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Show What Woman Suffragists Want. NEW TREATY WITH ENCLAND. The National American Woman SufRatification Opposed un the (i round That frage association in session at WashIt Abaudons Monroe Doctrine. HENRY ADAMS, TnblUher. ington, I). C., adopted resolutions reRepresentative Ilepbnrn. chairman affirming the principle that governof the house interstate anil foreign UTAH ments derive their NEPHI. just powers from commerce committee, which has charge the consent of the governed and call- of the Nicaragua canal appropriation, ing for the application of the principle the canal treaty with Great opposes NEWS. to women, asking congress to submit now pending iu the senate. Britain to the state legislatures a constituI think. he said, that the negotiaCattlemen say there are very few fat tional amendment prohibiting tion of this treaty is very unfortunate cattle in the conntry, they having been of United Mates citizens on and that it ought not to he ratified by account of sex; asking that upon largely sold off. senate. don't know that the The citizens of Huntington are en whatever terms suffrage may be the the of treaty will interfere pendency endeavoring to secure the passage of a granted to the men of Alaska, Dorto with action by congress on the Nicaracurfew ordinance. Rico, Hawaii or the Philippines, it be gua canal hill, but the ratification of The farmers in the vicinity of Manti granted to women on the same terms; tlie would c rtainly impair the have already commenced plowing an.l that women be included in the census valuetreaty canal when constructed. of the now' being taken in t uba and enabled putting in spring wheat. the principles reaffirms This treaty A company of twenty-fiv- e Mormon to take part in the future government of concedthe Clay treaty, converts from Switzerland arrived in of the island. all the claims arid contentions of ing Salt Lake the fore part of the week. Great Britain, though Great Britain Flag Rai-e- il Over More Islands. Some 2oi) miners are in steady emThe United States gunboat Princeton has. by her own action, given us the ployment in Frisco, and that little has returned to Manila from a trip to right at any time to abrogate the camp is putting on an air of permanent the Tatanes aud It surrenders islands, treaty. taiagan prosperity. which were omitted from the Paris everything to Great Biitain, abandonThe Welsh population of Carbon treaty of peace, being north of 20 de- ing our contention of years that we county and eastern Utah generally will grees of latitude, having raised Ameri- might abrogate the treats- at will. celebrate St. David's day at Castle Gate can Moreover, it leeognizes the right Hags and appointed natiye goveron March 1. nors. The natives willingly substiof any foreign power to interfere an 2 The Democratic state convention for tuted the American for the insurgent dictate with reference to our negotia4he purpose of selecting a congressional and took the oath of allegofficials, tions with the independent governnominee will be held in the Salt Lake iance. ments of this continent. It abandons Theatre, March 1. The natives of Samar and Leyte are the Monroe doctrine. Thomas G. Merrill, one of the most returning to their towns and normal Free oimige Hill Introduced. prominent mining men and silver ad- conditions are being resumed. vocates in the west, died at his home Join , of Arkansas has introSenator A report that .Japan intended to sieze in Salt Lake Monday morning of pneuduced a free silver coinage substitute tlie islands hastened action by the govmonia. for the pending currency bill. ernment. The dust is still firing in the streets The substitute provides that from KIMBERLEY IN SORE STRAITS. of Manti with no prospects of snow, and after the passage of this act the and the people are wondering if they l'.ntertc Fever Mure Rlsanlrou Thun War' mints of the United States shall ho are to escape winter weather altoKimberley is in sore straits. Details open to the coinage of silver, and there gether. of the December deaf show that shall be coined dollars of the weight Apostle Marriner W. Merrill has tenin a population of 14.000 whites aud of 412fii grains troy of standard silver, dered his resignation as a member of 10,000 blacks, the mortality was sixty 9.10 fine, as provided by the act of the board of trustees of the Agriculwhites and 138 blacks per thousand. January 18. 