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Show f'T BY TELEGRAPH CELEMIATM t f 3 : Ogden.; ! tit Ik f" i I ft i ' r It, , A AMERICAN. Washington, 21. an Repreaentaim Senator Sargent died on Attorney General Kft with reference to the published re Jon that be is preparing n opinion and l0 tbt l'acific Coast Chinese the ou question. a e ihem that, tins is Mr Tuft iisuure-bis and that on the contrary bo far as he has formed aiij, Le all in favor of the uioement. has not yet accepted. Mr be had not friends bis He told he would accept or vet decided whether ii wou't take not but even il be doen, bills the &er appropriaiion till place of Morrill commission The are passed of the Treasury, was os Stcretary ibis afierneou. President the by signed of the quickone as noted beiug This ik est executive actions of the character that uas ever been consummated. Rumors have been following one upon re tno'her in fact succession re further Treasury changes, gariuiir eijCiiaiiuna and new appoiniuieuls. The coiniiiii'ee on banking and curto day rency h 'd under consideration the repeal of ihe specie 8 b, u act. Two Hmeiidtmmn will resump be uli .we i to tie ottered in the Hoime. cne f'r i lie HCcumuUtion of co n in the ireasurv. prep iraiory to lemuipiion of and tbe other providspecie pyu)euts1 the funding of greenbacks. The ing for committee was evenly iii ided as to reone member being abporting sent. Another meeting will be held to 6.e ad-IJ- L een-iiuen- 'Jopo-uion- uo-iru- Mt-rn- l' to-da- tr meeting of the various committees having the above in charge was held in the Episcopal Schoolhouse, Mr. Stanford in the chair. J,t was unanimously resolved that the following prngramnie should be carried out subject to such alterations in the order of procession as may be found necessary. Some changes having been made in the various com mittees the meeting decided to request the newspapers of the city to publii-the committees 'names attached to the programme. A committee of two, Messrs. W. N Fife and Jas. Allen, were appointed to ' h citiz-n- s and request their ce in operation making the day one bng to be remembered. - to-tla- ' mation The Republican convention at Michigan Citj, in tbe thirteenth district, nominated W. II. Calkins. New Orleaus, 21. J. Marshal of the duy. Aides to the Mainlial Fort Badger Miliary Hand. of ihn "Landing Representation Goddess ef Columbus." (Tableau ) of ty nirronnded by Leather and Findings, Hardware, Horse and Mule Shoe3, Tire Iron, Hoes and Rakes Plows, They Offer at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES, Masons Odd Fellows. Fire Brigade. Band of tbe various Trades 100 School Children. Little Old Folks. eec-reta- ry FREE n " .. .". WATSON will receive, prompt attention;: V.y.TJV-- l .S. B. Clawsonr" ; h CO-OPERAT- :V.l arc .' : tf?ti !.;; e- - ' : TTS. 1 OODS ' " :'! ' 1il";"'J- - t M a ::HSACQDE; COATS', "VESTS,' ft ,oJ-- ;h JUHPKltS,aiitl OVBAIilS.' , ; XS , r. V-skm FOR AND WHOLESALE SALE, " " I VI i'r ..R c it?'. AT RETASL, ' .i',! ' 1 ' f . Ogileir and Salt Lake, : J: ' siytf ; : WALKER BROS :EO,;. :;l. .M WE; iDIllCAGO SCIIITTLK!l'S PI3TER To all who aro suffering from tbo rrors avi in discretious of yoatli, nervous weaktu'st, early loss of manhood, ic ,1 will nd a wipe tltut CltAKOE. 1 hm great will cure you. FHfcK rfuiBdy was dincorod by a mitsiouary in fcouth enVolopa to tbe America. Send a Rev. .Ioheph T. IxsAS, Station D, HMf, Jfoutt t4S 6ci Au) York City. y; : ; y WAGONS. All Sixes Itept.toix Hand. Buckeye Reapers ', JK J- L- P"" 't,,lir vftOn ' flr at hmne' Arotir. wanted. Outfit CO., A3ista, iVXCl aud ' tenui ties. .TCK Maine. ' - i -- "ly ' ' The iiad'iDg 'Harvester lin" the 'market.' ""Abead 'of alf Cbmpetit6'! ia ' ,' ?. it'',,. I V'"": A?ric'a!tijra trials;! , 1 ini. " d;yieoi 3m - i CANNOT -"'' I'E ! 