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Show a certain number of day to pay tip The securi ie- offffed for money ask'd tor are not satisfactory to the merchants They have presented a petition to have the decree modified in a way that part of the bur len should fill on rel estate owners, TIih government refused to take this view of it, and insist on the decree Iiti-ia ia ho dull that being fulfilled. the merchants find it difficult to pay ex peases Omaha, 12. Three of the Black II ills purty ho recently had property dwroyed by the mi diary, have sued the government offi cers who destroyed the propry and claim damages to the amount of $22,000. tSt Louis, 12 Advices from the west nay that W. D. Jenkins, deputy United States marshal, and W. I). Strett. an Indian scout ani guide, had n desperate fight with a band of Cheyenne Indians, in Rawlins county, Kansas, a few days ago. They fortified themselves at the head of a ravine and fottjriit tiie Indian four hours, killing seven, and finally drove them off The private residence of J. L. Gtnz-horin the wetem suburbs of tue city, was burned to day. Moft of the furniture was saved. Loss, $50 000. Cine nnati. 12. The equatorial telescope made in Munich for Look-oobservatory has arrived and will be placed ia position ou Wednesday. Chicago, 12. Col. J W. Forsyth, who left Fort 1? ford on the 221 of May ta explore tue Yellowstone river, telegraphs from Dakota, that his party will leave for Chicago The purty reached a point 485 miles above Fort Buford Col. Forsyth thinks that for three months in the year the Yellowstone is navigable from its mouth to the mouth of the Big Hern, and thinks it much bettr than the upper Missouri river during the fame period. Brownsville, Tex.. 12. This fojenoon Capt. McXeely, of the State troops, with a few of bis men and ufier a forced marc i of twenty five miles, overtook a band of twelve cattle thieves, about twelve miles below here. They chowed fight, and in the engagement which ensued the whole band of raiders was killed. McNeely lost one man killed, Perry Smith, two horses were killed and one wounded, lie recaptured 250 head of stolen cattle. St. Paul. Minn., 12. The court of Queen's Bench at Manitoba, was convened on Friday, Chief Justice Wood presiding. In his charge to tbe grand jury he made a direct attack on the Ot.awa government, lie designated the Dowton route as a delu sion and a snare, and says tbe Pembina branch is no better. ESTEY ORGAN. - AMERICAN. THE . JwnP 12 G1vf.ton, filr,le.nl M-- Jf McNeil farB'Gr,,nJ1r:Ullnv i 01 p P"" . ' rciii"(f.,u . . ,o-- i ' rJr1 l,,f.o ',!, h in o!i i sliippirr li tram T xs. btef are Aineri- - " . bl have. American ... brn" il e bevf- - wire csa iue. ,he ltimiag of , ot , supply ... mie half thrown ,tnBsd.lwiilieeniy Le.. off almost daily, market. fionvrxl (vOrlinn, n.emen. Abyve t lin repor Conines renguatiun h that General J Conina don't wirnd to been .ccpt Thfieisa report that General bteele Ete order for the ranger not to cross fhe Kiu dninde, on account of tbe ex-u- rated feeling of the Mexicans, ami ' would ,bs-v r"1 dner ,,,Ht and tbe Nounces hetwreu tlit country could beseut Rio Grande, before a force war feeling The ,heie io attack ibtm. fide. Mexican the introncon Nhville, Tenn., 12. Muuifrees-bont.'wjlrf. Jarrett.' living near after-booThurs-la- ai murdered en and a negro named Jvsse Woodson with tbe crime, j, Crested, charged for the committed doubtless was wlj'ch A bouse. the of of robbery riurpoxtf to the Union and American gives woich to account of tie murder, from j tpil that this lady, after prepar children for an evening visit, them in charge of a srrvaut ta a Happ'-ar- s ing faer tent Bfigliboi's ttliing theiu tihe would Two hours liter her husb- house, f!ow soon. and, in company with Lawrence Derk, returned home, and found his wife Inblic opinion against the murdered. It is supposed accused is very bitter. lint the muiderer tied a twine cord The roMod her neck and gurroted her. her were throat of upon fingers prims dollars are the houne, which iadtcated ibu robbery was the cause of the crime. TbecorenerNv rdict was reudered late md arms. from Sixty-thre- mi-lin- e and declared that MADE AND PlHtUT-TONX- Woodson was gviliy lit brought here and placed ia jail for safe keeping, uud to save him whs vie'ence. Power, who killed Maurice Egin in ibis ci'v in January, 1874, waa acquitted this morning. Washington. 