1827, and upon the same tural college to Governor Wells, and it The infantile deathrate was 071 per terms and subject to the limitations will be accepted. thousand among the whites and 912 and provisions of law regulating the A Colorado stockman who has been thousand among the blacks. En- coinage and legal tender quality of per scouring southern Utah for some weeks teric fever was prevalent. This fright- gold. past, purchasing cattle, has shipped ful state of The substitute also provides that iu December cauuot things 1.500 head of yearlings to Colorado, for have improved much if at all since, and whenever the silver coins shall be rewhich he paid a good price. the fighting power of the garrison ceived into the treasury, certificates A number of Salt Lake lads were must have been greatly diminished. may he issued for them in the manner discovered last week playing with giant now prescribed by law. powder, they having fifteen sticks of DEPARTMENT OF MINES. TORNADO IN ILLINOIS. the explosive in their possession, but Movement to Create a New Cabinet Pono was one hurt. fortunately Fourteen People Injured and Much Propsition. Two dozen mountain quail were erty Destroyed. A new cabinet officer, to be known turned loose near Mt. l'leasaut a year town of The Collinsville, 111., twelve as the secretary of mines and mining, ago, and since then the flock lias inmiles from St. is provided in a bill Louis, on the Yandalia favorably, acted on creased to over 100. In a few years railroad, House narrowly escaped destruction committee on mines and that section ought to he a sportsman's by the a by The bill February 9. Fourteen creates an executive mining. paradise. in the immediate persons which weremnjured shall have entire Lulu Watson a child of Manti, last department of the village, some of them vicinity of affairs to charge mines, week swallowed two pins which relating including the geological survey. The fatally, and there was much damage were through the aid of the to property. The miners who live on in the throat head downward. A proposed secretary of mines is to have the of outskirts the town lost the most, same the rank and salary as other cabcritical operation was performed and A group of the resithe wind. inet by and an officers, assistant secretary the pins woe successfully extracted. is given the same standing as the first dences standing on u hill were reduced During the past five years 507,000 has assistant to splinters. secretary of the interior. been expended in Senpete county in the erection of school buildings for the A PLAGUE IN BUENOS AYRES. Mining Experiment station. accommodation of the rapidly rising A bill has been introduced in the irate Diggers Strike For Higher Ytagra A new building recently House to establish generation. mining experiment While liodies Decompose in the Sun. completed is now occupied by over 400 stations in each of the mining states The terrible heat continues in Buesimilar to agricultural experiment sta- nos pupils. Ayres. There were 267 sunstrokes Salt Lake officers have secured no tions, and provides for the appointtrace of tue three robbers who boldly ment of a government geologist at on Friday. February 0th. and 188 the The fatal eases how following. entered a gambling house in that city and an assayist at 52,000 in the day a numerous bodies ar-hut dimunition, and took all the money in sight, despite several mining states. These officers at the decomposing eemetry, owing to the fact the room was crowded. It is are to furnish assays, issue public bulof the strike the for believed the same men held up the Og- letins and conduct explorations ot higher wages. den gambling house. mining regions. A miner by the name of McCartney Never Promised Frank C. llamsay, I'nited States mar. Aguinalcio Independence was seriously if not fatally injured in shal for the district of Idaho, has Regarding reiterated charges that the mine at Dark City, when served subpoenas upon a number of Admiral had Dewey lie was squeezed iu the cage as it was promised in northern Idaho for their apparties Admiral independence, Dewey being lowered, it being feared at the in Washington the filth of I have never time his hack was broken, though hope says: by word, act or pearance this month before the committee on intimation, either is now entertained for his recovery. personally or affairs of the national houe a through An effort is being made to reorganrepresentative, conveyed to military of to give testimony in or representatives ize and make a permanent institution Aguinaldo any of his associates the the of Coeur d'Alene af- investigation assurance that the United States govof the b dtery band which served in fairs that will be made. the Dhilippines. All but two of the ernment would recognize Filipino inmembers were in Salt Lake to attend dependence." Only Surtitnrrf (nngro.iif 1811 Dying. the funeral of their late comrades, the Colontl Richard Y. Thompson, ex- POSTOFFICE DISCONTINUED. absentees having left the state. secretary of the navy, soldier, states- Reranse Patrons Threatened Life the of ;nan and author, and the only surviv- the Government blankets have been carroHtniHfcter. ried away from the post hospital at ing member of the congress of 1841, is The postoflice at AVil mouth, Tex., critically ill at his home in Terra Fort Douglas with such frequency of was discontinued February 14. This Haute, Ind. His family is greatly late that the officers are led to believe action was taken by the department alarmed and unless the invalid rallies, hat thieves are working systematically as a result of representations by the the worst is feared. Colonel about the place, forty-threThompblankets there that he wished to son is 91 years of age. having been stolen in the past month. postmaster iesign because of open threats that he A Salt Lake man has had the unique Montana Jinigea Summoned to WafthinRton. vould