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Show (Portli ivacvios. BY TELEGRAPH. Nammer uud BT AMERICAN. . Che Nurserj, CONDOH. "And when the child is grown, it fell on a day, that be ent out to Lis father to the reapers, and he said auto his father, "My head, my bead." And he Haid Is a lad, "Carry bim to fcis mother; and when ha had taken him and br lugbt New Vork an! Kio tie Janeiro was con him to his mother, be sat on ber knees tioually carrying s!aes from one Bra till noon and tbea died." Bible. .!in tiuaport lo another, ami that lliej Of all the sad recerds of mortality the Live carried as many a a hundred and in my judgment, i the most above, The l at one mi the same tiuie htiauufui in the Knghfh lan- t hat toucbiDgly thu Van Ordcu assure 1'riBiJent I be absence ot rhetorical nour gunge. waiter would itmsiigaied at once ish and peiiols turned for e It eel only; New York. 2. Tlic sanitary iuspeciors of the health the simple laconic history of a child's have male u report con- tuvknett and deaih, have no parallel in modern utteraoces There is a whole demning the w couolf court as dan volume in it It speaks of the darkened 'TO u.i to life ami health ou account ol ofa nursery the year ago, where voices were oauscd by uefedite Washington, 2. The Rer. Emanuel Van Orden, an American clergyman of Rio Janeiro, railed on i be President and tuld lim that il,e United Suies mnit steamer betweeu 1 teatilaiiou, con-rifuoii- of the fWs and the uoiou Iroin the water closet 8. emanating jmshs !be buildings are now constructed, it i ajw impossible to remedy the evil. Four desperadoes, named James John tin nn and Joseph r'arrell, who were serrioft lerim in Sing Siug overpowered their keepers thin LturuiDg and esc ipol. T be budy of the man found in Hacken-:eliver, supposed to be that of Dr. IWdcih, lata land commissioner, has Ueo identified as that of LHedrioh Gep Will, who lived outaids of Jersey Ciiy . .i Car-jnte- r, k All Pittsburg, IV, 2. the conference between the man- ufacturers and puddlvrs have failed lo but very l'i event a lockout, and tew poJdliog wills in this county are at tu-da- Murk. New Orleans, 2. verrn?ed the motion for JuJge a uew trial and nrrt.ii of judgment in Him Carey & O'llrioD distilling ciises, and r...itincd setitcuce as folloa : John Menderwn, hixteeen months imprison-inl aud $!J,(XH) fine; John K Hetts, siiteeu wombs and $1,000 fine; Ot'o A. lUrstens, sixteen menths uud $2,000 in; Edward Fehreftbacb, thirteen months aud $1,000 fine; W (1. Janus. The yru Nix months and $1,000 fine. ners were all bcuteueed to the West The court room Virgioin eniteniirtry. va. orowded, and th prisoners were .t once takftn in oharjra by Marshal I'ac'i ard, but may not bo vnl a ay before the tenth of June. The Louisiana delegation to the ('in eiunati convention elected Nov. Kellogg a chairmao aud adjourned. In the congrenloil inrestig itina eoaimiltee to day, A. Iavis testified that 'in 1 87 be went with tiyjber, Cuogress man, lo Mree, supcriuieudent of con i ruction at thectislotu house and tdgned a $,01M contract, who then said (he work n done, wvd went with witness n gel tho tuuney, whioh Cypher puokel- I. Cypher said he wou'd remunerate witness, but never tid. Ho henrd that I for election pur tie nvjncy was Wood n S of $vi f raacisco. 