12. The President bun signed the commit oions of 5. B Ai'eU to be Goreruor of Rtw Mexico, and Gee. W. Emory to be Oov rnnr of Utah. Congressman elect W. S. King, indicted iu connection with the Pacifio Mail inbiidy, was admitted to bail in $5,000 .Jjr Gen. Butler moved in the crini-in&- l court that a dy be set for the trial. Tbe motion ws opposed by ditrict at an i the judge baa the torney enittr uuder advisement. New York, 12 Count Marefo'chi, bearvr of the bere ta to this country, sailed from woo k. L. r'i-he- ' car-dintlkt- for Rome. Panama dispatch says attention is tailed in the South Pacific Times to the y n ut to-d- ay Bis-mac- to-da- pur-rue- that the American schooner Fannie Movie, ofSuu Francisco, having, drifted, nd bog obliged to come to anchor at Ntxilorer, wis fii.el $500 by tbe author iiis there, it not being a port of entry. Panama advices ta the 4th inst. report thepoli l situation at the isthmus has fiot improved. The people don't know whether it is to be war or peace. This itte of trouble ani uncertainty has Mea brought about ia tbe following President Peret ot Bogota, feeing toe State of Panama was not likely to tM he wanted it in tbe election for prmidfut f the republic, took the plan i tl.raing a military obstacle ia the J. as there is iu Pannma a national wee which had been sedu.ed from its witiHnce Gen Carmago wan appoint M commander-in-chief of the Atlautio Nes. and the other made his np Prnce in Pamur.a tody communicate his Mrs to the national force stationed re The State government suspecting errand wasio orei throw tba present juiaonuea and to score the vote of the for Senor Para, (he government I?0f0U ested the gen- I tw bffore he was recoguixed J the troops- - Th.s, formally n hkh was certainly M siep.and tantau ouut to a rebelion gwust the federal government at least, peace in ,hf meantime, and ifiK1"" norm can be warded off until the jwioni of the State can be declared, k-a- " OUR Agent for Northern Utah, . OGDEX. JOIINFOWLEK, Termt Ta., la-t- r t. Is Stocked with a splendid and complete selection of Iastrurtiont giveh by th quarter, LOCAN BRANCH, C." 2! Offer to the -- ML. STAPLE I. MERCHANDISE FOR THE SPRING TEADE. public a full and complete ass.rtment or STAPLE & FANCY MERCHANDISE Countiy Dealers are invited to call and inspect. ! Consisting of DRY GOODS, MOTIONS, Gents' & by letter will be securely packed and promptly forwarded. 0- Now is lloj s' Clothing CHAMPION Reapers a favoaable time to renew stocks and prepare for the business of the Our Assortment can not be excelled k EXCEESIOR & Motvers, And other Farming Implements. PRICES Nor Our X I in the Territory, TT3NTX33 By any other Wholesale House and Studcbaker Whitewater - opening Season. Great reduclion in Price of WOOD'S orhral Gaxl SfOVES. TINWARE, HATS&CAP8, GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY' PATENT MEDICINES GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ETC., ETC. Also a full line ! Adrices Addressed to I). II. Peerr. will receive prompt attention. WAGONS, ilso9 Winchester H. B. CLAWSON. 