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Show Mi mmmm PUBLISHED WEDXESDA Cfi4:.00 'm tEK f JTo. 51- ( . OUDEX. CTAIE. - SEMI-WEEKL- Y KttiHiM and SA TURD A 1.) SATiKW.il v 26, r II fepr:r?aai2W w VOl,. VII IS7. II't'tiux. F TELEGRAPH. OCDEN DIRECTORY $1.00 1EII 4K. Y, A Strniijco Neb., 17, nays the Indians killed forty tuting the entire body of Barhadocs missio- aries, men on Thursday, loth, at a point clergy, aud four Moravi-imiles south of that pKce. The men be- have siirned a siaiement for presenta-tioA touching incident happened 'it AMERICAN. to Earl Caruavon, Colonial Minis longed to the Colorado roundup. Over rooms of a well known social club the 100 men have been killed in this section ter, detailing the outrageous character Washington, 19. Newark on Tuesday evening l:ift. of within one week The Indiana belong of the late riots on that island. They In the Senate yesterday, Sargent pre a It cruised anv mobs bv wi;8 were av the Indian mt meeting between a son find seiatei a memorial of the citizens of Los to the Cheyenne sgoncy, the ihe but lost father ui.der very peculiar a hy fUlTering people, among forth King Angeles couaty, California, setting St. Louis, 19. the evils of Chinese numisratiou. a;.d general impression among the negroes ch'eunjstarict's. It seems that the The Republicans held a ratification that the land and properly of the plant- members of the club had invited a favoring such action by Congress as will meeting to night. Speeches were made ers would he divided among thorn, with prevent the same. of irieuds to spend the evening The Senate then went iuto secret ses- by John B. Henderson, District Attor the (jovernor s consent, l heysuy they party tiendersan sutd cannot tell how this iinpress'un was with them, and among the number and other. sion to dterniiue the question ot poet- - ney ay- with created, but it was uudoubtedly general, was a vourifr renileman irom he was personally Acquainted poning the lielknap impeachment ma. that is be and eeneral to verv the still them beliet knew U Wheeler? and old o'clock an until November next. Therenpondents' Hayes oune. Shortly after believed their all this property has been award?d by the itmu-ene- e under apphcaiiou lor postponement was over true a,nd aula men. and man, considerably ruled. triuiiph certain. Colonel Dyer, who ihe Queen, at the Governor's instance. of liquor, poorly clad, and car Sherman submitted the following for was a strong J.ristow man Derore ine and is being wrongfully withheld from nominees the them. most the nomination, accepted teeling against rying a bundle in his haud, entered consideration: bitter the club room, aud without saying a is owners all their labor for should and iuletisely submitted by cordially Ordered that the naner properly and hostile, and H vrnl require firmness word sat down m a ehair near trio the defendant n the lGtu uist be filed election. Win. Foster, who murdered an un. and judgment on tne part oi tue au- door, and auietlv took a in this cause, and defendant having survey" of 1 colored manin Warren county thorities to remove this impression, even known allewed within ten to answer failed day? of the party, One the surroundings. bv order of the senate ol theutn msi.. last August, was hanged at Warrtnton if it is removable during the present ot a desirous having l.ttle sport at tn the trial shall proceed on the Oth day ef between 7 and eight o'clock this morn- generation. a Etored in was trials and Some dynamite' Foster had two joiner's expense of the new comer, pulled off July next as upon a plea ot not gumy ing. ex his hat and both. in Burbank on convicted Road, Glasgow, orshop, Howe demanded a division ol me gravely informed the 19. and workmen to .Baton six Rouge, first on the killing ploded day, the der and question being party that he would give them :t A disturbance reported as a riot oc wrecking several houses. el an s thereon, vil : Ordered that the Mount Pleasant, near Tort In the House of Commons to night, specimen of his skill