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Show I THE OREGON SHORT LINE LOCAL TIME CAKL). : Effect March 9, Train arrive and depart at vancs. Stotkiona daily as follows. -i Stations. North - South-bound- b-- Leave A v. Ar 9.85 6.30 pm Lv amf pm ....Murry.... 9.17 am pin Bingham Ja. H.0! au O.Ouptn. ..bandy.... WOnaiu 6 10 pm Draper .. 8 57 am 6 35 pin Ar Lehi Ju Dp 5.20 am - fir-m-.- am ArMerrnrDp 3.00 pen Mfrat-goery,t- an am Dp Lehija Ar 6.38pm ....Lehi.... 882am 6 44 pm Ameren Fork 8.2 am 6 50 pm PleastXrrove 8.2 am 8.59 pin Lake View 8.M am 7.10 pun... .Provo.... 800am 7 20 pm SprmgwiHe 748 am 7.27 pm Spanish Fork 7 41 aui 7 33 pm ..Benjamin. 7.85 an 7.42 pm ... am Payson.. 7.26 7.52 pm Sautaquin 7 17 am 8.10pm ....Stair.... 72am 8 17 pm ....Mona.... 45.54 am 8 35 pm Ar Nephi Dp 41.40 am. ....T-risc- T high-grad- to-da- ctnmt tote A Tarsi Library of inenailei ralue Practical, CeaciM aid Comprehensive ly PrlRted Staitlfallj illustrated. Vy-t-da- te, am am pm pm pm pro Leave iirm All 74 aaLC ccml.uaa 43 colored varieties aad All Prica W. (.25pm (.15pm 6.40pm BOtS All abaat oa Braadia, Vaadlng, Batch, ary, Diaa.a, ate. Coetaies evar la baaaUiul half-toac-a aod atbar aegraviaga. trim, (a CamUL TbaBIOOLB BOOKS ara aaieaa.erighael.eeaAU yea neve T -aaajtb,ag likatbaaa amormaaa aapractical.eaaaaaible. aale Koat. Waat, North 'V fcoatb. Every ooa wba kaapa e ! 7 Caw, Cbickae, ar jrawa bwiall Fraita, Barge, r auafet la aw way for the CRHaLK MObS. TbST a( vvilm iTtixiui , describing- CIGQLE BOOKS KA SAM JOURNAL Add CSit. r, janaino. net. Phii.apbi.pbia Acting s Karl's Clover Root Tea JOB PRIMTIfilG. Complex! on, Purifies th d; gives a Fresh, Clear Skin. Cure Con and all Eruptions of the Skin greeble Laxative Nerve Tonic on absolute guarantee bv drug, Sts at 25c 60c. and (1.00. C. WELLS & CO.f LEROY, N. Y SOLE PROPRIETORS R! In,Fion, Lij" light.residences, churches, .stores Plst' factories and towns t 40 per eeat leBs IBtst. j No. DallF than other systems with double the 43. Lv. Nehpl Ar. 3.00pm illumination. To responsible parties Ncbo Jm,ion tt.Q 2.40pm ;f7.0 will machines oa thirty days trial. ship 29.0 Fouataia Oreeu t4fl 2.10pm JB.5 Send for free booklet on Acoetyleue Moroni S3. 1.35pm 8.0 35 , We want good agents. Kphraim 12.42pm Cas. Ar. Macti Lv 43.. 12.15pm National Acetylene' Gas Co. Buffalo. The Company reserves the right, to vary from this at pleasure. CENTRAL N.l. TN CYCLE MF!L Cl! be lRecoi'6 MAKERS OF Theodorb Bhuback, TbeHJtah Volunteer History Aesei Alton desires te apo;nt representative Pres. & Gen Manager, Salt Lake City, iothisoommUBlty (orciwinty) to look U. s. Krrr, after interestsof the Assoei-atioand at present to istervlew every Sapt G. F, A P. Agent, MaB.fli citizen in regard to his eirbscription to the unique work, which appears next TUB Dewar & Dio GremJa mouth. It will be pleasant, 'patriotic the-varie- o o, o m BEN-HU- R gIGYGLES end profitable occupation for while to any one, volunteers preferred, $5 a day gnarinteed if instructions are carried out. Address immediately Utah Volunteer History Association, Rooms I'1 Templeton Bldg Salt Lake City ;;a Only Line having two Li ues of Ra li ,v between Grand Junction and Deim r '! Tickets good via ithei line. Two) Utah. j Daily Express Trains to -2 i Job Depa Ttmont prepared to meet in price competitor Jiiid in qualily. Call and get Prices ami examine our work before hemling to Salt