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Show - LITE. ' DEX TE 1E! A 1,1 JI OX V ' s ' t will the House . YIELD? 5 ' ' V There seems to be a good deal of pr two Judge Emerson h.18 Issued an order froto uneasiness in certain quarters as to the probable result of a failure on the Third District Court of some to the parties litigaot, and the part of Congress to pass an appropriation bill before the close of of interest to tho general public. In a Case) of divon-- lietweeu Cooley the month. The President's late message has is. Cooley the plaintiff by her at tor to all appearances, had any efneys filed un application jouie days aot, e fect. sir-cIt would perhaps derange for nn order for alimony lit", and now tile court makes matters fur the present fiscal year to The main ac- expire. without an appropriation for It? erdor in response. tion is brought by the w.fe of Mr. the new, but the fact ia, matters are John V. Couley, of Tooek, for a di very much deranged all over the force from her husburid with alimo- coautry anyhow, aud possibly it be much worse for officers ny, and of coarse the present appli- would not cation is intended to secure immedi- in the cnploy of government to do ate relief for the lady pending a without money, than for other prosecution of the suit, with attor- people. ' We are in favor of payiog priney fWs, coats, etc. vate and public debts, but ps our The court issued an ordsr Mr. Cooky to pay to his public debts can only be paid acwife seventy five dollar per month cording to law, the laws being frm the 5th of May last, until the enacted by a Sentte and a llouse of case may be disposed of, h is also Representatives, and approved by the directed to pay the plaintiff's attor- President, the consent of eaci must all accrued be obtained before appropriations to neys a fee if 8500, ani costs up to date, and if all thee huwa pay them can be made. The House of Representatives, are not duly paid on or before the be will he 10th of July next, adjudg- which is Democratic, has thought ed to be in contempt, and will no pr. per to suggest in its appropriation doubt be arrested, aud if he cannot bill certain retrenchment in expenses, purge himself of the contempt, will to which it seems he Republican be imp.'isourd uutil the respective Senate objects, and amendments are imms are fully liquidated. proposed and adopted by the Senate, There is no doubt that, if the act hoping no doubt to force the House of Congress purporting to confer to acquiesce. The President comes jurisdiction in divorce esses upon the to the rescue by a special message, district courts, is a legal act, the What the final result may be, of could Court Third District properly course we cannot prophecy, but. we take cognisance of and hear aud de- hope the Democrats will adhere to termine such cases as may - arise their principles, insist upon what is therein, and in the prosecution of right, and resist that which is wrong. such suits, the court Would have cerIf the Democrats stand by their tain discretionary power to grant an action, wo think the Senate will yield ord'jr for temporary alimony, upoh'i rather than stop' the' machinery Of proper case biiug made out, but in government, but if they, do not, and the excrciso of its discretion' in this, insist upon paving everything their as ia every other case, it is iocum own way, and refuse to consent to a bent upon a court to be governed by jut appropriation bill, then throw a spirit of jurtioe .and impartiality. the responsibility upon them, and let Tle court ia this cose has had be the' appropriation bill go over, the fore it, we presume, the petition and country can stand it if the officeholdtho auswer of the parties to this suit; ers can. ..: aud it has had an opportunity to ob SILVEIt COItf. tain testimony, if required, to prove oortaio facta upon w huh to base it? The bill .of 'Senator Christiaucy, " action. ( . on Tuesday, makes iutroduced Without questioning tho right of twenty-fivand fifty cent p'eces of the court in its discretion to award silver coin legal teuder nr $10, coins we in to that bpg alimony suggest, of a less denomination, to extend to our opinion ths sum of fire hundred $5. The new silver dollar provided dollars as attorneys fees at the' com in the bill, is to be made a legal tenmeucomont of a suit, is a pretty large der for $10. Silver bullion in bars, mm to be levied bj a court and col stamped by mints, with their weight lected in the extraordinary mode re and fineness, and also the trade dolsorted to iu this case, and that seven lars now in existence, are to bo made ty five dollars a mouth to go to the legal tender in payment of all debts ot a whose ex lady ordinary support according to their