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Show frfow the t'lMPtnff. Mining said that he had received Company Secured the May 22. Tha Committee on Expenditures' in the Interior Department has some ugly facta in regwJ to the issuing of a patent) to the Flagstaff Mining Company fcr the mine owned by that cotnpauy. The FIjg-- ; the Emma: f ta'ff mine J3 situated i.iine, in the neighborhood of Little Cottonwood canyon in Utah, and was v an English company for SiitfG.OOO in the spring of 1872. The parties interested in this kak were un Englishman named Davits, i.nd William J. Shaffer, of New York an! elsewhere. At the time of the sale the parties who Hold the ciine had no patent for it. They had made application for tae 8;une, but another party in Utah, lepresented by George M. Hawkins, had tiled & protest ogairtst the application, iud contended that tl3 party leprcBjnted by Davis and Shaffer had no title to the mine. Ah attorney ?ianied Bates, of Salt Lake City, who hud foruji rly &oea UoiU-s- l States At lorney of Uuh, represented Ilaekin iei'ore the Jnterior, Department, and E. C lngerswll, of thin city, formerly a member of Congress from Illinois, represented the Davis Shaffer party. Associated with Bates were Montgomery Blair and Judge Louis Dent, tnd this array of counsel was formida l ie fur two reasons: Bates and Blair were able attorneys,' and Dant was Very influential at the White House. It i testified now by Bates thut they had obtained two decisions from the Interior Department favorable to Xhv'ir client, but that the wholo mat-ts- r was finally referred to the Attorney-for bis opinion on some General disputed points of law. White the case was in thii situation, Davis and tihaffcr nude the sale of the mine in London, and jut as soon as they could notify the parties in this city vt tint the patcct was issued to them. No aotice of th determination to the patent was given cither to the attorneys of the Hasklaa party and that ur to the Attorney-Generaiffiocr had mjt yet passed upoa the nr Trading Home City, May 9. Dan Gibes, of this place, let a patch of ground adjoining his resi dence to a Mr. reek to till on shares, Mr. Gibes wishing to follow his occu pation of peddling. While at the the supper table Puck says to Dan: ''How will you trade wives "I think iny wife is worth the mctt," said Dan, "and should want bot" some to . "I will give you eiamiuci a few daya i:go ia regard to the cascr and he te8' titled that when the sale was effected in London he gave Shaffer $12,000 whieh ihat gentleman said was to be forwarded immediately to Washing ion, but for what purpose he had never clearly understood, savejtbatit Was his impression at the time that it was to pay attorneys ices. ' r Alex. The name ot McDonald of Arkansas having been infMif innbd b? some of the witnesses. the Committee summoned him and he appeared before it last Friday lie testified that he had no Interest in the utiue, aud that he was not em i lojud by either of the parties claim inyr it. lie had, however, spoken once to John Delano about the case, lie thinks at the instance of E. C In- ; Lei soli, lie admitted that 'he had 3,000, but said that it was hot for his benefit. The committee required him to tell what disposition he tu.tdo of. tha money, and he to answer.. Ho said ho was taken by surprise, and desired time to consult an attorney, in order that lid might know precisely what bis rights were iu tho matter. The cemuiittee asked him if he declined to answer on the ground that his would crimiaate himself, lie replied that was what he wauted to consult an attorney about. The vowuiitteo finally agreed that hs fchould have until this morning to uuswer. This morniog McDonald uppeared and expressed his willing-Lesto tell all he knewj which he did, as follows: He said that shortly befcro Shaffer tailed for Europe ho met hi in one ' day at tho Arlington Hottl, taud While in rxcversatlon Shaffer told him that if at any time he should send him ' a package, letter, or anything lroai Europe, by uiiil or by the hands of anybody, he should deliver Ho thought ao Delano. it mure of the matter until ouo day K. .0. Iugersoll came to him and told hi'u that Shaffer had sent him a draft for 51100, with directions to deliver the same to Kim (McDonald), Who Would know what disposition to afe of it. At the sauic time he dS-cliu- ed au-few- er s tj'-Joh- my i J is ''.,'.:"...; v '.. ;T( A "fTTH? 