in phrenology. paper presented by the defendant on the curred at fol Tbe Bourke, Under Seoretary for the For- He then manipulated the old mau's negroes, 16th be Jilea in the cause, u was ueciueu Gibson, on Saturday. the of whites.orean examde lowinsr the eign DeDartment. stated that Lord Der head, giving his peculiarities iu eucli a o in the affirmative 26 to 24. a by had recently written to the Peruvian ordered and of ized band a on regulators the rscurrme then The Question high flown language that the room de was laet clause, it was amended by adding, Democratic negro to leave the place Minister in resrard to the continued in a roar, the old fellow also of the "nrovided that the impeachment can Refusing to leave n was attacxea Dy- tention of the captain 1 and mate into the spirit of the occasion and killed. The oonsta- Talisman, as follows : have remonstra the regulators B only proceed while Congress is in ses ble and and laughing until the tears ran dpwu a posse attempted to arret-- tbe ted in the strongest manner in the name sion," and passed yeas zi, nays io. off. The of Her Majesty's government, against his cheeks. The following order was aiso agreeu murderers, but were driven xheriff of Baton Rouge, with a TKisse. the continued detention of prisoners and Presently tin vounc man frcm to : Peruvian the and of conduot on Mount Pleasant the to went Sunday the issue unfriendly aloof from Ordered that the Seoretary liavonne. who had a finlkeCity,-d.nMeuly- Office: lost Offden ASB CLOSING ARRIVAL R't tt'lln'out;!! 6.45 p.m. 7.40 am. 5.40 p.m. 6.30 p.m 6.20 p.m. 8.40 a.m. City. doiiWB daily Vrroufrl, MAILS - Mail lwy Mail daily LTt"'Throngh OK -- daily Mail daily M;til 8.4J) a.m. 7.00 a.ra. - e .u T V and tlifl EiWt 6.00 p.m. West the Lakeim-for Salti, ril 3ii Lake dmnty Ilea' The R' c"","ty: Wromine. and. p. Wonder. Wedday-- KWpI... KriJuy- - at Cache Comity, Korth Op 'lx'i n - - 8d ' . , 7 '2.00 p.m. Satur- - an 7.00a.in. trA SlatereYille. awl ThnrRdsys floopr and Vlina, Wednesday tTiiMPlain'cy 2.) p.m. SlondavH 7.00 a.m. dlurdayosKFicknoi:R?. fl.15 tUf a.m. Tlnllwrr .1 a m , and SttarciayH, Buntfville, Weduesd.T a !er p.m. DEPARTMENT REGISTRY Or?nfrom9a.m-to3p.r- a. M0NKY OFilCK DEPARTMENT. a.m. to 3 p.m. Open from 8 Outside Doer open from 6 a.m. to p.m. n.J C. P. Trains - - 8.40 a.m. 5.40 p.m, 6.20 p.m train arrives P. U. SHARP, Postmaster, C. P. (J. P. C. C. " " leaves " " train arrives - -- - - . and leaves and rain arrives leaves h 41 C. N. lYoiio-lnii- 8.50 a.m, -- 9.00 5.40 9.40 6.20 4.00 9.20 - a.m p.m a.m p.m p.m a.m Services a at U ETery Sunday, in tUeTaWrtacle, Id th First, seeona uu xunu hanwi at 7 p m. aud . p . f.ptooopal Church at 11 a.m. Methodist Church at 11 a.m. and p.m. at 7 .SO p.m. Spiritualist Lectures, Liberal Hall, '1 ' w.in nt' T.ilirarv At "fleV W. Termers' News ry day, Sundays excepted. Open Depot. P. S. RICIIARDSj - COUNSELOR- - AT-LA- W rUBLIC. X0TARY OA at CW KoJe, OgHm, Clah. al District Courts. ouriaj BoniueM doue wittt rrin E patch. X. TANNER ami Conyaucing a.uiacy u.. " u Jr., AT LAW. ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Driver's Drug Store, Uaint,OgdfM tn pnllectioai. Remit- taucea promptly made- - Conveyancing uud No tarial burliness caremny aiionueu Office mtputiU. i. THE WEEKLY SUN. 17T6. en-teri- ns subpoenas that may be applied for by thd reanondent Tor BUCD wnnasses as shall be allowed by the cemmittee, to consist of Senators Frehnghuy sen, Ihur man and Christiancy. In the House, a resolution was adopt ed again appointing Cex Speaker pro torn. ! the absence oi tverr. The House weal into committes ef the whnlB. Blackburn in the chair, on the army appropriation Mil, Aner compiet ino. ihA hill the committee rose and re was ported it to the House;- ftnd th bill passed. Lord, chairman of the impeachment managers, asked and was granted leave to withdraw the resolution which he had nfffred (id Saturday, providing that Con gress should meet in November io order to proceed witu tne iriauoi me impeacu ment case. The bill for paving Pennsylvania ave nue and aud a joint resolution for a com iniauinn to frame a new form of govern ment for the District of Columbia, was Ftfl BCAI Blaine received by mail this morning a letter from Josiah Caldwell, of which i. fr,llnwinrr in & true copy. It authen ticates the cablegram received by the Judiciary Committee: No. 116 Cannon etreet, London, E. C June bin, 1870. 