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Show XI ItKISH UEVOLVTION. SALT LAKE MUNICIPAL She (Dgdctt gututiw. ; ACCOUNTS. Gra:J The ?Detrwx Femtil Market, n'ottiau. We; do not believe Dom Pedro saidi anything of the kind. Neither do we think fehe Herald man would a s s lately teleFrom the Detroit Free Press. ; The report of the com mis tee- ap- have written, the fclbe Turkish Ministei at befoare COXPA.1T. to PVIILUUf NQ OUUEX paragraph graphed bt tll to examYesterday morriing tfc f , too head t:iiarlc IV. Penrose, Editor. Washington- that fin presence oi the pointed by the Grand, Jury of Salt dining. The Emperor ef a family livill? on accounts ine the iBUBic'rpal urwio;,MOUS will of all the people, Ab-(lmuch good sense to make such au street caied at a Woodward avennl a volumin-inou- s Uinlne Walter TIuhumhi, Man'jrr. Aaiz Khan has btea dethroned Lake City, absurd eontradictioa as it contains, grocery and asked for prunes S.J ! ba!f-deathe which, Mu-rareport, to day, and his majesty Sultan and a practiced writer would not J prunes were exhibited, and inquired: dead Yvuuaut inemr ring gloats have done it if sober. The UTAH. bcir presumptive to tKe imperial organ o the very Empetot ''We was the reply. its do," with shrieks about, over WEDNESDAY, JUNE T. 1870. is made to say that fee did not believe throne, has been proclaimed Euiperar fresh, are thev?" Perfectly accustomed ruuipus and its msu-of Turkey." , "Indeed they ara?" the ''Mormons" "gave credence to"No worms ia t.httn?" .''great cty over little wool." the revelations of Joe Smith, and Ti dethrorjcraeutef Abdal KhaiU TO oniu;KiKTiE.vx. lines head sensational it "Not a worm?" Take away his sccessr It w'll nave trouble and euibarraiwwiiHit If cor. and the appointment of Brigham Young," which eousoitute "Fudl and weight, are they?"1 ef aad highly cdured commeDts, riiiimlnntH, Mibliw private, on bueiaw or those havbg thus been accomplis-hedfoundations of their rel igion ,, aad the " Sweet are- they?" ritinf'r publication iu the JViwtios, will the report tones down to a very good outward all feets to revolution u in done be have Utah what rxiiar. "I warrant them sweet." nti'l be governrd by th following tbey yet on behalf of the city authorishowidg a one sWe only and without if 1,1 in them?" , is the result of "religious enthupeacefully pits commit- says fu sheet of l'i1r, liive real name of wriU-r"Not a madaim" Inasmuch as tbt heir ties, who. according to the pit, tint niicMHtrily fr puHSnUiou but for protecfanaticism." That is, they siasm and -fo a tion, liii l.nei Uilexplidt. Ani a prize package with opportunity tee, ample the at gave was remarkable probably thair been to presainptivo ever? have '.' -- If mi burino f tii 0;;dn Publishing: urged she asked, after a paaee. examination iiueiaMis poundr and complete lirt tti Walter Thwnwua, head of tho successful revolutionary lull labors by enthusiasm for that which "Yes, madam. ' th-and - sought to of -If liir yiiljiicBiinUiilite'it CilHor Oiiliix J0.1C- records, i and himself it and fanaticism suppose! did "And a cbromj, tooE" thev not party, believe, TI'N. She nibbled at a prune, knit friends will rest satisfied with the conceal nothing. There are sotae over something which they did not her need which; items of and finally askecfc brows, 'expenditure and as ibe- deposed party result, ATM. AUK aceept. AL'TSIOItlZEtt "Doa't yougiv-and this would be cash premium csistacice, seemiiig explanation, yieMed wkkou fuddled corres- with or Emperor, Silly pemnd every books of 77d fvllowiny, iemm are intfJtorited to the wiih ease the you sell?" every to be satisfied tbat such was the will "We pondent!. bum-a- .. madam. do, Yn rsn and transaJt rollrrt std.tcri;itvn.i any or bfiines& couipany all tho people, we nay presume corporation of cents a .ibr of in pewind prunes aad et is eoiuusoe( w'th the ''Junction."' Qjjtie a cn?omo, athat he