Show saturday january 1943 1945 30 50 a 7 f- page TOPAZ TIMES CHAPMAN AND URGE WIDSTOE DONATES BOOKS TO IN NTT ER resettlement 1I FAITH LIBRARY jask were honored this Topa by tho visit of 2 thi the elder john A wid- well known social workers dr gordon K chapman and ormer who is the executive stoe ahagh official of mics margaret rohrer the forner tary of the western area protestant church comjesus secretary church of the missi on arrived sunday night and conducted a series christ of latter day mission of talks rs balks on tho the 4 evenin nuevenings saints contributed ollowing olvine v oll merous volumes dealing f AVAILABLE his lectures included with the history of the PAPERS antor faith 11linnis discussions on the relathe inter tho state of utah pioneer organizationss organization association report- tion of the bible and nmo stories cd ed ern archaeological dincov that a number of and articles of faith of mormon paper arc ablo available avail to lens tn church the in eries and on the problems topaz religious li- of resettlement the topaz religious li- the sS brary for public use miss rocky rohrer brary among the newspapers mountain area secretary of arc those from san francis- the fellowship of reconcFUJI MARUYAMA fum co and oakland vas visitor here iliation lia tion was ELECTED co HEADS for three days she spoke HIGH before the informal meetOF BUDDHIST BOARD monday OR of the FOR fellowship ing evening at 1 9 E and also masuji fujii and masato SCHOOL maruyama Alaruyama at a joint public discuswere elected co REVEALS PROGRAM chairmen of the buddhist the protestant high sion with dr chapman at tho rec 22 tuesday night church board of directors school fellowship released roe 11 the schedule at meeting january following aiss rohrer and dr duic their for it george 28 th chapman urged that the niwill the month of february ath panel discussion sei in particular prepare serve as treasurer themselves for resettlebook realso elected were re- song night commupresenta presentatives student ment in american carlt tives of the board views and nities of the midwest and to communicate with vari- speakers ous department heads of all fellowship gather the east before the end of the war it was indicated arc hold in DH 32 the Church They are katsu- ined are rz 1 av I1 protestant ji harano toshio groups sunday school seijin TOPAZ BUDDHISTS yoshida and K itsugi ii BEAUTIFY CHURCH topaz issei appointed to act the buddhist as advisers to the doard board church is concentrating on yam are sadato ta- a beautification program goroku Yana uchi as its current project ka kahashi hashi it nihachiro kitsuzo and sadaichi Bada ichi goishi Z C HEDU H EDU learned from rev camata thursday was X K say E FOR THE CHURCH E S CHURCHES cann high school fellowPL at DH 52 service from ship fron from P 32 10 roe 28 with rov rev young adult meeting fron at roc speaker and K paiJ at 52 PJ 32 12 C aith rec 8 rov hirano chan and at ree rev shin Sh inada nd ada borshi worshippo and with rev speaker henry tani chairman SS S SUNDAY that the es S standing con cor nit service from 11 AM AH at rec tee meeting from 10 AM 12 at 28 with mith rev kashima rec 22 chron 1 sermon and M CATHOLIC CHURCH mass from SUNDAY at rec all AM fujii chan aid ble circle from fron week reset finding fin dirr en and non christian 14 with father SEM iH DAY meeting at SATURDAY PM 53 PU alike the visitors emphasized that re settlers should be ul not to antagonize calef careful arts of resettho the inhabit inhabitants tlement ia 1 7 at rec localities aXA 1 I A fc AIN AIT allmi by rev BUDDHISTT Z 34 14 ii 4 J wi an american Dudd buddhist his should realize the blessings of the buddha bucha and ddhist should foster love and respect for the happi- ship of truth at rec 14 SUNDAY holy con communion ifor ship hour fron worship munion from 1030 from fron at rec 22 SS AM all with S aso speaking speak inC classes arora f rom 10 AM at rees on going to Teru jerusalem salen Jeru 5 22 and 27 and DH 32 missionary meetvolunteer worship from 11 AM ALI at DH ing PM at rec 28 from fron 32 with rev TUESDAY bible study mas speaker PM evacuees es Eab sabbath bath rom school fron AH with rosary pray- classes particia ting in participating er at roe rec 14 from wor the wort topic lesson PROTES protestant CHURCH from 8 by culti- roa have faith in his dharma which teaches true freedom WEDNESDAY and policy ara RA 1 estavating vatin good ivill ill and shing college blishing scholarbli ship funds for christ ian christian in the SS the at PIT PM 32 12 bi- over the nation are i 1I and all co with cooperating operating rith ness of home all the concerned conra unity community in the should cooperate with mutual undertakings ings he all and finally in understand- tle worth of the american ing bu- chiq land towards direct his efforts towa preserving the heritage of america I1 |