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Show MM L3g FOREIGN. AMERICAN. President TLe J e.. to iiy A. iilmrusoo, of luwa, Commis-,-i.;nr- r (! :nir il (vfje Latil OiKce, aitJ i Will hiitiiJ it Hi l'i't: jidtnt ii There circulating aiuong a if; 7 Seunmrs. uii'l nHruiiy auibf iSjul tbi I'rtoi lent Iiim tendered f euruUiy of the TfcKsury the iUc r, Seuitor Mirrill, of Maine, ai:J tlmi i Utter lws the mtuier no w under deration. Morriil will neither attirro of tlie report, ii ir deny tuc coi reclin-tHud n in believed 10 be true. an Francisco, 20. A of oas Csulott, a tockbo!d-- i la tin v of tlij Ctutral 1'acific, ujruintit the coinpiiny. Jutie Mwrrteon, of the rendered a ojjrth District Court, to ctcmiun njuintog the director using the money oi tie Ouirul I'acific to the amouut of $1,000 000 eadoraed by tbe Central 1'icitiJ In U it decision the tourt gave no opinion that tbe guaranty rfboud by i be Central l'acifio was Dot binning ou the corpora- tiun The Bay Sugar Refinery, a 8eea tory briCK building, at tbe corner oi lUttery nud Union streets, was totally destroy ed by fire tarly litis morning; ton $d')0 000, insured $1226.000. Tbe owned by un incorporated Herman Meese pmideut. diii nutty, i:tiutii-- capacity, twclre tbousaud lou aunuuliy. United Statei Deteotifo Finnegaii this morning arrested Herman Uurris, at Mobawlt vl:ey, in tbe northern part of the Slate, a fugitive from justice trom Charleston, Mo., where be was a i jt'iobhiii, charged with defrauding creditors to tbe amount of $30,000.: lie Hjiplied fur release ea, a,wiil f . .;. btbeus corpus, , , i, ,, V.f?t.c.go, .29.: o-- A t-. The following, from Gibben's "Decline aud Fall," is worth reading now: liable . !;.: ''Righteousness exalteh a nation, but sin is a rpnacK to any people." ' Yours '' respectfully, ,,' "v""' ' .::';, ,;.u.s.gbaj!t;:;-- y In; ttltmeats Ccnutie. I'. 'WorAvrn - . OlOUIi IlltlXO : - WOOL Oil rn je,' -.- j I)ntj. tV- - :. ciy. . I isliof,tbehand.! r, u - it ,! -- m 1. f ....... . rni . r farm i, c; p ,...1-.- , aw Mr rrmy bxw 5 1 m h "vA m m a. .91 . .a c" CO t uh S c c c' i 2 h Sr. $5 JLiKuPPEI. lias no T11K superior for Light Draft and Convenience. -- AN1: I ' ftrrtlrZtn, sPbi:u.Y .v vi:tJ2TAELr. FRUIT? t ai; teuLn , .' ii.itu witb fitjei .Mfit'it a:c taihartic. t.i , .i.f.rui:ve U :v iv.u" Lifll- - TBIZG MO.rt'.EB cannot inri.OVD ' needs ouly to be tried. ., THE be teat ' All the McCorraiek Machines manufactured for the last thirty years have been noted for simplicity of construction, superiority wf workmanship aixl durabilrty. EVERY MACHINE FULLY CUARAFJTEED. Samples to be seen at 'Joshua Williams. Osrden; Goodwin Dros., Lo- an; Kichardon k Doupbiss, Smitl:3e!d; who are also Ageuti for the wtll s37 3m known FISH I3ROS. WAGOXS. i.ri',. t 'it w t t'.iv ai-f- - fl i' t(-- . ..i "nil ' i -i i- OGDEN Planing and He-Sawi- V ' i t . ocecf ii.' fi r u 19. ffl or.t to :o:- Doors Windows, Laih, is na bj a iai.'uU''.aa. mtit corJia. to .lircr'.toa t tlie Tliey we tlie slieot-tnehilebiiitat U. Thej-- act upon a diseased Btimula' isucb a oegrec Vx t a hhiBJglt's, xvstho. fo Vimiii nno T-w- u ti tliaVri Jirin. ;f;ti57ari t Ac, Jloulding:, &e. GIVE US A CALL AND EXAMINE OUR PRICES. e spU-ndi- Blinds, rickets, )ier, arju action Ij at on! brought atxmt. As