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Show Vom LOCAL ITfcWia Saturday1 't Daily otJum 3 The Lightning Train mouth .Church, and Attorney-at-LawBrooklyn, New York.' Gen II J Morse, of SSorw, KimW.l & Co, Bankers, . Joseph U Orvis Eq., Founder and First President of tbe Ninth National Bank and of the Nationul Trust Co., Geneva award was fixed for considers , lion on Monday next. ,. Tbe House then took- a recess tilU evening, the session to be for a general debate on he tarriff bill' The lfcue pn?sented dreary appearance this cvaiiing. Not more' than a tle-members were present 'Speeches were matde oa ireverat subjtetir. ,. Beiqht.- - The June sun "came up The lightning express train, with over the aeuntains this morn- roiling" Jum of and Paener'a theatrical company, Daily Jarret Friday' I?' ng, having beaten the clouds ia a fair arrived here aS Ogden time, this fight Smile en fair sub, we're glad to morning, having made tbe distance from the moJ-W- e near ee you and happy to feel you. It Up. Toat Green River, 2tZ miles, in four hours 5:i , on tma oii Hotel rlin Chambe frem Evansand twenty-sim,nutes,and ob to C(j trespass Natioml v Teams hare filling The Railra ton minutes. eighty-fivCot W 15 Wvster, Counolor Good t SuPer" Number Expo-enThe Woman's alk. ffl ler ttP' JIr' for June 1st is received, it is a road Gazetteer makes Evanston eighty- - jWr.wnghara, Conn, Iron Boiling Royal M Basalt K-No. 1 number. All the latfcies- aWald two miles fiom Ogden railroad men call Lessee of tlie Laramie Manufacturer and 16 seventy-siDoc. KevEelds :,.n: m.-cnles. r subscribe for the Exponent. iffo i rcsiuvjvi Ul .! ihc nuns, ii.i.. orriiuiiiiij; foot The bridge drove the engine, No. 153, Mr. John Utah Northers R R. Foot Brido" Council over the Wm Frew, Enq, of Lokhiwt h Frew, Conlisk, was conductor, and C. W. West, dered by the City com- now is Oil Producers auA Uenaers, Extensive We Thank. When it is reaembered acknowledge the cour brakesman. at the railroad bridge, Or Sgnd to Snlt Lake renn without 8TeF walk cau tesy of Messrs. J&rrrett & Palaier, man that the last drive was throagh the ritisnurg. leted, &nJ PPle FOR Lng" to life and limb--. A good aot,for agers of the iightning train for sending mountains over a rougfc route, which Wholesale Druggist)", Toledo, Ohio. is entitled to thanks. us a copy of the New York Herald of has so C h Marcbaud Lfo, anufiictiiffer of bicb tbe Council recently been the sceac of bad ths day before yesterday. Tbese are washouts, the speed is extraordinary.. heavy steam ham aers, Alliance, Ohio. C F Scoleld, Brooklya, N Y. ightaJng times! Comparisons have been freely made AND Edward B Judson, Syracuse, N NorthUtah The Exccbsjos Norte. between the epee4 of this train and that Geo 0 Schwarzwaelder, Prest. of the sent a special ern railroad company of the fast express trains on the English German Bank. N T. Next Friday Evening Partis?. this morning, 0tl E Lohrke Es Londoa EngcarryiFranklin, to ,rain railroads, in favor of the latter. But it the of a first of series air evening Eastern open of gentlemen, must be remembered that no such dis- Gen. Wilder snd Messrs. Jadson and ng a company a few Jays ia evening parties, will be given at Jones' ho bavs been spending tances are traversed in the tight little Fitch dH not accompany the purty. The our mines, and taking Grove. It will be repeated every Friday Utah, examining Island, as the vast space through which train wa made up of Utah Northern ationi cf the Territory; evening till further notice.' A good1 WHEN this train has fled like the wind, engine, tender and one car, and a Utah jgeuiral observ band is and refresh this will retsrn string engaged, party the train The 1000 mile tree from Omaha was Western car wkich was brought up from rnemls wili be provided. See advt. evening. reached in twelve hours, and the New Salt Lake on a couple of flat cans. It accomAs the editor of the Junction York Herald cJ June 1st, was brought to started at 9:06. The trip to Franklin was we will await his retpanied the parky, Twins We congratulate our friends igden this nvorningl made in four hours