1 '."EXCELLED. All f Kinds bf Farming 'Impteiri ents, Jron w;v steclVugon "Timber,, Etc., t,;U 1 " f i . OBSTACLES TO MARUt AGE. t . sit-l- y Por'Iand, Maine. rtn f n A " - lomfl ;. Sample ftTisso.i k Co. fre. 1 and-Mower- s. The Simplest and raoss durable icacbine ever offered to Utab Farmers. . .'i- ,: .'iv full Hue of repairs always in fctock. t Ma:i-tioo- d, Planter. . ;t. . The snails ate up the 11 A P?Y RELIEF VOU TOrXfj'jIES from the put. upon the river, and in the meansnails the 'eflect of Krror and AhnaCe iniarJy life time aeaw mill is (he ebickens bte up already ca the way the r Iniili'Ufnw to restored. 10 make lumber fur tbe settlers. The neiizhbur's cats' 'ate up the "chickens: moVed. New method '( trfatnteut,juarri;i;e Netr ud ifBiarialdft company to whichMheee gentlemen l'ok uoilm ". Pf ,,t and we "are now 'in. 'searefc.pf, fomf; Um, iu fctalod eavli1!. Ait'hrtS H(WAKl have built' a dam and taken out '.the cas! (,an ASSOCIATION, iVA'Tf. Xin U X.'PPhiiiKiplpliia, will "up that tat thios ,v'er for irrigating purposes at an exbiviiw nMi.UitJMi tir an timtitiitNtu aUlyb our agricultural friends aid J'a., pense of .nl r:!'iL lioti'.r We coiiuu'.-- 41, J pmtt-''any SG.000 a Pre.ctt f i v) lea? ban, , .iff- Man' can afford ; to' bo withdnt thm. Railroad artner. McchaDic or " jfoue'" CBuine"iuless branded Let! Strauss &' Co., On a Buck- - ' ".'i- -. Ticket. v;.J at'l Ala. i y, s M-- v. Utah for the Celebrated' California "I u' V" . CARD. . us I. Sole Agents y for, IIUNTIXG AXI and Pure Ari-en- ': J. t nail ' .""'r" rs UGG I S g i ;;' ; A. STREET, G S. EKB, M. II. BEARDSLEY, . iESIVETBff Hides, Wool, Grain, Butter, Eggs, aud all kinds of produce taken. ; I Committee to represent Shoemakers, W. C. Tailors, Painters, Blacksmitns, Carpenters, Hamessmakers, Tanners and Messrs. A. F. Farr, M. Buchmil ler and T. allace ' Committee to represent Merchants, Printers, Jewelers, Butchers, Sewing Machines and Tinners Messrs. James CORNER FIFTH &. MAIN STREETS, Alien, W A. Wade and 8. S. Schrara Woolen Factories, Farmers, Broom ' ' Ogden, Utah. makers, Masons. Millers II. B. Scoville, R. Ballantyne, J. J. Clayton. 1 JZ " Committee on Music K D. Brown, ' And Dealers In A Bruckman, Jas. Allen, ,A. S. Condon, YUiics S. S Schrara Liquors ' Committee on Fireworks Jas. Allen, (Imported and Domestic). F A. Shiells, C. L Peenles. Marshal of the Dat. WM. N. FIFE. :. also A meeting of the various committee will be held next Tuesday evening, at PAINTS, OILS AND COLORS. the City Hall, at 8 o'clock, sharp, when the members are requested to report to Prescriptions carefully compounded, the Chairmau of Committee on Proces all hours of the day or night. at sioS. The attendance is requested of all citizens who may .desire to aid in making this a truly grand Territorial Cele bration. By order of Central Comruilteo: A. E 1 KT Wc Genoiiil Merclandlse, . ( 1. IVE s WARNER YOUNG, t v: j THE tlTTLE GIAXTI I 9ih." A' H I 1, r, S. S. SOH RAM, Messrs. Creer and Dayton, of tbe A. S. CONDON, Miirmon colony, en Lir tie Colorado, in J J. CLAYTON, tliis county, have been in town onring 11 A. WELLS, the week, and called us. From upon th-s- e , D. ALEXANDER, m gentlemen, who are well posted as o the operations and intentions of thev Church In eacouneingtbe establishment of this colony, we learn that in case Good and bad men arc each less they succeed in raising a good this crop year so than they seem. ft they believe tliey will, they'll ?e Lai Partial assurance from President B. Gqo little 'garden' patch" of ours loung, that "next ye'ar a woolen faeiory has been very profitable this seasou. aud. other machinery will be sent out cucumbers nwly . f. T4ie Mormon Colony, Miner, Ju Call and see us. . DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, .......... ... ..: If..'' VI. on JAS. ALLEN, M BUt'HMILLER, F. D GILES, . be--nn- vioinity. .ii. (Tableau.) Citizens in carriages. ' Country