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Show What They Say. ITEMS. LOCAL Daihj of June 201 rfrom TuevW spend next County, and Innday at Richfield, JLMi reach Salt Lake City this Will l"" .1 P"tjSever l Young k dJ Merry Makers will Salt Lake Theatre, on t ihe They ibursday and Friday evenings, ,re immense. of ''Queen The Oratorio E3THEH .J 1.. i H iHbe periormeu uen iuwu.; at the Odcn Theatre, gDCl Weduredav, hic-l-i will please the public etjle in ti e critics mJasioni . . r. Dither" ratia Montana. Gold dust is ouc freely in Madison Co. being taken Helena are in receipt of jhe bank at bricks silver numerous to Fort The rond leading from Helena iui passable for some Denton has been Xews liffie- Fifth is bound to be the tide of trade is turning this now Vmighan.ihe photograph-enay. and bv moved his gallery to the corner Removal street. Tlie r of Fifth iind H Young. is just about fiied ready lor business, and can take a with any of the artiets of the picture - If you want to see a Marble Work. headsipecimen of home work in furtones, just walk into James, Gale's look at and Main on Street, niture store is It marble. the lettering on Italian fine the work of C P Lambert, of this city, make anything in this line order exceedingly cheap. and he will to roa Ameiucan Wheat. We lern from a San Francisco paper, that there were, on the 17th June, in that Demand wheat Teasels, preparifor foreign ports, with an aggregate tonnage of 55,000 tons. Other vessels due up to August 13th, will swell The sale the amount to 100,000 tons. of that amount of wheat ought to cause considerable money to circulate on the port, twenty-ninng to load e coast. i eath to Gbcbs Send $3 00and get recipe to destroy and prevent peach grub, borer, curculio, locust bark louse, weevil, army worm, wire worm, cut worm, canker worm, grasshoppers, corn weevil, Hessian fly, caterpillars, striped polatoe bug, currant worm, chintt bng, terrapin bug, ants, hen lice, and all destructive insects, and restorative as regards the life and vigor of all trees, vines, ind plants, to whioh it may be applied, and costs three cents' per gallon to Pat'd Not. 16, 1860. manufacture. a. C. Vas Dobu, Toll Tax SoAvrxo X. J. We noticed se- passing by our westward, hauling gravel. We wondered why they had such little loads, until a shrewd Ogden man, who hi been watching the teams, said the loads were for pollax Look, out, Mr. Supervisor! When a man hauls a third of a load for a full one, the city is iffindlei out of the remaining two thirds. "Oh, Lord! There is cheating in all trades but ours!" veral teams office to-da- y going published . the-lette- r uattles . - rnere is . a paper at Salt Lake called the Mail. nourished and fed on land office Pp. Still it is not healthy. From its birth it has suffered from a in ability to pay its debts: One Jas. Mc Knight, a person not altogether un known to fame of a certain sort, has c.aimssn tho concern held in his own. behalf and for several employees. Pend- "g adjudieatioa npon them he resolved,. ithhis usual cheek, to take forcible posesswm. Yesterday, with a numbe ' ijpos, he seiied the office, and last evening issued the paper; announcian Mint it was no longer the property of the au Fublishiog Company. Subsequently Archie McGowao, the manager, who has been, sick, with force of ousted the McEoight elan, and the Mailcompaoy i gain on its own groundi Tbe courts are the proper fighting settlement of the Mail founds f0, chi-oni- o an-oth- er type-sUcker- An-Italia- of Win-do- - Itrain $898,-098.3- 5 Globe-Democ- rat te the Importance. - e - in-vai- Ilorse-Powe- r. i er -- bed-roc- Washington, Warren Co., lr Kmt particular elipa of remembrance are often extracted from the mind and Last evening's Deseret News says City In the Senate, yesterday, the chair Ogdib City, June 21, 1876. total bbaks exist in their place. Aa Creek is higher than ever it was known laid before the Senate a eommunication Editor Junction: old soldier tfter having sustained from the treasury department enclosing to be before. Sir: In your issue of last nieht. you the removal of a bullet from his an answer to the Senate resolution o' "Yefterday a sixteen year old son of February, 1876, with a lengthy report, say that you were "watching the teams braiu, was found to have forgotten, Mr World, of the 17th Ward, was bitBbowing the names of all persons now or hauling gravel westward, aud some of the odd numbers; aed a teacherr ten in the fleshy part of.the forearm, by heretofore in public service from whom hem had small loads." Now. air, at this ha had a brain fever, forgot nag a mad dog. Dr. Anderson was called in balances are due to the government, the time tbe gravel is very dry, end with lock to the Sosaetiuiea down u P. having a sudden-wagons coming amounts due from such persons. and cut out a portion of the flesh around hill on Firth Street, the gravel will the on the committee from of the brain