2. The iUy View distillery recently seii ill the United flat's el, was liUi-lleriirict Court to day. Tho trial ill t ike place in July . V Dirga says the dispatch frem d In Jrj Mexioana are Inns an J phtudering houses aud ruunitig tl stock iu the f Campo, wiiere lam lies are eol lectins for protection. The propecis itre pod for a ReneTal outbreak on the torder. Tae discount on i)er J J wnehaitj;ed A disptUckr from cyan Dirgo says bands of Chiitcahua ludiaus, iu Amjua, to b removed to the 3u Carlos nod intend to msko arnd Ten companies of cavalry are Jn liau m.iuis, in tha field besides aud art l Ih Urovghl kt tetiuo in ease re-ius- e rd vf tiaeigeiuy. iRK!U.. ' ; London, t! . The Tost says U eariiiuat Ahdul Jli A late Sultan af Turkey, is confined in the i'iiUo c.l ed the Cage. Tha Tost mia says it Las reason lo believe taat M JiffM erfecy safe, and nnderstandi f tbal tucen Victoria immediately en Vwoitii? ot the deposition of Abdul obta-iAsia lok steps satiifavtory assurance of the ptisoaal safety of her former gvjesC. 'A dispatch frow Coflstafttinojle states that the cereuawiits f girding Nurad hiTenai, the new Sultau, with tha sword f Oman, which is vavalent to a is jtponed un'il next week. A Dsrlin dispatch tothe Gazette auyi it is stated here that Smi refuses to vecojniie the new Saltan of Tuikey tn the mound of his irregahir accefiun to to pay her iri tko throne, and delin hntt, two iustalmeuis eT ahich arc in arrears The eatix di.tsk tmys that frince Uismarck will HCfwnyauy lira fresh peror Willfarw t Ems, where conference will l held between Frinee Hismarck, IVinec CoHchSotf and 'oat KariJide Niy Karoly, Atistriua arxtrt.Hadwr at Uviliu. tor-n,i',- t'ontsnfin '. 2. Tbr miftisv of freigt) alhtiira has telegraphed the rurVisn represenU'aves ht'r to deny the abroad as follow.-- : J walijrjsmt rumors cirenTated concmitn(r rhe nt narch's fate. depend after Im rffe&di or'erevl arcin. WW Iinmedi-ate'- the Saltan ttncla y Mu-va- d treated ai to receive rn.idria, ft.t sis yerwa. The j with every a I the honors nn M av hnnxm' Sbyphru his ttvifc a-- T Tohersgin palace on to aisigoed hi-- as a bushed, and anxious friends glided noiselecs'y from one duty to another, or hung like sombre euadow over the ooucb of parting life. It tells of the discarded toy, the half worn shoe, and It points to the Utile empty cradle. green mound over yonder, and the little white soul up yonder. Its contemplation is especially interesting to mothers, to whom I am writing, for as the days steal by yoa are painfully reminded that the season approaches, when the prattling sunlight of your home shall put his hand to his fevered face, and say, "My head, my bead," and you will take him upon your kuees, and with the rapture of a nntbers love, press bim to your bosora, but ul noon be will die Aud thouah yon fain would give your Jife for his life: and tbougb, like the old prophet, you by your warm lip, dumb with grief to his dead lips, aud breathe into his nostrils, your own breath, seetient with the untold agouy of your last careos, yet (bat dsad lace shall never smile in your face ngsin this side eternity. The startling quiokness with which childreo have faded into the realms of iheOieal Unknown, iu ull past seasons, both here aad in Sail LtkeOiiy, admou-is- h you that, through the long bot hours of coming summer, a Chill Presence will oontiuuaily wen ace your hearthstone, and constantly threateu to invade the sacred precinct of your baby a cnb Now, then, what can yon d to ward otf approaching and I will tell you some danger 1 things you can do. However warm the wtathcr, let th undergarments ef your child be woolen. From a sanitary view, there is no difference between a coarse aud fine teatnre. rio, your purse or fancy may govern that point. .. Woolen dues iiot keep the eelJ out in wiuter, but because it it a nonconductor,' it keeps tho heat in. Iu summer when atmospheric or eolar heat is greater lhau t!e normal standard of neat in the body by being a it establishes and maintains an tquilibrium of temperature, by prevent-iug- i lhe be it from passing through to, and being absorbed by the body. Like a sponge, it takes up the perspiration and holds ii; while cotton, by its capillary const ruction pisses the heat and perspiration througb us minute