Show par page 2 TOPAZ TIES STUDENTS ADVISED TOPAZ TIMES PUBLISHED VIRA i saturday i DAILY AT THE CENTRAL relocation CEL R by DILLON S UTAH daily editor A ato editor noci noziato Ca iwao dav kawakami adami news daniel C ota Ha ruxi kawahara harumi section editor iwao kiyo kiyoshi Ya hi inamoto translator I1 omens editor tomoye N Takai comens takahashi ashi make up echtor makeup baruno wada yuri art editor no bori dennie nobori staff cartoonist Na kachina norman naka reporters chima eiko honda kiyoshi kimoto fumi nabeta yon nobori technical pawa rose Naka Ha kagawa mari ikebuchi katsu liari arren watanabe hideko barren circulation Ta Japan 1 A jimmy Kiku cava kikugawa HISTORY OF part by V W UTAH RICHARD KELSON MISON the great plains probably the most si significant point relative to the history of the great plains before 1330 as far as morion history is concerned is the fact that in 1825 that section of the united states home of tho became the homo the Aamerican indians year ded the puthe church was Toun founded the mormon blication directed li cation of the book of S the attention of joseph smiths followLarria as adeo ers to the Lama Ind tans indians ale who should immediately have an opportunity to receive the message it conthe inditains therefore the fact that tho ans were living on the great plains conwestward of the ard tributed tri buted to the westi M Mis day to couri missouri the follsaints latter owing conditions brought about the espermanent indian tablishment of the IV its frontier by 1825 states had the come people of the united to regard the country went west of missouri as unfit for the habitat of white men they believed that the settlements had expanded as far wen westward as was physically possible all that was vas war to fill the states more left now was densely with population one of the main contributing factors which brought about the general acceptance of that viewpoint was the report of major stephen H long of the war department he was assigned to explore the indian territory thoroughly west of missouri to the rocky mountains and accumulate the scientific basis for continued from last week you are a student you will if i taro managing editor weekly editor an under- standing of the country 1320 he in 1820 made the easy circuit of the platte tho the foothills and the arkansas it and then returned and reported his conclusion aa ss follows in regards to this extensive section of tho the country I1 do not hesitate in giving the opinion that it is almost wholly unfit for cultivation ard of course uninhabitable by a people depend continued on page 53 imar 1 many opportunities to make in and out of the classroom find both friends tho the offi- hava hundred colleges coll eSTs have welcome to evacuee students extended a ivelcome tc es who and the experience of those evacuees have enrolled in colleges colle ees thus far indicates that the student body as a whole cordially seconds that viwelcome elcome probably cials of several responsibility that make a creditable record scholastically and socially not for himself alone but for the benyou rests recognize the upon each student to other students or prospective japanese Danese ancestry students of Ja you are aro american rican citizen if be not antoAna required you will 1ue observe the regu gulations lations prescribed by the department Cu A copy of these of justice for aliens regulations already has been given to you and copies also are available from the leave officer in the relocation cenefit of ter regulations the department of justice reputations require that before you go to a new 10 la cation you obtain a permit from the US the area in which district attorney for your indefinite leave you plan to live acceptcd for this purpose permit will bo be accepted action with your travel to your connection in conic ver you plan rever aj hoim first destination if hov to make any subsequent moves a permit will have to b o obtained from the US attorney covering the district in which your nev ner destination is located 4 you are on your aro own res after you leave a relocation center you may chane jobs chan establish a business marry travel or in general do anything may do with tho the that any other ned already exceptions mentioned montio arrange for members of if you want toyour your family or fiancee to leave a re relocation locution center and join you write them and suggest that they take the matter up with the leave officer at the recs wishes cn center stating your with location hou they ill be supportand explaining hovi ed if you need to center temporarily tor of the center is authorized to you to enter and relocation return to a location rite to the direche you wish to visit ile cion for grant bermis permission leave the center and can advise you of the arrangements that bc made will have to be college students may take jobs eiin a ther during a vacation period or on is requirement permanent perman only basis the employor address change of a that if the director of MRA ment is involved of your new address and must be noti notified fid address of your employer and name of the concluded next week 40 1 1 |