remedy to which ui-ipftislly ,il.i.'t tt in r.:p6j. tii.iului.t. As Spi ltig edin(J every otl natl ,iiiunicr Tonic tiey buve no equal They :t mild tifl gnnUu Puigaiive dh well ,u Tonic. Tho.T. pw'ijy tlw V.ooJ. , Tlwj- Apprtizor. Thcj mokeiUe weatstroitg. y cure DysThey i tfy aud iiwigorafp. pepsia, Coifetipatioa nd HetMbefm., Tligy act wldcli Befiao la all i;eciei uiiilcrminc tli bouil. stremtb Mki break do .t Mills, ng LUMBER YAliD, lJVD IC.i. s -- of.Tege. , "That may be," said.the Colonel, tlie oIm;4 Uesiroyed- - The data-- ; "but you've bef n ou a fmlougl j uuwbs?, and canaat bow be tlrilyj I ever bvuee knew you." 5 ..:,v.v.i i uz: v i Is") 'I v n 01 if iu t'i-- ; Ajsr;e"'i .NiilciVvne. V e c: o. H CQ , lkiley, of tho Dmbury No.ws, rewas standlates this: Colouel 1 iu the square at Rethel, the other ing day, when he spied a farmer who sorae wetks ao, hal sold hiui a load of very 'crooked'' hay. The patty in quastiau is an active proies sor of religion and a most "zealous worker for his ywn pocket. The man's profession and practice being in 8ach marled contrast caused the Colonel to Ce him with dislike. When he came up the Colonel charged him with deception in the matter of the hay. The skinflint . The stoutl? denied the char-re- O. Coloutl drew himself ap to full heigit and disdaiut'ully observed: aui a soldier sir uot a Har." "So am I a soldier" cried the promoter of "crooked"' hay. 'you!'' cjaoulated the Coloncr, in a tone of disgust. "What kind f a r. soldier are you?" : ."I'm.a wldier of the Cross," aait) the tkindiut, with a detestable flour-- ' th-re- io. Pie-ton&C- ft M.flC5 The government saw mill at Fort waa totally destroyed by ,fire tuis uioruing. The engiueer, saaied lv'J;ht, was baruiidto detth ,r Cleveland, 0 , 20, List night, ft a tar on the S ou'h Side treet railway was giing dowa Seneoa M root hill, tue brake give way, letting ike oar down the bill at a rapid speed. WIm'u tbe car struck the bridge, tbe bor.ea 'oacmie- looxened, an away; the car jumping the ttacb, planged into tbe canal,' a distance of about twenty fwt.. Three passengers were carried dwn ito the water. Mis. Gertrud Djriaril, a widow iaiy furty-fivyear of was taken-- from the watnr dead Vis Emma Lundsbnrg, and W. Kelley were severely injured. Mhsksgee, I. T 20. A terrific haiUtorca passeJ over Sou'h Canada )bt unraiug. The course f tbe fruia west l&east, ru& Tared stwriu w ia iriiib from a half to two mile. Tina, of bar was blown down, Ueea stripy MkJX ,J if we are occupied from morning till night, shoald Sitarr get in, he' rtmst break, through the dour. Under sov erelgn grjee, and next to faith, there js no better shield against, temptation than obedienoe- - to the precept that ye be "No nlothful in business: fervent iu spirit; scrring tbe Lord." Russell a and " ,S)me temptations come to the industrious, but 11 teuiptutioDS attavk the idle. Id'.o Chribtians are not tetnwted of the devil so much as they ui) prompt tne uovu ine'i!.,j Idieuess sets tlxe di)or of th heart fi)at, and irsks. S ttau to couie io but command. tation in ge done ' ii. y aid,.verj pQis its iraok 1 1 hi W OO JL. CAR iof thjrsurround and ' iu-sitl- u tbeir leaves t, Cai diug Maehiua y ' ' ' uiered'out : "0 Lord, we thank you: we arc much oblicetf Ao you. Yturs reycep k d 1 " Of Logan, JVis endorserueot of a sud-tleul- j - R - 1 ji.