chun-uelthereby exposing the body at ull times to the least chuuge of temperature and every breath of air. io the body, from a high sute of heat during i he day, becomes chi!ld by the lowered temperature of evening air, and thus is et up altered secretions frosa mucous surfaces, lesulting in congestions of mucous meratraaes, wbick U catarrh The summer complaint of children belongs to this elasa of diseases, though not produced solely fcy this caase.. Altitude has something to do ith it; the greater the height the Ins deuoe ta air, a t consequently, the less oxygen; and every thing else being equal, cue greater the normal stan -amount ofoxygen up t ard, the greater the vitality Alkali dust impregnating the air, aad floating with it into the breexes, deoxidises the blood, and "(be hody of its sapply ef nun -lie to the vital forced. lat as thesu hart ao ieHerest only from a scientific standpoint, I shall not discuss thexa further. 1 repeat it, drees your children in woolen, and let the garment worn during the day be not the one woro.V night. Rathe jour children morning and night ia cool (not cold) water contaiaiui: com men sail, and rub thetn smartly till dry The skin contains ntauj thousand pores to'the square inch, and their office is to conduct off effete matter. It neglected this matter will berw concrete and close up every little orifice. go do cot let tbeai become plastered over by the ir own product If all th pores and vents of Vesuvius were closed up, Vesuvius would emplode. Wash your child that be do ao4 etpbdt. Water is so chep, let n complain of lack of facility. Inxcribe'thi strange dev ce upon your baby's crib: "Cleanliness is next l Cod lines " lu the hot noontime keep him where it is cool, and in the cold eveaicg keep him where it is warm, in other words preserve s near possible an equal temperature. Ry all means guard against sud je beat and sad lea reld. Keep un ripe, artiaciaily refined, or blighted fruit fmtn tbeiM, as you weald if you knew it container pokes. Verfemly matured aal well ripened frit,tu proper eeason, prepared, and in proper quanprprly is healthtal. tity, ' ftut as I dwell upon this subject to sine lenji h ' "J report to the Roard of Health list year 1 will a at eoatinue it . fujcthcr at (Vui tisse. h-- .t Li.-le-a, s, NEVER BEHIND THE TIMES! So far as practieshle, use spring wafer, it will repay for th eitra amount of labor necessary to obtain it. Surface water impregnated with (calcareous and putrid animal matter, is anything but an elegant drink, ihongh it be filiered inthreagh night soil and stable eicreta to your wells. Ia the interior of the block bounded deby Fifth, Wall and Fourth streets, murder and funct cats, immolated dogs, e l bens, have there found an uncoffined sepulchre, on the top of mother earth, while among them, superannuated eoip hones are acattered in rich abundance. To sum it all up 'Tin mast rank sir, and ine!U to heaven!" Isuggest it be called (jolgst ha, or Hinnom, or home other becoming name. But I will pat the ciiy fathers on the back for what they ave already done in that locality, and ex press tbe hope that when the hot summer comes they will dig deeper. At another time 1 may have something more to say on this subject. Ogden, June 5th, 137b MiiHaisasw'MiawaiwowaananaMawaeMWiawwaassw ILT I A.M JENNINGS, where. 