'DOBSTI NOTICE. AT THE it Ogden Junction Office ts Lock-Stit- JMA 4tJ ad ch Machine. mm mk ip m."i ';ilafi; k; JOB WOEK THE IS EXECUTED LIGHTEST-RUNNIN- MACHINE IN THE WORLD. G With our printed directions, no instructiea or mechanical skill is required to operate it Tke construction of the machine is based upon a principle of unique and unequalled sim plicity, comprising simple levers working upon centres. The bearings are few, and they are hardened and polished. The machines are made at our new works in the city of Newark, N. J., with new special we now offer. (patented) machinery and tools, constructed expressly to accomplish what X'eery machine IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, fully warranted. "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., FM Nov Yorli mid Chicago. "Domestic using TTn li v Per F"tion the most at anda t TT5TTT SAYi:VGS.-- V! LaS B fl B 1H B Q I I )kJ JL JL JL w X perfect-fittin- g dress-make- "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., New Yorlc unci Cliicagro. Suporior Stylo iUSTAM : first known in America. Its merits arc well known throughout the habitable world. It lias the oldest and best record of any Liniment in the world. From the bottles "Was Bill Heads, see a man going about per THE railroad the stylish By costumes can be produced, large saving in MONEY to those who choose to make, or superinkj? tend the making of, their own garments. With the ideas of the most skillful highest talent and the best facilities in all departments, and the best Jar above the reach of the modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled to attain results r. Our styles are alwavs the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrate- d average catalogue mailed to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere. IN A Letter Heads, sisiently untidy neglectful of such matters as his boots, his nails and his linen you may bo certaiu that sooner or later he will become Show Cards, sloucher, and that his affairs will be Girds, Visiting less muddled. Thus always more or it will be unsatisfactory to have him either in with dealings his business or domestic capa ' .He will bo continually city. Business Cards, forgetting, ho will be everlastoff do he what to ingly putting ought and ending ofteu by not doing the same at all or until too late. Thus it Ball Tickets, is perfectly correct and reliable instinct which leads people to judge We are men by their appearance. no advocates for ostentatious splenileal Tickets, dor, but we would have men remember that they often allow those who really are their inferiors in capacity Hand Bills, to pass them iu the race of life, and Bills, Shipping carelees and because sololy they are indifferent in the ways which we have indicated. Let conspicuous offenders against good taste realico that Monthly Statements, the struggle for existence is now peculiarly keen, and that, other things being equal, he who takes pains about himself in small matters is certain to outstrip the individual who docs not. The former will often be favorably received where the latter is received Every Vxtrkty 0 with courtesy. Of course, it is possible to run from one extreme to another. It must, however, bo obvious that neatuess does cot involve splendor, nor an enhanced expenditure, botn of which things should, by individuals' of moderate weans, be avoided. It is quite possible that care and frugality can go hand in hand indeed, many meanly dressed people demonstrate this' beyond a doubtIu a word, slovenliness extravagance aud discredit utatacs?, economy aild credit - I Double-Thre- watch, to Influence of Neatness. If you ' j THE NEW boot," said Peck, and handed it to him. Dan said: ''This watch is mine, then?" "Yes," Baid Peck, "and I will be after the woman in the morniag," aud left. 