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Show WO M y i, W , 1 ' i A' y vf S , j wiiTifcifcfrini i J - J 'C -- 4 i. Makes tfso Tx:J , , 'y - ' : . -- 'V T C !'. ,j ' l i , V i r ' ? f) in JVJAJn vv ,JSi 'S&vr&i .t delicious cud wholesorra rc-2- .. fVvL Y. MS KBXK2 HiaMnKMMMBHaMMUiyuawaB Jacob Bowers came in from Thompson Springs Toe lay, whero he has necn hemlmg sheep for the past two months. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. and Son, drugs, notion, etc. Dr. E. E. WiIro, phy.-iin inn! rivn. Dr. Frank B. Neale, physician am! ei on. sm-ge- W. O. Stone a former well koow . A' J, l v ' lie , '1' ; o 0: ID AO magnificent Itoyal line for the Spring and Summer season is now iu our House. The marvelous beauty of the designs we and the terling worth of every fabric we sell, are the results of -- their lending coif ract.s with the foremost mills of the world. Nearly vi ry diM'gn in the Royal line is made solely and exclusively for thiir re- sident of this city but now of Provo, came in Tuesday evening, to spend a The Best tfas&sr ftlaila. few days with old friends. 'rs ean therefore depend upou receiving the newest I. unt and IVirin, Meat Market, o1; on Win. J. S"hotleld returned from an 1 tslnouahle llolicrt Iypcr, paper liriHuer. -t colorings and weaves. extensive trip to Oregon, last Friday, W. T. Demi, Watchmaker ami Jeweler. lie reports that before this late storm For years they have been continually improving the quality of Dr. J. A. Booth, Dentist. the weather theie was almost like sumOstler ami Allen, harness makers. COO K STO VMS, n A NGES Royal Tailoring, by adding here and there those master touches which mer. All cattle and sheep are doing W. II. Pettegrew, harness maker well. and every thing e in the hard- lend and ;t ..in. Wo ei-;- Clias Finite and Sous, General Merchan- dise. General Merca ucisi, Xeplii Co-o-p, Excelsior Mercantile Co. General Hyde and Whitmore Co., Genera1 chandise. Lnnt and Burton, J vrines. .se. Mer- Wo Sell ' liquors and igars. T. B. Foote, wines, liquors ad cigars. J. K. Edglieill, wines, l liquors and cigars Sparks Bros, confectionary. Pexton Bros, confectionery, Clias. Wright, restaurant. Forrasi ITnuge, Henry Forrest preprietor. Mrs. Latti Farmer, hoarding house. Hotel Ifarid, Gns. Henriod Prop. Union Hotel, Mr. C. R. Foote Prop. Nophi Iloaso, Mr. Zee Whittaker Prop. Mi. Mary M. rgan, millinery, , Mi-sH. W. Wheeler, millinery. the charming grace distinctive elegance to Royal garments that are so much desired and so difficult to obtain. ware line. Joseph F. Wright so'd to an eastern buyer last week seven hundred grade merino rants for the snug sum of seven thousand dollars. Geo McCune also sold to the same bujer three hundred rams for tbre thousand dollars, Blue Ribbon Axe Handles the Best on One fare for the round trip for the Democratic and Republican atate convention held at Salt Luke march let and 2nd respectively from all points Frisco to Murray, Eureka to Lehi Junction. For full information see your nearest tb'kt agent. Earth. The heavest trade in the history of our house, and we have made such preparations as will enable us to give you prompt and effiicient service, and to maintain intact until the very close of the season the Don't buy a knife- - Lust week seme of our cattleman discovered that some of their calves and yearlings were troubled with Blackleg. They atones sent to Salt Lake City for a veterinary sergeon. Mr A. Kendall at once came down and vaccinated several hundred head of and yearlings. calves Miss Miry Pypor, dressmaker. Mi Milli Schrader, dressmaker. The Stockholders Meeting of th Nephl Irrigation Company called for Bijler and lollins, blacksmiths. the purpose of amending its constitutSpark and Chase, hlicksmiths. Franci Soils, Fnmitur Warehouse. ion was poorly attended last Tuesday. No vote was taken on the Mr. Bella McCnue, Bakery. amendment as only a small Loreaio Wbb, Wheelright. portion of the stock Cooper, Pyper A C., Tinners and Plmb-ers- . was represented, and th mooting adjourned without attempting to tranGraeo Bros . Unrulier yards and Plaining sact any business. Mills. A Nephi gentleman "as in town the Oscar Booth, Ar hitect. fore part of the