50,000 POUNDS WOOL! LEASKD TUB OGDKN V0')LKN and re lit ted and arrang! the same wi b New Machinery, ot tbe mmt approved am prepared now to furnish the pmpla of this and surrounding Ttrritoriua and ta'ee with Jeuues. I.tusejs, Cleareland 1'oenkim, Kiincy CHMiiiiarits, Wool lKkin, I'.epellauts, t'lnunels, uud Stocking Yarn, of the erjf liest limk. fitm H. stock, WArritnted to givs atisl'ction, to all bo lnT tutor me with their palronagu. abov dasrriUct cloths will lie kept on Laud for Exchauge for Wool, Grain, 1'roduce DON'T FORGET THE EMPORIUI1 ! ISAG-Xai-: HAVtNQ ttri,I con-tnnt- l) and SADLT? - ! lle Si Importers. .Jobbers and I? taii Dealers in General Merchant ise. Have just receive- a New Stock of Goods of the Choicest Selections fron L from the European Markota; Importations an immense Stock of Notions, Staple and csiijcv Dry Goods, Bootscand Shoes, Men's ats t In their Gr ry Department, in tho TS. mn t, you will find a Large Stock of thfs Choicest Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Crockery. All of which they are selling as Chenp if not Cheaper than any other house in Utah. Therefore persons wishing to. purchase Roods will find it to their interest to call and examine pr ccs and quality of goods before purchasing else- 1 Wanted S'NS TEIasrlorra-norinm- . Salt Lake City Utah. THE CELEBBATBD McC0RMICK HARVESTING MACHINES! Cash. 6r WH, Tina Hichext Market Prien paid ia ex-- ft i buupe for the fnrions kinds of goods manufactured at the Mill. Having bad TWELVE YEAKS' KXl'KUIKNCE In this Territory, in the inaiiufitct'TP of tho alxv as good named articles, I expnet to muMiifai-tgoods as cnu b inudn iu the Territory, or from ) roualry. ThoM who have w ol to exchange for goods, w.Il do welt TO CI k nT. KKFORK MAKIXU MAI. OTTIIKIR WOOL HT,T. Orders All R Attended Promptly to. OOPKN OU SALT LAKE CITY, j. stVCm , 1 inner. ' I'TAII. Unn, a JAMES. T titer str (Soecessor t MitcVell i Wilt 3 2 ? Htcnin Fitter. A lfl cS , DAVSD ' Si" ci nmsus,I.K?SEE. . tr as El UTAH WOOLEN MILLS, Janios.) PILL MNCOr IU.CK AND O ALVANIZEP Iron ltpe and Fittltib kept in stock. Hose f f--r snme. Aent for unise.v'if horce and I.ilt l'nnips. 1'uuips remid paired, I'unip fittings un LaU. Tipe and i celrlistd t FUUNACE WOKK ASI) KOOriSG, SE ?hrr Iron Cmir nmde to oriler. MT Uhrllmc, toldnrct Top fruit sad HMiry Cans a specinlty ia ikvii snaaoa. Ordnra from the country promptly hi led aad hlppeJ. o GalTMifwrf Variriew an.--f Workshops, NALT LAKE P.O. Bpx, Wi-r- l Wat CppesiteCity SC6 Tfplu friTT, St., E li bo-r- Lobi.m My t8 187; r.f s aa. u 5" 2 has no Superior for 'Light TIIE DUUPPKR Draft .nnd imltOTED THE ConTcniencc PUIXK MOWEU ctno. netdsonly to be be beat; tried. All the McConnick Machines, manufacturet forth last thirty years bare been noted lor Biiaplicrty of construction, superiority vf workmanship and durability. ,., order of th 2. J1 Mnrkst. A!vYOX. aot ft - if pllp E OF THE THE 8TOCKHOLDERS Canyon Kmtd Company are re guested to meet at the Seaond District Scboolhonse. ir Ogdn, on Saturday, the 17th day of dune nen. at 2 o'clock p m. for the purpose of inking into consider ation the prop rie'y of M 'Cting au organ ixation under (he general incorporation ' By 1 mm stJ-l- j OfiiUKX s ectors 'akk. President. (Mi 41 8t EVERY re-I-s L'uitrated Circular Sent Free. MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Samples to be seen at Bichardrm known k Joshua Williarus, Ogden; Goodwin Bros., Douglass, Smithflold; whrao also Agents for the ssss r FISH BROS. WAGONS. Lo-ea- well OGDEN Planing and Re-Sawi- Mills, ng AND LUMBER YARD, . tw8 ce I-- a lors, tli. WiurJonn, s Mm Blinds, IMcBiels, CAiiiUM, 5IU LE. BttR K a arrf.T of kKf bss put oor CbmIi. t MMhins SfON l 1 yfVE US A CALJ, AND EXA3IIXK OUR PRICES. xrert-euc,ah- IHEXCiLLEfiT RUritlNG QRQEX, Un is OIBSOisT. tart fttpt'U OAlfIof 'I Co., Cornor o.Tourth and Franklin St , Ggden. WOOL l Sc ao srrsn .itws. in; will receive orders for AMES' ENGINES wd' EMPIRE oL.rll sAW SHINGLE nd LATH MACHINES. CORN and CANB llUINCi U YOU II WOOL MILLS.M7LLS, VIBRATO!? A:c., &. Alw tho St. Lor INVINCIRLK And Get Good Eolb. Send ft THRESHING MACHINE wiib CAKEY FOWEK. .H Lo)tMr.in'i tbi UU'sneti&s U 1 p.Swe , is-la- a ciretlars. VWO. .. .. '"" f , CillMaOD, EClla A |