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Show Three thousand British militia hare been ordered to prepare for embarka- - ton. A Th' two couples oceupiel tne same1 Mrs. Laue was at ease only when under Dinsmore 's piercing gaze. The moment They w.re prominent Dinsmore had bet-- in charge he would leave the room the Omaha F.evator companys appeared to collapse, and would reMiss Emily Howard t rea-sister of SEQUAL TO SENSATIONAL f ths m ctic.n of the state main nervous until bis return. that Sir Henry Crease of Pentrelew, was DOUELE TRAGEDY. were remarked These t ircerv-'anceb id iiecii a prominent for I.i,uc 11. was accidentally killed at I.yttoa, Then Mrs. f O : r a. 'i tie two men by a number of people. an bin,. a. s C., by a railway train. Woman TVhil- I ndr Hyenot Gar Mrs. Dinsmore Lattes father arrived on the scene, rr. .sum Licnas. A gold strike is reported from Elk SliUIdi Him - ht- t v. .is a bride of only a few months. and the autho itics concluded to have of tho Acri-o- tl Out of lli Itin r sue W ill Incriminate Dm-- - ore having m.irn d lar m Chi-- i him question the w man. They- insistCity Idaho from which the discoverer, on ed the Dinsmcro's in Iv. Ira premises, loav.rg Lemur, pounded out 512.000 Him. ago in A.. ,iAt t. of the tragedy D.ns-i.i- i lie did not want to go. He was renisrht the two days in a bund mortar. tin surthe Extraordir.aiy cL vims; ''e aroused the town by sueaming moved by fence, and instantly George E. Ilaff, proprietor of a small round the tree-dwhich resnke ir, '.'I at drr " He woman A ah became passed hysteric in the morning. grocery store on First avenue, Seattle, the deliberate murder a short time ,tg i a; i gath-re- eit'y and found Mrs. Laue outside the house and uuer the winDm.-fit a L. in the heart shot himself through of Fred Laue ami Mrs. Frank si mg by the side of her husband, dow of the room. Mrs. Lane glanced as instantaof despondency. Iieath more, at Odessa, near Kearney. A m'u had a bullet ir. his bin in. the outside, saw the man, and instantly neous. Frank Dinsmore is accused ot the o'. o..d, of Di.minore's wife lay on stoj ped her tears and became calm. v. h n floor. 5he hud been pots- - The cmf.rn was pulled down, shutting The California legislature has intro double murder by Mrs. Fred Lam, the ki: oued w i ii plus--:- " amd. The stories of out all sight of Dinsmore, and the huced a resolution protesting against the two m.mvi.'iis agr- :! in detail. Mrs. woman again appeared frenzied. The the ratification of the proposed treaty Laue said her husband woke her by she was asked to repeat ber story. with Great Britain relative to the The woman began to break down ami then blew out her good-bbidding Nicaragua canal. Dinsand insisted that Dinsmore be sent for. aroused his brains. The shot Bparks from a graders camp started more. and. finding his wife gone, he k ne father refused, and tlie nervousa forest fire last week in the mountain bad started in search ot her and found ness of the woman increased. After between Colorado Springs and Cripple Doth bodies were five hours of exhaustive work she conher dead body. Creek which did considerable damage cold, however, when til uov .1 arrived, fessed that the two bad arranged th double murder. She i Id ad the details to timber in that vicinity. and this gave rise to suspii ion. of tlie auair; told how Dinsmore had ' e influence .i p cuiiur The evident George Frederick Trailing, one of forced prussic acid down bis strangling Laue by Dsns-- 1 exercism! over Kt the pioneer residents of Laramie, Wyo., wife's throat; how he had shot Laue more developed the morning of the and how died last week at the age of 90 years. he had taken tin quivenng in was the man NYhrn the tniurdv. He was at one time very wealthy and of his own wife into the kitchen body sane room with Mrs. Laue the authori-- j and waited for it to cool oti before a paper maker by trade. on ties noticed that he gazed steadily woman tho The warning neighbors. During the big lire in Dawson retho woman. Under this look she told declared that mesmerized had been she 11. over and Switzer, clerk of the a str.uBht stoiy and told it cently, Robert lover again, in fact, it was tins very by Dinsmore, and had been under his court, was assaulted and robbed of influence for years, even before she SI, 54.7 court funds. Xo clue has been unvarying story that first attracted baii married Laue. he in to ,H t md suspicion. Mrs. found to the perpetrator. Dinsmore was informed of the conw first accounted a dream. at