Show january saturday TOPA 1943 1945 30 irro RAc J u ju pap-e page LY T 3 RESIDENTS ADVISED ON TIME TO CALL AMBULANCE V residents were advised by the topaz public health not to become unduly alarmed if the block department administrative not send a hurry call for the ambulance nurse does residents attendand heads ed the library council re- as even the gravest type of illness takes about 24 accurate for the curato enough hours to form a pattern ac ception in honor of mrs 11 to them diagnose if then cian clan of the h tyler rut salt ruth pa the sees mr doctor LETTERS sholem the lawrence laurence lake county library and of the asch WHAT I1 BELIEVE frank tient within a few hours L H kirkpatrick tine to move university of utah library lloyd wright ON architec- he has ample tire him hospital to OF the josoph LIFE hone held recently at the pub- ture hospital doctors C GEORGE MOORE EORGE the katharine katherine lic library request that in extreme very auld ian were anaf al allan the visitors F TIT D emergencies TH such as severe LES IN CA iDLES knight cilles hii with CiD favorably impressed continuholmes OUT OF abdominal pains done and ex- john hayes holmos what has been doneald ous hiah temperature bopressed a desire to come DARKNESS and arthur the block ken bones etc pen hauer COMPLETE ESSAYS again manand the block nurse DONATIONS books and UTAH OF HISTORY ager bo once be at called ince and were received magazines 2 pace be sun from an continued ambulance will goertzel from victor Goertz ei sui immediately boned on ing agriculture for marion oishi ki the the supervisor for tile mr frederlar yamaguchi and mr hata their paxson nurses tirs barL of is block history ic naka of topaz PHONE directories of the american frontier p bara takahashi and the than 75 more GUESTS guests 1 1 sat arlt lake city and francisco and vicinity u san are available for public use COIT CONCERT CERT symphony no in 5 E minor in the united states be n ruththe indians had ben pushed wo westward or stward as the whito men lessly killed took over the land no sebeen 8 to rious thought had 3rd ard library concert given to the rights of the 9 PM the public is invitnor had hid plans ed to make suggestions for red men will be played at the feb future programs Y As part of the DISPLAY plan to make the library a place enjoyable more been made for their tion but in 1625 1825 drovec john as secretary calhoun C of was onroe to war for james honroe art asked to study the indian li 1 1 to displays and exhibits are being planned problem ended to rec calhoun recommended at present book jackets of president the that books from the salt lake the come country beyond the missouri be given to the indians a gift from with the solemn assurance oakland eiven that the country given mills college may be seen them should be theirs as a county loan enoch pratt broad sides broadsides friand the collection an anonymous been sending has californian newspaper a CALIF DAILY welcome and library poetry to addition files the permanent home for themselves and their children paxson pp ap president monroe acCal houns recommecepted calhound congress ress susndation and con NEW BOOKS ttained it by legislation new books received by between 1641 a 1825 and 1841 Beti acen 1025 upton serious effort was jaede to the public library sinclair BRASS CHECK DH move all the indians to laa 1 ol the f oil their l ar arcles cle s lowing owing jan GLOVES ed color 21 GLOVE navyy blue nav 227 bill black white right hand only knitted settlers indian aenas been the fabric EVERSa TP striped to navy white pretense the white coma homo and come home made to keep wwass out were appoint- ed and a row of garrisons C canan was established from canathe do to 11 da dividing mexico exico indian and white mens hod always but as had mix- lands were found and turned into found departthe lost and pound ment at rec 11 during the week new case states history in united when baon the settle came that settlers rs time clame wanted the indian terri tory the great plains were taken from them and jing four assistant supervisors will work untakahashi toku der ijes Talahashi follo C fumi nobuko and ma- 8 4 E kobayashi 31 12 E tsuda 40 2 F suye hamada 28 26 4 C bloc K BLOCK following inC follow ladies foll wing appointed as block nurses aki naruo 3 10 B yae- jhc thc have been ko xa ayama hirota hircoe tsu 7 8 4 A 5 B 4 8 10 chiyo kanai shizu kasai 13 12 A Yam nishi 12 1 13 10 7 6 konoye B shigeno 12 C 6 12 E yone kona8 B tokie kanazawa kiyoko nm emoto 10 5 11 2 7 B 16 7 D suki icona 8 B tona 3 sato C 19 20 21 2 1 C 23 3 tf CD nobuye suzuki tokuko katayanagi E T Ts fujimura rei C takayo yoshida C A 27 5 F 28 1 C 26 4 ary ilary sada mailahori 29 11 C shizukoy mnori ai ya U miya 10 8 B atsuzaki 50 takiko ka 31 11 A noto note 51 1mataji a aj i 33 12 F 35 waE uchi 34 11 D kubota 54 Yoshi imra kiyoko Yosh murat 35 12 37 8 E D S toda D 9 horliko kailla 38 yaria 58 G 6 C sachiko 39 saki 59 sala 39 5 A ida ishikawa jiana co hayashida 40 6 D 42 7 41 53 A yasuko F t tori fujii appropriated by the colo- nists C |