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Show Prp 1 Vol. nib ypriri-.priNephi City, Utah, February I. District Court Levan notes. Mr. Chas. Ilansen one of Levan's hostlers has brought an incubator, brooder and others, apparatus, The following is the Calendar and is going to try the poultry for the Feberuary term of the Dis- business, in first class style, we all trict Court which opens here Mon-da- wish Mr. Hanson success to liis new venture. y. Law and motion. Inter-venor- s. The farmers of Levan, fear that there will be a scarcely of water, the coming seasou unless more snow comes, as there is very little in the mountains at the present, there being only about one third as much as last winter. o 1900. 16, No. 7. Amusements. Calendar. Fdtrick Condon, vs. Hercules Mining Co., motion for settlement of statement on appeal. Nelson Sandberg vs. Victor Gold &, Silver Mining Co. Frank Knox AsBrown and Henderson signee. Motion for new trial. Tintic Range Railway Co. vs. Juab County and Chas. E. Abbott, County TreaBurer. Demurrer. M. C. Leetham and J, C. Leathern ts. The Tintic Mining and Development Company. Demurrer. jac.b A. Dasman, et al. vs.Tbe Martha Washington Mining Co. Motion for new trial. James Mickekon vs. New East Tin-t- ic Ry. Co. Motion for new trill. John D. Beasley, et al. vb. HomesUke Mining and Milling Co. Motion for for new trial. Mammoth Mercantile Co. v. Chae A. Ilaletroni et al. Demurrer. The Shewera Consolidated Group and S. Mining Co. vs. Joe Bowers Mining ) Among those present were. Mr and Mr H, F. McCune, Mr and Mra J. S. ; Cowan, Mr and Mrs J. A. Booth, Mr and Mr Samuel Linton Jr. Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Orrae enterand Mrs E. R. Booth tained a fewr of their friends Tues- M rand Mrs Wm. Grace, Mr and Mrs J, H. Brough, Mr and Mrs Sidney Daws, day evening, the occassion being Mr and Mrs Thomas Smith, Mr and Mrs Mrs Ormes birthday. A very Isaac Gadd, Mr and Mr Aiva Stout, Games Mrand Mrs P. P. Christison, Mr and was time pleasant spent. Mr E. K. Bassett, Mr and Mrs B. and supper were the main features Mr and Mrs Thomas Vickers, Mrs of the evening. Those present Wm. Paxman, Mrs Henry Forrest, Mrs were. Mr and Mrs Henry Adams, Margaret Jenkins, Mr Geo, Paxman, Mrs Geo. McCune, MrV. II. Pettegrew, Mrs Mr and Mrs Geo. E. Howard, Mr. Y. H. Wheeler, Mrs A. A. McCune, Mrs and Mrs. W. G. Orme. Mrs. Mattie E. W. Paxman, Misses Mattel McCune, A. Lunt & Son Paxman, Mrs. James Greenhalgh, Misses Elizetta Littley, Zet.a Goble Annie Carter, Lucy Carter, Lettie Cooper, Messrs Abraham Orme, hos. Orme, II. M. Adams, B. H. Sparks, James Andrews, Harry Carter Winfred and Lloyd Adams. OSCAR BOOTH, Some of oar young musicians, have organized a Brass Band, and have secured Professor Lars Neil-soas teacher, under whose instructions the boys are learning 6uprisingly fast and will scon be able to produce some very geod selections of music. n, 9 A very peculiar snew storm came last week, it appeared as a about 10 mlnu-Richard Jenkina vs. Charles Foote, blizzard and lasted tes, when it had past the windows Motion for new trial. al. et vb. Ajax Michael McAvoy in town were covered with a layer ing Co. Demurer. of salt, thereby causing considerLorenzo II, Kuril vs. Joa Bowers able worry among some of our gooc Mining Co. Motion for new trial snow Fissure Mining Co vs. Old Susan citizens, they fearing that, a make would very dry like that 1, 1,i , iog O. Mot.en. Excelsior Mercaatile G. vs. Inroka season. Lettie Cooper, Messrs Barton Brough and Wm. Brough. Miss Louie Ellison and Edith Hodge gave a social party at the ronie of Miss Loaie Ellison Taesday night in which they entertained a Gamea and number of friends. Refreshmusic were indulged in. ments were served at H oclock. All had an enjoyable time until 12 oclock. Among those present were. Misses Louie Elli SOla Edith Flessie McCune, Hodge, Leah Cazier, Celia Cazier, Minnie Sharp, Sophia