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Show debt and duties on foreign BolUiMlstakeiu The public will be glad no doubt the public used to float' the war was imports, (9gdm Lord Seaforth, whe wa of the patty avi of the people, acl to larn from his own lips that Ulys- bunds of the government at par, and born Published eery WKDNESDAT ud 8ATCK.DAT ot in the interest of any one maa or ses S. Grant is willing to surrtnder the design wa, Mr. Doolittle main- and dumb, was to dineone day wi,l by the OODCH POBLUBINO COXPART. Hayes, tains, to make- the bonded debt pay- Lord Melville. Just before for his present positioo to Editor. set f men; it was not ordained t'karlc IV. the same kind of doilars in ot the company 8 arrival, the benefit of Cass Polk Douglas and that he will do so with unfeigoet) able i which it was created. But having vi le sent ,uto the drawin-- Jo I 15 lias bea said freqneotly YT alter Thomson, Business Xaiir. w any other man, and if it gave- us pleasure all private creditors by b y of W acainta cheated knew talk with her fin.r Polk, it furnished us with a very by peopJ.3 who tbooght they J..L thanking the value of the dullar in surot would 18G- -, the republicans deternixed in that she mighj recejve The- rule- did not tHe President, that he cood President. Ud $ OftDFJY. UTAH. the position to aoy one t;o IStJ'J to cheat the publie 'debtor by render in 1848 Cass defeat and the party SATURDAY. JUNE 24. 1&76 Presently I.ord Guildford entered changiu" the value of the dollar oaee That defeat fas brought about by loo as he lived. room-- , ana the the disthis did more. They lady, taking hin he that is It however, noticeable, the bolt of Martin Van Buren aad , the war dollar so that it for Lord to play her began, honoring TO OUKi:!4OXIEATS. his friends, many of whose adherents believes he will guireuder to Hayea; should not be rceeivabta for the lingers nimbly; Lord Guildford did It w'U' save trouble and emljarraamisnt if would like to see th-- rule his faith is but feebly exposed, aad priucipal of the war boud. The cu- the same, aad they had beea cariv. no doubt, or those on luirt either private, rious results of deuiouHizing the war ing on a couversatioi in we judge, as feebJy Jelt. abrogated now for a purpose. writing for publication in the Ju.vjtiok, will are worked out ia detail in the Mia.u .dollar and be governed by the following. rule: !eB,niinut09r w'a Lad But how about surrendering bis We thiuk if the St. Louis Conven nble 'una and illustrations are given, on them. IIer fenmij 1 ,1 for if only joined publication, letter, Writs, ahal! ot a tirtt "f var, ('iv0 real unine of writer, tion is wise, ic will continue the rule position to. a Democrat if oue h w those who friend immediately said : in figures showing, fur publication but for promoiml "Well. I have beeu talkin-awin farce, and mako the nominations be elected? Are we to infer that to turued gold iutb war mouey, worth tion, lty briet but explicit. J bwdiuwuf the 0(('len Publishing to this dumb man." and investto refuse will such a one on 'I Honilirect he the give sixty cents dollar, to Waiter TUotmtoa, llunimws in the interest of the party and of the "Dumb!" cried Lord Guildford--bles- s We can tell Mr. Grant tha ed it in war bonds,, receive back the Mnagr. auu not to gratify the per place-r;i Jf tor publiciitiou direct Editor Onots Ju0-lio.- l. couutry. with ten tie, I thought that you were be 'iveu coin wt i'ch they paid out, sonal ambitioa of any particular as his preseut position mu-idumb." and bouus coin interest "a .cent, per itiraut. This cours", we have no upon the 4th of. March uoxt, no of almost seventy per cent, on the . xxloan. It 1in tins way ooe- matter who may be elected to fill it. uriginal AUTMOltlZEIi AOESTS.. doubt, the convention will pursue. is to be able to If Gov. Hayes proves to be the mau 'ourlh was added to the burden of restIt a pleasant put to Hit following jimhm art authorized to that has been story Mr. the going Doolittle, t,fr wh shall be legally elected, to him public debt, says collect tuberiptioni and Irantact any lun-vrounds of the press, and has received OVER. FLOPPKU bondthe and to "the subsidy given in