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Show Ire IHdu't Want the Scrip-lio- Freto the Worcester Press a Favor. "George, my darling, promise me thing," said a young bride of a month, as she threw herarma around her husband's neck and gazed anxiously into bis face. "What is it, precious?" he asked, as he drew her to his bosom. "Promise me, George, that you will not become a Presidential candidate." "WThy, my darling, that is asking a great deal," he replied, and his cennteuance darkened. "There are Jones, Smith and Brown, aud in fact, all the best people they are candidates. You want mo to be somebody, don't you?" "Yes, George, I do; but all the newspapers will tell how big my feet are, and you know folks never think that anybody's feet may be good shaped if they arc large." THE NEW one Ha was au old man, and he had a tit of conductor's pasteboard stuck in his hat. Ha walked iuto the drug tore and inquired : Harts you got any good whiskey?" "Yts, sir," replied the geetlctnaa- - ly druggist. "Gauuid half a pint." "Have you gat a doctor's prescription ?" "Xo. 'Oau't sell it then, sir. Jury is in session; must be strict." 'Where can I get a doctor?" inquired the aired inebriateTin a physician, bir," winningly responded the druggist. "Can't you giinoie that what you fall it Wription V "Well, I wight." And the doctor wrote out a prescription Llauk, calling for mo many ounces of spiritus i'ruHienti. Ho filled a snug looking bottle with the article, pasted a label on it, numbered to correspond with the paper, and presenting the bottle to the venera ble roysterer, remarked in th$ most busmesi like way imaginable : dollar and a half, sir." 'A dollar and a half!" gasped his "Ain't that astonished customer. mister?" hiffh. hrettv g O J j our "It's price a dollar for the prescription, aud fifty cents for the - 1 - She Asks n. -- -- faiedicine. . ir NOTICE. AT t " 1 JOB WORK tS THE LIGHTEST-RUNNIN- Every machine fully warranted. "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., New Yorli and IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, ' FASHIONS Herald. "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., New Yorlc unci Chicago. IN A s.34.1 y Superior Stylo WHY DO YOU Order Books, WATCHMAKER trimmed Hat And AND JEWELER, Jeftler in Watch, cks. Jewrtry, 8ilver and laint Ware, MAIN i TREKT. OGDEN. Repairing neatly on. aud all work warranted. Or Send to Salt Lake 11-- lj DRUGS AND Bill Heads, beautiful assortment of fashionably J.S.LEWIS, GO i AT LOO AX CITY, UTAU A Pa- perfect-fittin- tatt dress-make- Receipt Booke, JUST OPENED, . SAVINGS. By using the "Domestie" g Faahiona the most stylish and per costumes can be FOR MILLINERY! Chieag-o- produced, at a large saving ia MONEY to those who choose to make, or superitw iena me making oi, tneir own garments, wimthe highest talent and the best facilities ia all departments, and the best ideas of the most skillful modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled to attain results Car above the reach of the r. Our stvles ire alwavs tht and hest. Onr lifrant)v-iUi!tra- tt average atalogue mailed to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere. Letter Heads, Sewing Machine. MEDICINES . llonnrtn, Krhol ITntu, Sundowns, ltibbun, Flowers' t'valners Ac. frreat variety of Fancy Notion, also Ruff Ties and Yeilt, Ladies' Wrappers; Linen Suits, Children' cloaks and capes etc, etc., at Mr. W n WILKIXKOX A WHEN THE Show Cards, Visiting Cards, Very best Articles In the Market can be obtained at the Opposite Photograph Gallery. s39-Z- Business Cards, S iff lilte CITY DRUG STORE " HH U CD'S OGDEX? Bail Tickets, VICTOR! tTITH PRESCRIPTIONS carefully pounded at all it.-N.- MACHINE IN THE WORLD. G With our printed directions, no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it The construction of the machine is based npoa a principle of unique and unequalled simplicity, comprising simple levers working npoa centres. The bearings are few, and they arc hardened and polished. The machine are made at our new works in the dty of Newark, N. J., with new spccUI (patented) machinery and tools, constructed expressly to accomplish what we now offer. KlKCDTlCD The Way it is Done. to h WM mi : Ogden Junction Office Meal Tickets, soul ! A Mexican went into business as a snake charmer in Corpus Christi, Texas, and invited a party to see his performance. He made several pas ses with his hands over a snake and then gobbled it, but was bitten on one of his fingers. The