and twenty minutes In the Market can be obtained at the urn to give an account cf the trip, the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dallimore, of this ears two There were enly in the train The scenery on the journey was greatly names of the gentlemen composing the city, on the birth this morning- of twiis It Btarted from Kew York with three, admired, and notes were taken of the find out, the company, and if he can Two fine son are new added ts their bu one behind at Pittsburg. country, the population, the ogrioultu- to Utah, tsgetber object of the visit The numbered sixteen persral, timber, coal, ruining, manufattur-- J company happy household. with the incidents of tbe erearsion, We also congratulate the happy grand ons, wh were all well.but looked dusty ing and atlwir resources of Northern i he will not be premising, however, that daddy, Alderman W. Thomson-- , and aod tired. They only stayed to change Utah. able to report in time for this day's An eacelleut afinaer was prepared for Irope his family tree will bear msre frudt engrnes, obtain water, dust off and oil paper. in all its branches. cars, and in feur minutes after arriving, the party ca short notice at the Lewis with Hank Small as engineer, and J II. House, Franklin, and was duly appreci for conductor, they pushed ateo) by the millionaires, who were made tbe From Sturtevant frequent Incendiaries The Evanste-- Age of yes Accident. for out 'Frisco, cheered by the shouts- ef just as hungry by the mountain air as ires in Omaha recently, the people have E. went carefully "Mr. PBrswn terday says: a large crowd of spectators- wis lined common folks, and who put on no uirs PRESOTPTiaSfS arrived at the conclusion that the "fire-kg- " of the ukhf over to Almy yesterday with a wsgon a the platform and mnted iVe freight v nor said anything of thir rwiUvus, infests that p4ace. Three incendiana aav.. load of vegetables, anct returning he was The vcturn trip within by cars, and by the waving d handker- ary fires have occurred tbere in the rear of the wagen when setting bal7 and th whole party expressed filled who the chief from tie- ladies about two weeks. p.n., one of the wkreeb suddenly sank into a themeelves freely in terms ef admiration Wiiics,. ef the Beardsley House. The last was a large warehouse, owned him out on the ceny ratt, deep throwing The company expert to din ra San of oiar Territory, and of weudcr at Us by Col. Jiatt. Patrick and his brother. his right shoulder. dislocating ground, and Mr. LawreBce immense capabilities. Francisco The damage mast exceed" $20,OCO, with He was brought home, and Dr. Hocker We anticipate good results from this Barratt &ot:jipnies- appearing before a io insurance. was called, who replaced the joint, and , California aidiene on Monday evening-- visit. The gentlemen cooposing tie this morning is all right, except a little l solid men- of sense as well The rapid transit will be a huge adver- - party Wbirb is He! We have in our pos- - sore." ef will the Company, and as wealth. Though not in acord with tisemnt lession a boek containing a vaat fund of itsel? draw immense crowds wherever the peojle of thia Territory in their re Thb Hart an the Eie. Tit. Con All of the finest quality.. useful information, dedicated as follows: ligious sentiments and social system they appear. black don It a has blaek Ov eye. eye. 'To the American Gentleman; The man Uatest. The lightning train made they coald not but admire the energy who i polite without affectation; Proud was blacked last light by a big Hart Toano, L3 miles, in four hours and bsx- - and enterprise which under wise dinee the so The Hart at felt good big oaten prs without van'rSy; Dignified without teen minutesv If tbe sane speed is con- - tion has beautified a desert and made tatioB-- , AJaW to all, servile to none; pect of a glorious- Fourth in Ogden that tinued, tbe train will arrive six or seven sterility to bring forth plenty. They who never deceived bis friends, near he tagged the Doctor, aad pueied him hours ahead of the time- intended. diseussed onr views without bigotry, and accidentally agfwsst