week negotiating with Dealer ia Coal ami Farm Jas. F. Jensen S. .Bfor the purchase of his Implent en saloon business, building and other for Studebaker T. H. l property belonging thereuato. The wagon C. gentlemen could net agree on the price Jnab Gounty , Abstract Co, B. J. Clayton, for the eastablishwent at the time, but Manager. the deal is not entirely off yet, as the VVoftI Hides, Hay, would-b- e Co.f purchaser signified the intenGrain, etc. tion at the time of his departure from William Stout, ShoemsV. r town of returning in a short time with J. N. C. Ostler, Shoemaker. the idea of reopening the negotiations 'Uncle Henry Goldsbrough, L.Tver7 an,J for the transaction. Fyrmaid Pet Stable. Stephen Moss constable of Juab chme in yesterday, with John Hartley who met with a very painfull accident st Monday t the Sevier Bridge. It appears that Mr. Hartley who ia 6J years .' ag aud who has been taking Go to T. B. Foote's fsr 5c care of John Witbecka farm at the beer. Sevier Baibe, hitched up one of the Mr Pater Tbygerson waa ever from farm horses, aed started out fer 4 short drive. The herge became unanaagable Levan Friday. and ran up the side of the hill tipping For family liquors go to T. B. the buggy over and throwing Mr. Foote. Ilartly almost into the river. Mr. A. M. Ckrictleou ef Lovai wit ia Hartley received several brumes about towa en busiaecs Fr.tftf. the head, sholdera and hips. Cheice Potatoes for nle at Thcmaa IA. Belliston (If els. jfirbmkel. We anticipate for the superb variety of patterns shown, S. HYDE & WHITiORE CO. . Always Reliable. because it is warranted. We have known dealers to guarantee very inferior goods: charging an extra pti.ee and counting on a large percentage of returns. 0ur 0c ruffes! prk. THESE T Shears and Butcher are so well made, and inspected so thoroughly that a defective ardclo is almost an Razors, Knives Ray-Andre- AROUND TOWN. Kssdali baa far sals, CarrolU aad Pep Corn. Ilendrickaon aad Cdkeill sold IS J ward ncau Pyper & Cooper, That Nephi has got a new Fcr Sale by impossibility. paper? Well she has, and they call it the Co. NEPHI UTAH. 1, Para-nip- cows to an eaators Say did you know POCKET KNIVES To Mr. and Mrs Alex Pace Monday. Iks ftcbiircon 3 BLACKSMITH. Horseshoeing and Repairing of Farming Implements a Specialty. Sunda, a gitl. fi5 winiwMB Uth, Nepbi City, To Mr. ami Mrs John Thompson a boy. Jael T, Grovar raturnsd Friday freai his pelitical trip t Salt Lake City. LIVEI1Y Marriage License. Sam Woolf of Salt Lake City was (iolag butiaeaa in this aity Monday, Schuyler Taylor ace J. A. Rokiaaea of tba New York and Joho: a Lundsteen ag Uuh Paptr Co, was ia this city, Satur- of Levan. 24 21 year, aad years both 4 FEED LJ You should call at their office and get a sample copy and have your name put on the subscription list for its so cheap that you and all your friends can afford to take it. Why just think, its .only $1.00 per year. 50c. for six months. 25c. for three months. STASH BUSS MEETS ALL TRAINS. H. Qcldsbroaoii day. G. M. Whitmore eo!d a car load sf leiegna huh to aa e.Urn euyer this week. Cbarlee Kaagleeoa Justice of the Peace, of Levan jave us a pleasant call Tueaday. Robert Pyper, P&FER MKGEH. AIm ke full line kwul Ostler and Allen Yard.. ,lfain Si N. Straw the F.iilread costractor of Pprir.gvll.e bujing bo rare in this ,city, Saturday, f r railroad work. L. Cook. District Court Steaejia-phe- r returned from Filin ve. Saturday where he ha beea tttendiQg court. . , Vallice Mtngurn return'd frem wkere he Las beea fer Friday, the lait thrw month feed: eg eaUlc. and t ordvr from, sive you money. Friers run froai 4 ct. ptr o.in Call and See Samples. Nrj,ti, Utih. anrlkivi. vos CAVEAT,, VASt-BAPSOTECT.ON. . five column sight page Bycpcpsjta Cure Quests urket ytu cLt. Now is the time to subscribe, call on or address. rr . irel f-- Siit C0PY&1CXT atvw vA r DUMN ' Bieatt, ASo..avoiva go. MIKCTCE.il. PataBtLawyaw. L war xnaiiatii.a 91a tatls. :ECtE CJ PATEKIt(Mai5J2Si ; : Nb-raaka- ECcdoS newspaper. TO nil aud up. Mala 6t. up-to-d- ate ntOPRIETOK. ed koine Sunday. For an f Maple ol Judgs Hifgmi sdjoursed court for the term at Fillmere, 'Friday tad Unrl Hemi. t i WAS i HENRY ADAMS Publisher. 1 J |