connee'ed with the "Junctiun" Office must the place be surrendered. If holders by that act demonetizing war special attention at the har,ds of New York journalists, conceraiV their rupentive nrUlementi. received been has news Since tha Thomas A. Heudricks, or Samuel money as legal tender fur war debt, the alleged vandalism of the public Logan, Providence and MillvUle, M. J. at Boiso of the reoort ot the House Tilden, or A C. Dodge, or any other was five tiuic-- greater thau the subin injuring the pictures and Hammond. committee- on elections in favor of Democrat shall receive the highest sidy to the Union Pacific railway statuary id Memorial Hall, and that the Au all its Mobiliers." with Credit Smlhfidd, Hyde rurk mid Rirfancnd, If. Fenn, it i amusing to see the mau number of electoral votes, to such trian Commission had closed their A. liable. This was not enough, however. Aa in Statesman the which Idaho ner be the now must assigned position JF L. Webster. act was passed Feb. 12, 1S73-- which department because fiujury to their l ranklin side to the on other over occupied by President Grant. Jamri Unmeorth. flops altered tiie value of the dollar once pictures. Inquiry into the matter Jfyrum has me the informatioa from During and after the election, All settlement on the vest Me ef Bear By the way, what does tho Presi more, by demonetizing silver mak- the given very highest authority that River, in Cache Valley, J. IS Barker. Bennett, according to- the Statesman, dent mean by sayiBg that he will ing it legal tender only for uiu3q-dc- r whatever had been iaflietedr five dollars. This review of the WJldrd, Malad City, Willow Spring and was excellence the people's Dele surrender his office oa tho 5th of and that the Austrian Commission par fiuao.eial record of the Samaria, Jot, W. Dudley. had Ilia 6ucceszor will be in iniquitous sent a note to the Centennial accomplished!, gentleman March? gate; abl, Ck A, Robinson, pany i' power leads up to the so Commission Farmingtn,.... to and Mr. Graat Fenn, augurated on the 4th, an! denying that their infinitely superior called resumption act, which is deWelUvilla-...- ... S Voppleton ly had been old will on thai day become a private nounced us a mere partisan pretense, injured by tie pub. A. Shaur whom it describes as "that dirty I'araifse. lic, an$ that several f their other no sayiug citizen, in evil its be having "position" influences, impossible to K. N. Austin Democrat," "stupid old Fenn," &c. Bear Lake Valley were pictures to surrender.. the voyinjuretfduring carried and not intended by its out, Salmon Now, the Statesman, says: "U is due Coalville --Jam and here, one age their rf .t,ttn. authors to go into effect. W. JL Anderson- to Mr. Fenn to mutilated siace its arrival, by one of J'oatagt... say, that thi(tlse re Thus far Mr. to Djolittle argues ..... IS COXTEX- - wards the .....X't Whittmr port) is matter of sincere congratula- THE ST. I-Morgan Co foreign workmen, but that friends in their position of there- was no ether foundation fur TIO.Y. Addtt all business communications, tion to every: oitiaeo. who voted for Ohio, but he can go no furtner, aud WALTKR Tll&SSOX, it remains to be seeu whether Mr. the stone in circulation. It is. himand cause of regret to none." Now that the Republicans have . , Busineo- Manager-is disposed to a.dvace aud gratifying to be able to record The fact isr tha-- last electioa ia spoken at Cincinnati, and tha world Ewing for tlie stories first ciyeulaled meet him. So do so be must acBozZl, Ogitms Ut. Idho Teiritory, and printipally in is apprised ofi t candidates- selected knowledge the-- limit ef 400,000,000 cast infinke discredit udoh n n . people. Oneida County, was a shameless and the platfona- upon which the 6et by Congress to the issue of legal AS IXXOVATIOX VliO. fraud, aa waa plainly proved at the tenders-owar money; must confess campaigs is to be carried on, the oux nonaal condition is that of that time by ;the .yeon'a pablic mind 'is exercised over the E3TRAY SiOTICE. a with a double standard, cooaaunity The first Democratic National Con- triumph and liecnett's defeat,. a?e coming struggle at St. Lsuis; we use gold asd silver, and no paper money vention, was bald at Baltimore in aonclaslve evidence that the present the term because we struggh, pre that is uot redeemable in coin; aud r HAV IN MY FO3SES8r0tf THE FOI.LO.