Show fil 11 no vol iino II 25 TOPAZ january UTAH 30 1913 1945 MARKET AWAITS E VA EVACUEE automobiles READY left used farm equipment or automrea y market for last year can find a ceafy evacuees es who obiles in storage at fair prices according to a statement received this week by project director charles F ernst them JEROME jerota ark than 6 hours while digging for tree stumps 56 resihanato shizuto hanatow jerome center dent of the terome was found by a searching more chief of WRAs evacuee pro perty office in san franOFFICIAL TOPAZ cisco the serious manpower shortage in SHIELD EXPLAINED and a sharp curtailment in from LOST MAN MIT FO 0 NEAR HEAR JEROME russell T binson Po dobinson of the totoday is a detree which hereafter is to be the official shield of topaz this on the flag the manufacture of new farm machinery make it impera perative tive that all bcd party at 10 at night a half mile north of farm equipment be made available the center on the state vail ablo for this years symbol is significant in food production highway summarizing the need hanato whose hobby is that the outline of its repre- tor collecting for such equipment during decorative form graphically stumps had headed for the sents the people of this the coming crop seasons woods soon after lunch ex new relocation community the evacuee property ofout pecking to return home by that conceived by project di- fice pointed when he however started back he lost his may and it took a posse of way equipped with lanterns 4 PM paz times sign of a rector charles miss chiyoko yocensus department who compiled and reby necessary statistical data the readers may note that the design accompanycorded the HEART MOUNTAIN RED CROSS MAPS PROGRAM HEART MOUNTAIN to the due is there only wyo fact that a clared first aid and should stressed be R de- engleson A red cross field representative for wyoming at the gener- al organization the centers that now red LBS OF PAT FAT SAVED AT GRANADA GRANADA colo through cooperation of the kitchen crews and butcher staff pounds of fat were salvaged during the past month at the granada relocation center it was learned the center will continue to send its monthly co- ntribution trib ution of fat to wichi- ta kan much more effi- storage and who desire to dispose of them are re dis auestad to write to the evacuee property office relocation authority hotel san california it is particularly important that the letter state the francisco ier 5 tt 05 31 35 cross exists have been producing machinin program war for the t whitcomb meeting of unit last week he added that the program would greatly alleviate the congestion in the hospital strides cient farm equipment will tex the war be m mado ade af after es having farm eevacuees quipment quipment or automobiles in I1 es available in the heart center mountain home nursing made war limited registered nurs- number of great the idea was recently mthe ery through aterialized construction of the first and that flashlights to locate draft the missing man late at shii night head and ernst F exact location of the e- ment the make model quipment quip ape and condition so the evacuee is aaso asked to state what he con- siders a reasonable sales price and should indicate whether he has clear title to the property if anolion or ther person has a lien mortgage on the property his name should be given ing this article is actual- and the amount of the lien ly a graph charting the or mortgage also stated no charge is made for agee grouns groups amon various ap evacuees the es inducted the services of the diviinto the project in the sion of evacuee property mass from the small of the which will attempt to evacuees bring es prothe middle to the spire the of the attention to perty repof bulk the issei is purchasers the most of and reliable resented nisei who comprise the 09 LEAVE SOLDIERS ON majority of the residents camp lN pac calp fred are in the continuously yopac texas walters expanding lower branches falters kentucky tomino and the iino shio tha trunk I1 |