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Show Mr. W. T. Stead writes in the Review of Reviews for February on The Per- ileus Position of England, pointing out the delivers which threaten from i I Look ! It sailing vessels sh nv dust at night. eveu if washni in the morning, aud no work is done during the day. This is like indigestion and dyspepsia, which creeps on one unawarts. Ihc only way to cure them is by the use of llostetter's Stomach llitteis, which also prevents malaria, fever and ague. Ewmaigefcaj3BSB!ewe5wwetg I tm now seventy-tw- o years J 4 of age and my hair is as dark as Rapid tire guns will replace many of now the big cams on our new u being lmilt. llowa This? it was twenty-fiv- e years ago. People say I look at least that much younger than I am. I would be entirely bald or snow-whiif it were not for your Mrs. Anna Hair Vigor. Lawrence, Chicago, 111., Dec. ar-hi- We offer One I! uiulicj D case of Catarrh that cannot te Catarrh Cure j ? Snow-whi- te mmamasasmA r monials are all unsolicited. time.It $1.00 a bottle. produces Grippe. il. IV. Grove s sisuaiure is on each box. 230, High water and floating ice caused gree.t damage to shipping at Buffalo, N. Y. is We wiill forfeit $1,003 if any of our published testimonials re proven to be not genuine. Tub Ilso Co., Warren, Fa. - All druggists. ; asaaswaaK36swraKiaigaiiaa in t MmMWWHBaK2lMMnKMilMaC3XK Mafeking is well provisioned and stand a long siege. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing: Syrup. ; Write the Doctor iryou do not obtain all the benefits you desire from the use of the Vigor, write the Doctor about it. He will tell you just the right thing to do, and will send you his book on tiie Hair and Scaip if you request it. Address, Hr. J. C. At er, Rowell, Mass. j j j ONE FOR A DOSE. Cun Sick Headacb and Remote Pimples, Purify the Blood, Aid IlgeB-liolrev ent PlllniMieMj. Do not Grips or Sicken. To convince von. wiUrmli saiwp efreeji ullbox, 25c. DR The London Daily Telegraph an nounces that General Francis Clery ii on the way to England, invalided. Philadelphia, Fa. Sold by Druggtfct YOU E!G fill If voa have money to try all the Cure yoq to run the chano of or hnr of, If you jniy know Btricture buy the injotiorn which are vid to gKtin a nt a remfov width is cure m 2 to 6 days() But tf jou iksohitrly safe and vineh never fails to cure unri.iuuai or of how long standhalves, no matter how ing tue case may be, get OKAY SPECIFIC "PABSTS No case Know n It has ever faileJ to Cure. TfnthiDjr like It. Results astonish the dctors, drugsr and ali who have xvwiion to ut-- it, ('an be taken without monvpmeDceordetention from business. Price, $3 OO. For sale bv all rollah'e amprprw of nfc prepaid by Express, pimmy wrapped, ou receipt of pnee by CHEMICAL CO. Important to Mothers. Examine carefu'ly every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bear the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Tear. The Kind You Have Always Bought A dispatch to the London Daily Mail from rietermaritzburjj says that Lad Randolph Churchill has visited Chive-Iocamp. PEOPLES3 FAVORITE THE Chicaw, Ilk Croular madad on request A WORD OF.... TRAINS DAILY- CHOICE REE .... -3 OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, WITH WEAK MEN. If you suffer from any of the weaknesses or diseases caused by excess or you have been rolibcd aud decos ved until the mere mention of the word Doctor' causes YOU your llo Ml to b AND ALL POINTS EAST. Quickest Time1 Shortest Kent e Buffet Smoking and Library Cars (with barber shop); Dining Curs (meals a la carte) . H. M. CLAY, General Agent. WANT TO TALK TO We hae prac1 Iced our money if 1 rlK WR AUK SON 1Klb VKRY 201 MAIN STREET. 665. TELEPHONE for ties in Utah and m n uv i'i'oi in Wc done hive ye.is no. h ng ese but tic .1 ciiromo and pnvatedis Fnieii soldiers ml widows of soldiers who eases made homest- ed entne, before June o, ikB, of W have pi oun our skill m cu1 'iia all (' II f tON I C less than (no matter if abandon! d or s of vulunaty diseases bv n liruuisli, iD it t'oi" have nut solo ib.