Lake or eLow1 icre. Giec-x'f-oi- TEIL YOUR SISTER A Beautiful Complexion 1b an ft FSEUK1TI 8 mmn tire, o irupos-siDi.it- y without pure blend, th EFFECTIVE JUNE I. 1637. surf that only exists in conBectien with Train No. 2 leaven Ogden at 6:45 a. m id go digeotion, a health? liver and bowLake 7:50 a. in. A t ri at C.lenw r.o.l els. Laris Cloier Root Tea acts diat 9 p. m ; Pueblo 5:30 a m ; Colorado M,ni, . :13 a. nt. Denver, 9:30 a. m. rectly on tha bowels, liTer and kidnays Train No 4 leaves Ogden at 6:35 p. m; Salt them in perfect health. Pries keeping 7:40 Lake j). m. Arrives at Glen wood siiriin's at6:10 a ,u; Pueblo 5;27 p. m. Colorado 5fi cD. and 50 cte. Pharnsacj. Springs, fl:S3 p.m., Denver 9:25 p. m. Counsel loin, made nt Pueblo, Colorado WHAT IS SHILOH? Spruips ami Denver with all lines east. t A grand old remedy for Conjrb, Coldt day coaeites, chair cars, ami Pniln-asleepers on all trams, l ake the P. & R. a and and Consumption: used a comfortable trip and enjoy tue finest world for throogh tha bye half a ceDtury, has scener.vnn the continent. cured Shortest line to Cnpitie Creeh. Colorado's cases of iQclpiaQtconsuBsptloa pjeat pold camp. Tram No 2 leaving- Salt and relieved many in advanced J.aake at :r0 a. m. arrives at Cripple Creek iext mornintr at 9:59, If you are notsatisfieil with the ata(es. resalta v' s- KHOOPER, we will refund your money. Price 25 Traffic Mumper, G P &T A I S,lHI.jHES' Co11' 1JS. F. NEVINS, Denver, Colo. 50cts. and fl.00. Lanta Pharmacy. HL M. Cl SUING, V General Agent, Trav. Paaa Agt go1 tlio recent rise in Paper Stock INDIANAPOLIS, IND. S3 time-car- d . s -- Springs, Leadville, Crijple (Veek Pueblo, (Colorado Sprin ps, Den . r, and all points East e tte . Scenic Li tie of the ifotlJ. S CtOGLB SWIME JaM aat. u Acetyicne 6asa. Beriadependent of Gas and Electric and own your own lighting plant. The National does not Lave cared far oftener than once in 15 days. It is pastively safe and is Nor tli reeomeuded by all Insurances Boards RAILROAD CO. brd; COW BOOK AU abent C.w. Md th Dairy luainaM bavin a ; greet ala : coetaisa I calarad ofeecta bread, with ija etkar illaaaratioae.reprodactioas Price, y Caato. Ad Household the world the biggest papar of i paper 'in of America having war a mUli Aaixain the Unitad States A aad a half regalar readers. ONE MGGLS of the BOOKS, a A Aay JOURNAL (reiaaiadsr af looe, 11. u , 93F,SM (to VBA5 A tHJLLAg blLL. tor will be scut bv mail ear addreM Sam-l- a si FAJtM JLitNAL ask cirr Alar We 1.89pm 4.06pm 4.42pm Poultry Book tn existence Hier illustrations. colorod wiUl M raur paper id ; it la tha to-b- i I be with FARM JOURNAL New Train Service. 1 ; right VALLEY RAILWAY Daily bow 4-kl- GQLE fk. . SAN PETE K. ; ltfc-lik- MAPS FOPsREADY REFERENCE. light-corporation- about Poaltry ; the tella every thm rti In Effect Deo. 25th, JB99. " Trains Rnn Dally except Sunday as of all life-lik- e reproductions leadinir in Mkir illuatratioas. Price, 50 Cents. 3 HIGGLE POULTRY BOOK We, TT Tfce Chicago, MilwaukeeSt. Taul Railway juet issued in convenJ. L. DUNKLET, Agent, Nepn ient tfurtn Coforhashousehold, liRrary and . E. Burley, jenl Apt. PaM$gr. Dept., schxii reference an atlAS of seven col-cCity TickLOffloe.JgOi Mam 8t.,Salt La.se. maps of Che worlj, the United States and our new poasessioos in the Atlantic aedlTitcific Oceans, together with an airtourrt of valuable information eonnected therewith all up to date. This atUs will be sent free to U any address .. nff eceipt of six (6) cents p in postage. Apply to Geo. II. Ileafford, General ;! Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building, or to L. L. Downing, Agent,. Kit T.aJreOity, Utah, KIGALI H0RS3 BOOK about Rone, a Coaiaa-SB,- e TraetiM.witb over illuitrationa ; e eUadard work. Price, jo Cents. BOOK R.All about RTOwia ESRY (mall FruiU read and iearn tnd ourowo sleopers ble. Address: A. Fogle Bulb & Need and diners l'u! man aint in it. 'Cry u Company, Chamber if Coni uuiee Budding aiwi oonvinced. L. L. Dj.viriog, Com Chicago. tnertaul Agent, .Salt Lake City. - at Ho. 1 We own ee Hand-Mme- By JACOB BIQQLB y l 1.00 13.10 10 05 8.35 8 05 7.00 cGrOing w t Radical Change in Marketing Methods 5 as Applied ta Sewing Machines. An original plan under which you can obtain easier terms and better value in the purchase of lute betting Machine than the world lamous ever before offered. Write for our elegant II-- catalogue and detailed particulars. How e sewing machine we can save you money in the purchase of a direct from either we can of offer, and the"easy" terms payment is an oppor-tanit- y This authorised agents. factory or turough our regular know know the Vh;te, you to afford cannot pass. Yu you Therefore, a detailed description ot the machine aud uaTonsUmcuou is unnecesstiry. If you have a old machine to exchange we can effer most liberal tera e. Write smrvS mce;NE (DSp t aa c;evci2Ed. one. A n Arrive Trains souk of Juab run dally i . Dave Two through tea in a daily cm ,a Lake to all points East. PnUman-RalaeThrough Sleepers.' icct Lake to Chicago withnut chwge Tourist improved Bleepers. F-Reelinmf; Chair cars. Elegant day coaches. The only Ime operatriug dining car sf rvice The shortest asd fastest line to all noli OoingSauth. u, - j u Catch-eun- air . qo r two-ee- 9.10 pm Ar ( ILv 610 am 9.30 pm Lv 1 uttD f Ar 5.40 am 1110 pm Leamington 3.45 am 7.30am orfwf fr I am am 5 00 pm ..Merom... 9.i5 am 5.50 pm ..Ephraim . 8 28 am 6 15 1 di kl, 3.00 pm Dp Kephi Ar 10 55 4.15 pm Ft,ireen 10.02 Oasis am Clear Lake 4.00 pm Blank Hook 5 30 pm Art Mil- (Lv 6.00 pul Lv ( ford ( Ar i W ' ' Sc 6 am O-- u-- 9 47 am LvFive-mile4 38 pm lO.'Sam Rusn Vaflly 4 16pui 10 37 am ..Irotitoa . 3 45pm 10 43 urn Silver Orty 3.37pm 10.55 am ..Mammoth.. 3.3h pm 11.10am... Eurefca... 3 8t pm 1.00 1.53 - L Frt pm Ar ALauti Dp 8.00 s 1" e 1T 9.00 am Dp Lehi Jn Ar 5 20pm 9.30 am Grader 4 50 pm 9.40 am Ar Fairfield Lv4.39 pen 6 35 pm fi - 5.4s 5 F6 11.00 r-??- allayed by applying Chamln-- lam's Eye Information for the Public. and Sam Ointment Many very bad been permanent ,v cured by In selecting your route to the Last cases have it. It i equally efficient t.,r itching you cannot atloro to oterlook the adpiles amt a favorite remedy lorsme nipvantages and comforts offered by the ples, cnapped hands, chilblains, frost Rio Guano Western Railway tn con- bites and chrome sore pci nection with the Denver & Rio Grand box For sale by Ohas Fooie A .sons. and Colorado Midland Railroads. It is the only trails continental l.ne passing Two Hundred Dollars Given Away. directly thorough S tit, Lake City, and1 in addition to me glimpse- it alter is of the Temple City, the lire. u vtlt. Lake! In our t.i til pie the Salt Ralaoe, arid th- picture'-ituFlowering If hi vc Di i is in i'ti t.i the gto-tke r chine- - of six disUtah Valley. ii ruling Ii t of wur is the limn loirge-.