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Show ass igp a The loopest speech on record is believed to have been that made by Mr. De Cosmos, in the Legislature of B itish Columbia! when a measure was pending whoee psess-ijrwould take from a jjreut rnany Betters their Iicds. De Cosmos was in a hopeless The b had been held minority. back till the eve of the closing ses sion. Unless legislation was taken before noon of a given day the act f confiscation would succeed. The day before the expiration of the limitation, De Cosmos got the floor about 10 a. m., aid began a Its friends speech agaiBst the bill. cared little, for they supposed that by 1 or 2 o'clock he would be through and the bill would be put on its pas- AMERICAN. The full S9I0U ' S Washington, 3 wm eon.rn.-ie- . 10 ju.Iicir.y .... III uuraue in regard to but the letters of nJu... oouind, let- up the particular o to admitted Hate, the .f has committee the "Lnous which Without comiug to a Lelusion the caumiitiee postponed the .hole ma'tcr until Tuesday. to Speak-- r Oniuiuus are still divided as hitherto but nothing has Kerr's guilt, s positive witness Harney ,hkn sus ained by circuiustanlial points. There on cunoborating liar-Bewould he less disposition to believe acquaint-witan denied not had if Kerr him. If he can reasonably an explain a good motive for securing Yorker New a for una; appoiutmeut of tor a constituent of his own, it Har-ne- v will strengthen the suspicion that hiiuselt pockeied the money. Hfudncks is again the rising man of the Democracy against Tiiden, but the e Is'ler appears s'i.l to bold the lead.des-piithe of dread The war. the wfi money hereby gives him iutease Sew England support, but as there is no ipparenf probability that tbe St. Louis touveetion will abrogate the two thirds rule, it is difficult to see bow Hendricks Nobody is so much or Tiiden can win. talked of s Bayard for compromise. Dix thinks no hard money Democrat will satisfy the west, and on that rock tbe party will split in th9 Presidential t, If tbey Dominate aoy campaign. a third party will be formed, which will probably throw the election !t li inve.-fg.tiu- to give un-d- !r n- evi-deuc- e' sage. One o'clocV came, and De Cosmos was speaking still hadn't more than entered upon his subject. Two o'elock came he was saying "in the second place." Three o'clock he produced a fearful bundle of evidence and insisted on reading it. The majority began to have a suspicion ot the truth he was going to speak till next noon and kill the bill. For y h in-,tf,- J Ogdcn i' , i Z3 JL STAPIaE IkltSM DRY GOOBS F-aHTCY NOTIONS, ROOTS. SHOES. HATS, CAPS and CXOTIIIXG Which together uith a iargeaud varied stork of Staple and Fancy Groceries Leather and Findings, Hardware, Horse and Mule Shoes, Tiro Iron, Hoes and Rahes Plows, Nails, Shovels, Spades, . Garden Wheelbarrows Cook Stoves and Ranges awhile they made merry over it, but as it came on to dusk they began to get alarmed. They tried interrupThey Offer tions, but soon abandoned them because each one afforded him a chance LOW to digress and thus to gain time. him to shout tried but down, They that gave him breathing space, and finally settled down- to watch the combat between strength of will and weakness of body. They gave him To the Family Trade of Og Jen aud vicinity., Call and aee us. No adjournment for dinno mercy. ner, no chance to do more than wet his lips with water; no wandering from the subject, no sitting down. Twilight darkened; tbe gas was lit; members slid out to dinner in relays and returned to sleep in squads, but All oners addressed to U.S. TTATSOX will receive prompt attention. De Cosmo went on. The Speaker, to whom he was addressing himself, was alternately dozing, snoring, and trying to look wide awake. Day dawned, and tbe s4-tSUPT majority slipped out to get breakfast, i... and the speaker still held on. ' It can't be baid it was very logical, ' eloquent, or sustained speech. There were digressions in it, repetitions THE LITTLE GIANT! also. But still the speaker kept on; FRAXULIX and at hit-noocame to a baffled ..