too- will be satisfied, or at when audited by persons unfamiliar 3Itmleipial. package, ana a prim their T&pd'tiiut itUlementb. cash premium of least ao vioieat resistance to the Em- with tbo circumstances which re fifty cents- - Shall By call of the Mayor, the Cifry Coun- I do vou Logan, Itovidtmct and jlfillvilfo, I& D. a pound-'- "' and up quared cil met in special session, i the City peror will be made. "WeN, it seems-aif you wanted: enSrks. is W. to that Musad It issajd Hall, June 2d, 1878 Mayor L. J. pledged Si.vritjWd, Hyde I1:rh and to bo fair with your customer?,:' Tke falsehood about the- refusal of in th chair. A. Xublv. certain policies of government, aftuoog replied; "but I gue. I 'won't W. jl. Webster. Oo applicationi of tbe Assessor and take M,Vwi, which ars- mentioned a constitutional the cky authorities to perniU an ea any. geeraa to me ten cents Uiuworth. J.n extension of time, till Junis Janie ... Collector,. is now records is rather- too rauclv for amination their of fyrum per pound a reduction in the ex 1876. tSuu-s- , was which to All ti1tlemfnt on the went tide of Hear government; ia him, Othy these granted) when butter is Lake prunes pub the- fully refuted, and the Salt tk and civil service of penses oS down for the and aaJ calico is Finer, in Cache Vallsy J. If Darker. complete approval present down, and shoes-arlic, who. aro most interested ia the awful cheap." the Council, the assessment ruU for the Willird, Malad City, Willow Sjniwyi and suppression of th& sera'gliov kave an appoitsunity of aonv &uniirut, Jox W. Dudley. Many persons who aue familiar matter,, prosent yesw. The application of th committe on 0. L. Robinson wish the a&aiirs of Turkey and her ing to a correct andesstaintbkig of the Fhrminijtons.. NOT8QE! financial condition af th city, ib Ceatenniul Celebration, for the Ciny to W. S- l'opfleton milHill immediate believe surroundings, m Y RKR. TKPE UNDER Shaw AU of furnish, for the Fourth f Jly, theOg-deI'br ad'.. uhat this revolution wil5 tend to revenue- and K. N. Austin Lake Mtnr make an mD'CUe- Kidder K. Brass Band, wrw jeconsiderri and Valley . ??! ioonntlee of Wrf.et state oi whiah is rrght and proper, and which ,x Kl.ler and CaAe Utah . Jam Salmon bring about a more ffbidttilh...,., ....... 5 ..,,a u,wl inliirnl.a thIlt partial affairs in that region, and as, from they might have obtained a any 11". . Anderson Alderman Thomson ami Councillor are mlriusiing llpoui onr riirhts. m Mi.- -- . l'oalage.... ...... Willi prosocute all fcucluto we if 8o d!ispesed, either by read the ex- -' JRii Whilear our standpoint, wars are not to any time, Sianfwd were appointed to- engage tne tMt. oJftlie lawt unlpssn Morgan Co compromise is n a.le vrill RH farw Kights foy $fi m tho published reports of the Ksreat extent luxuries to be- indulged ing band, an J plucs it at th diset&! of. bbe .... Address all business eommuuicatwrnt, u,, uiroa oa Hand au for exam or an3 Auditor Treasurer, coroaiitee before named. by n too fieeJy, we sineereiy bopo that WALTER THOMSON, eeD3Nr plamxo Ai mills, ining the records for themselv&s, as on oommunicution from huch may bo the ease; but judI-nJJiuincis Manager. l IBSOVft ECCLSS. th an SenJeriag protion, Box 82, Ogden, Ulah. rfrom the past, fear they are authorized to d by osdm invitation to tke partxatt a bodj in the proseaeioo, c the Fourthr of Jul,, was that such hopes, may Trove ill- - ance, and which) they have- sever read, and tba invitation acepKoU frroni dofeg. bj the ESTRAY NOTICE. OHAIIA 1IE1M7.D. Adjearned tine die. founded, and that the diys of peace being prcven-tedauthorities. We ruling ;may bo in the dwtant future. T nTE,TN 5TT fSESSIOX TFIR FOLLOW- Our f?ind, 35r. Miller, who pre Process! oik. Cminraail?, witbiote Ozdeu'a- fcwn conies- neat.. are strengthened in this fear by the i!kyAom-tliv3wilifBeMd,. T rtaw blJcs over the editorial waotum of riMirlkof .July. t