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Show I bad beea The Great Sen Serpent. Gnette, April 17. bank of cl tud.-There was a thick aud a the sun rose on the horizon, behind the dark bau-from the sra, ivd and blu wa.t ui.irtcs i.f clor lit up t he wbolc cxpause nd vullow ' 1 was looKiug at aud of sky bl t of rod. ou the itrangi ruddy water" riuht astern when I saw, ap the horizon, but ic the pgftutiy ue;tr It red blot, a dark uiovi'jg shadow th with other did not seam to aiove iihaduws on the sea, and this fixed my attention to it. Soon I saw that it. was steadily approaching the ressel. c'0uld distinguish no form, only a dark shadow, but I made out certain was advancing toward us y that it Fifteen minutes snd at a great rate. when I at last be must have passed anie able t distinguish the form of the advancing object. (I spoke to e the captain afterward as to the the object could have been when I first distinguished it, us from and be told m8 I must have been deceived by the moving lights in it near the horizon; and h guessed, from what I said, that it was then only three or four miles Mistakes of a lfke nature, distant. he said, are commonly made by the inexDerienced.) I cannot accurately describe my feslings on beholding At first I turned that hideous sight. others call to to look ou to out, bring a before irith me; but, cry could pass my lips, a second feeling of selfish pleasure that I alone saw that fearful thing, seiz?d me, aud I turned my eyes agaiu to the sea and kept them rFrom the Bombay . dis-unc- sup-posiu- g there. Within a hundred feet of the stern of our vessel, not now jpproaehiug us, but simply following iteadily in our wake, was this hideous A great mass of what thing. looked like tangled seaweed, on which a futile attempt at combing had been fixed out of the water. made, roso This mm must have been twenty or thirty feet in length and ten feet in width, and as it came on it caused a wide ripple in the water that showed there must ba a still greater part bestow the surface, From the center ef tiis muss, raised just clear above it, and facing the vessel, was a great bluck head. The top was quite flat, in shape not unlike that ct a monstrous toad. A thick fringe of coarse, reddish hair huug over the mouth, Hut the eyes quite concealicg it. were the most awful part of this fear-fu- l thing They were placed far apart, at either extremity of the flat head, distant from least three fret. . I that all the each other at must here state passengers and all the crew, except the captain himself, saw the thing atterward, but that there were scarcely two who could agree as to the color and nature of these eyes. 1 can only, therefore, write as they Ipeared to me. The eyeballs were euurmous; they mu3t have been four or five inches in diameter. They cintiilated ooustantly. Every one kuows the extraordinary appearance of a surface covered ith small alternate squares of bright red and bright blue, tho quiveriog, uncertain, uufixed look such a surface has, the difficulty, the impossibility experienced by the looker on to fix the color of any particular square. The eyeballs of this thing nd such a quivering, uncertain look; bat they were not red, not blue, not jvd and blue; they were of a bright, buriungly bright, copper hue; they pained our eyes and in this we were all agreed as we iooked ut them. In the center of each eyeball, a mere speck, but visible from iis extreme brightness, was a point of light, of 'tote light. It was impossible to leu whether these were or were pohts not material points of the eye or tterely caused by reGection, but they ere clearly defined, and seemed tu 'Cttiaxo lB the same place. The hoever, of the thing was bo bHa ! deduction could fairly i a9 j mo-"O- Qriwn . . f... vai !.-- . l not caangwg .: - "e appearance of this exiraordi-w- j creature was so new to. me, so B"?y outside all my previous that I had no preconceived hich t0 compare the tU i . t raised io m, mind. So the "Pjtjjon it caused was xagua and e, LV cremc-horro- r aad dis- - the pleas olutely. We looked constantly fot the at li king thiog, thai t during the rest of that day, but I had quite forgo fun the other peo. iot the slightest trace did we so absorbed in f -- ing pain of dis-ove- r. die on b'ar'i and was first arouse! I lactam hearing: by Dividsou stej the stern by me, ive one lo k upon below at the water, and then hurried Ib a few minutes ver ly go back passenger was crowding to the stern even the ladies appearing, though h unfinished costume. Exclamation-othe extreaest astonishment brok from all, and then eileuce fell, as tit crowd stared at the hideous creature. The children, at the fiist sight, rau b ick below screaming, and some refuted to come again on deck, though their nurses and ayahs desirous of looking on themselves used all possible means to make them. Some returned, curiosity overcoming fear, but even these looked on in a perpetual tremor of teiror, and hold themselves ready at the first movement of the thing to rush away. I noticed at this time the captain was not present, and turned to an old