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Show District Court. THE NEPHI RECORD. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 26, T.00. To Wh in it may concern: Notice is hereby giv n that the State of Utah has filed in this office two certain lists. Nos. 32 and 50, respectively, o! laods selected by the said State for the establishment of permanent writer reservoirs for irrigating purposes, under Section 12 of tbe Act of Congress approved July 16, 1894. The fullowinjr tracts, in said lists, re ptc ive! , a.v ia township ceotaiuing mineral cii-- . ns of Jex and Sons and Peter Louteusuck and John Goins vs. Martha Houghton is the title of a case filed in the District Court, Mo iday. Plaintiff brings action to recover the sum of $1830.33 for building materials furnished defen dent, attorneys fees and costs, and Stott and the lien be foreclosed. Jenifer are plaintiffs attorneys. AYm. r ill ili slied every Friday at Nephi City, Utah. HENRY ADAMS, Putlisher. TERMS: ALWAYS IX ADVANCE. at the Post Office at Nephi as seooudelasa matter. Republican Stats Convantijn Salt City, Utah For the above Nephi City Directory. Isaac II. Grace, Mayor. Geo. VV. Kendall, Marshal. Kate L. Paxman, Recorder. Martha Tasman, Treasurer. Feter Sutton, Justice of the Peace. COlXCILMEN named e IN THE DISTRICT COURT, division, in and for Juab Ccunty, State oi Utah. In the matter f the estate of Francis C. Sells, deceased. Notice. The petition ot Jane M. Sells praying for tbe issuance to herself of Letters of Administration in theestate of GENERAL BANKING IN ALL ITS Francis C. Sell deceased, has been set BRANCHES. forhearingon Friday (he twenty-thirday of February A. D. 1900, at 10 oclock a. m. at tbe County Court Hiuse, in tbe Court Room of said Court, in Nephi City Juab County, Utah. Witness tbe Clerk of said Court with the seal thereof affixed this HOLZHEIMER & IIOLZIIEI.ME1I, SEAL. tenth day of February A. PKO-bat- 4 Capital 530,000. Surpluis, 00,000. ein-rac- record, viz: Ia List No. afonsaio: 32 Tr.- - noith-eastqaari- occasion ofsouthweatq arier of Section FIRST aTlOiJAL BMlli cf C3EFHI- - Consult County Clerk amf Respective Signers for Further Information. er of uorthuist qua-Uand ot so tn w-southeast ijOi.terof quarter Lake Section twenty-fiv- e (iu), iu iu a usrip eleven (II), south, and af Range one (I), west; Ia List No. 50 aforesaid: The south half of northwest quarter and north half March 2nd 1900. Entered GEO. C. WHITMORE, President. W. S. McCORNICK, Vice President. C. S. TIXGEY, Cashier NOTICE. d tvveuty-fiv- e D. 1900. (25), in Township eleven (11), south, the Oregon Short Line will make a and of Range one (1), west. Salt Lake rate to all of one fare for the round Bae and Meridian. trip, from all points iu Utah. SellCopies of said lists, so far as they relate ing date March 2nd, only, good re- to said tracts, by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicnoasly posted in turning March 3rd. Fare from this office, for inspection by any person Joel F. Grover, First Publication Feb. Attorn Clerk. Timothy Hoyt. J. W. Grace. James R. McTherson. Terms of Fifth District Cout For 1900. 2. Tuesday April 17. Tuesday September 3. SUMMONS. diaries OcOoisy, m. First Publi Beaver County. Tuesday February 6. Tuesday May 22. Tuesday Ootober9. Darrfsjoha. Konold Rudolph. . Monday February 19. Monday June 4. Monday October 29. , Morrill Mrs. E. A. Neilaon Miss Amanda. .. Ockrey Mr Daniel. Potman A. B, Yates Mrs Ellon. E. R. BOOTH, Post Master. . 