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Show SOSM n PTIOtf Local items..at shears.'' The bow string, or ft dip in the Bosphorous, would not answer Frwtt Monday' i Dail of June h the purpose in these days of lightThe report of the committee of the The Llghtulng Train. ning nws steam travel and general inrrand jury oo the NiuuiHpal records In our Issue of Saturday, we gave vestigation, hut the sciizors have bf&ilt Lute, has raised considerable furnished a sufficient weapon and the particulrrs of the progre of Jarrrtt imlieiMtion.and is generally received t tar ns and Palmer's express train for a plausible theory. with diHfitTor. This U not because points We stoptrain the Toano. will add that is to be hoped that the new SulIt sre itfcais of eipendiUre presented ped at Terraoe, and was supplied with will prove mora agreeiblo to the tan ceal, water, ice, eto , the wheels were which might be coiioidert d outside of more merciful to the ChrisTurks, greased and tht cars dus'ed, ami under tlve chartered power of a municipil in and more of the tians the skillful direction of Mr. McKtniie, empire, f tle fcirporatioa, but because with the spirit of the times roaster mechanic at that place, only six evident design manifested io the harmony than his predeetesor, and that by his minutes elapeed before the train was in document to attack persons with the west wisdom and incder.tbn "the sick rapid motion towards Whom the committee had no official Engines were stationed at different be yet revived, and Euman" may iu points on the route in case of a breakbusiness, to bend facts and figures a general convulsion down. Elko was made at 4:40 C. P. time, spared rope to and Hipport of Mntenable theories, oyer tho long deferred and generally Palisades at 5:20, and Winnemucca at few pander to tho malice of a breaded Kastern question. 8:20, ten minutes having been consumed persons, who sufpect in in waiting at Battle Mountain in conKthen the e?iU which exist iu them-airsequence of hot boxes. Reno was passed ' J ..;', at 12:25 a.m. on Sunday. J WssbiDgtoo, 4. At 9:25 a.m. on SunJaj tbe train reachOne or two instances of this atThe Turkish Miuivter of Foreign a ed will teleserve Oakland wharf, and the party arrived ailJreHoed committee hut the following tempt of the : sad Mir .Minister Turkihh ''A Jo at the Palaoe Hotel at 9:52 J. The time gram examples of tho impropriety ol their cent bs just puinfa'.lj affected oar aufrom Ogdea to San Francisco was twenty-tVotiduct. They report an app.-opgust forereign and bis government. Abminutes The hours a;ion Tor the expenses of a ball iu the dul Aisii lUmn, lnte Sultan, wbobaefor evtime from Ogden to Oakland !otne 'niie pct uufortunateljr gien running theatre, on the completion of the ident signs of meiiial demngeraent, hav- was forty one and a half miles per hour. I'tah Central Railroad ThU was all ing leckt-- luinself up thi morning in The engine whioh started from Ogden bis apHrtments at the palace of T. riht. But they assumed two points, Cliemrignii, commixed suicide by open- made tbe through trip, with the help of veins of his arm with gciettoru, one other locomotive over the Sierras. tbe which' (they aided as icouitrieuts, ing be hud concealed on bis perron. tiich bith' of which are untrue. They The .Imperial Government hastened to A grand breakfast was served up for the tired passengers, who were in good and Caine call a legal inquest to be made, also de state that Clawson tailed a medical report, which will be health and spirits, and a large number charged S3 a ticket for admission to fur warded to you very soon. High off- of prominent citizens participated, while this ball and that they did this as icers, both eitil and military, will be a salute of thirteen guns was fired in present at the funeral of bis Majesty, honor of their arrival. Theamanjgers of JirighanTYoung's which will take place with tbe accusThis is the most remarkable railroad tre. The facts are, those gentlemen tomed pomp and honors due lo the d. the wilt laid in whose be ccatod body trip on record, The vast