Show page 4 TOPAZ 7 2K 7 Z 0 D 0 A 7 7 TT SS baa i C A S CAS one of the most popular HIGH mas ala f v january lt igEa ms Z Q saturday TIMES WEEKLY ff N C SES NOSES IN OUT E D DELTA CLOSE GAME 35 30 through with much needed points ham hara minutes of tho game to lead the commindoor pastimes in topaz in the closing clos yen yaba unity activities cec 30 victory over the 35 50 ken yabo today is bridge section tion to a 55 11 holiday high quintet beginat delta afternoon for delta instructor last is goro ners and also supervises with john george ura the duplicate tournaments suzuki BLOCKS 31 34 ijas every sunday night startiSaw Kar and hakaravara ahara effie DH ng at 10 has as ra hot crackers is fire firecrackers cracke TIED FOR FIRST been reserved for advanced CPS had no the GAS trouble in STANDINGS building up a 1613 DISTRICT as 18 16 13 load bridge players while beginners are given a chance in the first half new won teams and rejuvenated to learn fundamentals at lost same on ace tuesday cane back onplace pi the delta rabbits came 0 2 nights to the court in the third block 34 quarter Capitali from tanforan and in2 0 zinC on capitalizing block 28 27 every tourcluding dec 1 ciudin the break the delmans 1 block 35 nament in topaz ray kaneCAS at tho 1 overtook the GAS 1 block 42 the 0 ko and kano arimoto led 2 end of the third quarter block 26 0 2 and led 30 29 the advanced players with block 27 warren 6 7 rating oo ints joints at this time mas larren has hara last sundays scores 28 exploded and the watanabe and ernest takasuddenly 24 blk blk 27 11 game was sewed hashi followed seved up for CAS blk 34 24 blk 42 16 foli owed with 44 26 outstanding others who were top rank 35 22 performers blk blk 15 mas hara ing were toshi and taka CAS v games vera ero tas the basketball for the james george 37 points sunday with 57 14 afternwith for this Nishi niura 37 john oon are as follows blakj blk keichi kawamoto 32 john and george and effie ka35 vs blk 34 blk 42 vs i 25 and masako takeda with 29 blk 27 blk 26 vs elk blk 23 wahara A surprising feathe new topaz rating inture was goro Su cludes only one tournament stamina for three quarters LEAGUE frank ogawa and george ame of the rame with 38 points lead id HAVE AVE 15 TEAMS TOPAZ az HIGH LOSES the pack close behind are jack iizuka and jiro W etith th 15 teams already TO with 28 points doines entered the newly orga with 27 and nihed bill industrial baskettaka and toshi ball league will begin DELTA HIGH RABBITS 25 with competition in a hoop game that saw this sunday according to babet the afternoon in order to fa- the lead alternate every players are rated accord- cilitate high ni cili tate tltheie handling of few minutes ing to the western states the league two divisions school varsity dropped a rating system points are neither of which will be close 2427 23 decision to 24 27 2423 distributed in accordance Sd sa to the other the tall delta high varsiwith the number of tables have been created both ty last t the woj kond in play at the tournament the A and AA divisions delta court after rating points of the industrial league made a desthe Topa are obtained by bir any team perate bid for victory on be under the supervithey are given a major ce- will Tomi okas basket in the sion of tick akiyoshi rtificate eventually 41 games for last 3 seconds of the game the 53 AA hopes to have a major sunday will be played at but the officials declared players tournament hot void court 10 commissary will the a shot playing meet the Time timekeepers keepers meichi adachi THREE TEAMS TOUTED otor pool will collide with brilliant ball scored 10 three teams to watch jn the fire department and points to lead the attack th 0 current duplicate tour- the coop the co op will tangle with for the losers followed nament are norman CAG will CAS by hank hidekawa with 6 the architects and satoshi Fujinaga Dr draw a bye this week others seeing action were tokuji hedani and line A tom vincent boim all 34 ton at court 54 the and Kiyo kiyoshi Ehi ro league will open with 4 ton tom to ts tonio colb kawa and aullie games on saturday educa- tosh yoshitomi will ie m l Yoshito and himeo up and coming tsumori players tion will play hospital are ryo mishima Sun sundays games dayts garnes topaz hights ken include highs second dwight foam walloped the delta wrecking crew vs asco hao town team came carle 1 28 1 u lk iv industrial to tol heartbreaker i 11 11 aci and makoto nao the dec 27 winners of tournament crew vs carrier service and office vs housing junior varsity the i riu 1 49 12 nights other game ame EP in |