Bands ' Citizens on horseback. Committee on Procession Mesrs.Jos. Stantord, L F. Moncli. James Allen. A. All ers addressed to Ii, S. F Farr, W A Wade, A. J. Fhelpn, Tbos. Wallace. R Ballantyne, M. J J. Clayton. Committee to reprerent Goddess of Liberty and Thirteen Colonies, also all s4-tthe States and Territories of the Union Messrs. L. F. Moneh, Thos. Wallace and A. C. Brawn. ' Committee to provide Children's Choir Messrs.. A. J. Phelps, C. U. Goodwin and Wui. Pugh. , Committee jo repreFOnt signing of the Messrs. Declaration of Independence FRAXKLIY Winslow Farr, Barnard White and H: B. STORE. : Scoville. t ' ' Committee to provide One Hundred All klnJt of 12 of School Children, not under yea-A. F. Farr age Messrs. R. Ballantyne, ' . and T. D Dee WHOLESALR AND RETAIL, . to Committee represent the Landing df Columbus J G. Chambers,; Samuel AT THE LOWEiT POSSIBLE PRICES Eggleston and J. J. Murpby. . Bucb-mille- tui To tbe Family Trade of Ogden Representation . FOREIGN. ' London, 21. A dispatch from Berlin says that one captain and six lieutenants of the Chinese army have 4rried i here accredited by i hina, and bearing a request to be allowed to serve a term in the Prussian army, for the purpose of studying the German military system. The request was granted A Sheffield telegram soys a further reduction of 12J per cent, iu miners' wages in the West Hiding of Yorkshire U about to be made, and it is thought ii will be accept d by the men Th of the Miners' Uuion Las written to all tho Miners' Lodges that we are cn the eve of a terrible crisis, and that there is not to be a strike, but that terms must be made somehow. Ho as sures them that if a strike is begun there is every likelihood of its coming out with a possibility of having to submit to a still greater reduction. Garden Wheelbarrows Union Orator of the Day". Invited guests Officers of the Coun'y Court Mayor of tbe Ci'y. City Council. Ogden Brass Band. Cur-rie- ' Spades, Cook Stoves and Ranges rARKlXSOXuptT l Hails, Shovels, thirteen original States. Representation of "Signing Declaration of Independence " (Tableau ) All the States and Territories of the COMMITTEES TO REPRESENT VARIOUS TRADES AMI) 1SDU8TRIE8 : ward Lanard. of Carroll parish, has been nominated f orCougrvss by the P.epub.icans oi the filth district. D. E taple and Fancy Groceries Order or Profession. Tke Post's it is thought ,., WriOXS, ROOTS. .SHOTS. HATS, CirS and IiOTIH Wliieli together xvilh a large and varied stock oC wait Hf on morrow. Washington diepatch says here that Blaine will be appointed tp fill Morrill s ufiexpireJ term in tbe Seuate. if he will accept. The President has sent to tbeSenatea message nominating Senator Morrill, of Maine, to be Secretary ef the Treasury. New York, 21. A Times Washington special says tbe House committee en expenditures on Public Buildings are investigating the New i'oi k poet "jffice. Several witnesses are already examined and u.ore are It is alleged ihit to follow. has been expended, on tbe building in excess of the amount appropriated, and this in violation of law. 5:120,000 of this is still due and unpaid. . The par ties who furnished the labor and material art clamorous for their pay. it is not charged that the deficiency comes from corruption. An explosion occurred in Wolfe's torJ., this pedo fuciory in Greenville, Two boys, Louis Ness and afternoon. Charles Segal were killed. The following were injured: Dord Arnold and Jacob Van Clef, fatally; Lizsie" Hermann, Johu Kobeuback, Henry Schuhet, Brehen, Tilliam Gitnbert. Tbe forewau was seridusiy, and several oibr3 slightThe cause js unknown. ly, injured. Indianapolis, -- 1. Tho Republicans of the fifth Congressional d strict at Richmond, Humiliated (Jen. .Tom lirowue by accla- Are now receiving their Spring Stock of 10-Cia 0FFlCESf-Salf.Lak- e, Corione'a'dd Main Street, Ogda h v.;y |