Littley, Nellie Schofield, Myrtle Booth, Pearl Ingram Emma Helen "Wood, Mayime Sparks, Grace, Louie Allen, Della Schofield, Messrs John Ellison, Robert Lomax Alvin Lorin Cazier, Burt Udall, Willie Love, Vl&RkeVf enkins, Sam Warr. Frank Belliston, Lester Belliston, Henry Stephenson and Willie Hodge. Druggist! Utah, Nephi, Dr. C. H. BIRD, Dentist, MANTI NEPHI. AND Architect. Picturesque Homes a Specialty. One of the most enjoyable and . . Nephi City, Utah, successful surprise parties of the season, was the one given by tbe Tabernacle Choir, to their leader Mr. Charles Haynes, last Saturday evening. The time was spent in First Class in all its apartments. playing games, singing and recitHATES REASONABLE. ing, the main attraction of the Mrs. Zee Whittaker, Proprietress. evening being a new game introduced by three young ladies who called themselves red cross nurses, Miss Millie the game caused a great deal of p Nephi House. Schrodor, Picnic laughter and merriment. Fashionable Dress Maker. was served at 10 a. m. and at 12 oclock the party broke up all feel- Main Street, Nephi, Utah. a had that spent pleasant ing they and profitable time together. Mr. These present were aa follows: & aad Mrs James W. Paxman, Mr and Mra Charlea Haynes, Mrand Mra Orson Cazn ier, Mr aad Mrs J . A, Booth, Mrand Mrs J. C. Ferrin, Mr and Mrs Alvah Stoat, Mrand Mra Sidney Daws, Mr and Mrs Thomas Carver, Mr and Mr George O. We have always on hand Ostler, Mr and Mrs Albert Sowby, Mr aed Mrs Bert Vickers, Mr and Mrs Alfred Orme, Mrs Chas Morris, Mra James Beef, Mutton. Pork, Veal, Sausage, and Co. Demurrer Schofield, Mrs Andrew Palmer, J Mis Swansea Extension Butter and Chease. Neva Booth, Edna Morris, Ease Bailey, motion. Mand Mamie Lettie Coeper, Patten, Samuel Neilson vs. The Nbo Brown Our town has a scarcety of lumAbbott, Frances Eilisen, Effie Macgam, Demurrer. btonsCo. EluaOttlcr. Ada Burton, Minnie Sharp, & some of the young men Four Aces Mining Co. vs. South ber and Brown, Agnee EvaPexton, MayPexion, built have made the proposition to . Swansea Mining Co. Demuirer. UTAH. As previously announced the and Kate Wilson, Meesra Harry Webb, NEPHI F. va. Andrew Co. a into road Mining Willie a canyon Tabe rnacle Choir gave their party Thomas Bailey, Eugene Blackett, Monteray good wagon Baxter. Demurrer to answer. Sells, Brough, Willie Jeakins, if they could get some party to put last in the North Barton Ky evening H. M. Loren Friday Brough, Old Colony and Eureka Mining Co. in a saw mill, there seems to be Ward Meeting House. The affairs Cazier, Earl Macfarlane, Adams, and Berdett, vs. Lower Mammoth Mining Co Deplenty of timber to saw, and some was a grand success both socially Smith. murrer. one that has a saw mill would be and Grand Central Mming Co. vs. Th most sociable, homelike and financially. The party was Co. Demurrer. moth Mining sure to do well to bring it to Levan gotten obtainef for treatment to (ill patrons. the purpose up Delegates Apportioned. CRIMINAL. for the coming season, as lumber for music the to buy ing money FRENCH COOK, The Slate of Utah va. Dean Durham is in good demand at all times in $20 QO was reala about aed choir Eatables the very best the market afford, Assault with deadly weapon with ia the town. ized. There were over one hundtent to do bodily harm. Q wd beds and warm rooms. The Republican bounty Com-- Ferrins Lunt Lunt Feoisi, Prop. Hotel Henriod. " LAW CASES, Victor Geld and Silver Mining Co. vs National Bank of Republic. Damage Wilhelnoina Franks vb. Eureka Hill Mining Co. Personal injuries. John B. Milner vs. R. J. Burraaton Balance Account. Harry Groves, vs. Firat National Bank of Nephi. Promisary Note. Geoiga Crooks vs. Jesaie Koight etal Personal Inurjies. Queen of Sheba Gold M. and M. Co. vs. Martan Frewen et al. Assumpsit. Cbas. T Burnham et al vs. The Joe Bowers Mining Co, Damage. Daniel C. Kelley as Executor vs. Central Eureka Mining Co. Damage. Excelsior