some dry goods turned his bock to his foe." mad candid admissions Tr4sa posed by boxeg,scratching hie brw and darkening fact er argument. !She Heave us with his eye. It wae done in good nature, mairj eonvmon prejud6es softened or re . Tisitors. Orator We are informed! thwt the and! when the big-- Bart afterwards- acci tHe lovrest'pnoes.. moved, and with enlightened opinions dentally sttvc&blect and fell on the floor, coamittee appointed to procureaspeak Yesterday nwining the party ef c&pi- concerning the cyyortunities whioh Utah ' er to deliver the oration en occasion of that was aWdorwgood-naiuredltalistts, who have come to Utah for the affords for the profitable investment of Wm.. & SOX, It was a'J ia fun, and the Doctor the great Utah Territorial Ceatennia of its the capi'jaJ which is lying idle in tbe of something learning purpoee Jtmvrietoi t celebration in this- citrj on the Fourth looks funny thia- saorning with a brim to naturad resources, arrived here from Eaek e2-ly- . of July next, Res obtained the consent his hat about the' size of a gipsey tent Salt 3ke and went by special t.E.K.R. jtfc Carrington, of the New Hareo sent of C. W. Bennett, of Salt Lake City, But don't tell! him his eye looks qjueer, Cache train to Journal aad Courier, will write up the Valley. ts dieeharge- that duty. pretend you don't see it. This party was invited here bj C. W. Texritory.and the effects oi the influence From the well known and acknowl Scofield, Esq., who is largelj interested each of the gentlemen inthe party S. edged ability of Mr. Bennett ea a pub Utah railroads. On Wed wield in their several oirolee,-- cannot but in Maii Robers CArOTiiKD. lie speaker, the tens of thousand! who result in benefit to Utah WATCHMAKER A NIT XEWELEfTr Following are their names r nesday, at 8 p. m., the stage from Salt in their this left epe v morning They i may attend on that occasion may expect t Pk.nnn Lake to Fillmore, wae robbed about a 0Mtr in Watrhnw, C16oki, JwetTi Silver aa1 and Manu- - cial Pullman ca ?or. home; immediately Plat4 Wre, MAINJ TREET. rich treat ia listening to his' patriotic E.viaM Vinin, OJDffiV. two mile south of. Chicken Creek, by ex of the arrival the after lightning RAtalritig Matty- csdftHiwo.-- f wrrntfJ . facturer of Iron Commioeioner for the addnees-a wiehabem We , pleaoaat jour maskad men, supposed to be the same at, the Centennial. Press. wil tb andbe.ieve they ey back, to the Republican at Lawe ones that robbed) the mail the night pre- and Delegate - o w found ns, which is speak of us Pocrtk or Jhlt. The committee on vious. They took $25 from M B. Sowles, Convention at Cincinnati acnor us wun Hon E 3( JuJgon, Syracuse, N Y, all we aim. or those w&ojrocessien met last night at Peery's the Howe machine manager. On being visitPresident of the Frit National Bank, and Hall, and to b certain extent decided on told by him- it was all the money he 0 Director of tie Amerioan Express Cw. a. the character of the different bodies re of He Na President M the G dollar. one back him Esq, Elliott, v. had, they gave New VmAMtnifln'ii Haven. Rank. luired for that purpose. had a 3ne gold watch with him, which ttnn&l En the Sesate, yesterday, the legiala ConiMCtionti. The following, gentlemen were ap they f wiled' to discover. The Wells Fargo CD naniol rnnwhridT. Ean. President f five aoDronriation bill came up as uafin- pointed a - committee to provide re treasure box was smashed, but they the Citizen's Gas Company; extensive isbed business. Mr. Morrill mada long of failed to find anything in it. They also West Indian Merchant, and Direetor of statement, in whioh he held that the of the Goddess presintatbs Haven and Northampton Railroad, ductrons proposed by tbe Hoaee were Liberty, and' thirteen original States, cut open the way mail sack. They amend-.Tnh' O.'E.; together too much. The first Haven, Connecticut. on committee Davis, Monch and A. C missed the register sack. They failed tb tt Parrinirtnn. Esa. Xditor and ment reported by urownv to whom were added Messrs to get anything excepting the $24 they Proprietor of the New Havn Journal appropriations, restoring