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Show cuas UXI). After our paper went to press on Saturday lat, we met, at the depot, Howard Kennedy, Kq , Stere tsry of ihe land depart mrut of the Union I'a eific Railroad (Vmpany, who had tint road with a company of eljiht geutlcmcn, connected with the body ti religionists called Mers Itar, Shenk, Nisslcy and Brubaker'z. who are members of the executive aid corauiittce whose object is to aid the Mennonito J row IlusiU. Also Messrs. Peters and Wall, Russians, wbe r now settb d, in Nebraska. Jacob K. editor of tho MjuM JJoffor, come ov?r Men-nonitt- s, emi-gratio- K-mj- claimed by the Indians to hunt in LOCAL ITEMS. Nebraska ' We are willine to yield From Monday t Daily of Juue 14 to the Indian his claim that trt! shall not intrude upon his reservation, we Wasted Immbbiatklt Twi nty fiv- ilso claim tho white man the teams, lo haul lumber from the Cac' e right to be protected frum the tre- Valley Divide. Apply at niy offi.:e spass of the hunting red man. B.'Whit. d2281t 37if Sit tie 'all these Questions now, and afterwards make no more treaties Fabmk is call and see the EllwarJ with theui; treat all alike. HarTester " The beet of the kind in tile market. Binders ride on the machine, work in the shade. L'ght draft. Hold EASILY rUTISFIEIL by M. D. Hammo.id, Main street, Ogden. fr A few days ago the Chicago Trl buue congratulaUd the country upmi tho fact that, under tho management of Secretary Bristow, the circulation of legal tender notes has been reduced largely since he entered siti-3- w 0. H. Riggs, Terriiori! Superintendent of Common Schools, cams up from Silt Lake City this morning. We the Trofessor intpnds visiting the School Matters Professor und-rsta- schools in Weber County this week. He s 1 pressure iu financial circles, directly reducing the values of all kinds ot property, and thereby niakiug the times still harder than before. Such being the result of this action, wn are at some loss to know where the cause of gratification comes in. The man who has gold to sell may see such cause, or those who have well secured mortgages drawing "cent per cent" interest, but he who owes the debt, or has the property for sale, how about them? Wo all know that the larger the amount of "purchasing are, like the Quakers, opposed to power" money the higher will be war, in all its phases, and as the the prices of commodities in demand, government in which they live, ex- hence, every reduction that takes acts military service from all its place in the circulation, reduces the to desirous they are get away valuo of property, real and personal, to a country where . laws are not so in tue same ratio. . and exacting, conscription not so as their own. prevalent This party wcut down to Salt Highway Robbery. Lake City Saturday evening to spend Ia yesterday's News it was Mated that the following day of rest in that place, Ham Pi. Cularsan hid alleged he was robbed (be night previous, of $900, by ud we presume returned to Omaha ihree men. ou the road leading from the State road to the Paper Mill, south of this inomiug. It happened on the same night Wo hope to know that Mr. Ken- (bis city (Thursday) that John Mclntyte, who nedy and bis eolleagacs in the land lives in that vicinity, was stopped by a nunber of men, not fur from the same departnieut will bo able to offer such place, who preseaied their pistol at It is inducements as will fill up some of bead aad relieved him of all the loose he amountian to a couple of the waste plaees of Nebraska with change auohad, two past books dollar, these peacablo and industrious peo After this encounter, Melntjre follow. ' " the men and saw them enter How sl '., pie!.' ard'a liquor store, into which he follow We understand from Mr. Kennedy ed tbeni. and then and there charged that nouo of the U. ?. lands in Utah them towith tha robbery. Theyas oadeav. ored a joke, past the mutter along are la market as yet, nor is it known but he ws not willing to view it in that precisely at what time the depart tight. The n wha charges with ment will offer them. We hope it robbing him on Mctntyre the highway are Thaa will not be long, for the rcasou that Hlskey, Wni.1 Bean, George Stringham, end Abe" Hunter, all we thine Utah" is interested in an "Dick" Wools whom bve been arrested and are in of sale all such lands as are of early jail awaiting examination. Beside those wanted to cultivation. , , there are two others who are not yet in fl custody, who are supposed to have been onneoted with it. The two pass books mentioned, belonging te Mclutyre, were THE