pre With No 1 1 2 burs S. Blood turnip No 77 Crookneck B. Poet, t iah, pbp Hnmmpr With Lot Sfiuash, tarly rk Cabbage, 1 rk Long Greeu fiumiit'er. 1 nksr Danvers ha' f long Carrots, 1 plu? Perfection ToraMfl, Jane Peas, 1 pke yellow Danvers Flat Onion, 1 pk? Ox Heart Carrots, 1 pkfi L tne1 F arlv Y 1 I -. 1 i 1 1 1 St irlet i Dutch f Market umbert Denver Cif kg Curled Le kg mi trly lettuce, Turnip pkg Turnip liidish, kg. (uti am pkg Simpswi F tuce. pk Early lpkg Trophy Tometo, KNIFE FREE! At 77cts t ne od, 4 blade Concrea bin Khora nan-diarly Minnesota Corn Also A) other pkss. fre-'- garden aeees not mentioned above 67 aim tn-c-her. King Cabbage, 1 pkg Sweet Pumpkin, 2 pkg e xtra weight iinely polished ends, heavy steel hinder, in hiding hoof bl.ile M e give it F L) f to every nest ateel warranted knife will beeent F RFJ5 The 77so kme le just what every farmer should have r7 i kgs lrAh g tr len sends nostn tid for of garden ram.K w thorn, the kn. fe to an one posf- nd ror 4"cts person ordering the above collection at 97 eta through this advertisement, or we will furnish the 87 freh TOcU. No better seeds grown or sold at any price than our LARGE PKGS. FRESH SEEDS WITH KNIFE FREE T. M. ROBERTS' SUPPLY HOU SEf MINNEAPOLIS MINN 7) this kmff, iwn yrn in parallel rays to a great distance. conThe lamps are sume thirty-fiv- e amperes of current each, and each gives an arc of 6,000 candle power. Between the projecting bases and under the drivers seat, in a nickel-plate- d brass box, are two wire rheostats for regulating the currents in the lamps. Each lamp is supplied with an ampere meter. The dynamo is also supplied with a fireproof Field rheostat and a volt meter. g, AYhen hounds Near Knoiigh. people lead that armies are at 2,000 yards the combatants can see each other, but they cannot, said an ofTuer. At that distance it is impossible to distinguish between a man and a horse, and at 1,200 yard, especially where there is any dust, it requites the best kind of eyes to tell infantry from cavaliy. At 900 yards the movements become clearer, although it is not until they get within 730 yards of each other that the heads of the columns can be made out with anything like certainty. Infantry can be seen in the sunlight much more easily than cavalry or artillery because dust is raised Besides, infantry aro distinguished by the glitter of their muskets. At 2,000 yards, however, everything is unsatisfactory, even with the aid of field glasses, for a marching column in dry weather raises a great deal of dust. engaging e.uli other distance they think le-- s The Queer Coatto of Devil- Island. made famous as the Devils has a strange of Dreyfus, piison specks of animal found nowhere else on earth. This odd creature, it is said, has been called the coati, and is a peculiar combination of animal characteristics, It is about the size of a cat when full grown, with a long head shaped like a pyramid, and a tremendous nose. The jaws are long, like those of a young aligator, and it uses its forepaws to carry its food to its mouth, as monkeys and squirrels do. tot oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOQOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G o o OOOOOOGGOOGOOOGOOCOOOOGOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOGe o o o o o o G o G O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G G O o o o o o 3000000 |