removes whole Sherman, off the WMgons, so that by the time he wound. and seared the of masses part operated finance, reported favorably on the house drop knowledge at once. joint resolution authorizing the secre they pass the Junction office, they apupon. The dog was hot. who was muster of the to loads. have small but Now, the "On Saturday afurnoon a little son tary of the treasury to issue ten millieu pear was struck dowa by a shrewd well as as the man, editor. dollars in silver coin in exchange for hiu;iges, of Isaac Groo fell into City Creek, below should have known this; and again, will disease which affected his brain, Oa notes. tender legal the mouth of the stone culvert narrowly Sherman gave notice that he would he "shrewd man come, or the editor of the day of his attack he spoke Enghe Jcnction, and haul larger loads fur call it up to morrow. escaping drowning. He was carried welve and a half cents per load. If you lish, the l;iuiuage he had last aca bill for Wright providing reported the disease progressing, he down the stream rapidly some distance, the appointment of a commission to in will, come nhng. Those teams Laul quired; r that anr ppoke French, aud ou loada a when he was rescued from his perilous vestigate the day, at $' a day forgot operations of the several twenty-fou- so 1 da not the think the is his death he had forgot each, of city day situation by a man who was driving s'autes as to bankruptcies, and recom swindled out of much. mend thereon. legislation everything but Ituhan.-lan- ds 'Border-Audrealong in a wason.' Yours respectfu'ly, on from committee the ap Sargent, of Iusanitj." by This morning's Herald says: Charles Welch, propriations, reportea duck tue naval Wynter. Road Supervisor. "Fannie, the young and accomplished appropria'ion bill with amendments. The Editor declines to haul gravel The Senate resumed the consideration wife of James F Woodman, died at her of the Indian appropriation bill Keeping Dogs. for twel ve and a half cents a load. -- Ed. 1 Tlie Cost residence, 13th ward, on Sunday even who had charge of the bill, said as a From the Western Manufacturer. J ing, alter brief illness, her disease be- it came from the House it appropriated $4,080,112 83. The Senate committee ng periteuitis. According to the St. Louis JEiiigiiiuN. "Mvriads f measure worms have ap on appropriations had added there are in the State or peared in Bountiful, and are destroying brain'B The under Missouri 400.000 curs of high aud action, The Senate then went into executive peculiar pea and melon vines, anJ garden plants session ond lock recess until evening. circumstances, is olten directly the low degree, which destroy on an avAt the evening session several speeches opposite from what might bo generally. expect erage 5,000,000 worth of tdieep. were made and the bill was reported to "Li!-- t evening a cow was crowded ed, imbecile children have bees Estimating the cost of keeping them by Senate, but without action the Sen- known to acquire seme degree of at 25c a week (low enough), the aga sister bovine into the North Temple ate adjourned. treet aqueduct, and after going down In the House, Willard reported a bill meatal ability by a blow on the head, gregate for the year is $6,500.000r sireum about forty ruds, she naught to prevent the sale and use of adulter- while sensible persons freauentlv enough to run all the public schools ated and explosive illuminating oils; osc a portion of their sense in the of the State. They slew, through against a bridge and was takeu out, passed. same way. ine case or a gentleman hydrophobia, 120 persons annually, considerably the worse for the voyage. Lawrence reported a bill relating to blow on the head which at $5,000 each the "Mr Tullidg'e "Ben Israel," will land patents. It provides that whenever is cited who, by a average his knowledge price paid by railroads for the poorest a lost rom hammer, is lawfully entitled to a patent a be in San Francisco." party produced shortly An Irish fartrer, being brakemen -- amount to tho further it shall have the same power as though of Greek. it was issued at the time the party was struck by paralysis, found, on his re sum of $600,000, makiog a direct first entitled to it; passed. he had lost all know- - expenditure of over $12,000,000 for that Cricket. covery, McCreary reported a bill to require a nouns ana proper names,and dog9, . , service of process in the United States edge of A cricket match was played on Tab the was that remarkable most thing ernacle Square, in this city, yesterday, in certain cases; passed. Also a bill to provide for the appoint ha could remember the initial letter between two picked sides from the Og ment of additional circuit commission- of the word he wished to Utmost pronounce, Of den Ci.y Cricket Club, on the occasion ers; parsed. Also in relation to judg- but no more. In a lew cases of brain In connection with my other businessof the birthday