SIOUX. . " . r . citi-ten- s, . m-- . -- x produced subsequently The Omaha; Herald, referring to the fact that the St. Louis Times entertained fears that the failuro of the Interior Department to treat with the Sioux, would result in an Indian war, ays it understands that the military officers ot tho Department of the riatte entertain similar fears. Our readers know that the Junc- by one of the parties now aader arrest To this two dollar highway robbery there appears to hang a tale. Hans N. ! ChUrson, wha claimed to be robbed af $900, is also under arrest. ' Tie money whioh he alleges to be robbed of did not, it' appears, belang to himself, but to Uithep Thomas Jenkins, and there are supposed grouuds for the suspicion that his robbery story was a 'put up job." He had some business trantaotinn to at. tend to in behalf of Bishop Jenkins, with one of the parties arres'ed for connection with lbs Molntyre scrape. Resides, there appears to be some rather glaiing discrepancies between Cblarsun's statement of his being robbed and subsequently developed facts For instance, he said not only did the high, waymeo take the. $900. but certain pa. peri pertaining to the Linngtoce Mining Company and the Deaeret Mining Company, about the loss of which documents he expressed great regret, and now it appears those papers were on hit own person when he was arretted to day. Deaeret News. ' lias already expressed a like fear on the flame subject, these have, however been by the knowledge we have since obtained, that it was said before leaving tfceir reservation, by tho rhiufa, that they weu'd sign no treaty without full consultation with their tribes, such bciag the fact (as we are assured), it is altogether probable that the commissioners who have Soda Wat. Mr. C. L. Teenies has been, or soon will bo, appointed to go commenced the manufacture of soda wato the Black Hill to make a treaty ter at bis store oa Fifth street. lie has with the Sioux, will be able to ae recently Import l the necessary asachtn. tomplUh the object. While at it, we ry to make and bottle this popular bevkflpe they will wj tit the right erage, and is prepared to fill all orders. tion ed i.,r ,. f This tax has been felt tery eeterely by lumber, salt, and produce dealers in Southern couuties of the Territory. tie 'S on me terjfe et nt.SFiR ruin An as for the croftn fi lli wiil suffer the explain, iriratfe aiil camel to c nr hi jo uvheded Wlm they li ear of the tluri-nP'M fortiinnccy and triple if ilie w mnei jiult brothers, tby will sitnthee their curio. circus any, so that tnthive 1 y 1 'Itliinieiiml. nd to-da- y. , il Ged-les- , land owned by that company, aud which it offers for sale. "A good many of these people have already Fettled in Nebraska and Kansas, and it is uot uniike'y that they will be followed by a great many more; aud as they are industrious aud pcaceablo, such accessions to the population of eur Western States are very accepta- : i.ie. Out readers may Lot all be aware ef the reason uf the Mennonites far diwiring to leave their native country, and we will briefly explain that they Appointment. 1 Thii redaction went to Huntsville ulo accompanied the department. ' addtd to the $21,461,000 in specie Sciii'TTLKR Wagoks Just armed, a the which has been exported from the Mr. Kennedy, representing land department of the U. P. rail- Uuited States within tho last five full stock of Farm and Spring Wagons, at M. D. Hammond's, Main Sheet road company, accompanied these months, must necessarily diminish s4G 3w Ogden. gentlemen to kIicw them lands on the the amount of money which is the Tax Abolishsd. We learn from the route of tho road, in order that the purchasing power of the country to Beiver Enterprise that the tar hereto committee cm be in possession ol the full amount of such exportation fore levied oa Utah teams carrying facta in regard to the laro bodiea of .nd reduction, thereby increasing the produce into Nevada, has been abolished Joy Herald, Pa the pirty. reserved tor ihrse rerfontftne Missionary Tha inmpe n is an exoHietit in, will of Weber louhiles's tfive us a treat The Heme MUsionriei U t fi . t e appointce,, Tby sy money h County are requeued to are dull. 1 nHi...se. 'iroa bgv y,l( Jun on Sunday, ments herein named, u:h complaints in Ojden. airi a ar i. i vi J f r ynur ,.,ur , O"'!'-"- '' V II, v. v. I,,r. Itiverdale Daid M. Stuart. Vt' t)fOmey Q ien'- - Cirrus Lorin Farr. Eastoti form here ,.,n as South Weber Joseph A. West. is ended tit r. u . n.body wll Lynn Kdwin Stratford. il.ey . i nitmd; i i t linen Aiseu hi a rew wtiereM, Marriotts James Taylor. H K Hhd Me i.nw, tH,lf" SUtemlle Edmund ISlUwonh and and ie!l the ub ic'ihM,UA,6 ,k. 