'Dan thought do more of it until When he arose he Order Books, next morning. found Peck there after the woman, and they were packing her things for a start, and did start off on foot together. Dan's wife that he traded for has left, aud won't fulfil the conReceipt Books, tract. . l, ' YVUes. From the St. Louis Republican. f.-s- Davis was draft for 15,000 himself, which be supposed was in payment of his fee as attorney for services rendered in the matter of the patent, and Ingersoll complained that it was not ha'i what he ought to mve received. However, he gave McDonald the draft, which was pay able to his McDonald's) order. lie took tho draft to the First National Baok of this eity and had it cashed, and handed the rroney to John De ano. vto questions were asked by Delano and he made no explanations, as he supposed it was understoed be- weca DelaBo and Shaffer. That was all he knew about the case, and the whole connection with it. It ha3 also been testified by some witness that Thayer, now Governor of Wyoming Territory and formerly UmtedStates Senator from Nebraska, was puiJ 82,000, which accounts for the 612,000 given to Shaffer by Davis in Loudon, and forwarded by the latter to Washington. It is un derstood that Shaffer, who i3 the next witness to be examiued, will testify that they could not get the patent, and they telegraphed here that the miue had been sold and tV.e money to pay for the same remitted X. Y. Sun. to Washington. l"a-te- ul for lliclr Mine. Washington, a Work. millions upon millions of old no complaint lias ever reached us, and as a healing and CELEBRATED TONIC PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT ' IT HAS NO EQUAL. sssu unbounded recommended is with It AND APPETI ZER, TS PUEELY VEGETABLE PREPARATION. R OOTS( composed Bimply of HERBS tad FRUITS, combined with other jTOpertiea, Which ia their nature are Ccthartic, Aperient, KutritiouB, Diuretic, Alterative and Tho whole is preserved ka a suCi-eiequantity of spirit from this SUGAR AXE to keep them In any climate, which A n Antl-Biliou- n. ance in all cases of Cuts.Bruiscs.Bums, Sprains, Rheumatism, Hard Swellings, Bite.. Chilblains, StitfnesBoltbe Joints, Frozen Feet, Ears. &c., &c., among all persons, and for Sprains, s, l, Foundnrs, Ringbone, Scratches, Hoof-alSpavins, Springhalt, Saddle.Col-ta-r and Harness Galls; also diseases of the and YaT in Horses, 'Moles or Cattle.' STAIG nt t nakes the ; ' . LAWTATIOi iTTERS bneoft'a'6 most deairble Tonic and in tho world. They are intended fetrictly'asa Cn-thnr- tici Tciiilicraiicc enly to be ODSEHT r WIU. Cure Neuralpia, ALSO Rheumatism, Gout, Zun9 I'oiMnous Bites, Extern" Bone and Muscle Affections, Sore Nipples, c and may be Juetly termed the panacea for all lack, Salt liheum, EXTERNAL "WOUNDS. did Remember, this Liniment gf a or year, a in Hot up day ittcis spring B Used as a medicine, and. always cording to directions. pro- CNNATCKALCCBEa AND ABSDBD dUCiOgTHE MOST AND MCSHBOOSI I.E CLAIMED BYKEW-BOB- N ac- of the feeble and They aro the sheet-anchdebilitated. They act npon a diseased liver, and UmulaStc- - such a degree that a healthy actios U at once brought about Asa remedy to which Women are especially aubject it ia super, eeding eVery other stimulant. As a Spring nnd Summer Tonic they have no equal They are a mild and gentle Purgative as well as Tonic. They purify the blood. They are a fcplendid Appetizer. They male the weak strong. They "purity and Invigorate. They cure Dyspepsia, Constipation and Headache. They act as epeciflo in all species of disorders which Vmdermine the bodily strength and break icma iha animal epirrts. Wind-Gall- Poll-Evi- 1 Depot, 53 Park Haee, Ktw York. MEtrrs. But we have the experience jo"?' yean of trial, with the most euD thirty tantia'lreeultfl,andby amulatudo of wanes. If the LinlmcBtls not as recommended, tha Moncytfillbclkfnnileil Do net be lmposP,1 upon by usinff any othrf liniment claiming :he same propertiesBe sura suits. They are a cheat and a fwud. m XS- - Sold &I0itSAT bt all Dbcogjsxs act Cottjitb J5c, 50c. and SI per Bottle. 4c. jrosncs Sua or Buttle, 6mx, i |