of the treasurer, Mr. ment liens. It provides that judgments disease persons have forgotten acand decrees of the United States courts 1 have W. Turner accepted the agency for the fol George for payment of money shall be liens on quired languages, and a knowledge of FIRST AMD SECOND 1SN1NOS. bas turned; but owing machinery:: their mother-tonguthe real estate of the debtor; passed. The Cayuga- Chief and Wheeler Com Caulfield reported a bill fixing the lime Dr. Johnson, when dying, tried 66 Geo. 8tanger'8 side ef the redemption of lands sold by de Geo. Stanger's Bide, with nine wick to repeat the Lord's Prayer in bined Ileaper and Mowers, the best irt ets to tall bl crees and judgments in chancery: English, but did eo in Latin. A cu- the market. Having bad ten years expassed. rious anomaly in brain actios is that perience in the maohine trade, and 118 Douglass, chairman of the committee on the Freedman's Bank, made a report the brain can stand still for years, bandied every kind of maohine that has 54 as to the payment of the moneys due the and then, en recovery, take up ex- been sold in thie Territory, L, as well a John Frost's side man who has boaght them, pro39 colored sailors, soldiers and marines. John Frost's side, all out actly the same chain of thought every nounce them the best in. the U. S. A. The report Bays: The provision for pay which was interrupted by disease or fall line of repairs always en handi 93 ment has been partly defeated by the accident. I also sell the Mitchell Wagon, which An easy victory for Stanger's side. fraudulent contrivance of the bureau of A farmer of New England enc day la equal to any in the market. Every for freedmen and abandoned refuge After the conclusion of the game, the lands, also that the settlement covering went home from his field, after hid wagon guaranteed for ene year.. . The Coatea Look Lever Sulky Bake; players repaiied to the club room in the these delinquent claims have been filed ing his beetle and wedges in a hollow rear of Mr. W. H. Pidcocks store, where with the treasury by Gen. Howard and tree. That night he lost his reason, the Invincible Threshing Machines, with the Carey Mounted and Down Mr. Turner had prepared something GenlBullock. Their past success haa made After a debate, in which Hoar and and remained a lunatic lor eighteen good for the inner man, much to the Kasson defended Howard from these as- - years. A fortunate accident restor them the leading machine, because they satisfaction of the members of the Club. nertions. the bill and correspondence ing his mental faculties, be sat up in do not waste grain, thus saving enough over other machines to more than pay Songs and speeches were given, and the were ordered to be printed and recom bed and asked if the boys had brought cost of threshing, They run lightp mitted the beetle and wedges home. Being the party spent a very pleasant evening. It no endless apron, no numThe House then prooeeded te the conhaving told they had not, he went to the ber of belts, palleys, rollers,large is proper to state that the players en sideration of the bill andl &o.,. bounties equalizing and brought them they are eo eimple- - and compact, that joyed the timely relief brought by Mr. of soldiers, and was addressed by Thorn-burg- tree, found them, in its faver. The bill requires back. An English Captain, struck any one can understand aod run thenou John Fry, of the Grove Brewery. the expenditure of between $9,000,000 on the head at the battle of the Nile, successfully. A Cockle Soreen attached. Sale- Bend in your order early. and $10,000,000.' It was passed 141 while giving an order, remained un- yard 5th Street, Ogden, opposite Junc From Wt'lnetJut't Daily of June 21. 46. against conscious for for eighteen months. tion othee. The Speaker laid before the House a At my sure on Main Street I offer a Stat or Sentence. Jack Wiggins, message from the President in relation Being restored by a surgical operafull supply of all kinds of general merwho was. sentenced to be executed for to the extradition treaty with England, tion, be sat up and, to tho astonish k and refusal of that government to comply ment of his attendants, shouted in 8 chandise of the best quality at murder, having taken an appeal to the with its provisions in the cases of Wins- - stentorian voice the remainder of the prioes. You can do bo better anywhere-A full line ef gloves a Supreme Court of the United States, a low and Brent, based upon the act of order. It is not a little olothiag specialty. interrupted been has of the and sentence in 1870, granted Parliament passed stay setting remarkable that serious injuries have 3 s47-lW. 0. CHILD; d2 by the Supreme Court ef the Territory at liberty both the fugitives from justice matewithout brain to the The President regards it as an abroga occurred until next January. lion and annulment ef the treaty, and rial detriment to the mental powers, does