metallic value as do exceed not cue probably peusc8 compared with the present gold third of that sum, is a little too large standard. The bill also authorizes a sum to hold out as a temptation to the mints to issue certificates, payother women who might prefer a able iu mint silver bars, and provides good fat salary to the comforts of a that silver bars shall be exchangeable home with her husband. for United States notes at their nomWe know nothing of tho merits of inal value, which shall be thereupon this particular case, but if tho plainpermanently retired, and made a part tiff has a good case, it occurs to of the sinking fund. It also authoriUs tiat a court need not hesitate lon: zes tho exchange of silver dollars or in grouting a decree, hence thero is go'd coin, or United States notes fur no necessity for a jteudente lift de- silver bullion at the government the purpose of pun market Value. This bill will cree, unless hardly ishing the husband and delaying the become a law. suit. With aq income of seventy- five dollars permonth, the plaintiff A FigUt with a Sliark. need not be in a hurry to prosecute the,rce?aool (Fla.) Gazette of the xef siiit to a final teionuation, and 8tU inst. has the fallowing account of an with $500 of unearned fees ia their etcitiug adveuttire : Capt. John li. the of (he l'eusacola Guards, signalattorneys might soap potkets, their fingers at the law's delay, and, ized himself in an odd eaeounter last leaving thi3 case to take care of itself, Friday and came out first best. Hiding look out for bcw cases of divorce w ith down to tbe shere of Escambia Bay, the ' captain nutiood a si r&ue cooimotiou ia jwndtntt Sfi'fcsttaehuients.' ' ter, aud that the beach for a can lut how iibout the man who lias to the ilitiauce mat covered with fisb siduiabi or who iuay pay the moneyY from tdx inches to a foot aud a half, ia be lying in jaii for want of means to length. 8itoe dead and tome 8111 jump bills the little t lug, while others continued ti spriu fay Vitbin a day c pen-Ictif- corn-mindin- the water," above which" showed , ". e the sharp dorsal fin of a shark, cutting the lurface as he pUiBued the fish The sporting spirit of Hie captain was fired, and springing from bis buggy he opened bis pocket knife, with a bUde less than three inches long, and rttsbed iiiio the where be water, which Was encouniered the shark, and pubed his lit tie knife into it. The creature did not seem to feel it, and its bide wits so tough that the captain could not rip it. so be continued his thrusts, while the shark endeavprd to turn so as to seize bini. finally the shark felt the blade, and, re treating twelve or fifteen feet, charged back with a rush. The Captain sprang aside as it attempted to biie hitu, and seized it by tbe fin, which was (en inches long, and plied his knife while ihey waltzed round, the shark continually turning in tbe en deavor to bite Fmliui his knife of no avail against the nine lives of tbe shark, the Captain caught up a short, heavy I, which opportunely piece of came within reach, and an the fish threw its head oui of water struck it a severe blew at the base of the skull llu then which instantly stunned it. threw it ashore, where it was dispatched It was exactly five feet ia leng'b. In tbe eariiet stages of the conflict Cp t ii n O.'s t ree companions, who vere on" in the woods hi its beginning came cut on i lie b'utf aud c i led ou', iu alarm. It's a shark! corue out of tbe water!' That Prussian gave his lips their usual twist and simp'y said. 'I knew it,' and went on with Ins amusement, which be says ia almost equal to some .un he has bad wilb bears and bull bisoos, uum bers of both of which be has slain New he has gone as a delegate to the Demo cratio Couvention at Quincy, and tor whatever be considers the right there he will make just as determined a fight as he did with tbe shark." from g , i thigh-deep- drift-woo- , . LOCAL ITEMS. From Thurtday's Daily of June 22. Worth Knowing. President Young. It is now understood that President Young and party will arrive at Salt take City onnexi ; Saturday week, aud not oa Wednesday as had been heretofore announced. Merchants and Institution purchasers would do well to visit and leara Walker Bra's Wholesale prices. ' s29tf Ball.A Opes Air large, but select, is company expected at Jones' Grove tomorrow night. Open air bail,' good s music, pleasant ainuse'meat and t refreshments. first-clas- : r fr ; Guit-uian- -- J n, V. Burkley, Esq, of Congressional. In th Senate yesterday. Mm milted resolutions instructing the com v u r, i.urfC5 anu eiectlotis to in what laws, if any, quire seeded to protect the inviolability of prit.,d paicura seni y magnetic telegraph Allison reported back "the