- fwas and retiie-meofficershav of four Oneida bo 1S32, forty Couoty years ago, sume there will be a vigorous contest must acquiesce in taken urny w.tbin tea dav, wi b lolif til war ef Culled to-- Uattnoubj the party and just right to their respective posi- not mouey an that normal to the biiOient bid.ler at Stray Pmmi, only on the part of men. seeking condition is reached ID Oirilt Citv. oh Mi.th. Jul. uoite upx a candidate- fi o'clock p.m. tions, and that th members elected nominations, bu over the plarforra. The letter is respectful aad concil One nwa mare, 4 Teem old, Ieg black, black tho candiduU- - ft)3 Psei-den- to the Territorial Legislature woe mane nd toil. Lraudea J II cemliawl Rod Son UVtr Dispatches of yesterday, from New iatory in tone, aud does not propose shoulder; Am . yoHn mnre colt with ber. (Jenoaal Jackson, bekigalraadj equally unentitled to their seats.. One red and white bull. 2 yew old, wait it that the politicians of to undo any ot the acts which it York, sho-red, round eyee , point of ri&ht uori cut off. We hope- th people- of Southern that 3tat are turning, out ia force, criticises except the demonetizing of face, with upper cut In right born, nader agreed urpo by common couseul. noli, out of silver and the fixing of a dute for re- left ear, no brand visible. Ju thi wofentiou the following Idaho-wi-ll watch all the corners at aocae- oi them WILLIAM N. VlYt having already started N. Y. World. DUtrict Pound kocr, resolution was adopted :. the next elaction, be cestaia to com- for St. Louis. It' is- said that Kellv sumption. Otden. June 21nt, 1878. 2t l Rewind, That eaehStuis be euti-th- d ply with, the- - Uw in. every resect is oppesed to Gov. Tilden, asd thai in tha Dorjtinatioo bo be tuado themaehres, arwi take eare that their he iiQ) favor f Heudbieks. for the a number The antt Tammany prty is- sur Aiiec Relics iu Illinois. IBTRAYJiOTIGE. enemies obtain no illegal advantage of votes equal to the auuibor to posed to go strongly for Tildea, and FOLLOWING DESCRIBED 4NIMALS If THK which they will lo entitled- in- the OTer them, as at the last election. will be repiesented in force- at the and taken oany within ten daj Captain El P. ForcL, an enthusias will be claimed sold Thnrsday, at 4 p.m. at llv We are glad to nots that Feco electoral colleges, under the new convention-bpeculatioos are- rife as tic stadent of history and habits of Efitray Puuud, Brigham June24h, City. One cri'er niare. rutrh.m. a . o ni.t in voiiaj; for President v oo to hi ightsy thus showing to what the convention will do with HIH, ' the ancient mound builders, and who aembluuNaon lea aide of DKk, Suanldh brant and Vica Presitietrt- - andi that tlie on financial left . thigh, a bell on her. question, uianv are of has thai he is- worthy of the poopl-- ' supOm light unearthed inauy valuable sped Uy mare muley perhaps 4 years oiJ.. of the whole number of votes Aba it will adopt a hard opinion N K iri branded uu left nt - tibe haypy toanaouuae .wvn, .in. iuh iuj . t . 1 ia the convention shall be necessary port, aodahall eaers Deiievs tnar mens of skulls, implements, etc.,. be- (.Xher brands on left thigh. mouej piatiorm, A. JHADSOJf,' his occupancy of the seat of Dele it will demand a a choice." n t repeal of bac re longing to Shis little known people, fro:nJune in Idaho. The sumption act of 1875. l Srigham (Sty, 18th, 1378. 