Tins of fession A quarter interest in a group anl careh ssly asked that sne for on the Hi my that the tiagedy had it in his Snake and The authorir on Nome claims repeat twenty-fouariiy lmpaiied her reason. Then ties consented. prcsinic. facmi When Dinsmore Nome to the tributaries rivers, Cape it was ob.vuved that Dor more kept fy'V' the she woman denied every trembling to in sold Seattle LAUE. been have is De MRS. a FRED district, ccmstjntlj ir. her pruseme. word of asserts that she (unseated to the crime men of gif-a- physique six feet tall, was alonewhav she had said. When she Philadelphia capitalists for SS0.000. extraoragain she lepeatcj the ton Ira Manieivaux, a miner, reports while under the hypnotic influence of very heavy, ami with tL.e most fission and swore to it. sc bead. a n human in ever of the murder dinary eyes a fabulous strike on liis quartz claim Dinsmore. The object At the preliminary hearing the wome of Mrs. Thrv art- abnormally huge and jet in Idaho. In a few minutes he mor- was, she says, to get rid was an n, but coul or would brought e and black. They are cio.-- togither, and Mr. I.u mu so she and resev nothing unt.l Dinsmore tared out 5150. lie lias now one ton of he would never st-forgotten. could marry. (,n moved. Then she told the story clear ore on the dump that is said to be iy. The proof of the double murder liei worth 5100,000. A THRILLING ADVENTURE. wholly In the woman's story, and shf In Ilossland, B. C., what the physiappears tree physically incapable of testi that A Boston student mentiy imu a emerged Bum the decayed cians pronounce to be a genuine case while Dinsmore looks at her fving coiled its me was huntout while down, slimy holding of smallpox has developed in the frightful exps lietn This is the hope of the defense. with Jacksuii-viliand Loud, near my ru'.u on tongue Anastasia island, length family of P. Nyshmi. The family ing Fla. The student sec urea for a extended and eyes alnazc with anger came from Colville. The patient is a guide a white man named John Baker, prepared itself to spring at me. Never DISASTERS IN THE CAUCASUS. boy six years old. iind together the two set out for tht till then did 1 know how ominous of The remains of the man found in the Island, the interior of which is a wil- death is the sound of a snake's rattle. The Ilecrnt lCartliquakrs There Onlj fart of a Long; Series. river bottom three miles below River- derness of swamp, dense brake and I thought of Boston, and home, and The of Akhalkalaki in th district most of all side, Cal., in December, 1S97, has been vines, and full- of bears and snakes. friends, and all that. But Tifiis in the Transcau-casusof government 1 reof Baker. C. did B. Chnonte of rifle think and Barnes identified. my "With Baker, my which has just been tho seen We were in a sunny spot. I well has identified a photograph of the dead volver, says the student in telling the a of disastrous is, like a earthquake, I motionless if till remained man as that of Ira Ilodsonof Mankato, story of his adventure, "I landed and knew that of that to such the world, part subject that soon dark reptile Baker's (three long hours) got sight guidance Kansas. Barnes had known Ilodsou under visitations. was It only n just a little g hear. would then move slowiy away without of a since boyhood. more ten a great than that ago years in me. to lie that But so ns swamp that touching The growth about watythiek, of an earthquake the An unknown man was found dead in I result landslide, re- - for three hours in such society! Baker a shot with to take my prepared overwhelmed the village of Ivhorenzik a cabin at Kent, near Seattle last week. In the Tortum valley about eigbtee A bullet hole through the stomach told miles from Erzeromn, and destroyed how he died. The cabin is known to nearly 400 of its inhabitants, only som have been the rendezvous for a band twenty-fiv- e The circumescaping. of crooks. Two of the gang were seen stances of the disaster are very curious drinking with the victim at a Kent On several occasions before the catassaloon about twelve hours before the trophe took place the rumblings in the discovery of tlie body. tnountain aianned the inhabitants, Berisli Brown, probably the oldest who sent a deputation to the Kaima-kaof the district to request him tc newspaper man in the West, died at visit the village to select a new sitt Anaconda last week at the advanced to which they might move. After th age of 84 years. Death was due to old Turkish manner, he delayed going until la