Show agy 1 ad mab ia v r v- TOPAZ TIKES WEEKLY 1943 ti 9 ara N EI iss y t i Y wy artt I1 v tri i KH tama BI f y iq vaalt tt tri EE V I1 THE OTHER HALF rt the man close after TRAPPING THE enough within grasp you have yet to nake make him really sit up 1 ALE ANIMAL and take notice of YOU instead of the girl across the way you know that there are man heman the he types the serious the sophisticated a works hard thinks lot wor etc the serious kind plans ahead and ho seriously he and takes life ries he make a good provider will in all probability a good bet bot or movies the prefers quiet talks hes laurint TO by H 5 riy ariy 0 M R ID M iv B ry I the supposition that men as women read this page ive on just as many will hereby extend a welcome to the the honorary readers slights male contingent intended or otherwise are only meant in fun so read on he men hemen ve je connot vouch f or the but we have statement good reason to believe and be dress him keep dont cheerful to attract too expensively hes the practical sort and might that one of the most poppaces among the men is feel he cant afford you ask him over and serve taste- ular pageo sewyouve show made the youve section him what been ful tidbits etivee once hes sure youre good eife have to see what ing knitting etc the date the other half thinks material as well as fun you can almost set tho you know the sophisticate hes been around hes they confusedly explain easily bored knows how to flatter dances well an alla- when caught reading the lagiven him test fashion hints othie the women hes met round smoothie they hungrily read all a very idealistic opinion of the sex if you like the the recipes and scatter kind be enthusiastic frankly enjoy going places do ina things thines beware of assuming a sophistication you both recipes and hopeful dont possess he can spot a phony in a second and be- hints among their ladies mattor HIM too marriage seems fair ware of HIT for that matter the sethey read all tho pretty far from his thoughts anyway women man taking life in crets of the he is the chivalrous one ho for hidhe heman but stride gets what he wants good to his mother pro- ing figure faults memsport tops with the typical male tective toward his sister a good hes they ory for details hell probably not like tailored clothes so 1I IVI wear your more feminine things to attract he admires feminine accomplishments but wants him you to look to him for advice about your job ideas etc avoid like the measles telling him what to do or where hes to go hes dying for someone to protect better let that not why someone be you be appreciative toward men in general tic feminine and sweet the pursuing well and good luck enthusias- lot then think they do let is getting chil if in trying to keep you cut off free circulaelse who bains warm week we its B ML I1 u TV AX F 40 CA lily a letter lo ator today from wyoming who writes she can on photo she oan sho spy ture the ic c afi on camera club of which J ashes been a member since before a dv has been sending her magazines and etc evacuation icae a trying to arrange for her relocation somewhere east they want to give her a scholarship to the ITY institute of photography anyone so gifted certainly deA serves it the five day dust storm miserable experience I1 we just through was a the plight of the came oklahomans Okla homans each time wo we have these stifling horrors seemed like the dusty alkaline of all utah and nevada tunneled funneled through our town guess have boen a 60 70 mile mi le gale sweeping swooping through for the tho first silt v days r aw it 41 tit v it might add that to tie and immac- shirt OVERS LEFT OVI RS LEFTOVERS A knitting hint to the fol lovers girls and any followers ulate st got in its mplete is reading all graphy particularly CC i J TURNABOUT popular bachelor during one of the recent holidays looked at the high black clad girls heeled surrounding him and sighed gee geo good to see girls in dresses again just as much of a novelty to the girls to see ra coa trim business suit co give you s we A we what this them was results so quilted mittens free just ask the Vo mens editor the sample in the office is interlinked Inter lined interlined sizes for both men and women tion forget promptly forgot hope alvi always ich of the fad zaia the among is offered by krs men Y she states sock yarn may E a of 6 8 S that scrap be combined into one pair the most suitable colwith tho shoe or above the shoo she offers no solution in case one is forced to shoe and take off ones shoo com display that glorious combination of colors to the gaze public gazo COMING next week we shall probably resume the recipes hov every once in a while how over wo vie shall submit obara calions which are servations culated to come the make you welmore the |