enraged reptile hung on until shaken off The finger began to 6wcll at once, but a physician cut it off without delay, and saved the life of the charmer, who has changed his avocation to monte dealing. er gire bit o 18 THE two-thir- d opinion tlliA I'M - Hundreds rtblie Machine, . , Iter is & sample of the manner in which public opinion is manufae turedi We quote from the gushing despatch of one of the. limine boys: '' J he Colorado delegation arrived in force" (there are two delegates, we Mieve) "This morning Governor Routt, who accompanies them, paid the Territory is actually ablaze for Blaine." "Among the republicans every man, woman and child if for lilaine, besides many of the democrat!, and if he is nominated bonfires will be kindled on every peak of the Kooky Mountains, and the people will actually go wild." Nothing is laid as to the feeling among the Utes fcnd the antelopes, which are by far the most numerous portion of the population of Colorado. We like to ee a correspondent when be goes in t the businen of manufacturing x Ills Profession. Mistook "l'es; well," slowly replied the Tricked old duffer, as he slowly but It is reported that Gov. Tilden toned up the half pint in his erercoab will 1 uon that "I shortly be married to a Miss boss, guess, pocket: It thus want tbs prescription. Here's jour Barlow of New York. seems that he has been tionduetinjr half dollar." And he stuck lis tongue id bne two campaigns at the satUe time. If bide of his mouth, winked ironically fortune refuses to gmue on him at at him of the mortar and pcstldj an St. Louis, Miss Barlow will smile Walked out. upon him at New York, and the old Veteran cafl seek a ictreat under his of Mile owtl vine and fig tree where neither Wullililg Ohio greenbackers nor the for Work. trule dare molest or make afraid. From tng fcumvllllS Journal. St. Joe Gazette. Yesterday afternoon, when Trus tee dead came down from dinner The other day a Black Hills stage-drivhe found in front of his office on the undertook to horsewhip his curbstone, a family consisting o father, mother and eight children passengers into getting out and push the latter ranging in years from one ing up hill, but the gold seekers held to eighteen, ine lather told Mr, a coroner's inquest and found that he him walked frem tne died of pneumonia. . Blend that they of the northern counties of Illinois, a uibtanoe of three hundred and fifty miles, to this city. lie could get no employment there, and concluded to emigrate te some section where he could earn bread for himself and lit tle ones. They first went to Indian spolis, where with the little money he had he purchased a band cart, in which two of the older boys had trundled the babies to this place. They wefe all tired and hungry aud all he asked for was a bite to eat and to bo ferried ovef the river, where he could find work ia the held. Mr. Ulend took them to a grocery and purchased a ham, some bread, cheese and other eubs(antials, bud the party made a hearty meal Alter this they were given a pass over the rirer, and the old man said to Mr. Blend, in the gratitude of his heart: "No matter .where I am, if you want me to help you, I'll swim the river to do it." He was about fifty years old, and had a good", hon- ts old fashioned countenance MM feours and day, Hand S fZ B 5 81 S & Shipping Bills, Wines, 3 to - PQ S-- S3 ogs n,s 2 H- of the night Bills, Liquors, Moiithlj Statements, ga 311 com-- 1 Porter, AH &c. of the finest quality. RAILROAD WORK. Oils, Paints, Tarnishes, Brushes, &c. Wm. DRIVER & 30X, Eh5 g npedln. It 1h the latent Improved Shuttle which k no email holes or springs to thread throogh or under. It has the latest patent feed. ' All wenrinR point are made of ateel, conae qurstly it durability is great. HavinR the fewest parts of any Shuttle M chine iu the market it is coueeqututlj tu easiest running. " others, as Each nntchine sold makes sales the"1 they recommend thenwelves to all who see in operation. UooU lively agents wanted in eTery iin... be paid, nrlte to A. W. BEOWN & Co. General agents and dealers in the lowest prices. V. tnpetb-V- fr Ale, Every Variety of ITS LATE IMPROVEMENTS er with the best principle of older w chines, ia now eqnxl to It' not superior to aur oihnr narhine in the market. It is the tuly machine havipg a t2-l- . " Proprietors BOOK & SHEET Musical Merchandise, AIVD STATIONERY. Ogden. Ulah. Horn Tlownca, Wheeler I Wiln. and repa re always , lUmmiagloo Mdlef fewl&C BMbiiwa of all kin b. cleaned and rejim |