-i- addiUni i iiioniaus ol In oe people iv iuto a iiue p.ctnrLl tional nd homest slnudd undress, vith l'ahts. Ttd addresses. We full particulars, tavitig distriet. iXv , hENRY N. CAN T PUBLISH OuR CURES IN PRIVATE DISEASES D. C. Si'c-i- tr C OLD SOLDIERS. - inon-and- phliip-dun- bor.'V ccmHIenee. IIene w t? e'ass of tioubles in way puui e will treat you tin til cured without asking yoa to jmy a cent until you are cured. Wo tirsi show you o reputation in curing ("hi on it Ihsease. aud to prove w we ean cure all Private e t ike all tie burden of trout) es jni as it to 0 i by curing you first and then ask-- g roving .1 eusonablP f e heu you ate cuied. You cauoar woid; any bank in Iuih wtllendcpenii i it patterns hive onlored ns doiso it; lie disNOW WK WANT TO Cl UK YlUJ-v- ith tinct undorsMt'Hti" th u we will not rieniawi a fea M Lost cure vou Wo wo do cure nbood, until Cob rbnpa. henmiftS Weakness Spcun gv pin is and ati weaknesses of men. VT absolutely cure Vanooeoie mono wck or if don t cost you a penov. Consultation an t advice tKKK, by letter or in person. Cali or write to Because it w mid C0PP. V,ash.ngfon, this to prove uni s.xill hae Hi s Is our ooUier 111 t v y is guaranteed wall iso fee yj Patent Miives-i- i ul. al errbol lir rree advice as to pntento'i ity. MILO B. S f EVKN3 Invent i ? Urlnnr. cite is tor CO. & Lsran Need Is ji. hl7 Wth su, Wasn.ngton, D.C. Cieve.aud and Detroit. liram a (rtieet: hoii-an1- I i DRG. SHORES. EXPERT SPECIALISTS. Locomotor Ataxia conat last. Do tors quered pu z le i BpctadKtH amazed nt of patients thought incurab'e ly KV K FOOD. Dll.CUAsLS V riie me alum t von reuse Ad e and prMf of cures Rm. IIU.IHASF.224 N.ioth St,, Pim.Ani.U-UU.l'- PARALYSIS Oppot te Commercial Nat'l Bank. Salt Lake Cty. Ul.k SHEEPMEN. ri ywreototo ssw. ia kO v"vmb is it i PEOZ-wh-at poiUlvcly 7. orta 'm Writ tor market Your and sonalgiiim nt siilfc't d b nOM Ml Jv BOOTH, the only Commission Company at the best Exclusive ibeap market la ibe world. Kansas city block Yams. n 34 K. Second South St. (Harnon Block.) V the greatest cereal and atraw food on earth. A Palzer savt so. lom. uebrr aiu than corn anl uus ?tra bay. better ibao and you Mr. farmer, Kiu I? our Aluts woru rieid Jio c in biitthafl It s the bnat oaf oa artb. ilir fstt ho I will corn orn L.arllcst t rpT'lufioniA growing. Sam r says so. 4 bu-- ilromus lncrml Will Onatest earth. to 6 tons Salacr sars ro. flourish everywhere. bay per acre. Will fatten l"h npest food on earth for sheep, hoiM and cattle Kope a ton to grow. Salz- r aan so I at alb. t, ots but a lb, htc. Onion seed ctttblc Largest grower. ouy gra-v- cm Pk3. Earliest Vegetables, postpaid, $1.00. THE MILLION DOLLAR POTATO Grentest potato wontier on earlh, enormoupir jr hltr alto bunllchttbe earliest potato oo earth. Ripe io 35 days. 35 V j ; SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE. i.Ufi Lfli e-- j n Wanted 1'ertllizers. When fertilizers are used heavily on potatoes, you will usually , at digging time, a thin gray streak in the drill where the fertilizer was dropped. Farmers look at this, and conclude that the crop was not able to utilize the fertilizer, sajs II. W. C. iu Rural New fii-d- Dya-pep- PAE3ST eaD Tor children teething, softens rbo gums, reduces la flammatiou, allays pa, a, cures wlud colic. 2oc a bottle BH.OOFJSSILLS BOSANKOCO. la that the cause it soft and heavy, and keeping and glossy all the also an elegant dressing. j Halls THE GRIP CURE THAT DOES CURE. Laxative Bromo Quimna Tablets remov'S Hair Vigor restores Ayer's 4 color to gray hair every time. And it is a wonderful food to the hair, making it grow rich ,.r J, JL w- - ,0i ' 6 X ''-, V ft TH, Tl j 10 to 10 pkgs. Graiu, Ors and Forage nnn fceeda worth get a atart. mid great aeed Tatalofr, telling yon alt about above fiare Seed alao der 6U kind clover and graiwe. Teoaiate, bpurry, MllTt, Velvet aud Cow beaaa, tool, cm. wi.m OHH A.SALZER SEED C.IaCROSSE.wi EaT.taE:..Br -- aye Your Hair with Yorker. Some of them argue from thi3 that fertilizers are not available, and do not pay. You will notice that, on light soils, most of the stable manure gfcts out of tight in one Staton. I do not think this gray streak shows that the fertilizer was wasted. A ton of good fertilizer may contain 20 per by weight of available plant ood. The remaining 80 per cent is mere bulk for holding the plant food together. Its