European sailor by me and asked him to go and tell him. "Captain won't come, no fear of that, sir," replied the man. I asked if he was navigating the ship. "No, ho was not navigating the snip, replied the sailor, "but he would not come lor all that; however, he would go and tell him." But though he went, the captain would not come. We all remained absorbed in the strange sight till the first breakfast bell rang at 8:30, when we had perforce to hurry away and take our chance of bathing at tltat late hour. Up to this time the thing had kept steadily in our wake, its movement continuing absolutely smooth and constant, and the specks of light in the glaring eyes never changing a hair's breadth from their position. At breakfast I sat one re move from the captain. We began, of course, talking of the thing we had seen, but the cap tain, for some reason we could not then understand, seemed to dislike the subject, and soen we abandoned it, falling then into absolute silence, fcr we could talk of nothing else. When we went on deck again we were only a few minutes at breakfast we found the thing still following steadily in our wake. The children had in a great measure got over theii fear, and had made along line by joining hands, and the whole lot of them would now crouch down and then suddenly rise up, open their moutha at the thing and cry out at No notice apparently being it. taken ef this they grew bolder, and at last their cries increased till they shrieked shrilly. Suddenly the hideous creature seemed roused by these crici, it raised its head in the air, uttered a, strange bellow, and came forward at a great pace toward the ship. None of us could at first move from fear; the thing seemed to have grown in size, its eyeballs were more burni&gly bright; the children fell on the deck crying, and some of the women fainted. But wc who remain standing, suffering though we were uuder intense terror, still could not, when we at last were able to move, retreat, or even take our eyes off the thiug It came swiftly up to the ship, always uttering the &atne peculiar cry or bellow. W hen but a few ieet from the stern it suddenly turned and came up close on the port side. Here the side awnings had been put up to keep iff the sun, but t hree of as rushed up to tb.i awning it down that we and quickly the thing. watch For might better myself, I must my (hit white doing this 1 was Mill mattering frotu extreme fear, but my curiosity was no intense and so irresistible,mat I oould only a:. as I did Ni sooner was the thing level with us thau it raised it self with a sudden movement high out of the water, till its head was thirty or forty leet above us. It still uttered the saute pee tliar cry or bei low. Under our intense curiosity we stood out on the bulwarks to follow It opened a great its movements. cried mare loudly than before mouth, aud made three blows at the main 1 be last ot theoo touched it, mast. and caused the ship to sway Twknt-ly- , were nearly cast off so that into the water. Whei we looked astain for the thiag it waa gone. These was- no ripple, no. disturbance of any kind iu the water, to 'show whera. it had heea, It waa gone al- -- f . And now let me state shortly why I, not over facile in writing, or fitted r the sulj.-cby kuowledge, writ his. At tiffin of that same day j -t as we wern rising to return ol leek, the captain rose and asked us Then fo retnaiu for a few minutes. referred to the straugt ne sight we had seen that day. laying stress on the fact, however, that he himself had not seen it, and he weut on: "Now uowe of you can doubt what you saw; hut I advise you not to talk about it. That was the sea serpent you saw. It only leads to making people laugh, and the papers take it up and cut jokes on it, and it U.v AUK NOV lUfiOElViNG OUlt GOODS won't do you auy good, and it But do me any good. would not then remember I did not see it, so and Western Markets, I've nothing to do with this one. And are therefore able to compete in price and quality with any But, if you take my advice, you house in Utah. Our btock consists of won't talk about it. Punch took up one sea serpent, and that captain STAPLE FANCY never got over it never. Remember, though, I didu't see this one." You will see how, Mr. Editor, that if you don't publish this, a most extraordinary fact may be lost to the world. This account. I may state, Queens-warehas been read over by some of the passengers, and their disagreement from what I have written is only what would necessarily, under the circumstances mentioned, be expect FIRST CLASS ASSORTMENT OF cd. To show that 1 have no fear of A CL0TU1XG ! GEATS' ridicule, I give my name, Sum i H I II t i.