'Ds . .. 1i.t' win .i Moroni Brown. lis ..n miiy die Htlef&5t yny is Moun Fort (evening L. F. Monch just a well ms to g'i t e,-- e en K. . ri(h minle-- Imy miM fliirtH f aciin-b- is Eden William falliei for circu tnwx-- w'lei, , F. D. RICHARDS. The City Council met, as per adjourn meut, June 11th, 1875, Mayor L. J Hen ick in tbc chair. Walker Barlow and N. Leavt. were ea ch granted a licence to run a hack, for three months. A licnse was granted to N Leavitt to keep an hotel, a bar and a biliard table, at the ' Ogdea Housr Messrs. Abhott and Bune wre grant ed a license te keep a beer saloon on the east side of Main Street The petition cf Agnes Moore for a license to sell ice cream, f uit an randy at her store on the west side of Main t- Qu-ei- ra '9 tn flH(, Wl" filentlv steul d t jj ,een or twenty ibM-att- d ilollars wIi I gluiii th a knowledgv from ilia iheni i is public ihenielTe, certainly very satisfHctoiy But. whil pr f sticmals are stanlinr rwl Tauliinit in the the musical w'ni-larena of lor one. lTit,h ami.teuis are quietly nureiag their nmMiiot. and re- lieai saU of a ptivate nature, betiile a tiisclay of IocjI talnt mi a fit ure rfay. the r'n lniuii ot Hie .MeKMah a few nights hi nee was an outburst of ihia talent ability wtiicli wiH yet make "Kerne howl," so to b'h8. Prof Careles- - t going je ealarae the clmir. anil the epir-i- of the Divine Art Mill eoon develnp on a large scale among the detiiien of tbia Gileao. region. h1 . 1 Street was granted Onb Hundred Thousand- Poums of The respective licenses of Dan. Alex Wool wanted at the New York Store. aitder, Geo. Carey it .Co , M H Beard Kosestmal & Ban., sley, V. E. Boessel, Gibsoa. Eccles&Co Main Street, Ogden. and C. L. Peebles were renewed. The petition of Robert Suaddon, J II Saturday Evening A select audi LIST Of' LUTTKIIS Wat on kins, the members of the fire brigade ence assembled at tiie ti'y llall EMA1N1NQ UNCLAlMtD IN Til POST Satarday evening to listen to Trofnssor Hnd many citizens, aking the council Ortice in Ojfilen, Territory of Utah, on tin it m o.iiert ir witUiR hot to acceDt the resignation of Joshua 1 J"". 1 j, wliich. riumraej. That gentleman displayed ....... be xvul to th out moiitli wilt . . . . i)t4' great versatility in the rendition of sen niuiams as cniei oi ins nrigaue. ne utter o;St: lAL'IKS LIST. limental and omie pieces by various bating their most iriendly reelings una n l i eo r9 in ei enicient uis was cheered repeatedly nearly Murrft-ME Obred Mrs N operation authors, and C A to from uestruc Mrs forts the Nye protect property evening. during tion try fire was rem aud tae prayer OBXTS' LIST. Coli Hearted. The patrons of the thereof Mclutire N granted. jjacon j m Beaver Enterprise, we are afraid, are a A Betition was read signed bv W. B kher W II Muriay 6 A Nats-C L d tery cold henrted set, as we remember Po.ili.r Allen .t Pn . O U Tribe U ' r T J has the publisher of that paper kept a and forty-on- e ether prominent citixens & Co B F II T Oj ijotjgC petieim standing call at the head of his loca and buiiness men, uat l iMiojuie L S l'cbk 'l representing column for the la-- t three or four months 'here were not less than ten stove pipes Uiilho C L l'eioj erlon A L few loads of good dry wood." It for M riffin J tf S.at.r W projecting through the roofs ef buildings Hauaeu J W T Smith don't down come soon with we it they in cle-- e proximity to their stores There Householder W S St John N will be under the necessity of sending were no brick chimneys " The petition HiabeeS Trimble 11 E him a load of coal to keep Cira from Woodard P R ers felt the necessity of a thorough in Jobnaon F 8 Walkins F L Jac&sou L II freesing. It is said to be cold at Beaver, esttgation of these matters, and asked McDouald F L Ward N W '2 anyhow. to seeure the Council to take some - t it.