theEtrar ,1S7ri;t 2 o chK:k i after dethronement the of that fact, tihe Omaha Uorald,olatalj8bangcd One The aboT conunite, pursuoat to crvil light .rell colt, oue year old, branded the Sultan, himself and bis mo&her iil.Mr. lan hU tone when writrioj about the New On h'ack by the chairman, met lant night in tiie nwrj colt.ona rear old, tmaA whit. were forcibly removed from the in forehwid, brautled 'J on left shoulder sshoolroom. The business was r$pt York World and; its- management. Episcopal On fare Jiramie eorrell mare. One ear oil, with roanlsht well, C, ye poor thus- exhibiting the e'ictioiof the follow- - swies white errip in branAd Aonlert: Ucrct3&rfl the llerall could not be palace ani connedr, furthoriy Blaine, your heno'imem majt bid you eoultr. lor the minds- of doubts : Bf. V. FIFE,.. Bufikwndj. lavish in its praises-o- f the acKeul Sulligan has finished' the to- abdi- Distriet'Inndkeeper. who had caused of Declarati Sixers Treps!eut W'orlih, and; Maatoa Marble, OtrdettHty,Junc3a,'.:8;o. of tho harlerj.uiu of th Messrs. Aron F. Farr, Uarnard Wite Lcate as to the result of ths- mo?o- - goase inexorable the wnce aditon, lat cow, latest and II. Bi Dcoville. According One dispatch mentions ths flat of event has driven Mr. Marble ;ment. , from Mul Ti nepwjent Landing of Columbus, fact that the deposition- cf Abdul tefegrama-into retirement, ini the policy of the andansoorHht Pilgrim fathers' Messrs certain letters, which had come AT LGGAtf UTJiS-efifcet of a popular ligan tho Aziawas not Gi J. Samuel aad Word has undergone a aiuch naeded Chambtr8, Eggiestoa. into the latter'- possession,, after revolution, but by a palace intrigue Dk J. J. Murphy. ahange, the Herald, sings quite a and begging and' threatenT!ie Trades were grouped aafollo9c of ministers. If such be the fact, it pleading? different eong,. and1 now commit to suicide, ing all1 that tho revoA beautiful assertment of Shoemakers, bailors, Painters,. Carpen fashionably Vhatovcr may liava boca, the may turn, out after refuses, to retura them. Mulligan in- ters, Blacksmiths and Harnessmakers trimraed aud lution is incomplete;, pos nay uftufo induoiog the change, one tended to' laji them before the com- Mes.w Aaron F. Farrv M. Boahmiller Hat, md rponnol, SvIioaI backward1. Suadowao, ltllbon. liowerw sibly go o cl&ar to Impartial poo-plthing is pretty mittee now investigating Jlames &, and Thos.. J.. Wallace. rentiers b. A great variety of Fancy Notions, who look cnludy over the political Tinners, SewiBg Machinists, Praaters, aud Blaine- declines tc permit their Tiee aad Veils, Ladies' AVrannorsBatchers-- Merchaata and Je welters flcH. If tho New York Worli ex- XEW HOUll IEMOCRACY examination. He elaana that Linen Suitsr Childreas' cloaks and capes they Masers. James Allea Joshua Williams 9tc., etc.,. at useful organ of the pected to- bo aebcl. yell off a fe w jealous are private let&ers which belong nei- aad WvA Wade. "The Dcmooratio-party,.- . it had baoome es- Opppsite Wjotftgraph Oakery. . andi superannuated Democrats of ther to- - Mulligan nor the committee, Farmers. Maeons, it- - should tlist aootially, neocssaryt advice of New York ha beea heard before. andacticg undepthe Jerry Woelen Factors and Millers Mossrs abandon, the fortunes of Governor Black and Matt.. will J. ha Claytco Edward Hbr rocks aad R Carpenter, It waJl be silenced afr St. Louis." Tildon. At tho present Junatairo it Ballantyne. The above from the Omaha He- not give them up T&e Com;ltee- will zaeet to report Or. seems cleat to nearly every one, save letters-contaiWhether these an jexhibits some of progress, ona Wednesday evening next, rald, H m Peery's Halt perhaps, the few rabid supporters of felt by its cditos at the 'thiBg damaging tO'Blaine or not, bis at SVclook, IsIt earnestly hoped that the various H' Seymour aud Tildon, that, to persist turn affairs are now refusal to produce:them will be,used aMointedii will kiadlv taking; ft hiiu demanding the nomination of Soy to the "rebel yell" was heard in against him by. his opponents, aad lend, their energy and Yes, ia major oommutee-itheis Cen mour, Tilden or any other New York kind ef a ean. aiu when the gallant veteran, war- as none but tennicl labors. 