-.,- mmmm 1 ! IN EXCELLENT .RUNNIMQ ORDER, ' '," ', lie fa now prepard to ; passage of the I'rfstdent. la a re Senpture- by; ceftt letter reminds ua of the story f a b.ttiifulj'polvte man who wns asVed toVsay grace at the tablo. lie had never doae it iu his lifo, and with much embiirrussment he staui. ni'ht , ' 1 a' i irCORMICK HARVESTING MACHINES ' wiib h Couitaeuioratire vasu at Chickerioj? li t)!, beforo an itntnense iiine. ttvei.kl apffoprute fpuetBeS made. cjuv, j u i... , v Li -- 0J '? HartfertlrCsno., Tbtllouae cf lepreevotaiivcs t iday parsed, tbj a vote, of KMi to 70,, a bill allowing women oer I went 'one years i f whohold pruperty to tbe ahiount ft" tfiiOO to-- vote itt tcbool, bsrougJt aud v; ; r. lowu titctioua. u... t Cheyenne, Wyoi.O. The Crow and tfnukti allies baVe joio-'ti on. Crook on Gossfr Creek; the ivuitnaud luareliel on" the IDtb iust., oxpecuiif; to utrike the eoic6ined Sl'oux linder Sitting Bull and Craiy Horse of four days.The Crows report Huving seen a lurgc iSioux village on To.iguo river. Otn Sbendan arrived trom Fort Laramie and left fos tbe aai now at Fort The Fifth 10 iay. iuraiuie. are ordered to aune north ward along the Powder river trail and co operate with Gen. Crook, more in intercepting Indians coming Col. Stantoa joins Ibis southward v.t-r- 20-l- THE CBLEBBAT HIID ; . hj ha put our V to Ualvanlsod Sheet Iron Cornk mad 10 order. Self Labelling, Soldered, Top fruit and. Uouey Can 1 specialty in ikeii season. ' Orders from the country promptly filled and (hipped. Warehouse and Wockidiops, Wwt Temple St., Laura (who is still a triflo roman SALT LAKE CITY, tic) : "Don't yon think there issoaie- ' Opputite City Meat Market. thioe; 'very solemn abnut the fall of . . P.O. Box, 306 ' ; siily the dead leaves, Kegjualdf Reginald, ler husband (who has " CARDING MACHINE. outgrown hw' romance): uVry (Pause)' 'Talkinff of dead leaves,, SJtCUI'ED TUB SERvfcE3 OF EI what have I done with uiy tobacco T' HAVrNO iitCHLiy. a. Carder of loag experi-en- " wa Salt Lake City, Utah. - Prose. 1 Hrya-n- t DON'T FORGET THE tnt'-d- from at hgency repri j ubsent, ; Toe tiQeu4 alleges (bat tbey ar bunting, aud luge aaiouuts of pelts are being brought in, but lite agetit an Indian try 10 disjrui.oc tbe fct ttit their No yung iimii are geuer'tlly absent. traces ot Mitta me reported, b iliiuck UilU parties, e xoept by, 4 rail leading north. ; Il ia believe i tbey baTe.gOJie (0 mee( Terry. Pers.iin well informed do not beli've that the' Iftdi tins wth attack nay so.tia'iit east ol tb JJisiourl river,' ut iu case ot a jrumtriil Ind to warv it neHtiehiniB'jiu VVjouiing.' and Nubratka ri.l sull. r.,.. A trtua of sixty wagons leaves, t?tnorrow with supplies tor tbe j'.iack II p.V'" Trains are'nowrgin'ued, t.nd''wiU ran ieguUrly erery ted tlays A tery large party will j leave on July 4..U. Neatly all tue Uismavck bUuisM fetabiUbuteuis at Crook City. tue a 'C New Vork, 2a Cu)rn e clse-wher- v. ' ., Bis-nare- y llo-Pip- ftpeeiat bmvs reSundinf- - Rock 3,000 Indiabs advices ? Kir-b- , k Goods of the Choicest Selections , , rt.cei-td- . limes'-fomarc- . iwUx "The policy of the emperors and to. bunincsf. rrrmnptli he senate, oh far as it coocprncd reMitctteU Hayrmn, CTiiV, H'liecUr