about like a lemon. You squeeze out the juice, and leave a big, useless bulk of peel. The gray streak in the potato drill is about like the lemon peel, for the crop has sucked out most of the plant food. What there is left of it is safe, for it will feed following crops. But where does the bulk of the manure go to? What is it? Water and vegetable matter. During the hot season, the water evaporates, and the vegetable matter slowly burns up. The "bulk in the fertilizer is mostly indestructible, and it stays in the soil. Dig into the soil where we plowed under a thick mat of Crimson clover, and you can hardly find a tiace of it by August. .New Plants and Seeds. Under Sec- retary Wilsons foreign seed mtroduc-- t tion, the Department of Agriculture has received during the ye ir over 2.030 different species and varieties of economic plants and seeds. In many cases, however, the quantities secured were sufficient only for tests to be made by the vaiious state experiment stations and by a few private special- ists. If the secretary could be author- ized to utilize his entire seed appro- priation for this class of seed intro- duction, the present free seed farce would be transformed into one of the most splendid duties of the Agricultural Experiments in Alaska. Professor Georgeson is experimenting in the growing of different varieties of cereals, forage plants, flax, and vegetables in gardens placed at his Jisposal by citizens of Sitka. In spite of late planting, oats, barley, poiatoes, flax, and a number of different kinds of vegetables of good quality were matured this year. Clover and grasses made an excellent growth. Useful data were also obtained from these experiments regarding the effect of different soil conditions on the germination of beeds and the growth of plants. Experiments similar to those being conducted at Sitka were made at Fop IOp. Stamps and this Notice wo aond 80 BUSACPy -t pre-en- Elizabeth B. Custer, the widow General Custer, whose western experiences have been wide and varied, contributes an article of special interest to her own sex iu the February number of Lippineotts. It is called Where the Heart Is, and shows that her heart is on the wild frontier. '" s. . Mrs. nronmunwi ten-cen- . of There is no getting around such a tcstimonkl as this. You cant read it over without being convinced. These persons do not misrepresent, for their gBRTEIflSllrJK ir.AThre? pension Illinois, on the evening of January 9, 1900. About fifty persons answered to their names at roll call. I The mayor in a very coidial manner lil( LhHU, I. C., Ihftf rt etve j Ick tL'Mngton, IIj wlii replies H Mil N II. Vol welcomed the swine brei tiers to the Staff SuUiCur-FnccutiQfiCUimsslocel87 8 city of Ta.vlorville in a speech which kcamis Pe of confectkina The next mote of the British, it is U'jD'Cliir was responded to by J. V. Ward of u. nn 1uhi'c MAherx, Methuen's be division. will to Liitnii loe linuilrt, a,! ftiriinple box. Mt. Vernon, Illinois, vice-p- t esident, as thought, t. President Alexander v:.s not The program wa then given. Much interest was manifested in the papers and discussions, sonm of which we 76 W. Second South St.. Salt Lake Cit). Utah. S'uderts may enter any time. Write today for Information hone to publish in coming issues. Ed Klever of Bloomingbui g, Oliio. va not present owing to snkness in his family, but sent a paper which wa' read by the secretary. At the conclusion of the program the meeting ad-- j turned till nine oclock a, m., January 10, to meet at Arnmiy Hall for the purpose of attending the scoring school. At the appointed hour a large at number of breeders Vv,w Arn.orv Hall where sevtrl hog.--. Of the different breeds were sco ed. Much m-terest was manifested on the part of the persons taking rart. At the hour of 7 oclock p. m. the meeting was esident again called to order by Vii Ward. The election of offneis resulted in the selection of A. G. Woodbury of J. W. Danville, 111., for president; Ward of Alt. Vernon, C. C. Biown of Heywoith, secretary and titasurer. Quite a lively tilt occurred over the question of where the next meeting should be held. Some three years before the place had been permanently fixed at. Taylorville, a thing which was declared unconstitutional. Taylorville had paid all hall ren(;s at the two prev.ous meetings, but at this one seenr d disposed to let the fissociation pay its own hall rent. As a result Dement came forward and proposed to furnish hall lent free of cost to the association. Taylorville seeing that the meeting was about to be removed came to the rescue by proposing that she would pay the rent as followed before. A lively disuis.