House bill to transfer the office of the commu.;". of ludian affairs to the War 1.... ment, and recommend J Hi at it he com! ponea until the nrst Thuis lav nfi- .u. first Monday in December next. IngitHs asked that it be laid rm n,. table So ordered Sherman cuUed up the House inim . solution authorizing the secretury if the Omaha, a representative of the Omaha Herald, who is visitiHg Utah iu the of that able and wide awake diiily, ctlled at the Junction sanctum Mr B. will remain yesterday evening when he will go iciiburjr m isf-or two. a IHJ() in siver in Ogden duy j coin in exchange for legal tender notes. Call to Salt Lake. again friend Burki un reauiuuon was passed ley. The Senate ihen went into execute . session to consider the nonrir.nii . We Abe Not doiirY. We wish to in- Morrill to be Secretary of the Treanury form an agitated public that the large and at once confirmed it witUout the cards exhibited at Salt Lake, to attract formality ol reterence. Sherman called up the joint resolution attention to the Centenuial Celobration tho President io uppiBl authorizing ou the Founh, were not priut- - comiiiisMonprs to attend thu imein. el at the Jcnctiox Office. We don't lional C'liifVrenne upon the sulj-c- i ol'ilje itsuilly print tbe name of our city tbis relative value of gu'd and silver, pisd The Sena e then resumed consider-l- i We uinke tbis statemeut way: Ogkuxio of Uie uutinibed btituirtig.fceiiig the in justice to our foreman and to save Indian appropriation bill, ihe pemling ameiKlni'.-nthe public breath. question beii.g on proposed by th cummine' on appropriations to sirike out the third seetiua of Dixie Mines. Mr II B Gaylord, a the Home bill piopoingto abulisti the gentleman who formerly resided at In linn bureau, and transfer be goOmaha, now living at Oakland, Califor- vernment of the ludiaus to the war nia, dropped into the Junction Offioe department. la tbe evening secsicn Ihe third to day, and gave us some information stiikiug out the transfer cf the Inin regard to ihe mines and mining pros- dian bureau was agreed to, twenty four The bill then pects in souttieru Utah, where he has agaiist twenty two. pacsed. been for ihe last two or three months. The naval bill comes up Mr. G. thinks that llarrisburg dis to morrow appropriation Adjourned. trict is by far the richest in Utah; this In i lie IPouve, the House went into is the district wherein the somewhat committee of the whole, Blackburn ia on the sundry civil sppropri. celera. ed mine ewned by Col liirbee the chair, atidn bill. is ei'uated. la tbis district water A message from the Senate having is reported to bo limited in supply, e the by that body of ihe to amendment Senato the silver bill, the is not far but timber plentiful off. The ore is free milling, and is consideration ef the sundry civil bid was interrup ed, and Cex moved found at tbe grass roots. Some of the tempomrily a concurrence in the Senate's amend, best mines yet workwtl, seem to be mere nieuis. 11 n Jail suggested that as this whs a pockets, without defined ledges. There the currency, and aj involving question but no mills in the district, are quartz a change was sometimes 'very seruuiia there are twtt aratfl as in operation. Ore legislative matters, tbe bill sliomd go has been shipped to Pioche, some of over until to morrow, and the hill and amendments were referred lo the which from the Morning Star lode on bat king and currency, to be Ore has also has sold for $380 per ton. , reported dack in, some instances been shipped to Salt Without action of any Importance, the Lake. committee rose and a recess was taken ' Tbe Tecumseh is a till evening. and is good mine, At the evening session the Bundry owned, we believe, by Col. Barbee civil appropriation bill was There are many others, some of which The a greater price for it is thought will prove to be Equally as labor at the government printing office hours' good, as the Tecumseh and the Morning than the average price lor eight in New York, work or for work piece Star. Among the good prospects, Mr. Philadelphia and Baltimore, was struck G. mentious the Dixie .lode as a very out of the bill. Adjourned. The great want of the promising oue. southern portion of Utah is mills to A man in Michigan swapped his borsts , for a wife. An old bachelor acquaintcrush the ore, and a railroad. ance said be bet there was sometbinj with the horse or his owner Jack Wicoins. This man, of whose wrong would ne'er have fooled it away in that "'" trial, sentence ami appeal to the Su reckless manner, f J.:.we United cf Court the States, preme "My poem is rather 'lengthy, se have furnished our readers information said, "and may be you won't hve room heretofore, and who baa beea confined for it