4tf. SUPT. Dimocvat C Light Spring Wagon, AT COST ! One JARXESS AXD 1, cHT3 FINDINGS (U JKL TSa One Door South or Boyle' Furniture Store, AND . Price Dry Goods & Clothing TKmiILCS, LEATHER ! Boston, 12. Jos P Gardner, 48 years of age. a wealthy and prominent citizen of Boston, was found dead in the woods near Beverly, lying on his back, his re volver in his 'band pointing towards his head. Fur chambers of the pistol were, emp'y. There is every indication of his suicide. The do having committed ceased was l'ving at his country seat and left the house last evening for a walk, after which he was aot seen nnul No cause can be assigned found for the aet at he was in affluent circumstances and all his relations in life were apparently pleasant. to-da- y, to-da- All liimU of Produce forward' We respectfully announce to the citizens of Offden dtp ea to itny point at the Weber and the uurromullny counties that we have this day Shortest JSoiice. opened the fluent and most fashionable stock of All erdert sent to M. Thatcher will receive prompt attention. s4-t- Xfl O A queer bird has made its appear-n- c about Ithaca, N. YM which is denounced as the "canar killer," from the fact that it seems to be a deadly enemy of canariei. It is a large bird, something like a hawk, and possesses a long teak, which it darts into the cages as it flics against tbetn, and the canary i either struck by it and killed, or drops down from fright. - -- p hi -t- 0 We have a ?on8tant buyer in New York City who ia engaged in the samt business who is always ready to take advantage of tlio fluctnatiuus cf the ra trket, and therefore vrc aro enabled to sell goods cheaper" tbau any other house this aide of St. Louis. Oar Motto is: Death and Destruction to High Prices We Uesjiect fully Solicit J 53 0 Price CD 4-- rl I- 4-- Rr.i"if i "8 J3 tha Patronage of the Citizens, ROSENTHAL & BROS. ROSENTHAL k EROS. Current,, rectified hi u Best unbleached Domestic 12 cents per Yard. Best unbleached Dotncstio 10 cents per. yard. Best Fiae C. Inland 10 to 12cts per yard. Doiiestio9 to20cts. per yard. Bleached Domestic 7 to 12Jcts per yard. 4 li wa 4 int. iMiu 0 tn 0 4 d 7-- 8 rr vu& j xonli r V aj ve 1 1 m Drefs Goods 15 cts.to 7-- 8 d- o ! Abd to convince yon of the truth and veracity of our motto we annex a price current to this - . of them dead Peruvians, and I ought give them to' to done it." Notions, &c. SUPT. f "Canarf Killer." con-Un- t, Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats H B. Clawson, y J H"7r-J,M- d Wholesale Department Rates JleasonaUe. Orders by letter promptly attended d, A coroner who hasn't had a job in a good while, and feels that he has bcei wronged, complains to Max tony 0 well Adler: ''Why, ther's Uelcher come Presi,ienl Miro l to the execu- home from Peru with s'x mummies report-tS01 what he had done. ". Whe. that be du out of sume eepuloher in 'lier the 6 mere wm resent "'t,uu, tk;. i... , that country. .They look exactly o be een If Pra.,7 .,asure remi dried beef. Now, my view like 'x Prists in thU , dragooning is that I ought to tit ou them ttai..."e..r0Uh10 0,her Ca8t 8ttn things. They're human being; nohis fr'ariie can'li dve .!,mm,C81 body 'rouud here knows what they 8eneral war ' lh republic died of. The law has a right to "tat'i. u As for President ..eSul, Miro h Belcher aia't got no doctor's 10 Ms know. on,J n iutT nn ,""!Ud sworn circut"t&nces, and is re- - certificates about 'cm, and I'm PoosiK-10 U' that tt latioa "ti ul,rem court f to look after all dead people lM no n . 8vernmcnt of tbe State can't account for bein' dead, or that is suspicioucd of dyin' of foul play. re80rl'l o the old 'oieat ! have made fifty dollars out .hod uf the mer- - I could u Cf,ax" OGDEM BRANCH. NANCrACTCRKD. Pittsburg, Pa , 12 The two tanks at the Brilliant oil refinery exploded at 11 o'clock, and oil was scattered in all directions, setting fire to the warehouse aed a latge boute contain ng several thousand eait ty bar rels, both of whieh were entirely destroyed Tbe fire communicated to two other tanks of oil which, with o..e tank of bet tine and two of tar, were destroy red. It is thought now that the fire is under control, though oil ia burning The telegraph wires are fiercely. burned. It is estimated that the loss will reach $100,000. A hot k, - D ne re... below, . , now on till ...i.-i-r- ny General ey tmecial :ti K8T H. I., Z. C. rv a mw 1.25 per yard Shawls, latest styles 01.73 to $3.00 Cassimcre Suits $15 to $30. Satinett Suits SC to $15, Fiuo Black Paoti $3 to $12 A full lino of Piece Goods, Notion, Table Linens, &. . o Call & Sec. dl06 sSG-l- y Xo Trouble to Show Goods, |