1S7C the NEW YORK. Con-equent- ly tfnn. in J G. Blaine Dear Sir: I read the New York pupera of the 16ib is Ri'bteeti lmndroa and sevpntv-siultimo Colonel Scott's evidence before year. It is also iho yenr in which an th rnorresional Committee on the lotu UM)sitiou House of Rr.prMeiitatives, the tlrnt t9 the Fort Smith railway sinne the ar, will le in power in WashinRtuu; relating elretiuu of a )d tlie vear of the twenty-thir- d bonds you purchased oi me, wuicu isof the United Stale. All of these Bubimperfectly correct I can more fully events are nur to be of pre.it intert and 1 also have of .ntifttft if necessary portance; especially the two latfr; and all tlirm ami everything connected with them will er,lfrl the Chairman of the Judiciary it full v and troshly reportod aud expounded in that 1 am not I am Cen-(nni- THESIS The Opposition House of Repreeentativeg, taking tip the lire of inquiry opened year ago by Til H SUN, will sternly atid diligently investigate adt litcorruptions and niixdvods of UIIANT'S ministration; and will, it is to be hoped lay the Iniiii'lHtiou tor a new and better period in our iiiitmiMl history. Of all this TUB M"N will cou-la- ui furni-hint'onipiete and accurate accounts, its readers with eirly and trustworthy informa-- t n upon these ahsorbinp topics. Tlw wenty-lhii- J Presidential election, with t lie preparations f r il, will be memorable as upon (Jrnt's aspirations for tliird term of power and plutiJer, aud still more af deciding; lio shall be the caiuli jHte of the party of Reform, Mid is electing that eanilidate. Concerning all lliese subjects, those who read THKSUN will hive the constant moass of being thoroughly - g well iiitorinetl. The WKKKLY FUN, which had attained a Committee. sorry e able to go personally berore tne enmrnu-teI and give my testimony, but that Col. Seott's evidence will be wnffinient to rroe tou have notning to do with the fraudulent transaction in lurttivr question. If you wish tor any affidavits from me to prove 1 Ibefact8as cabled to the committee, oatu. under it forward to be shall glad The fhartres are so void of foundation iKot I hne no fear of their bearing you 1 hope i.nu any permanent injury, and to show as able be tour persecutors will "ni.,,n n recird as vours in connection with tne Little Hock and Fort Srai.h pre-wnm- of over eighty thousand copies, already railway. in every State and Territory, Yours faithfully, iil wetrit't that the year 1S76 .will Bee tneir J 081 AH CALPWrU.. I. A a filllnK.tra ...ill r4..,,Klna ntinn Knoxville. Tenn.. 19. thorough wwsjiuper. All the eeneral news of ineuay win lie louna lu it, condensed wnen the entire crop on French at full leopth when of moment; and has heen destroyed by the uWays. we trust, treated iu a clear, iutereuting and iastrurtWe manner. Fields and islands are freshet. It is our aim to make tho WEKKI.Y SUN the Tecent five to ten leev bet family uewsp.pei in the world, aud we shall entirely submerged from will replant corn ;"iititiue to ive in its columns a large amount of miscellaneous reading, such as stories, tales, Knoxville the farmers will lose Below poems sciestlflc intelligence and agricultural inof their crop. formation, lor which we are not able to make about Hudson. N. ., 19- room in our daily edition. The deagricultural nio-h-t partment especially, is one of its prominent destroyed the pro i , Ifiltltrna ..I . -- ..n. Tl.. Aim r..,.L..nn tnnuitiiis 11 isu regularly rethe barge Hercu-l- e and puted in it columns; and so are the markets of peller J. Taylor, every kind. lbaded with sugar, and a canal boat The WKEKLY SUN, fifty-niwith eight pages