space behad leased the Theatre bo none of Mausoleum of Sultan Mahnmmed." tween the Atlantic and Pacific, was New York, 4. this appropriation' went to the prohours! traversed in less than eighty-fou- r About one hundred and newly prietor, and they did not charge any imported Chiuamen went twenty An statement of in our occurred error to work yes at a (mission to the celebration ball. on Island the 1000 Railroad, the time made from Omaha to the Long terday mile tree; it should have read twentyour The committee report $718.23 as seventy cents a day. Meadville, Pa.. 4. of twelve hours. instead at of Axtell iGovj This afternoon the lightning struck an paid for the board No accident occurred throughout this the Townseud House, when no such oil lank belonging to 0. L. Harrington, one mile south of Oil City. The tank, wonderful journey, aud the oompany item appears on the city books. ooutaining 21,000 barrels of crude eil. will appear this evening in the play of They also represent certain suits of itntaetiiutely exploded, and set fire lo Henry V. Whatever their acting may tbe tank owned by McGrtw ltros con infley ta'paid to Sutherland and taining 23,600 barrels of oil. Loss esti- be, their traveling feat is a eurety of Hales which do sot appear on the mated at $100,000.' their success. 4. !.. ' ( Cheyenne, books. Three men were killed by Indians this show to something morning, on Cedar Creek, .forty miles They attempt Xew Cheese Factory. south of Sidney, and twelve miles west in bhares of in the purchase frrong of Riverside They nre thought to have Mr. Joshua Williams, the enterprising the pas works at 93 Jt pef 'ceni and bf b Clieyenneg cu their way north from lumber merchant of .this city, baa just ItepuMicaa Valley. A courier is la at i mplaiu of i the refufal f Supt. Fort Laramie to day from Red Cloud returned from his farm at Peterson's, to infom tbem as to the af- agency, and reports additionaldoparturen where he has started a cheese factory. fairs of the gas works, when at the ot young warriors for the north. Eight Mr. Williams has paid considerable ct'iupania of the Fifth Cavalry Lave attention to the cama time of the oity'a purchase, txen ordered ..from the Department of raising of blooded stock, some and Missouri sold Laramie to hundred One Fort has sold stock very fine Durbama at to were shares of tne gas nd twenty Snake Indians have been en- good figures. Having a number of private parties ai lQO per cent, tie rolled at Camp Urown, a'l well armed, cows he studied out the eastern Geo Crook to graded city lias received dividends every and have started to meet modut operandi of coeete making, to co operate with him in the campaign. mOnth bb'tho par value of their utilize his aiock. He has now built a Chicago, 4. A local organization was affected to- frame structure of 1 Mock, and the committed never stories, 42x32. It ef the society known as the Order is studded and covered with waited upon the Superinten- day strongly of the Knights of the Sun which is a dent for information. anti Roman Catholic order, and will rustis, and is well painted inside and in connection with the Stale, outside. It is situated about four miles operate fcad a right to The committee '' east of Peterson's, on the U. P. R. R., ' it waibeir doty to report London, 4. is well supplied with water from a and It Is generally accepted as a fact that fraud or waite jf tbey discovered it; the dethronement of the Sultan was not fine spring adjacent. The factory ia tut it was not Ihcir jJ.uty to theorize, simply the dethronement of Abdul Aiiii filled with new machinery of the best hor Imagine fraud where none existed, bat of Russian influence in Conat&ti-Rcpl- style, with nil the latest improvements, d Kuseian journals charge hor to state for tacts their own aswith being at the bottom of the and its working capacity is for the milk ''-- ' of 200COWB. sumptions or the vain suspicions of TurkNh revolution. A tank containing a thousand gallons Mr.' I E. Schratn ias come from Kan; tiesigmag knaves. of wuer, in St. George's Hospital, gave sas for, tbe express purpose of taking In this they exceeded their Juty, way early tiiis - morning:. The water orasbed through the wards, carrying charge of the factory, and by text Saturkiid though they may train the worth-los- s patients in ' tbeit beds bm'ofe t tearing day Mr. Williams will have 150 cows plaudits of rogues who have iaxV out the wlls, and;dvluing the 'entire ready oh the spot to supply the lacteal killed nginori etcalingscbecausc, they ktfew building Several patients ' were fluid.. He expects to supply the home and mauy seriously injured. f ' . 