not think it would comport with while, en the other Land, the most of this gov- tbe dignity and The Gen. James A. Williamson. critical and scientific examination of ernment to make demands oa the hnglish that matter of insane persons the intelligence telegraph conveys government for the surrender ef fugitive the brain the President has nominated Gen criminals, or to entertain any request of fails to disclose any difference be James A. Williamson, of Iowa, as Com that character from that government. tween it and the brain substance 9 He gives notice that without the further the saBe. Soldiers have been known EOUNDS WOOLJ missiooer of the General Land Office. action of Congress he will not make or in their brains with bullets to carry Gee. W. is well known in Utah.' entertain such requests under tbe treaty The message was referred to the com out serious detriment, and operations for ths removal of the balls, still fur- HAVING LEASED THS OGDKJf- WOLR. E. II. Rol inittee on foreign relations. United States Sb.xato-r- . and relltted arranged the umi to the bill a Riddle introduced repeal ther injuring the brain, had no effect with New Machinery, and cl the meet approved elecwas Has, a Republican yesterday ten per cent, tax on notes of Mate banks on their now am to I case furniih tbe pei'pl prepared is patterns, thinking powers. A of thil aud aurrounding Territorial and Sutee-witted to the U. S. Senate from New Hamp Referred. blow detailed of a man who received a Jene, l,iniv, Cleaveland loekiu, Fancy Lawrence (Ohio) gave notice that unshire. Money is supposed to have in CewtiBMree, Wool Dowiklni, UepellanUi, Plaonali, fractured the which head the on der an agreement of the judiciary comaud Stocking Yarn, of tbe very beet make, frcra fluenoed the election of the Legislators the vote on the bill for skull and caused a suppuration by No.l etock, warranted to give utinfaction, to all mittee who may favor me with their patronage. elected Rollins. who have-notbe Pacific railroad sinking fund would which more than half his brain was Tbe above detcribe-- t clothe will be kept connot be asked before the sixth of July destroyed. and yet he retained his stantly on hand for Adjourned. mental faculties in full force. tiU he Ezehanye for Wool, Grain, lodmg Powder Magazine. The committee and Cath.. died. of the City Council on public works,. SHCRTA.aY 0? .THE TrEASU!. As control loses sometimes The brain took a trip out this morning do select a Secretary New has resigned, his place Price paid for "Woelt In the muscular Bystam, as in St. Vi- The Highest Market of for the various kind of goodt location for the erection of powder mag- will have to be filled, but by whom is has tus' dance, in wbieh the patient niaaufautared at the Mill. azines, and we believe will reoommend not yet known. We have seen the name muscles. his control of no TWXLVE TEARS' IXPSRIKBCl. had voluntary naWng a point near the foot of the mountain of. Mr. A. U. Wyman, assistant treasurer. of the above Sometimes the physical spasm is in in thie Territory, I in the mannfactnre named article!, expect to manufacture ai good, due east of the County Court Rouse. of the a as probable recipient suggested one direction only, as in the case of goeda a can be made in. the Territory, or ted from any country. position. whose mental disease prompted is also said that Mr. Morrill has a lady who have w, ol to exchange tor good It Thoae t double-uThe her body and make will do well Junction Pkintino. OmcK. been tendered the aspoiniment. Time her to Business Manger of the Ogden Pub- will tell who is the luoky man, leaps like a fish- - A more singular TO SEE ME. BEFOBE MAJKIXG-(SALa case was that of & girl, who,, while lishing. Company basy in his officet Otf TIIZIJ WOOL. Estrat Notices, Persons whe may the fit of mental aberration was on eale-ri- or very handsome photograph of the have lost horses or cattle, or those who her. did nothing but repeat the action All Orders Promptly Attended tot. ofi the Jhhotion. Printing Office ADDKI3-:- : Mx. may wish, to buy,, are- respectfully re of standing on her head. These acts by in, exeouted. style good building,, the Junction to were in consequence of diseased ferred to. tbe notices-iH. Briuse,. photogxajhor, whose plae day, of District Poundkeepers, W. N brain. In health, as we all knowrthe UTAH WOOLEN ef buaiaes is on fifth, street, Og.da Fife. of. Oeden. and) A Madson, of ' OR SALT 1AM CITT, UTAH, Win exercises- - & control 'overt the and a. fair es whom, have of both, Tue.pieture- is a. good ee( Brigham. City, of voluntary action the gal- - trays in ttoir poseesaion, and. will eel minutse. not only ample of work turned, out from, also of memory;, but in. disease, but, .then, unless claimed by tse owners. oJt Mr, Brincfc. 3fee-tio- CoMiKO.-- The sunlight- Gravel. An Invitation. Congressional. , Wanted! self-respe- 50,000 - to-da- y, , ia-p- er - n . MILLS, j. w cc muses, brj |