Show saturday january 1943 1945 30 TA1I TE SCHOOL L SSTATE flojo SANCTI 0 NED sanctioned FOK NISEI FOR approval by both the and navy depart- US war ments has been accorded to tha branch college of utah state agricultural college at cedar city for f or the purposes student reloca- of it tion was disclosed in a communication comuni cation from henry director of the branch institution stated that es japanese american evacuees through iii centers in which was set up the at the request of this authority tho rity are free to apply for admission at the agricultural college on the same basis as other ameri- can citizens the spring quarter will begin monday march 8 PROJECT PROVES SUCCESS that the toy lending project which was instiTOY tuted 2 eks weeks ago by the ament is pre school department preschool inciting a tremendous demand of was the miss grace observation fujii one of the co directors the response to the service seems to indicate a definite need among the parents fo for adequate chilshe said drens playthings toys are distributed on loan basis to all parents with younger chil- a week dren ST RAT 10 registration N I1 FOR SEWING CLASSES UNDERWAY with the th new semester of ha topaz sewing and deehe topa sc signing school scheduled corf february 19 registration will be held from mon- in the afternoons at nem 41 students new and old are required to register it was vias indicated tg may enroll in students any 2 classes from the follday rec ree 35 55 owing courses beginners dressmaking childrens garments ladies tailori- ng orative tion sport clothes dec- and alterawork and modification of com merical patterns TOPAZ anes TIPS page agg WEEKLY STU D E N T fogu m candidates N introduced CAN da DATES I1 WHY STUDY conducted reprethe stu- by senta sentatives tives of the first todent body tho paz city high school forum on the subject why was held last study wednesday day in the school recreation hall at 4 PM was the dave tatsuno guest speaker avii s s miss and shiro ruth hitchell itchell ty advisors profitable 11 faculpredicted discussions current problems for arc future forums which are scheduled for every other wednesday on ASS AT ASSEMBLY seventeen candidates 7 student body offices were presented at the high for school nomination assembly tuesday according to legrand noble principal the assembly was followed by a 4 day campaign period dayts climaxed with yester yesterdays of the results election which were not accessibly at the time of publication seeking key student ositions were moss ashizawa and mich hayashida p- president rhoda patsy iwanaga and kay president annabelle Ann abello etsuko honnami NAMES YIELDED lyoda and kiyoko rotary and tiro hayashida FOR ELECTION takao matsuzaki william georges tsuda tho the last petitions for sakai and george student body officers of treasurer tha junior high school others on the ballot inwere turned in friday at clude harry kitano and 6 PM president of was from learned adachi eichi it W richard nelson faculty the boys and mary madvisor of student activi- lion lian ties candidates will be atsumoto president of the and introduced to the student girls association body on tuesday at a nom- saburo yell leader ination assembly 11 making aking arrangements for HOME ECON the program is a committee consisting of michio suzu- HOLD OPEN HOUSE grace home economics dethe homo ki alice 11 partment the high part kiyoko of ment manabe jerry koga paul school will hold open fukui aoki and house for the public febPM in DH J OR 1 GOODMAN di ruary 5 from mrs mato according 32 52 harJOINS FACULTY rgaret hudson and hiss dorgaret Good nan who is winters instructors of dr joseph goodman was in topaz last november ito vember the clothing and foods and as a representative of the nutrition classes the occasion will feanational student relocaalved the work displays of tho here ture arrived tion council arri monday to join the high accomplished by students g school faculty he will in- in th past few months be a fashion exstruct classes in advanced there will bo algebra and physics he hibit and foods and autri eions displays said prior to accepting his position dr goodman was TO TOPAZ affiliated with the oc- USE DELTA GYM in san francisco since comm commencing acing tuesday and tober he formerly taught indefinitely academy continuing at the california high school topaz city the of sciences boys in the PE goodman received basketball dr to delta go phd and in will classes his AB chemistry at the universi- for a 2 hour practice in the delta high school gymty of washington sumner halop hale dirgoodman who remrs nasium ector of health and physimained in san francisco will join her husband in 2 cal education will accompany the boys weeks to I1 0 |