seconded the by ligion, 'ias happily reflection of thf enlightened, and by tho habits of the superstitious, flit DAVID various mtides of worship, which prevailed in the Roman world, weie Tinner. Gam, Water A Jit earn Fitter. all considered by the people as (Succtirtor to MitcV II A Jauioi.) equally true; by the philosopher as 4 FCI.L LINK OK BLACK ANDGLVASUKD Iron l ipe hhi) fittings kpt in uto.k. equally false; and by the magistrate ' and KittiiiKt f r gains. Auent for ume' And thu- tolera as equally cllrated tore ud Lilt ruuipi. Pumps retion produced not only mutual indul paired, aud V limp 1'utings on . gence, but even religious Guueurd rURACE WORK AND EOOFIMJ, w-- V". The1 ILLIAM JENNINGS, SNS z SADLER Easrle Emporium. Importers. Jobbers and Retail , Dealers in General Merchandise. Have just receiver a Hew Stock cf Dress W fron the Latest from the European Markets; alsr ImportationsStock of Notions, Staple and Fancy an immense Boots and Goods, Shoes, Men's atg. etc. Dry In their Gr c ry Department, in tho Basement, you will find a large Stock of the Choicest "IV. F. FISIIGIt, Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Crockery. All of which they are selling; as Cheap if noi NOTARY PUBLIC, t ttcho Co., heaper than any other house in Utah. Thereliiohmond, Land and other derdt drawn up and ac fore persons wishing to purchase Roods will find and general knowUdgrJ, ajiduriti attended rial it to their interest to call and examine pr ces Cayuga Jgrnt fur etc. and quality of good3 before purchasing and machiua. Sulky Hakes, aiiimt hamls higli, ha one wbit-Iml foot. I will pa' aMe''al rward for any that will leaJ t his rtcorcry. JOSKfU StWELL. Ogileu, Jmie2r,d, 1S76. Timely Extract from ust-ful- BEHIND TIM TSxlTHPrTW' 1 ahoiil-0"r;tlii- , l, ly -- man, observe a d to-f!t- y. iin-caic- know-- ff Ininiiu of i he .Uiaes D.ivta n?nt for ituberu Ai).cbce Agency 111 New Moxicj Treufur?r NVw Ins written a leMer of eiJcct fn m July lrtt, resign lion, ly nu To ,'.. Domiunted , NEVER how he 'ttim bis objest rather than how he t Vienna, 20. of Servia for cession of loses it; for when we fail, our pride i Tbe demands terrt cry seem to be much moderitted, snpport-s-; , when we succeedpit beand tbere is fcbw no question of the an , us; v.""'' Servia may trays noxation of all of Bosnia. in tha pacification of offer to A Voung doctor to a lady patient: a portion of Zwark "You must take exercise for your Ionia in return -on the Servian bank of the Drina, and health." "All right," said she, I'll jump the notification of her frontier line. married " were Tbev at the first oifer It is ayt-rtethai tbe mother of the in about six montths. late sultuu instigated Hassan to assas Minate Avoi lJaiOa, and furnished t.im ' STOLEN '.08 STRAYSB. with all the necessary infor'aatio of the niinicter'a movement by nians of epiea THE Kit RANB. he dark l.rown whom ehe employed for tue purpose. FROM 6 WESolil, S on lett biaiiflerl year BY TELEGRAPJL ' ECCLES C3-IESOis- T. . ' " , ' ' 'earner of Co., Fourth and Franklia Sts , OgdeH. will receive or'tJerTirTM ES' ENGINES and EMPIRE and CAMj p?AW MILLS, SHINGLE and LATH MACHINES, CORN M1LIA .&e.f &e. Also v the St. Lotits. INVINCIBLE THRESHES' G '. 'MACHINE t with . CAREY TOWER. .Send Joi r.S-- We riabl, Ketr TorJ 1 .V I |