be assassinated. experience of being taken for a burglar Associate Justices of the Supreme in Politics. and arrested at his doorstep and at his Court Hunt and Piggott of Montana The officials of the American own wife's instigation. He had mixed have been subpoenaed to he in Washinghis drinks and in endeavoring to make league, which organizaton, February 16th and testify in the his entrance his wife mistook him fora tion lias its headquarters in Chicago, case. It is expected that they Clark are looking after congressional displain drunk- aud had him arrested. will furnish testimony of a sensational The emigration agent for the Lear tricts. character growing out of the Wellcome River band company has induced a Survejing Hudson ISay Country. disbarment. Both asked to be excused number of settlers from Nebraska to The Canadian government is equiphut the senate committee declined to locate near Dewey, in box Elder couu-ty- . ping a large survey party for an exami- let them off, ami a dozen families, with their nation of the immediate territory lyHAS AGUINALDO LEFT LUZON? household goods, will arrive in time to ing between the Great Slave lake and get started for the spring farm work. Hudson bay. War Department Believe He Has and Thomas 1ergusson, a Salt Lake minup In Pari. Appropriation Hill. The War department believes that ing man. was assaulted and seriously The appropriation committee of the injured by an unknown man at RichAguinaldo has escaped from the island field Monday night while returning to House has completed and reported the of Luzon. The department would not the hotel from a meeting lie had at- executive, legislative and judicial ap- be surprised to hear from him next as tended, being found unconscious some propriation bill. It appropriates iu London or in Paris in company with time after he was stricken down. Agoncillo. THE NEPHI RECORD. New Tactics Adopted liy Insurgents to late the insurgents in Albay province, Luzon, have adopted harrassing 4 icties against the towns which th Americans have garrisoned. Tliej camp in the hills and ma'ntain a constant fire upon the American outposts When the troops sally against then: they scatter, returning when the Americans retire. They shoot burning arrows, and have thus burned a large part of the town of Albay. Indeed, the. larger towni in that province prarti. ally deserted except by the Scarcely any of the inhabitants return to their homes. They are camping in the interior, and it is supposed armed insurgents prevent them going la ok. It i, reported that there is much suffering among them owing to lack of foo l. Of UTAH ut 1 a-- e er May-Tar- rt a's s Be-hu- . I , . j j j - ti-- Mo-le- o ts in Ken-luck- st e Henry W. Lawton was national cemetery at Arthe buried lington February 9. It was a national tribute to a natii na! hero, and the sorrow o f a whole people was expressed when America ad led chaples of cypress to the brow that so long had worn the laurel The burial serv:ee beneath the leafless tiees at Arlington was preceded by services in thet bureh of the Covinant on Connecticut avenue, at which every department of the army and navy within the reach of Washington was reurt sen ted. Lawton, to the great bulk of Americans, had hoe a the incarnation pf the American soldier. lie had made his mark in the I.vd war from the Missis-Sp.p- i to the sea. and in the interval of potential peace it was he w no had beaten at his own game Geroumto. the craft and greatest master of West hud the tain that luoun fighting ever known, and who, in the new problems of tropic war, had proved the most daring and resourceful of all the generals in the field. It was in tribute to these qualities that the Lawton fund had in a few weeks been swelled past all the expectations of its originators, solfor America knew Lawton, dier first, and only had left to those who loved him no heritage save his sword and a spotless name. Maj Gen. , s 4 Na-ttou- ai 1 tojuoj Agui-nald- Soldier Interred in OiiH'iery. l dc-e- te Daly-We- ld.-ii- l.ulle rV I.ir Retiring. South Africa gives from dispatch a new explanation of General Puller's retirement. According to this disdiscovered the fact a balloonist patch, that the Boers had developed extraordinary ami unexpected artillery strength on Hoorn Kloof, to the liritisli right where they had man aged to draw up 8 dozen heavy guns, some fitted with disappearing mountings and all cun These, but for the singly masked. balloonist, would never have been dis covered in time to save the British BULLER FAILS AGAIN. from falling ir to the deadly trap, as .hey comma ndel the road the British Relieve l.adjMiillli Third Attempt vould have had to take in order tc Failn, each Ladysmith. London accepts as true the Boer statement that General Iiulier lias KENTUCKY CONTEST. failed again. These statements were Oofernor Taylor Has Sent the Militia lloim passed by British censor at Aden Feband Will Appeal to the Courts. ruary- 9th and are read in the light of The gubernatorial muddle in Mr. Balfour's announcement in the will be settled in the courts Commons that Gen. Duller is not pressGovernor Taylor has declined to sign ing his advance. The