'i market with oheetse just as good as auy 'themselvts if they.Wosfla steal they manufactured in New York, and at prices had the irhance,! they will ouly ct CotrsHjisiv Work. Mr. Gee. 8. which will compel purchases. His stock poftclhetf liwa i'o'ly and c?er them. Dean 6f Korth Ogden is canvassing this of are just tbe kind for the Mlvea with the hame they designed city for the sate of an illustrated work business, and there is unlimited range entitled "Fogtprints of the Ages." It to bring npoajhe-innoeentin the neighborhood of the factory. embraces, in a.brief manner, the whole We hop Mr. Williams AHSV AXI OJ a-- e. Af-fai- rs ri hree fifty-tw- o . i , ' w , ofli-t'ul- ly ie-or- , . . c. Eng-Un- : - , . : halt-breed- if history, commencing1 with the CITTIXO A PATHUTO" creation, and giving aa ep'lme of im VAIt.lDISi;. - t., portant ever.t down to the srtllement of e Aoisrtcv The. main portion of the bonk Abnfewf of thij dcpoFiiIon!of is devoted to tfte bl.it rr the Government of tie United Statejj with sketcb-c- e dul AnlrKhatip'ultan df Turh of all the States and TerrUe-riBut as uot altogether unexpected oi biogmpaies of Celebrated men the tiding of his death, to be fogrl book contains agre if amount rf The ia another column, will bo received ud the enly va).ihla infirntatiou; with surprise as iVell as sorrow. fHitlt tind it with ! the otmrse wt great It if possible that tho ilcthroued nors cf th The portraits uuablo beat and tha to are. fcowewr. tooaarch, griif good kt'ncesc? fhamo of his downfall, took a short oftpvrSv U whom they' rVpreavnt. I Amor (j 'bf sv?cellaneoti ariiolru are uut, with a ralrbf Seiners, to the Mohammedan l'alradliee." mauf ffjal asd eobi(iercitl tortus, Maiieticul !a!!e9 cf vaft'ou? kinds,' 'Cefttennlal'Ve- '1. I ' ... ; jxr&'tn, leiriiijj in mind the ancient (Sark Le.t &.. la.. of trittapbanfc. candidates ftr y Mr.W uttl exhibit ry .fiat field 3 eg- - h-Th- e--f e, , etrines 1 nut P ' . 1' - sie tho Turkieh 4hrone,.wT4: entertain fcrious tJ:ubt of tUeiiTary tl the , , Ul,BT'!? F'rs,'a3d r!W4tuHbytilS'etpV.a.it'J ' s anticipations will be fully realised, . and blieve that while aiding to keep means in the Tor ritur which would otherwise flow out with the general triin he will make handsome profits, and thus, accomplith ' s double good ; Home 4 - of It ri phalli! Mission ,v ari; . disappointed, as they ha! expected to hear the question of polygamy, as well S other matters pertaining to (heir religion fully considered, but in regard to which the speaker was entirely silent. He proposed and obtained the unanimous consent of all to address them Mr Stuart is a Scotchman, ami Hgaia for a number of years bus hern fi lmic missions in his native eoumry, under tbe directions ef Drighaiu, with grent success He came to this continent when quite a young man, and was one of the early converts to the church. He wus resident of this city, and formerly emigrated to Utah at the time of tbe fxpuleion of his brethren from this Marriage 'Notice." - Providijice, Cache Co. Utah W7 Jcxctiox: EbiTox 20th, Married on Friday, the seventeenth day or May. at the residence of t0. bride's parents, Miss Mary Ellen Clif. ford and Mr. John Haan. both 0r this village. Tfce happy couple have the best wishes of ttieir numerous frienisu nccompany them in their journeying over "thato d road winch iu tbe nw May their lives be long, and the ronny ills that flesh is heir to " fill on thea "As softly as tbe lves Of the sweet ross on an A ummn eve eUate Elders D. M. 8tuart and