Mercantile Co. v. Eureka Swansea Extension Mining Co. Balance Account. Eward C. Mitchell vs. City of Eureka Personal la juries. Anna Schsper AdmiDistratix vs. The Gemini and Mining Co. Damages. BtiUiTT I Case. Olma, Gold Mining Co. vs. Primrose Mining Co. Quiet Title. Triumph Consolidate Mining Co, vs, Imperial Mining Company. Qniet Title. j Murray Hill Mining Co. vs. Wm. and Albert J. llemsted. Quiet Title. George M. Gaisford et ux., v. The Molley Dawn Mining Co. Quite Title. The Monterey Mining Co., vs. Andrew T. Baxter. Quiet Title. Hav-yen- r All kinds af 1k1 blank location notices lor sale office. nd mining at tbe Rkcokd Some parties from Spring City, Sanpete County are developing some very fine red couple present. This is a very good showing as it will not only help to furnish music for the use of the choir, but will make them feel that their services are appreciated, for the choir spend a good deal of time in the public service, and ought to receive the support of the people on occasions of this kind. mining propositions, south of Levan the rock looks very good, it having an appearance of carrying a high per cent of pyrites of iron or copper. Arthur Brown of J uab is also workWm. orchestra furnished ing on property in the same local- the Sperrys a very enjoyable and music, ity which carries a good per eeut time was spent by all present. of copper some gold and some silwas a lemonade and refreshver. The latter gentlemen, have There ments stand run in connection had men sinking on the vein, which with the dance and seemed to atseems to be quite wide. tract a great deal of attraction. Very few round dances were inThere has been, quite a wedding dulged in. and at 12 oclock the boom the past winter; and seems party was brought to a close. not to be over yet, as this week Schuyler Taylor and Miss Joliona Mrs. II. M. McCune was the Lundsteen, two ot our most es- victim of a very pleasant suprise teemed yeung people, will have an party Monday evening. After the entertainment, in the shape of a shock of being suprised was over, grand wedding ball at the Levan all went, to work with a will to Opera House Friday Evening 16th make the party a success. An inst. The following week it is re- enjoyable evening was spent iu the ported that Jesse Strong a young playing of games and iu litning to noanofLevau, will give another the musical selections that were wedding dance, for the boys to rendered. At 11, p. m. all sat The Lady down to the table that was bouuti-ousl- y clebrate his wedding, deal at lives in the Nephi, her l&deued with the picnic that name is not known, to your cor- the iurited guests had brought. At respondent every one is looking for the close of the party all felt that a great time. they had spent an enjoyable eve- - about 3 miles naittee f this county have apportioned the 19 delegates to attend the Teems: 75c. cents per day ami r,p. ial terms by the week. State Convention at Salt Lake City GUS. HENRIOD Prop. March 2nd 1000. Among the several Ulrh Nephi City precincts are as follows; ... Nephi 7. Eureka 5. T. B. FOOTE, Mammoth 3. Levan 2. Silver 1. Dealer in Mona 1. be no county conven-onewill Ihcre held, the delegates will be elewted direct from the precinct d primaries. Pure Wines and. Hilciuorcj . Tula Family a Specially. Socialists Organize. Main St. Kpki Utah. A branch of the Social Democratic party was organized here Tuesday CST evening the following officers were elected for the first term. R. T. L Section Slcra Geo. Chairman. Beagley Hartley Vice Chairman, Chas. E. Strong Is the Best Place in Nephi Secretary. Ed. Mooreliouse TreasLIQUORS, urer and Geo. B. Hobbs, Organizer. The principles of the party are and Socialistic. A suitable hall will CIGARS. be secured as soon as possible and weekly educational meetings will be held. Twelve members were El. enrolled on the petition for a THE foif-Tirst-cI- WINES, J. charter. EdghQiSI, Proprietor. |