1 Notice. A Republican Primary Meeting trill be held in the Court House Monday evening Feb. 19th 1900, at 7:30 p. m. for the parpose of electing seven delegates to attend the Republican State Convention to be held at Salt Lake City n March 2nd, 1900, By order of the committee. E. B. Booth, Secretary. United States Land Office, Balt Primary. Ntio is hereby given that a Democratic Primary will be held in the County Court House at Nephi City, Utah, on Tuesday February, at p. m- for the of electing five delegates purpose to attend the Democratic State 7 clock - Convention at Salt Lake City on March 1, 1900. for the purpose o nominating a lteprRentiv to Congress of the United 8tates; and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the Primary meeting. By order of the committee. Joel F. Grover, Secretary. Attorneys 16th. lDt'fi at - Law. - IN THE JUSTICES COURT. IN AND PROVO. for the Nephi Precinct, Citv of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Ulh. Bclore William Stout, J ustice of thj Peace. C. R. Foote Plaintiff, vs. Dvid Broad-head, is hereby given that a be held at the City will meeting on Hall, Saturday, Feb. 17th, 1900. at 7:30 . m. for the purpose of organizing a company to build ant maintain a racetrack adjacent to All Nephi City. persons interestin', are cordilly invited to attend. Notice s T. L. Foote, Atteroey for plaiat.ff. First Publication Feb. dta-cribe- VV !M-- Ge.-eri-. - t.-t- Prenbyteriah Church. Pastor, Rev. John Wileon. .... Attorney-at-Law- , s. ta, 11, a m.,7. p. m. Preaching, Eureka City Prayer mesting, Wednesday 7:30, p. m. Sabbath School, 10. - A f David Geo. W. Dwl, Kendall, (Wm. Sperry. i Coaid not express the reptare ef A ale E. Springer, ol 112) Reward st,, Phsle-delphiPa., whea she fouad that Dr. Kings New Discovery fer Cvesaanptiea had completely cured her of a backieg cough that for uaay years had made file a berdea. All other rosaedie and deetsr could give her help, but tho t Joel Jenifer. S JENIFER, STOTT a, reyalcnre it wy chest aid I ca reraeved the o AUinuyi-at'Law- , Eureka, Utah. T. L. FOOTS, tv AUornt7atlAw, now slarp onaethiag I can scarcely remember before, I feel like toaadlnx its piumi, Nephi City, Se wi.l ery-on- e throughout the Universe. who tries Dr. Kings New Dkcovaiy ior any troublo ef the Throat Chest cr O. W. Powrg, Price Leags 5Sc. aad - - ft.C. ties free at Luut & Sobs every bottle guaraateel. Tj.b in: Drag btart; AtiornojaMRw, Halt Lake City, 1-- r Utah. C0 YEARS EXFERIZNCS j Utah, ri. William Xdtmt fk Burton o! i . i, - B. N. C. 8tett. Tfceaeaad Teagaec. ia i; i i i i . e Dyspepsia -- ; reco-structin- Pi1-car- Prord by imprfctdigotioa C., Cif. A htoo 8fm11ng CorymaHTa Ac. svkttch And dftvcrptfw) tjibt nur opinion fie it probity patent llnllwt.koii P(oui nt fre. Oldnt y fur cur,ug pitf nt. pBtritfl taken tbruuph Wui u H Cu. rcclY 9pmtl notUi, without ibarf t, lu the quicsiY g Make DltlCNE ai"erim inTentimi Digests iv hat you eat. E. C. SwTf Itt Thali Sure p. .oriiiei: It artificially digests the food and aid piTiiiiu, h v.M out he cured himseit !,g oix.n : Nature in strengthening and BacklcnH Arnica ttlvc, no uf.tt the exhausted digestive or va Earth, U ott in the World. 23 cents a box. boat by A. Luet jrans. It is the latest discovered digfh ant and tonic. No other preparation A Son Druggist. can approach it in efficiency. It ACKERS ENGLISH CEMEIY WILL STOP relieves and permanentiycure A cough at any time, and will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heirtbsra, Flatulence, flour Stomach, Nauasa, the wort po'd iu twelve Lours, or Sick Headache, Gaetrilgia,Crarr pa, and money refunded. 25 etc. uod 50 all othsrresultsof ( Utah. I n alottr. Utah. EDWiJRD PIKE, fcEKVICkS. sou-miner- unlcRH ... AltoTaej-at-La- w, 8, 1WM. Eureka City, dv--d I (JTAB A C. BRYAN WILLIAM STOUT, Justice et tbs B.ace. eon-miner- lie FooleJ tie Surgeon j. All d'lf mrs told Ite'H' k. f .cr : j j West J v ,1.., , O. , mo c. tbs l'c n Root J F st u j , i i w s -- c-- ' rei.J V. - David B. Broadhead, lljrum Broad head aud Samuel Broadhead, Defendants. Summon. 