despatches from the agreement drawn up by the Demo the Boer Head Laager follow: erats. which promised to repeal the Boer Head Ladysmith. Laager, obnoxious election law, claiming thal Friday, Feb. 9. The British who it was not sweeping enough in its were in possession of the kopje at terms. The session of the legislatin' drift abandoned it after a bomcalled for London has been adjourned bardment by Boer cannon and retired and the militia sent home. All organ- across the Tugeia river to their forized resistance has been abandoned, mer osiiion. A de j ultory cannonade and an early decision by the courts is is proceeding at the Tugeia, but otherrelied upon to end the controversy. wise excrytlnng is quiet. An armored train made a sortie from Pennsylvania Klection Fraud. hieveley toward Colensoe an i landed Samuel R. Markeley, James S. Ho. 2um British troops on the right of the gan and Frank Taylor, alias Pierce, Boer positiou. The Boers immediately .vere sentenced to to imprisonment foi crossed the rivir toil u uihymt two years in the eastern penitentiary with rilies and artH'rigforeing tl.e and to pay a fine of 5500 each for withdrawal of both the train and the frauds perpetrated at the November to Chievely. troops election in Philadelphia, when Lieutenant-Colonel Barnett of the Tenth elected SUSPECTED OF KILLING GOEBEL Pennsylvania volunteers state treasurer on the Republican .Monut.ili ii r Arrest tsl at !'ranS.f.irt, ticket. They were election officers to Huvt' Shot (ioHn1!. in the eleventh division of the Fifth Tw o men suspected of complicity in ward and were convicted of stuffing the inurdcrof Governor Goebel were the ballot box and making fraudulent ai rested in a hoarding-hous- e at Frankreturns of the votes east. Their names ere fort, Ky., Friday. Silas Jones of Uhiltlev county anil UNCLE SAM SHOULD CONTROL. lottehaik of Nelson county-The authorities expect to obtain imthe Governor Roosevelt Tending ;lKs Canal Trearj . portant evidence regarding the assasGovernor Roosevelt of New York has sination of Governor Goebel from I most earn issued this statement,: Jones, who has already made a partial lie declares that he perestly hope that the pending treaty confession. concerning the Isthmian canal will not sonally Knows nothing of the crime, be ratified unless amended so as tc hut says that Harlan Whittaker, who provide that the canal when built shall was arrested immediately after t lie he wholly under the control of the shooting while running from the exUnited States, alike in peace and war. ecutive building, from which the shots This seems to me vital, no less from were fired, knows a great deal about It is believed that Jones the standpoint of our sea power than the crime. from the standpoint of the Monroe gave more information than that Vihit'aker and that w hat he doctrine." told the police may haul to further arKuchin Colonint Not Wantii rests in Hid neighborhood of RichActing Immigration Commissioner mond, Madison county. Schell at San Francisco has forwarded Brjuu Will Not Urop to National mmigration Commissioner W. J. a protest Bryan, in an address at Plain-fielPowderly at Washington N. a of J.. said that bimetallism was colonization intended against the with fornia Cali in land of tract stronger today iu the west than ever large The armies of England had 1500 Russian emigrants r.ow in the before. been checked by a li and fill of Doer.-- , I Northwest Territory, and that was enough to shake the I Military Government In Flil lppincs Nearmoney market. What would happen, ing an End. he asked, if England had been lighting Elwell S. Otis will a big nation. At this point there was he detached from duty as Governor-Genera- l much applause, and Mr. Bryan said: i of the Philippines and comDon't applaud that, it's anarchy. He ( mander of the Department of the Palie had been asked to drop the J said cific immediately after tne arrival of money question. In reply, he eonsid- the new Philippine) commission at Ma- ered it the greatest question that had nila. ever been presented to the American! (irnvestnno of Washington's Ancestor. He would not drop it, but people. Successful efforts have been made tc would Mand by all the principles ; f secure from England the gravestone of the Democratic party. Lawrence and Elizabeth Washington, linitluM Mob Stop Harwstini; of ancestors of George Washington, which ant. it is desired to have deposited in the A mob of about 1200 is preventing Washington monument or the Smith- the h irvesting of sugar eane near .Masonian institute. rtinique, Island of Haiti. The movement i extending and troop have Swindler Miller Caught. seat in all dirctions. An inbeen William Ik Miller, the abseondisg of twenty-fivmen was athead of the Franklyn syndieati of fantry post tacked and on fired its assailants, killBrooklyn, a concern which promised to men nine end ing vvouding fourteen. pay investors 10 per cent a week, is in In the Le Francois two commune of jail in New York. lie was arrested in fires have occurred on incendiary Canada. A - grave-digger- of Remain H.r-ra- s Americans j disfran-ehi-eine- LAWTON AT GLUT. FILIPINOS BURN TOWNS. ; d, j V j Major-Gener- al e |