- ; to tinct routes the Hast and the most Take the follow: F-magnificent-scenerin the world. A letters as shown lieie and fnm as many backtlie double daily fccaiu service and through words as yon eon, lhidiuan Palace and ordinary sleeping wards or forwards, hut don't, e anv letter same word more tune-- t un it apcars, tree recliniug cheir cars and a iu thein the word Flowers It is interpears perfect diufng car service are now ia esting and instnietive to see how many small words can W correctly spelled nsiug operation 'Via these Uses. For paurphl ts descriptive of 'the only these seven letters; tor cxauple, so, flows, llnv, etc., etc. The Eagle ifulb Great Salt Lake Route apply to W. Seed Company will pay $ 00.00 in cash t II. Snedaker General Agent, 14 the making the largest list of words Francise; to J. I), Maos-tid- formed as aliove If you are good at word General Agent, 2.13 Washington, making and wish to earn the jRhK) 00, write name ami address plain v oh your list I'ertlancfc; to W. McBride, General your and enclose the siiue with lilteeu Agent, 41 E. Broadway, Butte; or to stamps for ten lieautiiul rioweih . Bulbs of Geo. W. Ileintz, Acting General Passenteu jKipul ir aud diflerent Varit es. Our object in gi ing this f200 00 is o attract ger Agent, Salt Lake City. attention to and introduce our 1. tlbs all eer the world. This oiler w ill be carefully and conscientiously eariid out mil it should not be classed with affairs.' Beautiful Two Step watz Free. We will spend a large amoutit of money to The Chicago Milwakte & St Paul introduce our Bulbs aud waut your trial ont a beauty Older. You will icee ve the gi cutest Value Railway Co has got-esheet of Music ter the piano called the iu Bulbs ever offered. If two or more perThousand Rapatures Tw. Step which sons succeed iu making the time number of will be ent you free upon sending two words the $200.00 w ill lie divided equally between them. Many extra spcf-upn two cent stamp, to pay postage. Its a dais so'is thejjUhicago Limited of value will be awarded to ail peisnis. uo Express tiam out of Omaha daily at send iu at least ten words a 'd who wi'l agree to assist in iutioduei ig our Butns to 5.45 p, m, ISatistaet'ou is absolutely A Sohd Electric Lighted Trai n of their friends or money w fl lie piompily guaranteed your ralace Cars Dining Liorary refunded. Send list ;,s ca.lv as jiossi Cnryour aud D,ty Coaches.. Cars, Jhair e-- 1899 m BSwiiDrsitl Salt-Rheu- i RAILWAY- 10 and Eoiema. Tetter The intense itching and smarting in cident to these disease-- , is instantly Travel. How To TIRE, Pit a Is to turn out and Accurate work, at reasonable prices. Our patrons have a Nr-u- AGENTS right to be Fafisficd and our nmbiti to satisfy them. Lants Fle-jran- - H Salt Lai Citt. LTah. ct. ICodol Dyspepsia Digests Cure what you eat. ,e f!l- - Any one sfjdj.v rf:u,rncd if Sketch description of any invention will prom pi ly receive our opinion free concernmc f Mow to Oblam pon request. Patents through us advertised for aale rt our exrr Patents taken out through us receive notice, without charge, in Tub Patbmt " fin illutrated find widely circulated consulted by Manufactuters and Inve.to Semi for aampla copy FRCS. AddtW VICTOR d. IVAN3 A (Pztemt Attoraeya,) C. Evans Building, WAHiNaTOi Mail Orders Will ba given prompt attention, 0,11 Oil 1'1E QX ..TLclcLxoao, NEPlii RE.60RD. HENRY ADAMS, Publisher. |