- eh-rt- ly Direct from Eastern DRY GOODS and AND GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, Tinware, Hardware, Plows etc., etc. JUST AlrtlrLI V'JiP, Matthew Strong. I may state that when the thing raised itself up and struck the mast, it was apparent that the sea weed like mass was long, coarse hair, covering a dark, thick neck. But the thing could uot possibly have been a serpent; for, to raise so prodigious a length of neck above the surface a hujre bodv below the surface was of course required. Selected specially for this market, and now Helling at Bed Rock Trices. Tbe beet variety to chooce from iu all this section of tbe Territory. OUll WIIOLKSALi: DKIMilTSIEXT is full in al ita branches. Special iuducemeota offered to the trade. " The merchaBta of Northern Utah will find at this bouse all they need for One very important advan'ajre to storekeepers in buying at tbe Lop an Branch shouid not be overlooked. Small quantities can be obtaiued and colol, and new purchases nude and disposed of and the process be several times repeated in the same time it would take to make one shipment from Ogdta or l?lt Lake. Thus with Bmall profits, qu ck returns aud frequent sales, BiereantiU prosperity can be assured. Wool, Hides, Qraiu, Butter, Eggs etc, laaeu ia pup-plie- s. exchange JLII ., , Orders addressed io M. TJlATVIIER Manaycr G. HE. I. S. laogan Branch. receive prompt attention. Modern Women. Will , It is a Had commentary upon our boasted civilisation that the womeu of our times have degenerated in health aud physique ' , ' . . uatil they are literal! a race of iu valid back-achand feeble nervous, pale, with only here and there a few noble exceptions in the persons of the robust, buxom ladies characteristic of the sex ia DKALKtt IN ALL KINDS OF- days gone by. By a very large experience, covering a period of years, and embracing the treatment of many thousands of cases of those ailtueuts peculiar to -A- NZVWomen, Dr. Pierce, of the World's Dis hns S. Y., perfected, peusary, Buffalo, by the combination of certain vegetable extracts, a natural specific, which be docs but one which ad not extol as a cure-al.1:. mirably fulfills a singleness of purpose, relible and JUST RECEIVED, A CAR. LOAD OF remedy being a most positive for those weaknesses and complaints that afflict the women of the present day. This natural epecifio compound is called Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription. The These Plows are warranted to tlogootl work in any noil, and piv prfe following are among those diseases in satisfaction; or, after two days' trial, the money will be refunded which this wonderful medicine has workif purchasers are nol satisfied. ed cures as if by magio and with a cer me attained never beiore by any tuinty dicines: Weak baok, nervous and general debility, falliug and other displacements of intern! organs, malting from debili ty and lack of strength in natural supports, internal fever, congestion, inflammation and ulceration and very many BARNARD WHITE, Oodei,, Utah. Addqess: other chronic diseases iucident to women, not proper to mention here, ia which, as well as in the ease that have been enumerated, t he Favorite Prescription effects cures the marvel of the world. It will not do harm in any state or condition ef the syatea, aad by adopting ita use the invuhd lady may avoid that severest of of a ordels the consulting family physician. Favorite Prescription ii sold by dealers in medicines generaly. j s3T-- tf II. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. , y, BARM ARB WHITE, BAIN WAGONS - -- AGRICULTURAL IHPLErfflTS ! l, OLIVER'S CHILLED PLOWS. Call Farmers, and Seo Them ! ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. JOHIH BOYLE c2 Co, Main Street- Ogdeiw ut - LEGAL NOTICE. th Probtte Court In and fcr Bet Elffer Counniul Sbith, ty, Territory ef luh, llo; J a ge. Ia Samuel J. long, Haintif. Sttmniont. Louisa A. Long, IMftn&mt. Th iropla of the United State In the Territory of Utah, kcmI greeting to Ltraia A, Long, defendant. Yuo are hereby required tn aniwer tlie pMtitioo of SadumI A. lng, la taid court filed gaiSHt you, within ten daye, exclusive of the day of anrrice, afte tbe aerrice ou you of thia Have juat reeeived, their sprmg stock of a!) liuda of ium-moo- ii eerved within thia ceunty: or, if served out of ttiia uounty but within thia die trier . within twenty dnya;' etherwiae within forty day; or Judgment by 4efanit will t taken agiainat yeu oconiiit to the prayer of Hid petition, taid action it brouicbt to ttnin a dec roe dieenlYing the hnnlrf of tntlrimuny eawtitig between taid plaintiff and defendant, opon the grouiidit aet forth in the petition ou hie ia thie office. Au I yon are hereby notified that If yuo fail to appear and anxwer the aaid petition an above repaired, plaintiff will take default agaimit you aud court fur ibe relief prayed for. apply In testimony whereof, I, J. C. Wright, Clerk of aaid court. do hereunto et my. Uaiwi aad a3uL th eol of aaid cirt,thJ 20th dajt ef May,lis;a. tthe 8XAL V .C;. WRIGHT; PruUai Clerk. 4&-- CAB I NETWARE. The Iarlr, largtit aad raoct varied ftssortmentef Dining I loom. Kitchen, JAhrarj and Cliauibcr Furniture Also Win Jo w Cornices, Clot't Shelves, Bralfeeta, and a crjrpletc stock Chrotaos; Pictttrei suitable for Sunday Sshool Presets; lUbj , Carriages, and a tar;e variety f Fictur Franks. "f JtA VR THE LARGEST STOCK 1JT OGTtEX. and srli ttt the.iLouNifti JPriee, , Vuuntty liculer will Hud it U their (U K advantage to give tut a |