loaded with general merchandise, by broad columns is only ti,i0 a year, postage H. Storing. Tbe large depot As this price barely repays the erst of the John . .v- - whi.m F.lenhant. belonging Poer, no discount can be made from this rate to and one ciuU, agents pctniiutrs er anyone. to the New York Central road, Tin DAILY SUN, a four page newspaper large car an me newt ror hundred loaded fralghi cotumiis, 1 tents a codv. Snbscrintlon. Dostafe nald. $4W,wu. los,, destroyed: ". a month or a year. Sfinday edition We have no per traTellhg . Alt. The Herald's special from SUuey, "Ml ' svs urew, has its reartVrs T Aimt n..j i;r one-fourt- h . I pre-iw- .... ,ir.inn . lora Citjrtt captured fourteen negroes, including the murderers. A nartT of armed negroes passed Baton Rouge on the opposite sido of the river going toward navuemine. When they reached jSrush landing they The wera disarmed bv . the whites. sheriff's posse making tht arrtst at report being fired upon two of them were and by "negroes, wounded and two hones killed. San Francisco. 19 Disnatches from Truckee say: Last io ne night a nunrner of. on to tbe Circassian League, set nre to a, Chinese cabin, occupied by three Chinamen, about a mile north of this or place, and as ihe Chinamen ran out the tired the cabin, they were upon by mob, one be'iDg killed instantly and an other seriously wounded. About lerty shots are reported to nave oeen nreu. Herbert C. Mann, fugitive Irom Mas nrhnsetts. was released on habeas cor pus to day, because ef defective paper?, on a new oomplaint but pending the arrival of a requisition on tbe indictment. Discount on trade dollars 7 to 9 per cent.; halves 6 to 6J A dispatch from lrglnia Lity reports th.i n. tire broke out at noon, destroying ihe Globe Hotel and about twenty five houses. It is rumored that two or three lives were lost. No mining prothe Hale & perty was damaged, though in were Norcro!s works great danger for a time. Loss, Mount-Pleasan- t, men.-suppose- a ... V kept unless tne matter i government. termination, it is a to speedy brought impossible that friendly relations can continue. To this tbe feruvian minister replied, recapitulating the facts in tbe case, and defending the conduot of Peru, but not really altering tbe siiuauon. Bourne (aid in conclusion: It appears to the government that the further detention of the prisoners is unjustifiable, and we consider It our duty to request heir immediate release. This declara tion was ' recoitfd by the House with ' lonrl dheera. the throne, elbowed himself 'up to the amateur phrenologist, aud said : "My lnend, wouldn t it be mutr better to try your practical jokes ou a younger person ?" The person thus aaareBsea explained that no harm was meant, as the old man himself did not object and enjoyed thd fun, and commenced At anew to give hij peculiarities. this juncture the young man onrsc into tears, and. with a London, 20; The Prussian Cross Gazette publishes lous with emotion,, exclaimed : a private letter from Jerusalem, which "Boys, that man is my lather; lor ays great excitement and anxiety pre- God's sake stop this." vail there in consequence of tbe excesses lie then went up to the aged man of Turkish authorities, and tho threatened rieing of the populace. On the 2d and threw his arms around his neck. of June, Christians, tearing an attack, The suddenness of this 6trange hurrieaded their houBes. and foreign astonished all present. The residents kept an armed watch throughrecognized his son, aud the out the night. Germans met at their stranger two shortly after left the room and consulate, organised for mutual defense did not return. a and eer, to their Home government assistascertained yesterday that for was It formal application military ance. Turkish soldiers have since per. the two men went to Bayonne, where manently encamped in the publio the family reside, and that a reconsquares. ciliation was effected between a husA Berlin dispatcn 6ays account received from all sources are full of ap- band and wife who had been