2t Congress This rule has prevailed at every. gate haa shown as what is evidently an will follow sait, of Sfe&tcsmua, course, p Pcmocratio convention! ield aioce. anaient idol, taken from a mound in always patting the wkmiag horse. "We do not remember that any very the neighborhood of Piasa. It is a BooJlttle and Ewing. havo heretofore serious objectionsof a human head, and A and iiteresting letter from representation its general contour ia undoubtedly of beeu urged to the ruie, or nry efforts p. ex Senator J. B. Dwlittle, of Wis- the Aztec mould. It ia some six uude to repeal it,, though at the pro-O consin, to Thomas Xwiog, of Ohio, inches in diameter. The head is sand air.t time a good deal of talk is in 5ight oefore last, at Washington, ha beca and is so cut as to rest upon a published. Its design is, stone, dulged iu. by some few pcrsooe- who a party from-- the ratification meeting in place of shoulders. Upon flat base to. argue to an amicable dc not admire it, and wish to have it went to t!e White House and treated evidently, bottom the of this base are cut repv understanding on the fiutncial m resentations Ye of the risiag sun, the the main President Grant to a serenade. Ia Mr LK)oliw!e vas on of the presumeehanged. a human figure in the attitude eiuse of these objections i& a fear on rccpocse, thai gcutleman appeared first of the Iteablioin leaders to moon, of a fish, and other devices. the part of the friends of a certain on the balcony and delivered a speech pcrcsvve tho the miss'on of the Mr.worship, should Fori by all means report party had besn falSUeA in the close class-o- f politicians, who-- aim to coa-tr-o of extraordinary length, considering of this to the Smithsonian Insti-tut- e caje tho war,, and that i& was snfit for theof tho actiot Denocralk; the source. He saitL and send a. photograph af the the- task of restoring paace aad pros. ' image-do so if car.oot that to the country. The fraokncps litnvfoution, they "Gkntlkmen:- Afrsr all tha speak- perity T have listened to to W wit! waich he acted and and oourags this ruta ia continued iu. force. H ing yo as wasshould witlt at I palways iou fej upoa your An Illinois piper opposing the Jnight, the comraand of ratification ,4La'. caaoot tne!r' said Democrats; wish, Mrs. meeting,. you respect TartiDgton. beam Htwo:third; rule, in an article lately even if I was a speaker,. ts hcaa any- and as one of the men partly respon- ig mililj thDOHga- her uN arrives some on at make such a fuss it, commenting M thing from me, but I cannot with- sible for the financial policy of the pectHcle, "woaien m impairiDg boy's clotho. Sow, la mo and' iispoteni concluwion. This hold my approval of the excellent Ilopubli'eans previous to- the act of about there's leac, who haruMj goes-d- j with-with out the rule has pro ticket given yoa by the National Re- Mirsh 18th,. 1SG9, he tearing something. He used to keep piper says tlkat finan-ciafirst the Convention l me Cincinnati. at about ooncerning detracted with work till I went publican is?U that it net 2ioed uothing Uat A. ticket should receive- the that plan oi the party, and the me- and bought me a. sewing machine. I was yery earful to get an Democratic; thai k aVfcatecV Cass ia cordial that hftd support f all .rcca, in all thods by whac!. they have been and. gave ua Pbtl foa yreei-ikia- t; sections I know (ioer.nor Hayes violated. He shews- how the value plea'y of room uodvr the arm, so that when he twe hm parrfs I could put them that i tiominfttod Cass in 1848 per30EaNj,.and I can. sr?ender with off the dollar was altered by the right under the machine without taking my present iosi-tio- issue of legal tender notes, under Lsaao out of thenu The machine is in jmd caused iWs dbar; tho it defeat unfeigned' yleasun the rejoining roean Doctor, and I'd 1862. as- - i believe I tdial do the Act of February 25K to. himv ia. t&& audi ISO ml waa-S whefraud the TV it," BMina- which ilurGh with on 5th creditor, like fo. kvi iou. upon next, Dfen-'9dia-- f to where Ike w to thU $ way VT mulilsosgsdt ifr bud defended war measure. aa a guaranteed seeutnty for your rights cohered' geared- before a I tbt tKU rote- 'wis, anJ liberties undue the laws of the The war money then authorised, I'liuiPinn nnui w ba ii t a i a. first Do- - laoA"' .good tot ewxythins hul inlencat on tbe tool o!4 ratbag." aSO-l! gunrtfotv in ... PcinVArktMM -- - mnTntirt .n, trifcw intflrpRt. . lcuroe, whJ - - bea-forth- . this-H,ailne- r ob-t.- ri av Con-pan- t . m , s - , ry - pic-tar- - cr n this-fact- - h-- - e - r the-gradua- l nt 1:1 Vice-I'reside- - im-- .i ut t, - - - - dZM-Ua- Viee-Prasiden- - - - - has-bel- , - I 1 two-thir- ds - - 1 1 d2So-lt-- - le-n- g -- - fjues-tioo- - o o o - - - - gold-rimme- d - - 5 - ni Dlaa - - a ehe-fcdith- "Light-Runnin- - i mm em g a w 0 -- - d it |