M. MT. Pratt, Beneath the small sighs of the westers wind, from Utah, will lecture at the City Hall, to tbe earth!" Drop at on 28ih, at Nauvoo, Sunday May two p. m. f All are invited to Am Entrance attend. Hauhisville. free. Tax-payer- ico. of the s We clip the above from the Nauvoo Eighth District, read the aJvertisement of your School Trustees, and govera Independent, that tbe numerous friends of Elder Stuari may learn something of yourselves accordingly bis labors. For the benefit of old residents of Nauvoo, we will add that the Independent is a weekly paper, with a ESTRAYJJOTICE. and is by inside," published WY POSSESSTOV T"K FOUOW. "patent TtTAYB IN ituinml, whi:h if not cltiinr4 has Nelson. a It good pretty Joseph within ten rty from ditte, will jv gold Tlinn.t which one of Jane o'clock p m , at the t show 16th, 1S76, advertisements, among Pound, Kandolpb, Rich Comity. we notice that of the Nauvoo House, One red ead white "iott d cow: half crop lnlft er, half crop and lit in right, 1) W on left hip which is how run by V. Laubersheimer 0e year old. r UARVEY IIARPKR, Dimrict PauHdkeepfr, git-- i Randolph, Jnne 6th, 1S76. Institution Merchants and purchasers would do well to visit and 'earn Walker Ero's Wholesale prices. s29tf NOTICE. WILL BE A MEETING OP TUl voters of the Eighth School on Monday June 19th, at 4 a'cloclc, p. m. u take action on the method to aiutaiu our icliMi the ensuing year, an t for other school parpoc also to elect one trustee. TuOMAS D. BROWN, PKTMt LATER, Trnetee NOAII L 8UURTLKFP, HarrlivHIe, Weber County, Utah, June 5, K TUIRE nicu Watbr, Etc. From a corres- learn that the water is unpondent usually high at Ogden City, And along tho line ef the river between that place and its mouth. North Ogden being on higher grounS, has not suffered from 1&4 the flood. We clip the above from the Salt Lake LEGAL NOTICE. Times, jnst for the fun of the thing. The water is not unusually high at Ogden In tbe Probate Court In and for Boi Klder Territory of Utan. lion. Samuel Suit,, City. Six weeks ago it was pretty well Judge. ) up. Perhaps that is near enough for John JIamtnon,m riaintiff, y Summtni. our lively friends of the Times. But Eva amnion, dfemTnt ) where on earth is "the mouth" of Ogden Tbe people of the United EUte in the Territory Utah, lend greeting to Kva llamnion, deCity T Tho Jcxctiox is the organ which of fendant. You are hereby required to appear ia speaks for the city, and we only have an Bcflot brought against you by the abov plaintiff, in the Probate Cnurt of fioc our usual quantity of the aqueous fluid. named kMer Countv, Utah Territory, aud to aaswer lb But the richest part of the paragraph is complaint tiled therein, vrithin ten dij,(pxcl-air- e of the day of icrvico), after tbe rerviceea the assurance that "North Ogden has yon of thii summons, if served within 'hiseouoty, or if served out ef this county, but iu Ibis disuot suffered from the flood." The Times trict within twenty days; otherwise within forty or jmUtmcut by default ill be takn aeaiart might as well assure its readers that days yon according io the p.ayer of stil eonipUint. This action is brought to obtain a decree Alta bad not suffered from the overflow the bouds of matrimony existing oetweea of the Jordon. Who's been stuffing you, said plaintiff and defendant, on tbe ground set if rth in the tomplaiut on file in ibis ottic. John C.t fail ut And notified that if are we Cow-t- . ,' yon yon hereby appear and answer the said rouiplainta required, default against yon and apply plaintiff will to the Court for the relief prayed for. Given under my hand and U seal of the I" rebate Court, of said county, this lat day of , tae Congressional. In the Senate, on Saturday, tbe bill providing for an agreement with the Sieux nation for a portion of their re' servation was debated. Mr. Kdmudda offered a substitute authorizing the President, by and with the advice and coneent of the Senate, to appoint a commission, consisting of five persons to visit as soon as possible the tribes of Sioux Indians with a view to negotiating