separaprehension of further violence, and per- ted nearly fourteen years. Truth indeed, is stranger than fichaps general uprising in Constantinople Moscow, 19. tion. Xcwark Courier. A fire here last nicht destroyed over voice-trem- . No precise particulars of the damage have been received yet, but it is believed to be enorrnus. St. John's Quebec, 19. of the town of KMdschony, in This plane was to day visited by a Caucausus, including Bazare, were most destructive fi e. The entire busi burned on Saturday last. ness portion of the town, embracing a Btrelnh nf territory of COO feet wide and a miie in leug'h, was destroyed Seven hotels, nine churches, tne custom Sir Thompson on Liquor. United office, house, court house, post banks, docks and An eminent English physician, Sir States consulate, vessels io the river, portions of a bridge II. Thompson, writes to Lady Jane over the Richelieu river, the St. John's Klliee in connection with the Ladies' wotilen mills, the stone china warerooms, A Temperance Convention: and 2C0 stores were destroyed. "I am quite satit6ed that fermented strong wind spread the fire rapidly. The as mak for off repairs, aqueduct, was nhnt liquor of any kind is unnecessary io tor tire who the the For hfi engines ing it necessary an article of diet. draw their supply from the river, which habitual alcoholic stimulants added to the delay. A steamer arrived require t eleven o'clock it can only be considered as medicine, from Montreal at so and engine and hose and should therefore for them be this morning, companies from St. Albans at oue o'clock regarded." in the afternoon; but the fire had alDr. Thompson acknowledges the Riche-1-eready swept the entire length of effect of a glass of pure and street to the lock, and through the grateful insists that all kinds cross street to Cbatnplaine street, burn- good wine, but some of alcoholic drinks must be considing n'l the buildings on the east and the ered a luxury, not a necessity. of on the west side. The oocupants hurried houses had hardly time to es cape with their lives. Tbe St. John's'! bank saved its paper money, dui everyMeThat was a shrewd girl, and not thing else is in the vaults. Thein its rchant's bank left everything devoid offense either, who remarked Tault9. Miss Lay, a milliner, in endeawhen other girls were making fun of to burned was Io save ber goots, voring her short Bkirts, and affected to be death Mrs. Lynch, a young man named much shocked at the exhibition Boniden, Jos. W. Horner and Chas burned. were severely Mayor thereof at- a party: "If you'd only Roseetter. whose house aud tannery was pull up your dresses about the neck destroyed, was badly burned. where ought to be, they'd be as London, 19. She was not troubled mine." as nhort The bishop and archdeacon of Barbv ; more. does and thirty-fouclergymen, consti fifty houses. FOLKIGN. Three-quarte- II. to half-pas- u Ar-pran- - tt-e- r u anj rs A Study lor Wrinkle. From the San Francisco Morning Cull. lliguold wa3 dressing in Booth's Theatre a few ninhts aga, and a fel low actor, seeing a photoeraph ou table, iook lugnold s dressing-rooit up. u.vh !" he exclaimed, struck with admiration of the English actor's ap preciation of our great pnet, "I ee you have a photograph: ot uryaui; "Bryant! Yes; I've heard of him," replied Kignold. "Nigjer minstrtl, wasn't he ?" The Amor" can actor then asked indignantly : "If you don't know a great poet from a nigger minstrel, why have you got his photograph ?" "Oh !" replied Ilignold, somewhat abaahed, "I'm going to play an old Colonel next week, and seeing this head in a window, I bought it to make my face up by. It's such a splendid study for wrinkles." m n Not Bad Judgment Either. Mr Hardcash (offering his hand and Nn, row, h Jart to his fair compnnion) d. MisBMawy, don't be I mean it! Pon my I do, indeed! Miss May (a sad puss) No, really, Mr Hardcash, I could tthink of accepting so much. I wouldn't mind-jt havingyour roa-e- , simply for .riend-ship- 's A sake, you know! Snob-bingto- sur-pwise- |