of an attack age, superinduced dy their importunity ami their assuranc New Mr. in was born Brown grippe. that the village had paid ail its taxei York State in 1814. lie was an intimate made him promise to meet the villagfriend of Horace Greely, and the two ers on the spot after prayers in th were roommates and fellow workmen mosque on a particular Friday. In th for a long period of time. latter part of the afternoon on the day At a meeting of the Board of Alderarranged, while the people were all assembled in the open space in front oi man to consider a bill for a franthe mosque, and some of the boys and chise for the Denver, Boulder & girls had been sent to the pastures tc Northern railway, Alderman Currigan drive in the cattle, the Kaimakam and who favored the bill, choked Alderman some other officials with an escort ol of and the board, Golder, president Zaptiehs coming from the district pistols are said to have been drawn. town began to descend by the road Trouble was temporarily averted by into the valley. Then the face of the interference of other members. No mountain overhanging the village beaction was taken on the franchise. gan to move, and in a few minutes the village and everything in it had disFrank Conkling, an attendant at the from view. Only the few chilappeared Denver smallpox hospital, while under dren away in the pastures escaped. of the influence liquor attacked the When an examination of the ground a with Five attendants other poker. took place afterward it was found that of the patients of the hospital became the village had been covered by the frightened and fled attired only in landslide to the depth of from 100 to their bed garments. The ground is 300 feet, and no attempt at rescue could covered with snow and it is feared the be of any avail. At the beginning of the century a similar convulsion exposure will prove fatal to the blocked the upper part of the Tortum patients. Among the number is the valley, and formed a lake of considerwife of Conkling. able size, and there is hardly a year B. F. Royce, a well known farmer that some changes do not take place residing about tw elve miles from Walla in the configuration of the country Walla, Wash., was shot and killed by from earthquakes, landslides, and the his grandson, Frank Royce, last week giving away of the great walls of the while the later was under the influence reservoirs of water that exist in the of liquor. Young Royce had quarreled mountain ranges of the Caucasus. Examinations made some years ago by with a man by the name of Rufus PREPARED ITSELF TO SPRING AT ME. Russian engineers to discover a pracWood, and in the tight bit his nose I. for he silently ticable way for a tunnel to connect the as as much in but the Hurt him. volver at breast, thought nearly off. Woods followed him tc his not mortally, the bear mounted a tree. raised his rifle to his shoulder, and railways north and south of the great grandfather's house w here the quarrel Leaning against the stump of a crack! a bullet whizzed close to my Caucasus chains resulted in the locawas renewed. Royce shot at Woods oroken tree, to which the rotten and ear and crashed into tbe creatures tion of several of these great natural with a rifle missing him and taking hollow top still clung, I aimed my rifle mouth. reservoirs. It is probable that the full effect on the elder Royce. That rattler had coiled for the last extent of tlie Akhalkalaki catastrophe at Mr. Bear, hoping to bring him down. The Boise chamber of commerce and That rifle was destined not to kill that time, but in his death writhings he is not yet known, for the country Is so his loathsome length over my broken and the mountains so precipithe city council have sent assurances bear, for at that instant the hollow log dragged I fell into face and body. and broke tous that it will take some time to obunde my weight, to T. W. Bates, promoter of the Idaho Baker carried the snake home, but tain all the details of the loss of life a mass of ooze and water, the log rollMidland railroad, who is now in Bosing upon my legs and fastening me not till after we had brought down the and destruction of villages. ton, that Boise would give the road down. bear. It (the snake) measured seven free right of wav through the city and A woman may be a poor marksman, Gun and revolver dropped in the feet ten inches, and is now in Boston, to the Boise river canon. The right of confusion, when, turning my eyes to- stuffed and mounted to show its hide- but she generally knows how to