with them a treaty or agreement fer tbe ' cession to the United States of the right of the tribes to the Black Hills laud, and appropriating $10,000 to pay tbe expenses of the commission and collect the Indians in one place of conference. Mr. Ingalls suggested an amendment to the substitute so a to authorize the commUsoners to treat with the Indians for the relinquishment of the' Black Hills, and otherwise for tbe preservation ef peace; also that any report made be transby said commissioners shall mitted to the President, ' together with any agreement made with said Indians, who shall transmit tbe same to Congress for approval. Agreed to. Allison submitted an amendment authorising the Secretary of War to furnish transportation, subsistence and protection to the commieeioners during tbe time occupied by them in the discharge of their duty-- . The bill was then read a third time and passed. ' The appropriation bill was amended, by rei-- t 0 ring the salary of the President to $50,000 after March 4th, 1877, also by restoring tbe salaries of the private aecretary to the President, als, of the flrk in the office of Secretary of the Treasury aud the various bureau, and tbe employee in the War and Navy departments la the House.the Indian apprapri.atlon bill was riieuNed in committee of the whole... Hriiou claimed that the only y to civilize Indians was by He'clairoed t have Indian Mood in his veins, and that Cox, of New Yvirk. was na.iiry mixed. inter-tn.rriap- 1b7. J, C. W2I0HT, Clerk. (SUl) 4S.4U ' LEGAL NOTICE. Ia the Probate Court, in aud for the County Box Klder, in the lerritury of Utah. ef Hon. Ssmoei Kmita Judge. VT.C. Dorlch Sarah rt. Phvttif.y y J Dtjtnft. Summon. John B. Dortch, The people of the United State, in the Territosy of Utah, euud greeting to Job i B. Itortrh, aV fendant. You are hereby required to appear ia ti action brought aguiun you by the aboT named Plaintiff, in tbe Probate Court of Box Kbler County. Utah Territory, and to answer tbe eompUint fi'ed theiein, within ten duye, (exclusiviveof the day of service), after the service on you of thto aiimmon. if served within this county, or If serve i out of this county but in this district wltbii twenty days; otherwise witbiu forty days, or judgment by dofuult will be taken against you according to the prayer of said complaint This action is brought to cbtain a decree the bonds of matrimony existing between said plaintiff and defendant; on the ground set forth iu the complaint on fi e in this office. And you are hereby notiftod that if you fail to appear and answer tbe Mid complaint a reand quired, plaintiff will take leftult ag Just you ' applj to tbe Court for the telief prayed for. ProUiveu under my hand and the seal of the bata Court of (aid County, this 37th day of Mi J, 1S70. J.C.WRlQnT, mil JOBS Clerk. tWt. E. KKUSO. THOMAS. THOMAS & NEILSON, Practical Tailors, LOG AS, Nortk SUU q iht Public Qent's own materials made up to order, in the best style. PRO TO FA CTORY CLOTII AL WA Y ON 1IASD. e. nigbeet price psad for Wool. Troduco sS8-l- t ken. Three gentlemen, a nephew of Rrig-haYoung, a son of Pnrley P. I'rutt. nl on, Mr. Stuart, laborer in 'he CANDY FACTORY! Tbene ar no flush tirocp, and patched Viny.ird of Erighnm, and expounder' of the gpel according to the cr ed of roners, and turned garments, are the Four Doors South of Utah HoteL the Salt L ike Mormons, ju.it troni Utnh faily ooBcistent and ntuval result. were in tbe city during latit Sunday In Kconomical. home mude are now tp, accordance ith tb nih of a number of be ru!e ratUrr than tho and exception, Mr. our ciui?n,' Stiurt delivered a acr 10 show not only the gnat popular ani Faisrv Candy, Cpli lengee, Pr of the re drift, but alo the very impovtanl part Latter-dacf the lowest teMne- - All which "Uommtic Papt-- Fahius" sus"n4 nrT sheipcaiHty.shonlJ t .lie'oa a utfba'r of tain in the economy of the household, . Jfutntt ;ie quite.; bowe BManfariore. Tf? iraalitjr ofiofci elC-lm Kimwm drt-es- t' n. iIeadkh, ft-rv- n,W.r!BW Lis-racti.- ,bd ti'arfrs, Way y ' trr gtett r 1771iBtS-lii- i |