-uothe motion to locate the meeting at Taylorville for another year, which finally resulted in a victory for Taylorville. A banquet was tendered the association in the evening and thus closed one of the mod sucassrul meetings in the history of the organization. A C tions made bv their firm West & Trunx. Wholesale Driizgists, Toledo, Wauling, Kmnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo Ohio Hall s Catarrh Pure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surf tees of the system. Testimonials sent free. Friuo the per bottle Sold by all dm -- gists. Hall's Family Pills ura the best. Is Yours e, The February number of the National Magazine, of Boston, is bright and timely , and in contents and appearance t is easily a leader among the periodicals. nooklvt S.iit Ftpp. tlncthe himI ( oic H tor Aaur" ur lUhtrnuking Ltd D heater. M". 'g-- i ai's reward for any liy I j ps lo cured In Convention. Tav-lorvill- F. J t'llKVEY & CO , Props.. Toledo. O. We, the unders.sni'd, have known P. J. Chenev for the last la years and believe thin perfectly honorame in ail biu ines. transactionsand financially aide to carry out auy obliga- 22, 1898, r, -- of Dust at Sea. The is a pnIinq' fact that thedecksof Svlue I treed ers The Illinois State Swine Breeders w:d Fxperts Association met at across tin channel. 25 Years Younger iwnn m IU loots j ' A New York florist says that the lily of the valley is poisonous, and its stem should not be placed In the mouth. iiampoos o; And light dressings of CUTICURA, purest of emollient skin cures. This treatment at once j i stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. Millions of Women Use CTticlka. Soap exclusively for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the scalp of crust, scales, aud dandruff, and the stopthe skin, for elean-in- g for of softening, whitening, and healing, red, rough, and falling hair, ping sore hands, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and dialings, or e, too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative and for many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, and especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used it to ue any other, especially for preserving aud purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. Cuticura bOVP combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cuticura, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredient, and the most refreshing of flower odor3. No other soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it comCents, the best bines, in One Soap at One Trice, viz., Twenty-fiv- e skin and complexion soap, the best toilet and best baby soap in the world. weak-ness- medii-atei- l All that Uv bfen said of Cpticcia Soap may be said with even greater emphasis of Ctrrterp.A Ointment, the most delicate, and yet most effective ot emollients, and use in connection with Curici'R Sow ( is per directions greatest of skin cures. Its around each package), iu the One Night Cure for Sore Hands, in the Instant Relief Treatment for Dibfigcring Itchings and Irritations, and in many uses too numerous to mention, is sufficient to prove its superiority over all otht r pieparations for the skin. Complete External and Internal Treatment tor every Humor, coD!8tlng of Clticura Soap (2oc.) to cleaiiB the skin of crust and and soften the thickened cut.Go, Cuticura Ointment (50o.) to instantly allay Itching, inflammation, aud irritation, and soothe and 53 heal, and CuTictiaA Resolvi NT (60c.), to cool and cleauae the blood. humiliating akin, A SlNGLB Stt 1i often auflicient to cure the moat torturing, disfiguring, andDltUO AND CHUt. catp, and blooa fcumora, with lost of hair, when ali elaeandfails All about tiia Skin, Eealp, Hair, free. Sole Props , Boston. Til S0t, SI .25 Pott1 |