1348, CD" would drive tho World into poman, rior and statesman Lewis Cass, who, didate can receive the nomicataoa-at). litical oxilo. 'Had Mauton, Marble, MST OF LETTERS. received tho- nomination- for Cincinnati, Blaine's- - chances for tte having QE). UNCLAIMED IN a,yoar ago, exhibited tho- least sign the to the ind. OStine ia Oedim. Territory prtsidsnoy, instead of being LPresidencj are scattered, of Uuh-jtht q &, disposition to 09Uipromiw with 3d of Jiwi, 1S7B;- whic ii not called fovewithia 'A--baoked by New York on monttt wilD lit init t th nad greenback Democrat and had ho and was Office Lrtttr opposed by Martin Van Buren FOOLISJl OB FCIILEDv f LADIES' LIST. his. baokers and colleagues shown oand his supporters, thus assisting in AA Childi J Oi naor o sympathy for the gallant old off the New Bakr ..T m correspondent the defeat of. Cass- aoltha olection of LIST. Bill Allen) and aided, instead of opYork Herald, who accompanied Dom Abkott 0 TfZ: OEHTS'Cuba ' C K a Whig.. m ApnelmaiiN E- Chmice A X would the his the words, into election, Pedro, party posing, following, put W And again lasfc year tho "rebel loye rr Brown W H have been a unit, and the late the mouth of after his Butcher was again hoard! in New York, KeWer 0 6 yell" ci J 2: World editor, Mnion Marble, invisit to Salt Laker. Oynter ffltK Bard T T William W D 57 the immolation of old demanding asidd in disgrace Juatic of tti- Peace at stead of being The ststent Corrwty )4 Okr0 "Bill"' Allen upon the altar of the of "I think ititwill not last. MarriottaviWe to the ptljgacny opposed spirit' of as a- polittoal loaier,. might have oc- ambition of said "rebels." II ELD' FOR' 90STAG R. Verily emulation or the preeat day. I s Mrs Sarah Neez. 9 Denakn believe the people give- credeaoo- to 3Ui a?. cupied as- - high a plac in the flLK Rtrt those rebel vjells have been hearditoo Soath VIee. ny, of revelations the asJot been has Smnaml of a united party, Hoapfv WatwnriHe, Santa Orm. often, let them henceforth be hushed. ham i oungi ' liut the Mortooos- bate ChwliLenft troe., BnffiUb, N. Y Oma-iiftk hoxatofore th& aocorded him by J K Attierton-- Iionoltiin, U. J. done a great work in briogiasthe last! Mr. Jofao Tho IS. peony UopprTill, Vieiu usder cultiTfttiow, urged, perhaps) by reHeraldl . T enthusiasm fanaticism. or Lcaa-obtain an of thone lettsra. the innlicant Thfr girl vwar. only one half of ligious WilL our friend" tiJo IIerad', be United States 1 nrnat ak for "advertised letter," gin datof the their dresses now They carry the oU understand that the aad on cent for advert isra g. paper paygorerfladiby, ouc disinterested advice,. pother in. their hands, especially if peftmits in its midst a- polygamous- - so- be If Dot culled for within nic mWi ttma Wl its would laws tent im te it Dead Letter Office. the By ciety.. auppresi and1 taka. KarouH the fate of Mar their shoes era good tttfir. stock morality ia a city.. Wh3-the- o, N.. Ji Shariv pruit UhareTr' li lyings cjeaau. EoaUnwUK mbh'bed etery WEDNESDAY The and SATURDAY Vizier - she-we- d - ol have-presente- d J. (! vua , -- al - N - e, , Com-iwn- I l y it- - a , - - disb-ursemeot- s s Her-ric- V she-slowl- - - - -- 1- expe-sdituro- . n iT.'SH - ! pea-eef- gra-nted- noMce-tha- t - - Cou-jca- m i - - - : f, - i ingisub-aammittee- s tho-Suha- - its-lat- d21-ls46-- 2 Kejwb-lican-part- y. - to-ti- e I MILLINERY! Blaine-obtaine- - CI2,. JUST OPENED, also-Ru- ff - , - a39-l- Broom-raker- s, - n - of. w O 0 a the-safe- st o 1 - - - THH-POS- m P - - . to-da- y iv ' st - - oao-!r.- affeo-tion- ot - B Et-ig- - - Me-w- : , "8 - - . n |