( S.I. I, STORE. majority, livid with rage and impoAll kind of tence,' and a single man was triumph 4.3'. ant, though his voice had sunk to a rlereliniidiMe, husky whisper, his eyes were nearly WIIOLK3ALK AND RKTAIL, shut and were bleared and bloodshot, and his legs tottered under him, and AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES his baked lips were cracked and Hides, Wool, Grain, Butter, Eggs, smeared with blood. De Cosmo had -- i AND all kinds of produce taken. and and saved spoken twenty-sihours, the settlers their land. W. C. PARKINSON, Snpt ESTABLisiiED BUSINESS iute-tia- at EXTREMELY FIGURES. - SPECIAL iafla-tonis- into lrM?rJTj Arc now receiving their Npring: Stock of j-- to prod.,, all le ten, b. decline unr UlCHior f; T.I .in e There are Mulligan. fro Jt 'Ailt:l Air-lUX- Sjeukiur Agalnut Time. i . the House. This morning the Kev. Emanuel Van Orden called upon Sir Edward Thornt- on, and stated that the Nellie Martins, of tbe Star Dall line of steamers, running between New York and llio de Janeiro, and belonging to au English company, though styled the United States Mail Steamship Company, art ived in Rio de Janeiro on the 1st of March last, The evrrjing slaves to be delivered. British Minister promised to inquire into the matter and report to his govern- IKTIXJC23MII!rTE? FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. . H. B. Clawson, ment. f. St. Louis, S. The dead bodies of a man, woman and girl about three years old, were found in a secluded part of the woods near Bttllrille, Ills., yesterday afternoon. Tb woman and child were shot through the head, tag mau in the heart. The parties are unknown. From tbe position of the bodies 'and tbe manner in which tbey were arranged it is supposed the man shot his wile aad child and then killed himself. Persons living near by heard three shots about sunset ou Thursday light, aad believe that this frightful trageJy was enacted at that time. The eoroner's inquest will probably nravel tfce mystery now surrounding to-da- ' j CO-OPERAT- General y the case. William Bergher and another man, name unknown, committed suicide last The Largest Store ! x evening, by jumping into the river from a ferry boat, and another from the wharf boat kt the foot of Olive street. OLDEST This the way Council Bluffs alder men answer to to their names: Alderman Hammer, "you bet;" Alder man Scott, "present by the skin of my teeth;" Alderman Keating, "d'ye sec me now;" and Alderman James, "present unanimously." dispatch received yesterday from General Pope at Leavenworth announces (be death, May 29, at Fort Gibson, Indian territory, of Lieutenant Colonel Treadwell Moore, deputy quartermaster f the Uahcd States army. ' Easton, Pa., 3. Moses Sehly, another member of the fimily recently poisoned, has died. The coroner's inquest, which is still in session, elicited the fact hat arsenic was tbe poison used, and that there was enough in the coffee drank by the unfortunate family to have killed a hundred people. The mouey was stolen from the bowse, while a large amount of government hoods and other securities were A otouohed. IVE t WiLBE & Co. i MArN 3TREET8, CORNER FIFTH TtTJ G Pure Gr 37 3m !.'' r7nn and Llquera IV in en M - ALSO up fatowledgttt, affidavit received, and general nola rial businrst promptly atttndtd tn. Agmtfar AlitchtU. Wagout, CUyuga Ciief, Kir" by and Whetlr mackina, Sulky Baku, d-- New York, 3. in regard to the charge of Rev. Mr. an Ordeo, the officers ef the steamship IIn S T S (Imported and Domestic). NOTARY PUBLIC, Cache and Co.,ao IHohmontl, Lxnd and otfier drtdt drawn - (gENERAl;:.jERCHANDISEJ Ogden, Utah. And Dealer W. F. FISHER, IN GGDEK. c . OGDEN. MAIN