1 he State cf Utah to the Defendants: You are hereby sumA Horn ey a t- - La w moned to appear beforetheaboveeniitled court withia ten days after theiervice of this summons up n you, if served within Utah the county in Which tais action is Nephi within twerty days brought, otherwise, after tbi service, aud deteud the above ; action entitled broughi against you te recover the sum of $b9.00. with lutereet THOMAS MARRIONEAUX, for damages dous to plaintiffs bay aud crops, by defeudaats hrsav and cattle, during the fall of 1898, And to recover District Attorney Fiftti District. tbe sum of J35.C0 with interest, for damages done to plaintifls h iy by defendants horses and Cattle during the fall of 1899, - Utah. of your Beaver City, and for costs ol sun, aud ia failure to do so, judgment will bs rendered against you according to ths demand of the complaiat. Given under my band this 9th day et February, 1900. N. A. ROBERTSON, Lake City, Utah, Febraary 12, 1900. To Whom it mat Concern: Notice is hereby givea that the State af Utah has filed in this office a Hit, Mo. 14, of leads selected by the said State for a Miners Hospital fer disabled miasrs, under Section 12 of the .Act el Congress approved Jaly 18, 1894. The following tracts, embraced in said list, are ia a township containing mineral olaims af record, vis: The north half of tho southeast quarter (NKSEV)and the south half of tho northeast quarter (Si NSV) of Section thirteen (13), ia Township eleven (11), oonth, and of Range one (1), west. Salt Lake Base and Meridian. A eopy of said list, by descriptive subdivisions, so far ae it relates to said tracts, has beam conepicaonsly posted in this office for inspection by nay person Notice for Publication. intarsHtod, and by tha public generally. next Urn. 4415. tbe sixty days feilewmg D'ring the date of this notice, mnder Laud Omen at Salt Law Citt, UtAb, I Beeutal instructions of Nov, 27. 1893, January ltlb, 1080. j Notice is hereby given that the following-usinft- l . L. D., 459), prjtevts or ceateets has filed notice of his intention the claim of the said State to aay of thv to aiakesettler haul proof in support of his cluim, .ml that said proof will be neade before tracts or subdivision herein abov i ounty Clerk of J uah County, Utah, at Nephi on tha ground tha t'a. k .. - ity, Utah, on Murch 3rd, 1VU), viz: Charlee A. NVV W ', more valuable for mineral taa Hi j. .'uugelsou, H. K. IUI83 for the U BH, Tp. 14 S. K IE. S. L. Meridian. . cultural purposes, will he .ie names the folio in( witnesses to prove .. coutmuons resilience upon, and cultivation noted for report ta the I. said land, viz: William C. Brown, George Office at Washington, D. C. Fa lure Peter Wankier, Joseph W. Fraucoiu, aneoui, te protea- - cr contest within lUh. ,.i of Levan, Juab Fran I D. Hobbs, Register. will be considered udi-ii-us. Publication Jaa. IU. evidence of tbe chars lrLf said tracts, aaj the ee'.ec: tber;, belog otherwi.e free freu eb.ectiuj, r i.i be recommended for approval. -- Room 1 and 3,, First National Bank Building. Summons. FRANK; U. HOBBS. GEO. A. Soldi ill, K'wivr. First Publication Fc 18, Notics Coinmitbe First Publication Feb n, Iffotioo. 20, 1900, Utah. Uriced States Land Offiice, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 20, 1899. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office a list, No. 71, of lands selected by the said State for the Establishment of Permanent Water Reservoirs for Irrig itiag Purposes, under Sec. 12 of the Act of Congress approved July 16, 1894. Toe following tract, embraced In said list, is in a township containing mineral cfialm of record, viz: The south wes quarter of the northeset in quarter of Section twenty-seveTownship fourteen, south, and of Range three, west, Salt Lake Base' and Meri! dian. A copy of said list, so far as It relates to said tract, by descriptive enbdivision, has