-i-lf si-3-t- f f) tt ... I . J.m. e lUL-ho- Kllt-SO- J a steps seri them, ai far as possible, from fire by ous affray occurred just south of this compelling property owners iu ihe bui city lat evening, in which one party re nes portion of the city te build brick ceived an ugly on his bead, and chimneys, and abandon the use of tove another m in was severely stabbed in the pipes, for that purpose. neck with a pocket knife. One of the The matter was referred to the Com parlies has been arrested aad has given mittee on Revision, that the ordinance bonds for his appearance when needed relating to chimneys, stove pipes and The other is womded too badly to be flues, may be eo amended as to enforce disturbed at present. a compliance by property owners with We defer publishing particulars nnti the request of the pe:itioners. after the legal examination, which wil The subject of improving the road. ake place shortly. and curbinz the spring on the street near Union Square, was introduced by Improvements. By the polite alten Stanford; and the Marshal tion of F. S. Richards, Esq., who kind was instructed to ascertain the eost 0f into his buggy last Friday evn the iob. and what the citixens utin? the and gave us a glanee at Og len, and a ing, ., ;n ...Vuik. pleasant ride at the same lime, we were reported ad- The Ceramittee on Streets a able to discover some of the heretofore te the W. of D. petition ersely granting undiscovered beanties ef the city, and Williams, refcrrad to them at tho last during the trip we found so many inJi- meeting. cations ef growth and improvement tha ' The report was adoptrd. we were much surprised. There are in Several bills for public labor were al course of construction quite a number lowed. of private dwelling and other buildings The Council adjouraed till the 25th of which, when completed, will add ver Jane, 1S75, to meet in the City Hall, at materially to the comfort of the owner 2 o'clock m. p as well as the appearance of the city We hope to be able to ohronicle the be G I LEAD'S LETTER. ginning and completion of many ol these structures hereafter, aa the work A. 3fevr ov'rnor The The- and rides the utrcs occur and the Circus. may progress buggy Assault ajc Uattebt. A Tery gh lyjto-k.u- s Skakv. Something must be done with the poultry ia Oregon and Idaho it will not do to have such thing occur often, as we see chronicled in the wet em papers. For instance, the Idaho World bears testimony to having seen a chicken a few dya ago which it pronounces 'quite a curiositj .' We should think so. But not to be out done by Idaho, Webfoot tells his story which must be plaoed to the credit of the Oregon Statesman The latter has Rait Lake City, Editor Junction June 12, 1875. : 11KLD FOR POSTAGE. Ben S.niib. Carlin. Mrs Alice T Porter. ST obtainanv of these letters, the applleaaf innit auk fur "advenined letter," uirt data of tbiaper auil jit ous cent for aJvertUinj. II iit called wittua ox huxtu, Uier wis bn tent tt tit Dad LslUr Oilic. - lr J. Hall, v Postmaster. A tery wealthy Englishman hs engaged to tratisxrt the obelisk of Alexandria to hnmand at his owe This obelUk weighs 2S0 expense. aud tho tons, expense of transporta-Councilia lion eslimutcd at $50,000. A very re raft will be used to transport because it would be daneeroiM to or Kulcce such an immtnenso mass upon. Thc Khedive has offered 8,,iP this obelisk several times to theEng-lish Government, which has always refused because it fonud the present burdensome. It is destined lor one of the principal squares in Londcsv "Sbine San Francisco boot-blaccr boots, sir?" Mr. James Lick, testilv? T tell that I didn't want my boots blackened?" "Yer did, mister, but I dido's know but what yer'd made a revocation!" Exit imp San Francises per. The quiet and peaceful reign of Gov Axtcll had scaice y begun to spread its aerial influence over this Twrritorv. wben the beauty and eonistenry of a Republican administration" was maile MY ENCLOSIRJ! ON OR ABOCT Tfl ipparent by the removal of Axtell a,,d a the appointment of man named Emorr, whits year oM cow, wit) out ep..ttibmad. the Secrelary of Ihe Interior, and the TIm owimt will pl mirksor President having signed Emory's com- - )nve PruPMtJ. l"sWOBrS' '''PJ' mission, Utah will now be handed over o tno tenner mercies oi a new exre ittve. "Thus do changes come anl overcome us like a sumtner's dream OBSTACLES TO 3XARRIAGE. seen "a bene egg, which is strongly But while we tremble on the eve of a new era in politic!, Salt Lake is also on the HAPPY RELIEF FOR TOEING MEN marked with the head and part of the verge of a new era ia the drama. On body of a rattlesnake." One day a hen Tuesday avening next, the great Oates' Mulio,,d Rwttored. Itrirtimit to Narriac w- had been charmed by a rattlesnnke, and ungiuii vomig Dunesque upcrs. iroupe " "W ? andrW.l.r Lent looks rem.diM. " arkaij will commence a five nights engagement r- ri tho next she produced the egg. This a.im. uoWAK e at the theatre, with a change of pro- - association. No. 4i North Ninth su loo, is quite acnroity. but these thing each evening. A great manv phi' InsiitaJoahatiatahllirp''2 honOrtLU CVkdWitaAd Bfoft must bj stopped. ...Iu IB Ik. Vi.rnn.!l. .imL li... four-legge- NOTICE! f!As d ai.y-b- r0 .vi,.. X. Phi'W-gramm- y |