throw way through the city was promised by ward Baker, for ready aid, I saw him, ous fangs and tongue and its great size. a hint about Christmas time. Baker had saved me, lie was the council and the other by the chain with set, white face, very slowly reachIt is impossible that an ber of commerce. ing for his rifle, while his eyes were scared, but his nerve and resolution fixed on an enormous snake which deserve my undytyig gratitude." has never loved one. SOUTHWEST '.NOTES. NEWS SUMMARY. AN EVIL EYE'S WORK. so-laii- . y. e, li'-Mi- i-s ' s j powder explosion at Hangchow 100 people and wrecked an entire c c ! - 1, j hii led - i village. Nearly 100O cars of stock were shipped from southeastern Idaho bi-- dnr-Januar- y. inc-e- ' 1 ! The total number of eases of plague in Hongkong in 1899 were 14sG and the deaths ( l 14-- The death of the mother of the Japanese Emperor, N'ii No Tsubone, is announced, The obsolete guns at the various British coast defenses are being replaced with moderen naval guus. The foreign wheat shipments from Portland for the week ending February 10th wore 174,407 bushels, There were 219 cases of sunstroke on Sunday in Buenos Ayres, and 134 cases resulted fatally up to 0 o'clock in the evening. Thirty-onfactory girls were burned to death and many injured by the destruction of a factory by lire at Japan. The nomination of Li Ilung Chang to be viceroy of Liang Ivwang has been received with general disfavor in - y, 1 3 a, j that province. The American transport Morgan City, which went ashore last summer in the inland sea of Japan, will probably be raised. There is but little diminution of the plague in northern Japan and numerous deaths among the workers of the medical brigade, A large number of Britons residing In Berlin under the age of 30 have received orders calling them home for military service. France and England are at the door of a serious disagreement If the disagreement comes it will probably be over the Egyptian question. The Berlin Boersen Zeitung asserts that the Reichstag will be asked to increase Emperor William's revenues, which have been found inadequate. The report from Tacoma that the Union Pacific has secured trackage privileges over the Northern Pacific line from Portland to Tacoma is denied. ten-po- t t s t- - e, - , vicious-lookin- Henery C. Tayne, national Republican committeeman of Wisconsin, says that there is a great deal of talk now in the East of nominating Gov. Roosevelt of Vice-Presiden- 1 n recently Senator Bacon of Georgia slipped and fell on the ice fracturing a rib on his left side. Ills surgeon thinks he will be out in a few days. Great indignation is felt by German artists at the announcement that the management of the crystal palace exhibition in London will refuse all German paintings Col. Ray at Fort Gibbon, Alaska, reports the safe arrival there of Lieut Ilerron an i party, who were supposed to have been lost while exploring the Copper River country. Fresh trouble vtnoug the Indians of Upper Liard, B. C.. has broken out. SeveD members of a Scotch-India- n family named McLavish arc said to have been murdered. Inability to secure barrels has caused the Boston refinery of the Americaui Bugar Refining company to be shut down in common with those in New York and Philadelphia. for - Dny-mor- Duns-mor- In Washington New York j s e Xa-goej- d - t. The campaign in favor of taking advantage of the present complications in South Africa to secure Russian ports on the Indian ocean and Mediterranean is being pushed with vigor in Russia. At Vancouver, B. C., Tuesday night, a liurricame raged, causing property damage all over the city. The wind, which became almost a cyclone, attainmiles an hour. ed a velocity of fifty-fir- e The Paris Radical papers attack M. Cambon the French embassador at Washington for giving acccording to a telegram to the Ganlois, a banquet in honor of Count and Countess de Castel-lane- . Though graitfied at the excellent conduct of the residents of Cuba since American occupation the began, authorities are still unable to name the date when American sovereignty shall end. A large delegation from Alaska ia Urging Congress to enact some legisla-under which a government may be organized in that territory as soon as the rush to the gold fields begins in the spring. George Beauregard Barrow, the man who planned the abduction of baby Marino Clark, has become insane in Sing Singprison, where he has been confined since June 17th last under a sentence of fourteen months, m j half-grow- mm W |