the salary of fnt anu inoB. Wallace and Edward IIorrooka senators top OJ and Courier. preaeuittUTeo iium took from Sowles. was adopted without tha-Mto $5,000, of $4,500 Cashier B T Fitch. Esq, committee to furnish representatives of MoBride, J. Yesterday morning division. Other amendments proposed chanic'a Bank. Svracuse, N.X i'l the Stites. and Alf. KJ E. R. Rollins, Sparks Witbeck, n Phoin. Kmi. President cf, the bt the committee on appropriations, re. As commiflee to and clerks officers of two salaries men the NiTthe stcrine o fin. DnondacaSTraouae. McCune nf Trust brought intj Nephi provide a company oi ei;r)u-ih- n nudren in wagons to follow tbe Goddess engaged in the robberies They were Roger 8 Moore, Esq President of the er toe cenaie ana nouse in and employee Hancock National Bank, Spring- tives, capitol police, a., ' Liberty and sing; Messrs. A. received captured abeut 5 o'clock the day before field. Mass amounts to tbe by the library, nelps, C. C; Goodw4n and Wm. Pugh north- side of. the- Sevier nn the Henry J Nazro.Ssq, Cbmmissio Mer- them under the existing law, As committee McBrido-wawithin fifty yards chant, Boston, formerly President First to, as wae also the amendment approa company river. te-priating ten thousand' dollars for the ftSanday school saholars, from the a of the coach wh9n they committed the National Bank, Dorchester, .Maea. 'printer and the Gay, Esq, late Iron merchant of salary of Congressional f sub schools:: Mesers. Richard Ballan robbery on Wednesday evening,, aad then P EMunson a. his and two thousof office,., and Contoaotor for employees &Co, Gay, 'jse, Aaron Fivrr, Taos. D. Dee. for daUors fired at, the men. He and John Witbeck Public Work's, Boston, Mass.. hundred five contingent and The John Mack, Esq, New York; retired expenses of that ofiicet Tbe next amendMunicipality of this city mi the person who drove the mail when the CO CI ment was one restoring the President's uaij tourt officers were invited, by first robbery was committed, followed merchant:. dollars.. thousand to fifty York; retired salary JaoobWyekoff, Esqr 'er to take part in the the traok of the robbers until they found merchant. continued fly Me procession. The debate---waAa line of march House Churob the near Legan, McMuller, Clay-toon as them encamped Chss XCremwell, Es?, New York; re- Creery, Sargent, Pi 4 . , and which" follows: To Hamlin.-lmmedi .reading Kellj, tired merchant start from southwest corner The robbers commenced firing w Union B M P.rice, Esq, New York; retired the Senate adjourned; Z n' rrj .oSquare,- north to the City Hal! ately. Witbeck's gun was out of order, The Heuae went inta committee on tbe merchant. ku fctreet, along Main, and.thenc , so McBride had to answer tha fire of New Y'ork, Vice JTadian appropriatiea bill. There was Maltby G Lane to to was and the obliged give President Union Dim e Savings Bank, and considerable, progress - made ia terminus of.tha U. N the two robbers, I""1 discussion abeut' Indian nn the chase, hut, in a short time, met Director of the Third.Avenue Railroadv with the usual' for TK. TJaest. Washington butrageer.but Uher persons- mentioned Co. New. York, and. waaiUee meets again in te Bureeu Indian th of Horse Pikilroadi when- tbe was-n' ''P'seopal schoolroom. All. mem above, who returned, with them,, and reached, andfi II Jeweler Jobmsovii Department a. 3sq, Jhn. r re Mr. of on motion thenu .and committee taiinz. rose, ia. Dealer 111 PrecusStees, N T. requested ite. meet punctually at i tv ord.the.billi. the. disiribaiiosucf.Uwj TJwbjm JL TClnrj, Esu. Clatiof.Kj; ' 1 grieonerav. - H. 2. J 10-1- en - x e at-La- q, - 60 WIIY D0 IOU x J We-be- r 5 DRUG& . - MEDICINES 5S ad Very best Ajticte was-lef- t ITY DRUG STORE l OGBJBJS? 1 - - - Liquors,, I - - arc-al- fr I Oils. Paints - YarnisfieSr - Brushes, - Influential Jt y. DRIYER - - J. T.n..... w:u, - s,f . LET7IS,. 11-- - as-the- - S.r. - Con98Bional. a- re-Ne- w c al-N- n - T.:-.Meis- R3. - CQ. e- r 03 a CM- a ... ft' glo. - waB-agree- a O' s Or Urn o Jw o, - CO - ' ' Es-j- the-bill- ) ... n to-nig- ht the-thre- - v - -- the-Wa- r - ot a o - r |