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Show I MERE among the Swarfs, Giasif; SHOW OF CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE GREAT CITY, J3-A.Xj- S IHTisolesal WILL EXHIBIT AT ealei?; IN ALL KINDS OF QUEEN'S Wonders Aggregated MEN AGEUIE of the Prolific FEROCIOUS OF Staple Ea'tb M erchandise BUSTS! ! WILD ! WITH THE Required by the Trade in the ONLY LIVING GIRAFFE! ROCKY MOUNTAINS, Ever 'Seen in Utah. THE! G-DFL33-A-.T Purchasing direct from Manufacturers or the inosi extensive dealers, ana iiayJug special advantages from buying in large quantities we Can offer to HOGAPOTAMUS FROM THE NILE! THE NONDESCRIPT OUADAD. Africa of Lioenss Tawny ! AND FOUR YOUNO CUBS. Indescribable AND THE LIONESS AND THREE BABY LIONS! ASIATIC wonders to be seen nowhere else on the Pacifio Slope but in -- CTOBBINGr & QUEEMS K&QBJTG-OlffllSJai- r RETAIL TEADE Inducements Unequalled CaravanvCircus & IVIenegerie by any other House in Utah. SHIPMENTS MADE TO ALL Brilliant Ovation. Grand Centralization of Genius. POBSMTS. Concentration of Merit. Monopoly of Equitrian stars. 'i AVALANCHE OF ATTRACTIONS! ORDERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO GREAT DOUBLE CIRCIS TROUPE Two Separate Tings ! TWO DISTINCT PERFORMANCES 2 ... ! H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. s4-t- i. 2 Under one Mammoth Palion. SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S BEST SHOW n Eiarih ! IMPROVED CABINET OR AIS THE KOYAL FAMILY OF AKIIC MONABCIIS. Vast Assemblage of Undiputed Artists. THE AND RIDING ELEBRITIES, WORLD-WID- E o o AND ur gf fcejf an American Each Fresh from his f'miti'Ktlufr tint European flllllkimia Triumphs, . ; Mil. CIIAS. W. FISH, who has beeiidinjr in Europe for the past two years, comes to America to dispute wun illIilA JIJvS KOIJIASOX, celrity. Mr. Fish haa traveled the Great Lareback Champion, of Vorld-widhorseso meet Mr. Robinson ia San his with censecutite thousand miles, eight FraociBCO. Mr. risa is tne only equestrian wnoas ever dared to accept Mr. Robinson's challeuge to ride for len luousaHCt liars Uoth gentlemen have "Passed a willingness am desire to meet in tncngs or MMKHj S3 MS P e i if 7ir ;iS.Wi'.'jC4.'I Aft, i4- -" - UOXTGOMERY . " " tWJ ir ! ' GREAT QBEES'S MORAL CIRCUS r&MrSSS K' a nTLe ' GolM Diairond Studded Belt of the World, Medals and lTue presented to Dom tie artists by the Crowned Noblemen and Aristocracy of Hurnp, and the Distinguished Families the United States. ' Heads, " ' Xhia is doue to settle the disputed question of mwn mm - -- 1 p , p WHO IS TOE GHAMPIOX BIDEBt QUEEN'S ELEGANT MORAL CIRCUS, Aggregated Assemblage of Talent. Nothing like it under the Sun. Grand ASD WHICH IS THE of 187o. tf7r Groat TOEvent SEE HIDING 'v. I SCRIBNEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, You mast go to Montgomery Queen's Circus, and see MK.J VHF.S ItoniVSOV nd hit Infant Master r.njfpiioin KOBLN- "their incomparable BAREUACK KID1NO mt MR. JAMES Si)'S limtpproncliiiM Srbonl ot Kt(uvtriii SUtwury. MR. I'll AS. W riNlI, th UNimrallelod I'rluriiml 'BArKWARD ant VORKWARl riCST TO KKKT HOMKRSAULTS nd TRICK KIDEii. Mr., fish havinf two recently declared Champion Kider of Knjfland, l'ruia, Austria and Ruuia, return to America t to contest hi Sunerioritf in the New World. MO I.I.IK llR(MrX,Tli( PrinreM of Arenic Cel- ebritiee, the only recognised female- - Somertault Rider on the face f BACK HlH tbeOiol. MR. ItOMr.O KCR.4ftTI4?r, Kider. Theee, together with the The Djubl Pirotkitte and .a?n hiirh-tone- rr . "nd wiu!ac7.Tm.UM' '1,0 Although nir",uu u,furn,-wi- uiau m tib;i c nhitTaBl;liow!" I have autjmrntM the taint priet Dollar. Children nyr, tripled at trdinary :. an me cit ie fant, ow v truly We will give It. UUU my attraction, quadrupltd 1 ONE and celebrated Thirty-fiv- e FACTOR! I $ Em Is- in- 1S JHAT OF THE REST PirE op the sam; capacity. ratent," ello" or SSrf' StZd ' " t.ox Celeste, " "Ix)uis ratent," "0c Coupler" the charmin All Uie Late ImproYemeiits Can be Obtained Stowi charge. p.m. Performance to comment at 2 & 8 p.m. Sharp IIOUK FOK' X HE 31 13 NiO 12 IS IE. 7 rt. Half-rc- c. TWO GREAT SHOWS DAILY I Doors open at EqXi LA 11 G EST AND :iiOXOEST TliOUrE Of fluisheil, d and hielnrled Artidte wjirrantu MR. Q1TEEV in awmrting that he haa the behovr erer before to the'peo- ide of thw country or a.iemb!,nder a Canvas. preeentd Thu Establishment 1 A uiuission-Oi- ie v Bare-lar- k An indention having a most important bearing on tti fntm-- . nf Tleod struments, by means of wkih the quantity or Volume of tone is Tery largely creased, and quality of tone rendered ! ... llra:ans, FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED 1 The Best in the World Combination Only in these Organs. IX fferent Styles, The Beat Material and Workmanship, Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled PRICES, AND VTARER00M3, u'lcmuAAAbLSTS kfHtD is 18S0: AbcKts,' Simmons' & o GOto GOO Inllnrs. CONGRESS STS.. DETROIT, WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. ' b93-- I COR 6th & CLbton Organ Co.. Ditroit, HicniGAii. |