STREET, PAINTS, OILS AND COLORS. s29-t- f , Prescriptions carefully compounded, at all hours ef the day or night. V H.tf ,, : . - " ' s exhibited the of the V AGENT FOR to 0. P ROW ELL k CO, New Totk, w 2S. iind them showed that the SKND eamship, by of 100 paae, oontaiaing Mta of greatest number of colored men taken 3,000 newnpapore, auU Mtiwate allowing cuat of at any one lime from one' A. UMv efcMy jerting CHICAGO WAGONS, port to another of Brail was ana .1 m'WA imm til -n - A mTTOTA and these wv v aa v t,fTurlntf aa twnty, ere 'body servants of Cuban discretions of youth, nerrous weaknesa, early de-passen. . . I. a T r .1.... gers, LEGAL NOTICE. f'8i3Ee cay, loea oi' mtuniKxi, c ,i wm prm icniv ww 1 C11AROK. OK Tbia prea The American I'BKK will core you, the club jockey began Conrt. in and for the County of rinrdy wtu diacoved by a luisaionary In South In Prrbnte the 'P"o meeting at Jerome park, Box Kldtr, in tbe Territory ot iaa. America. Send a nolf addwwd envelop to th. joe attendance was very large. In the Charlu Regnitr, plaintiff, 1 Ricr. Josii'H T. Ikman, Statin J, JSibU Iloute first tace d8 em o ' Summon. KewTorkVUy. ; Malfte' w:s the favorite; offered to Utah Farmers. A The I Simplest and most durable machine ever LeaBder" second; ' '" - Edith K. Rrpnitr.dffend't dis' third; Cyril" of full line always in stock.1 repairs w mree fourthaof a T. in time th 1:17. mile; rritory JtC The pcp!e .if the United States hOrt Pr day at homo. Sample f t'tfch ul nrwtingto KdithK.F.f;jniei,dflrii. Chicago. 3. LbO IO OZU worth il free. Btiwiio! A Co. an r in Jo Ht in following 'dispaicht s received at dant Tou e hereliy required dlli-lI'oi 'laDd. Maino. iMy hrou 'I taBainsi you by theMbnve named "tenant Ijenenil S .en.l.m h head- - action f.lder lion of '.,m plaintiff, in the Prolate lurt quarters, show h t tie of the tv, Utuli territory, and toawwinha ihy in the market.- Alidad of 'all Competitors in filed tln reiu, within t data (exilu The LeadiDg narrower by the In !mn. 0f ttie ' n Hny at home- Apnt wntsd. Outfit tlK wjrvice on ouof th on of ' ; . V ' Apricuhunl trials. or if t'reu. TUU14 k CO., Aaicuato, $12 Md prty WM a cUl ;)r,,. n:on, if xfirved wi hi'i this cnnniy,iiiBrii:t itliln thm Fart i.nrnnii', Juae 2. hut in o of .bis unty. out r laiu. aeral Marri t an ive 1 this ! twenty day-- ; i.tliertrine within tony yu iefalt will he tken Ciimpuny way-bill- CARD. . PITER aVTlft A SCIltiTTLER'S Kept, on ,IIantl. All Buckeye Eeaper s and Mowers. -- to-da- y : ! THE EI.WARD HARVESTER H . '' . y , - Cin-"nna- ti nrvic-)ttp- - r , after-uOu- Towssbmp oecomii,and;ij Pnyj . t'omruanding. Omni a. T, .rotn ' ,,ut o. - otiue- 'lt, r- at La ramie, be Cin May twenty eight tuoter, , ibeT were then all cciden,ly, w uumbtr . TLVy" di. punt by juilgment to" the traver of Mid complntut kcoiir liiiK ''- iatiniii'ht rm - tn- oh I Kin illffi I iii -xit nrf tl tiB inlr.na- the b..ml of nia'rimony . t m,d p anttilTaud ilefoiHliiut, ii ilm nthr-u-. forth hi th oHinplaint f tile in Oii o I And yoil m he ehy notified ttia if on a ewl .0111 Ui. I tha and a;mr i)Dr t ;U a ,d plaintiff will take default ag.nu-the for Court tbe toplyto wU ?t the (iivci ui dor ihm hand iud the " - June 2. one n ao Miii,hily wound- , - ere thirty nine d'- . , , 20-J- y . OHSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY HKLIEK FOR TOUNO MKN fro thJ d fffocta f frrora and Aliae in enrly life, Impdini(nU to marriait ra f Mrtmnt i Pw. and New Mottrnd tiioTud nt nllookaand Circuit ranarkaidfi rem Adtires. MUWAKU led frw, in ASSOCIATION 419 N. Win h Ht..'Phl!adJphU, 1'a , aa lMritnttui baring a higii rvnaUtkm fur kokor kU conduct nd prutcMiouaJ ak lL Man-lioo- ... . dlMol S The Sweepstakes Thresher DE'KXrKLLKI). CANNOT . . . ; i J Kinds of Farming Imph ments,- Iron k r Steely IVajjo ti fhtvn Eic. All rl j ; OrFICE3:4-SJi?Iak- ei "porinao ani'hiu 'gVrWt, "Ogiea. ,t'... ' |