been conspicuously posted in this office, for Inspection by any person interested, sod by tbe public generally. Within the next sixty days following the dat-- of thisnotice, nnder departmental instructions ol November 27, 1896, (23 L. D., 459), protests or contest against the claim of the eatd Stats to the tract hereinbefore described, on the ground that tbe same is more valuable foa mineral thaa for agricultural purposes, will be recWwd uj noted for report to tbe General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to 4 protest or cob test within the period specified will be considered suffioi eat evidence of the character af avid tract, uad tha selection thereof being Otherwise free from objection, will be raccommeu for approval. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. GEO. A. SMITH, Receiver. First Publication Dec. 2, 1899. Remainfag uncalled for at the post To Nephi February 12, 1900. obtain these letters applicaat must call for Advertised Letters. If not called for in two weeks, they will be sent to the dead letter office. BellC. C. Millard County. Democratic Smith Receiver. "Notice. office, Tuesday January 23. Tuesday April 10. Tuesday September 23. of Y. n Feb. 2, 1900 v Advertised Letters 24. Tuesday September 11. Notice Law. 1 Tuesday January 9. JoAb County. Utah, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JUAB Mona interested, and by the public generally. D. D. HOUTZ, Nephi, $3.55. Juab $4.10. County, Stats oi Utah. Summons. During the sixty days next following Annie W. Johnson, Plaintiff, vs, Wm. 3.23, Santiquin $2.75. the date of this notice, under depart- M. Defendant. The State of J. L. Dunkley, Agent. mental instrvci mns of November 27, 1896, UtahJohnson, ey-a- tto the said defendant: Yen are ... ... (23 L. D.,459), protests or contests against summoned to appear within the claim oi toe said state to any of the hereby after the service of this sumProvo City, twenty days Utah- Democratic State Convention Salt Lake tracts or su bdiviaious above described, on mons upon you, if served within the the ground that the same is more valuable Countv in which this action is brought, for mineral tuan for agricultural pur- otherwise within City, Marc'i 1st, 1900. thirty days after serposes, wilt bo received and noted for re- vice, and defend the above entitled acLand Office e.t Wash tion ; and in case of your failure so to do, port to the For the above oecassion the lngtou, D. C. Failure so to protest or judgment will be rendered against yon t Oi agon Short Line will make an contest within ie time specified will be according to tbe demand of tbe complaint ATTORNEY-AT-LAconsidered Bo.'d.i-evidence of the non- which within ten days after service of for one of rate faro the round of mineral open said tracts, and the this summons on you will be filed with character Bank Building, Pi ovoWltyrUtah. thereof, being otherwise free the Clerk of said Court. trip, from all pointi. in Utah. Sell- selections from objection will be recommended for W. C. A. PryAn, ing dates from Nephi. Juab, Mona approval. PI ir.tifie AUornry. and points north March 1st only, THURMAN & WEDGWOOD, F.iAnk D. Hobbs Register, P. O. Addiess, Ntptii, Juab C'oui-.'- good returning March 2nd, 1900. J. L. Dundley; Agent. Iron County'. i . nt Washington County. - - Eureka City, (ji-of-- Tuesday April w. La eys-at-- IB, 1300. Attorn Israel Bale, Thomas Belliston. Tuesday January Utah. Nephi C;ty Scientific American. handsomely lllustratsd tMklr. J srrwt Hr- cnlatuGi of any isntifis lournal. 1 arms, a njontbei. year: fholUkyaH nswsdMlsru. ' A far HUK:. oae, Sranch Fin Winos, WH.isK.oyo13 Aud Getnine Imported anil Domcstii Brandies, High Grade Domestic aid Importet Cigars. an F SL. Wasblustoa, Kodol Dyspepsia "TAg&Au LIQUOR STORE, Crc urkit yea rat. Kephi City, t utali |