ibis week " The editor yawned in the County jail at Salt Lake City, in and replied, Oh, yes, , we could, find for it if it was twelve timfs 3 charge of the Sheriff, has been prepar room stove in a large one, you see. onr long ing to wake his escape, but has been ' thwarted in his purpose. The U. S. Marshal has entertained a euspioion that everything was not right with Jack, and about ten days ago, HEREBY GITEN TO AIX N'OTirBIS daj ol ued, that on the 12th Hon. caused an examination of his shackles, F. Jiitin, A. D., 1S7, It was ofderi-- by the L. the irons upn Wiggins' legs w?re well D. Kichnr.l, Vruuat Judge of Weher County. at ten T.,thut Mon'.av. the loth day of July, 1ST6, made, heavy and strung, being the s ime o clock an.. ef:iid day, n the Court Hons ia be Hppoinfed tor the heartne of the heretofore worn by Vasquez of Califor Ogden Citv, W titioti of Jocet h B Powell, praying ilmt nia. Jack had cut off the shackle from amiutfJ Si.Fcmt AdmiuUtrator of theMEstate 01 Prtif lews iHiiihar Wiison, de. a d. Ani one leg, with some kind of saw, which ititwesied are h. r y notified to Rppear l . time and place nd nhow raue if any there i'o at the time could not be found. ehoulJ uot why tho prayor of said petition A day or two since, Marshal Nelson elantedT F 5 RlulIART)S, Clerk Probate Court. having been informed that Jack was 94tj Ogden, June lath. 1870. for went to the -. , te i I nee-do- n eom-mitt- consi-ere- : d. clause-forbiddin- : , -- . -- e Personal P. Margetts, pa-sg- Reaper aud Mower is of little use unless you can get repairs for it. They are always ready for tbe Buckeye at Gko. A. Lowe's, Main St., Ogden. . d224 A Esq., the genial, jovial, "pbanny" Phil., was In town to day We are always pleased to behold his phiz and hear his hearty voice, nd the public say ditto. Phil., when will you givo us a chance to see and hear you ogiin? FavobiYe. Playixo Guost Some folks think it fun to frighten others into fits. One of these practical jokers was out last night on the Bench about midnight, clad in a long white sheet. If some other practical joker had tested his ghostship with n a he wouldn't have found much ' fun in his foolery. Eh? , shot-gu- 5 ! Three II ii ml red! Three hundred Buckeye Reapers and Bold in1 Utah in 1875. The farmers know which is tbe best machine in the market. Sold by Gko. A. Lowe, Main St., Ogdea. d224 2t . .1 LEGAL NOTICE. d Mowers b47-2- . 4 Fact lor Farmers, B p- - The Buckeye is the most durable prepared his'escape, Reaper and Mower, aud has the lightest jail and making a search, found that s draft of aay machine. It has Wiggins had cut off both the irons from no superior. You can get it at Geo. A. his legs, and had used a steel file, which he had concealed in his boot. On exLowe's, Main St., Ogden. V amining some cans of fruit furnished the prisoner, it was ascertained that two ef tbe'eans contained each a Colts five Good Business Mas. Take notice of shooter, which had been taken apart and Peebles' advertisement in to day's packed in' cotton. Wiggins also had Peebles has a fine stock of goods, some cartridges concealed in his cell. comprising everytking generally kept in It is most fortunate that these dishis line, and is determined to sell noth- coveries were made at the time, for it is ing but what is genuine. Orders from likely that Wiggins was about ready to th country will be promptly filled, as throw off his and shackles, being armed Mr. Peebles is a careful business man, with his pistols, prepared to make an at- nod can be depended upon, lie has 'Uck.upon bij unsuspecting keeper built np a substantial business ia Ogden. which proving succes;lul, his tscupe ' vroitld have been ensv. . The probability is that hereafter, Wanted. the acuon of the Supreme pending Oue Hundred Thpu&and pounlq of the Court. prisoner Wiggins will be Wool, at the New York Cheap Dry Goods Ktore, two doors south of Driver's guarded whu mole care, untt thai" bis la drug store, Main Street, Oglen. Highest friends ouuide will net bo ' :' him send so in boxe,i many delicacies, e18 4t prices paid. carefully sealed up. first-clas- Notice to Contractors. i pQRTUE NEXT THIRTY DATS B. TIES d22t-2t-847-2- Jk.nq-THi- WOfiOO JR. To W let lv coutract; to be delivered at Ckuu 'n Corn.ne. or at the C P. Switch, opposite t will t'itv, Pt which the higheat priceat Vi . . 4""J1 For further purticulam euuuiro ' .tore, Ogden. p, SOU THOMAS. THOMAS JSEILS05, & Practical Tailors, ' of the KbHc Gnt's; own m(itena!sae up ' " in folder, tha.beststjlc:''' , 1 - Ogden, June 17lb,1870. to w.y N. B. Not less than 1000 ties contracted oue iwrty. ., v CUIXEN', Contractor- VROVO FACTORY ..V'i Highest rtice 33-l- ox Am AL?4y? , i--VP.,. paiJ to ' , Woo- - Produce tak.B. '" |